parishofspace-blog · 11 years
[[ My apologies. But.
I've been dealing with some personal issues. Mostly revolving around internet stalking; As well as harassment. It's been ruining my concentration here and all around bringing a horrid dampener to my mood.
I am very sorry I have not given replies that I owe. I'm working to correct the issue, and bring myself back to pace. ]]
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
I've been busy for a few days, apologies! I will be replying to threads over the weekend. uwu
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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so majestic
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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"War never changes."
The mundane was cast aside. She would not belittle the magnitude of the situation with such. Only a blind fool would overlook the stress upon the male's visage. Even within such idle stance. Long past conversation danced within her mind, weighed heavy, caused her shoulders to go rigid. Digits twitched as she adjusted her weaponry. Another shot toward the horizon.
Her target seemed nonexistent.
Firmly, as the resounding shot died down. "Don't do that." Her shoulders rolled, then grew slack. As if a sigh was expelled. "I was never one for empty banter." A click of the heels as she turned to fully face the assassin. Her features remained expressionless. Those eyes, however, gave way to an intensity that could hardly be subdued. Even now.
"You haven't been doing too well." Her gaze took him in. A once over, jaw visibly grinding. The commander felt an undeniable rage. Tapering to inadequacy. Helplessness. Never before had she been faced with something quite like this. She could rip apart the Reapers. Down any enemy that dared to cross her. But this was one she could not vanquish. No better could she grasp air.
"How much pain?" A disregard of her own self. A swift projection of attention unto him, and him alone. The man remained her crew member, her brother in arms. No matter his lack of presence upon the Normandy now. 
It hurts to stand these days—sitting, bedridden, most of his days are spent sitting or on his back, told it’s for the better, don’t overwork yourself, you should just stay, you’ll be alright if you remain in bed, stay down, stay stay stay. What he could call ‘bed sores’—
(if he bruised—the ache is there, but his body lacks those minuscule vessels humans carry. He bleeds, aches, or lasts, that’s what his body is good for.)
—line his lower half, sore from remaining on mattresses that feign comfort and stiff chairs he sits in when they want him to practise breathing. To move aches, yet he knows it not to be healthy to remain in bed when one is still capable of leg movement. 
Thane had a stubborn part to him. And it had been too long since he held a firearm—you don’t use your arms to shoot things, right?
He sees her before she speaks. When he served on her ship, a crew mate had called him ‘cryptic, mysterious’. Perhaps they were correct; in an act of such, he remains quiet, until her eyes glance in his direction and take notice, immediately. It’s not as if she would struggle to ask herself, ‘do I know that drell’?
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"It has, hasn’t it."
Hands fall to his side.
"Has time treated you well?"
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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Fallen and faceless.
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
Shepard I am home now and I am looking so handsome and also my shirt opened? /catches you mid-swoon after you say "let's do it"/ Yes... and I will leave my C-Sec uniform on. [ MEANWHILE IN A 20 MILE RADIUS OF THIS EVENT ] (Thane freaking out) Gods, guide this one and grant him forgiveness. (Bailey saying I told you so) The kid's not bad. [ IT WAS AMAZING ] [ the end ]
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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"Widows aren’t the best rifles to be lugging through these ducts."
"No kidding."
"What should we choose next time?"
"Next time? You want to do this again?"
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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Intercepting with a stern countenance; the Spectre replied as prompted. "It would seem not, Ma'am. I would hope this isn't a problem."
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    “You people aren’t from around here—are you?" Somber ambiance propelled from the solemn rani: The future monarch of Tenebrae.
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
[MSG] I’ve never been fond of crossfire, but I suppose the same goes for you. The crossfire metaphor works just as well, how about that? Also, his pigeons are dead. I’ll hold a funeral, burn their carcasses, and send him the ashes in an urn. My responsibility for them runs dry after that.
[MSG] All is fair in war. I'd venture to say we'll be getting along well. On the other hand, my pilot is saddened by the news. He wonders how one's heart could run so cold. I do not think I will allow him the urn. It is impractical and I must be sensitive to the assorted life forms on board. One may be violently allergic.
[MSG] I lend you the knowledge he is visibly distressed.
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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Lazarus Project    └Choose Class Enhancement Procedure 3/6        └Vanguard
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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Did you fall for the same emptinesses again?
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
[MSG] I only antagonize the ones I find particular interest in. You so happen to be lost within the crossfire. ( Most notably due to the fact I enjoy seeing you squirm. ) It's a fun time for all. Excluding yourself, of course. Ha. Ha. Mr. Moreau also says hello. He asks you care for his pigeons accordingly.
[MSG] Thank you Commander, while I am wary as you’re the sort to antagonize me at peculiar times, we see eye to eye [approx.] at least 75% of the time. With regards to EDI I’m sure it will be nothing sort of interesting.
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
[[ It's such a treat to see Thane and Kolyat interact even if it's you guys being c!ic/ooc. ;; You guys keep supplying and I'll keep up the laughs it's great-- but concerning Mr. Krios' romantic endeavors I am sorry but he's too much of a sweet heart and I bet he chokes up at something so simple as asking a nice lady on a date-- ]]
# i'm still tempted to play the romance theme song for our thread. #just derive from it being about his dad to being about what really matters: us. #*romance theme song starts playing* ]
[ I laughed myself, but a power bottom? Kolyat probably can’t even top, so jeez. And god, Father and I get along too well - it’s…new to me? We just clicked so it’s probably the whole “we know our characters’ relationship sucks but let’s be awesome anyway" deal. ]
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parishofspace-blog · 11 years
+30 Renegade.
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