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— privuattractional ⸸
[pt: privuattractional]
a bpd exclusive term where one is unable to distinguish between multiple types of attraction, and it is therefore measured in intensity. It may combine all types of attraction, or feels like its own standalone attraction that's seperate from all the others.
additionally, one may feel weak/little to no attraction towards anyone besides their favorite person(s).
the privu- prefix comes the latin "privus" meaning individual, seperate, or rare.
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I don't see. anyone talking about this as a term (Well, more specifically, the tag wasn't used since last year, over a year ago.)
So, what are neohonorifics? Well, they're new or "made up" honorifics. They're honorifics that might help any queer individual, rather than Sir, Ma'am, Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss. Yes, there's neohonorifics like Mx., Misc., and a couple more here, but I wanted to make my own honorifics, like Str., pronounced like "Star", and Stellar as my preferred set of honorifics. Stargender hours, I love having space-themed neohonorifics. ^^
I'm still. Kinda working out a flag, but if I finalize one, I'll add it to my post or reblog it! depends on how popular this post becomes-
[PT : Depends on how popular this post becomes ]
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Geez, I really did wanna make the term. Let's see if I fo, and how long this blog lasts /silly
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" Hey, listen to me / I just hate you so much. "
[ PT: "Hey, listen to me / I just hate you so much."]
Information about this blog.
We're Mirror, or Gentian. We're an 18 year old.
We identify on the anattractional spectrum (Plan on coining my specific label that acts as a modifier), identify as Genderqueer (Schrodinger's Boygirlthing - we do not identify as non-binary), and queer (Nothing too specific. Orientation is confusing).
This blog is not currently taking requests (Unless you are close to us), but may be open to do so later.
Some extra information and tags below.
[PT : Some extra information and tags below.]
"Paradoxical" -> Our meanings to attraction do not correspond with the meaning of purple (or pink) hydrangeas.
"Purple Hydrangeas" -> Purple Hydrangeas can mean that someone is interested to know you better and/or that they love you. Hydrangeas are this system's favorite flower, and have been for about two years.
We're anattractional, but use anattractional spectrum due to our attachments blurring with "attractions". Due to seldom reference as to what love of any kind is supposed to feel like, both are very easy to confuse one another. Labels are meant to fit us, not the other way around.
DNIs are pointless, I'll just block through the site whenever I truly need to, and might do mass block/clean-up days to make it easier for me.
Beloved Petrichor - Original Posts
Fittingly Purple - Reblogs
Backwards Talent - Coinings
Red Swirls - Mutuals ★
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