paratown-blog · 13 years
Attention please, parawhores, because this is really important!
First of all, we apologize for not posting here these weeks, we've been really busy and having personal problems and we had no time for doing something creative but, don't worry, we've been sending your emails and it's what I'm going to talk about now! So pay attention, please:
 We've sent ALL THE EMAILS only from Part I, including yahoo mail. So, if you haven't got your answer back, send the e-mail to yahoo mail again and we'll answer you immediately!
We are closing the emails so if you haven't sent your email yet, send it until December 10th or you won't be allowed to get into Paratown this year!
 We are going to open the emails again next year. We'll change all the questions and everything.
About the Part II of the emails, we want to answer everyone until Christmas, so please be patient, we're answering as fast as we can!
Finally, the last thing: You'll have a lot of surprises and changes for the holidays, so get ready, the news are coming soon!
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paratown-blog · 13 years
Tumblr media
Are you ready for the coolest Halloween party on Tumblr? Then go get your costume and let's get this started!
This party will be opened for the whole Parafamily, but we're also gonna have a closed party for the members of Paratown.
Take a photo of yourself wearing a cool costume and tag it as #ParatownHalloween and let's have fun together! You can also leave a "Trick or treats" ask to someone and they'll have to give you a candy (Answering the ask with a photo of a candy or something) or then take the risk of a cool trick! You'll have to be creative to mess around with your friends. If we all get together, we'll make this first Paratown Halloween unforgettable!
So... Are you ready?
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paratown-blog · 13 years
New members of Paratown: Be sure to check your email inbox, including the spambox!
We've been sending emails already, so keep an eye on it!
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paratown-blog · 13 years
First of all, we wanna thank all of you, parawhores, for sending the emails. So here are somethings that you'll need to know:
We've sent the emails to everyone who sent to hotmail. So, if you've sent the Paratown Application to the hotmail and haven't got your email back, please, message us with your email and we'll send it again.
We've been seeing emails without title, so here we go: If you've sent the email without "Paratown Application" title, we won't acept it and we'll erase it. So check out if you've sent the email with the title that we asked to!
If you got your Paratown Application Part II, PLEASE, answer to the hotmail. People have been sending to the yahoo and we'll erase it too. We say on the email to answer to hotmail, please, pay attention!
Yahoo is for the Part I of the test, and hotmail is for the Part II.
Lastly, we are going to answer the Paratown Application Part II today, which means that you'll know if you got into Paratown or not.
I think that's all, and sorry for the big post. Any questions, ask us to our askbox and we'll answer everything! Thank you for reading this!
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paratown-blog · 13 years
Due to the big number of emails, we've decided to change the email to [email protected].
We are very sorry for this, we're doing this to make you get your email as soon as possible, once that the limit of messages per day of Hotmail is 50. We appreciate your comprehension. Please, spread this to the world.
PS: If you've sent your email already, YOU DO NOT have to send it again!
PS2: The second part of your test still have to be sent to [email protected]
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paratown-blog · 13 years
Paratown people, tired of waiting for your email?
So let's make this fun! Let's play a game! Take a photo of what you do or what you look like while you wait for your email. Pressing the F5 button, breaking things, crying, tweeting... Anything!
IMPORTANT: Post your photo and tag it with "#Waiting for Paratown". Photos without the tag will not be accepted.
The best photo will win an incredible prize: THE EMAIL! Not only the first part, but all of them. This way, this person will get a chance to be the first one in Paratown!
Let the games begin!
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paratown-blog · 13 years
After months of waiting Paratown is finally here! This will be your new home!
Now please be patient and wait for your emails to finally meet the whole Paratown!
"And the town that we could call our own..."
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