                  once, my heart was PURE.                   once, my touch was TENDER.                   once, my words were KIND.                   once, i was GOOD.
                                                                    —— NOT ANYMORE.
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“I appreciate your concern but I don’t need to go shopping or learn about technologies. I have two sisters who are every capable of dragging me for clothes party.”
( @parasitic-perfection )
“I don’t care if you need to go shopping or not, Donovan. There’s not a single woman on this planet with enough clothes, I hope you know that. And being aware of the different technologies isn’t a bad thing. Just saying.”
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Rose & Charlie
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“All right well I think I’ve learned my lesson, so can the universe please give me a daughter that isn’t so much like me?” He said through clenched teeth, feeling himself become more of an idiot at this parenting thing. “Or you can let this go because Zac is the one who’s marrying her. Besides, I’m not on great terms with Klaus I don’t think getting bit is the right way to go.” Damon pointed out. “Your uncle Stefan is an idiot, because when did that ever keep Nathan or Blair in? I’d much rather take drastic measures if needed.”
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“No; that’s cheating! Plus, refunds aren’t accepted because the world sucks like that,” Rose state with an innocent little smile. “It’s not even about fucking Zac, Dad! She attacked me when I was in a state of weakness, and I’m not going to let that go until I get revenge. No one hurts me and gets away with it. Physically at least,” she retorted, crossing her arms over her chest. “You wouldn’t dare take such drastic measures. I swear, I’ll move out if you dare.”
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Damon + Rose
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“Sure. If you say so.” She said batting her lashes. “On that note. I’m going to a frat party tonight. You’re more than welcome to join me, Ro.”
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Instinctively, Rose wanted to go, and if she wanted to make sure Liz doesn’t get herself into too much trouble, she would have to. “Count me in, El. Text me the address and I can meet you there.”
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Killer intuition- Liz || Rose
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“Don’t forget your mistakes, Rosie, learn from them and use them to make you wiser. Didn’t your mother ever teach you that?” Katherine gave a cheeky smile. Her comment was supposed to imply that she was speaking about herself in third person, a secret joke that she could enjoy. When the bottle smashed onto the ground the doppelganger rolled her eyes before the young girl looked up. “Food is probably a good idea for you right now” she sighed softly and stood up. Walking a couple of steps behind Rose, she couldn’t help but feel their chat had a very abrupt ending. Maybe that was just how she was? Or maybe Katherine wasn’t as smooth as she had hoped. With her arms folded, she ordered herself a strawberry sundae with extra sprinkles and proceeded to eye the Salvatore as she compelled the waitress. She had to stop the impressed smirk on her lips and twist it into a judgey motherly look. “Has your father not been giving you enough money to buy ice-cream?” she asked with a raised brow. Secretly, Katherine was pleased to know that not all Elena’s children were as dull as her. Rose had a spark within her, that much she could tell. “So besides kissing men and day drinking, what have you been doing with yourself?” Katherine asked as she moved to sit in one of the booths. 
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“I certainly don’t plan on doing the same stupid thing ever again. Like, I would legit consider myself the dumbest person on this planet if I do such a thing twice. Mother knows best, after all,” she chuckled. Before Rose stood up, she gave the bottle once sad glance before her gaze returned to the doppelgänger. “Food is always a good idea. Denying me the opportunity to eat food is a terrible idea. Travis refused to buy me macaroons the other day and I nearly chose to whoop his ass,” she laughed. Though she wouldn’t actually attack him for not getting her her favorite snack, she was a little sad when he told her that he refused to do so. Watching the Petrova woman carefully, Rose’s suspicions arose again as her mother had always been fond of cookies n’ cream rather than strawberry ice cream. Subliminally, Rose’s questioning of the woman’s identity had never really left, but they did increase after she ordered herself some ice cream. “Dad? He hasn’t been giving me money since I graduated, except for my college tuition. No young adult can pay sixty thousand dollars a year for that,” she informed her. This was yet another thing that caused her suspicions to grow. By the time they sat down in one of the booths, Rose gave up. She no longer wanted to question who this person was, so she decided to trick her into revealing her identity and confirm her suspicions. Or not. “I’ve been searching for a job to keep me busy while I’m here, as well as catching up with my friends him high school, but that’s all very boring,” she paused. “Where have you been? You said you were in Barbados, but you don’t seem any tanner than I last saw you. Plus, when did you ice cream flavor preference change? You've usually given me this judgy look everytime I get anything with strawberry ice cream.” she questioned her, narrowing her eyes down at the woman.
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False identity - Kat and Rose
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“You really need to learn how to not be so overly dramatic.” Rick sighed loudly in  a teasing manner. Honestly, the only reason he was watching the History Channel was because he was too lazy to actually switch it. Though, it was entertaining most of the time. Grinning over towards the blanket monster sitting next to him, Rick switched the channel till he found some show that looked like something Rose would like. Gossip Girl sounded girly enough. Girl was in the title. “Popcorn please.” He grinned.
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“There’s a reason Drama is my middle name,” she said from under the blanket. The moment her ears picked up the lines of Gossip Girl, she tossed the blanket aside and grinned. “Perfect choice. I might even make another bowl of popcorn once we run out,” she smiled. Although she hesitated for a moment, Rose set the bowl of popcorn between them, and then before giving her full, undivided attention to the best show to be ever made, she shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth as if she was doing the Chubby Bunny Challenge with popcorn.
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Sister Sister ||
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“Because telling the police that random idiots ran into my knife makes me laugh. They’re such morons it’s hilarious.” Angel laughed walking towards the girl who had just grabbed her attention. “Do you have someone in mind?”
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“I cannot fathom why there are so many idiots on this planet. How can one person be so stupid?” she asked, chuckling. “I’m sure you can think of someone; you seem like a girl who can get anyone she wants, after all.”
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“You know what I find hilarious is how much you hate each other when you have so much in common.”
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“So much in common?! Like what? I need to change those aspects of myself before I stab my eyes out and then proceed to rip out useless organs in my body.”
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R + T;
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“Hate by 90% of the town, that must be a record or something” he laughs “pray tell Rosie, what did you do?” he asks curious as why so many people weren’t a big fan at the moment. “New Orleans with my sister Hope and the Nola pack, just trying to figure my shit out.”
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“Perhaps a drunken Rosie kissed a certain brother of yours... It wasn’t even a good kiss,” she started out speaking softly, but then ended up laughing a little at her own mistake. “Y’know, you’re fam is really fucked up. The Originals got down and dirty and got one too many girls prego," she joked. "Did you have fun running wild and doing wolf-stuff?"
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L + R; high school memories.
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And I’m so sick of love songs So tired of tears So done with wishing you were still here Said I’m so sick of love songs so sad and slow So why can’t I turn off the radio?
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“I know I’m the perfect one” 
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Monte Carlo  (2011)
{ @ravensaltzman​ }
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                                        { @the-vicdonovan }
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“Yes?” Katherine raised her chin, her interest instantly peeked. What connection did this girl have to Elijah’s son? Her eyebrows lifted as Rose spoke and she had to keep herself from letting an amused smile show on her lips. Instead, she reacted as she knew only Elena would. “You fell for him?” she asked softly and showed mild concern. “I’m – Okay firstly, I’m sorry I missed seeing my girls attend Miss Mystic and even if you did lose, you’re both still Princesses, as cheesy as that sounds” she wrinkled her nose and offered her a smile. Staying silent and letting Rose continue, Katherine had to admit this was very juicy information – However, given that it involved Elijah’s son and a wolf, if she was ever to use this against Rose there wouldn’t be much chance that she would survive the wrath of Elijah, she imagined that he would kill anyone who dared use his son as a pawn in their games. And so with the decision that she wanted to continue living, the false Elena sighed and put her hand on Rose’s leg. “Normally I would suggest ice-cream and some movies but,” she turned her body more towards Rose and looked her in the eye. “Love isn’t easy and it doesn’t just come once for some people. Look at me and your father. I used to look at him and see a monster who couldn’t love and didn’t want to be loved. I was wrong. So maybe openly kissing another girl’s boyfriend wasn’t very… smart, but turning it off is the cheats way out. I know you’re stronger than that. You’ll figure out a way to make it right and Rosie - If this guy can’t see how incredible you are then another will. Sometimes people love things more when they know they can’t have them and it can make them do crazy things. But we learn from them. Your heart might hurt right now, but it won’t always, and when it stops hurting, you’ll be stronger for it.” Katherine smiled. She did try to incorporate her own opinions, but she was limited, knowing it had to all come out as something Elena would say. She didn’t know what to expect from Damon and Elena’s children, maybe something along the lines of mini-me’s. However Rose wasn’t anything like she thought. She had passion, but she was reckless and lost, something Katherine could once say she related with. “The world doesn’t stop just because a man has your heart. You need to steal it back and be the girl I know you are. Strong, independent, not afraid of conflict and always ready to find a solution to a problem.”
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A thought came to her mind– what if this wasn’t actually her mother? Rose sensed something different, but she just couldn’t put her finger on it. Instead, she shook it off. Plus, even if this wasn’t her mother, it would be very foolish of this doppelgänger to use the information against her. Plus, the entire town should have known about what went down that night, so whatever she could do with the information wasn’t very much. In the end, Rose cast her thoughts regarding doppelgängers aside and listened to the woman speak. Every word was perfectly articulated and thought-out, Rose could tell. However, what Katherine said was pretty much what she needed to hear. “I’m just really hoping I can move past this soon, forget it ever happened but try super hard not to make the same mistake again," she replied with a tiny smile, "There are plenty of fish in the sea, after all." Rose tried to move around in her place to just give her mother's impersonator a hug, but instead of doing that, Rose accidentally knocked over the bottle of liquor she had set on the ground. She tried to use her vampire speed to stop it from shattering, but she was a second too late. "Ugh. Really?" she muttered to herself before turning to the doppelganger. "I don't know about you, but I want icecream now. Come along, Mother dearest," she mused as she got up from her seat. Rose began to walk toward the nearby ice cream parlor, where she always used to linger after school rather than go home to do her homework, something she usually finished in less than an hour or two regardless of the amount she had. Once the two were inside, Rose ordered a banna split sundae and let the Petrova order something for herself. At the cash register, Rose took out her wallet but then changed her mind. "These two orders are on you. Thank you!" she compelled the worker with an innocent smile.
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False identity - Kat and Rose
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