‽ > fear not, your beloved investigator is alive and well‽
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You give her an amused smile and take her hand. A paranormal investogator, now thats something interesting. She makes the perfect complimentary pair to your lust for gossip
“Kissea Karimi. Professional party-food eater. It’s the baked things I’m here for. The rest is fine too, I guess” you don’t want to admit it, but it’s actually infinitely better than the T.V dinners you have to suffer through everyday. Maybe even…too good?
“Ye don’t reckon…there’s a conspiracy surroundin’ the food? A ploy?” you’re not jealous. It’s healthy to doubt something that appears to be wholly goodnatured. You’re not jealous
“I hope so, that would at least make this party more interesting. Though I’d probably get kicked out after a while of investigating because then I’d try to break into places I’m not supposed to go.” Prisma gives the older troll a firm handshake. She spent a very long time practicing the perfect official feeling business-y handshake and was very proud of it. After all, when you are official, you have to have an official feeling handshake “It’s nice to meet you Kissea.”
Prisma looks around the room at all the other people “So did you come with anybody?”
Balls are DUMB (Open)
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⌠The undergrѻund cѻmmunity? I believe my descendant has accessed such a cѻmmunity with the help ѻf ѻne ѻf her gѻѻd friends. Is it nѻt called the “Deep Web?” Ѻr sѻmething different?⌡
> Claire had seen them try to navigate such a strange place with the help of a lot of IP rerouting services as well as a load of proxies. That much protection just to search a different part of the Alternian Web…. it didn’t sit right with her.
“The Deep Web, yes‽ Though, I am surprised. She dove into something so dangerous without any way of protecting herself‽ I have a huge maze of traps set up just in case the worst case scenario happens‽ The worst case scenario being one of those psychopathic weirdos coming to my hive and trying to kidnap me. It is one of the risks of being a Deep Web browser. The information is plenty, but it’s full of risks.”
> Prisma nods in a knowing manner, adjusting her glasses in what she feels is a scholarly and intelligent manner.
“Ours is a life of cloak-and-dagger tactics and skeletons in the closet. But it’s my job to get into those closets and dig out the skeletons and show them to everyone‽‽”
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((Prisma’s dress for the ball!))
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“...The food is the only reason I’m sticking around to be honest.”
> Prisma shrugs. Who was she kidding, it’s the best food she’s had in forever. All she had at home was easy to make stuff. Nothing like the food being served here. Damn it she was going to stuff her face until she passed out.
“I probably would have left by now and be doing something better, if it weren’t for that. I brought an extra set of clothes and everything, so I’m ready to ditch anytime really.”
> She holds out a hand.
“Prisma Siftry. I am a paranormal investigator and professional party pooper.”
Balls are DUMB (Open)
> Why was she here? This was stupid. Holidays were stupid! Parties were STUPID! SHE WAS STUPID FOR COMING!!! What was she thinking?! Go out and have some “fun”? HA! Trolls like Prisma couldn’t have fun because they were too busy doing important stuff. Holidays only mattered to folks who wasted their time with pointless connections and quadrants. Everything about this whole holiday was stupid.
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> And now here she was looking like a stupid dummy dumb.
> Stupid.
> She couldn’t go back to her hive because her lusus would growl and gnaw on her hair because that stupid goo licking piece of shit was the one who forced to to come to this pointless party. Fuck the holidays.
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> Prisma quirked an eyebrow as the stranger takes the seat across from her. She was in too much of a bad mood to instantly fly into a paranoid interrogation about their spontaneous approach.
“They’re pointless and lame.”
> The younger troll squinted as a bunch of adults stumbled by singing out of tune.
“And way too loud.”
> She shakes her head before planting her forehead on the table.
“I can’t wait to be done with this stupid party and go home to my stupid lusus and tell her she’s STUPID for making me come here.”
Balls are DUMB (Open)
> Why was she here? This was stupid. Holidays were stupid! Parties were STUPID! SHE WAS STUPID FOR COMING!!! What was she thinking?! Go out and have some “fun”? HA! Trolls like Prisma couldn’t have fun because they were too busy doing important stuff. Holidays only mattered to folks who wasted their time with pointless connections and quadrants. Everything about this whole holiday was stupid.
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> And now here she was looking like a stupid dummy dumb.
> Stupid.
> She couldn’t go back to her hive because her lusus would growl and gnaw on her hair because that stupid goo licking piece of shit was the one who forced to to come to this pointless party. Fuck the holidays.
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Balls are DUMB (Open)
> Why was she here? This was stupid. Holidays were stupid! Parties were STUPID! SHE WAS STUPID FOR COMING!!! What was she thinking?! Go out and have some “fun”? HA! Trolls like Prisma couldn’t have fun because they were too busy doing important stuff. Holidays only mattered to folks who wasted their time with pointless connections and quadrants. Everything about this whole holiday was stupid.
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> And now here she was looking like a stupid dummy dumb.
> Stupid.
> She couldn’t go back to her hive because her lusus would growl and gnaw on her hair because that stupid goo licking piece of shit was the one who forced to to come to this pointless party. Fuck the holidays.
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You: Ignoring your feelings is really unhealthy
Me, playing Emotional whack-a-mole: Unfortunate
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Huon of the Horn by Laurence Schwinger, 1987
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⌠Well, theѻries are like ѻpiniѻns and shѻuld be respected. Πѻt tѻ mentiѻn that yѻu seem tѻ have plausible evidence by what I have seen. As lѻng as yѻu dѻ nѻt get intѻ tѻѻ much trѻuble… Yѻu knѻw hѻw ѻur gѻvernment is with happily killing thѻse whѻ even say even the littlest things bad abѻut ѻur Empress ѻr hѻw she wѻrks things.⌡
> And it would be a shame for someone so wide-eyed and wonderful to be killed so early in her life.
“Precisely‽ Which is why I usually keep my findings to the underground community of questioners like myself. So we can all present our findings to the masses in ways that do not compromise our whereabouts or true identities. I have several false IDs back in my hive for just such a reason‽”
> Prisma also lived in the middle of a death maze that she built herself in order to keep out any and all possible intruders that may or may not exist. And have taken a number of other paranoid based safety precautions to ensure her survival. Like building a fallout shelter for a possible corpse revenge apocalypse scenario. Yes, she is almost quite certain that will happen eventually. What I’m saying here is that this child takes personal safety very very seriously.
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‽ > jade harley... an interesting name. i’ve also never heard of “derse” so i am guessing it is safe to assume that you are not a troll‽ COOL‽
‽ > i’ve never spoken to someone who lived on another planet, or was another species for that matter. what is it like on your planet‽
@paranoidtheorist started following you
what is the truth you’re seeking? :O
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site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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to people who put antlers and a nose on their car for christmas
you can’t trick me. I know that’s a car. you fool
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The fuck is going on right now
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living proof that a 400 pound kitty is still a kitty (at Audubon Nature Institute)
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