parisianbug22 · 4 years
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It’s been six days and 16 year old Karlie Lain Guse is still missing, with no new information about her disappearance or where she might be at. Last time she was seen, she was walking towards the direction of Highway 6. She has no personal belongings on her, including her phone. People in her life are adamant that this is completely unlike her and that she wouldn’t just walk away like that. I’ve seen tweets from her friends and family and they all fear for her so much. Please, let’s help them spread her face around, it might make a difference!
edit: I can’t believe I forgot to add a link, my apologies, here’s another source to the news about her disappearance: x.
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
(CW: Subtance Abuse) A lot of people on this hellsite (rightfully) look up to John Mulaney for a number of reasons, so with the news of his return to rehab to handle SUD-related issues, please be kind to yourself and to anyone you know who’s struggling with addiction.
Addiction is not a weakness or a character flaw. Sobriety is often a lifelong endeavor. John Mulaney has been candid about his substance abuse in the past; he’s been working on his sobriety for over 15 years. He isn’t any weaker for a relapse, and his desire to go into rehab is commendable and honestly brave. He is absolutely still a person to look up to: his worth as a person has not “changed” with this revelation.
Addiction is isolating in regular conditions. Given the hell year we’ve had, where our existence has become even further defined by distance and isolation, people who are struggling with substance abuse and addiction are probably even more isolated than ever. Be kind to yourself, and be kind to any loved ones who are feeling isolated or struggling with SUD.
For US friends, here’s the SAMHSA resources page — their referral service doesn’t require insurance and is completely confidential. If you don’t have insurance, they can get you in contact with state sponsored offices; they also have a directory to search for programs.
(If anyone has more info on how to seek counseling and rehab for addiction with/without insurance, please add it in the notes!)
While I wish John Mulaney the best as a fellow human and want to thank him for all the happiness he’s brought me with his comedy, I don’t want him to work on his sobriety simply because I want to hear his next comedy special. I don’t want anyone’s battle for sobriety to be framed in terms of how they can return to their normal function, to their “usefulness” to society. I just want him to be happy and healthy with his wife and his dog and himself, full stop. I’d like to remind everyone that nobody — Mulaney, me, or the person reading this — ever, ever owes anyone a joke or a smile.
Stay safe and healthy this winter !
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
So my identity has been stolen, and my dog has SARDS (Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome) so I’m not going to be on much because im dealing with that.
I feel like shit asking this, but any donation to my paypal will go towards helping my dog. The cost of official diagnosis and experimental treatment will be at MINIMUM $4350
All of my time is going towards trying to deal with the identity theft and the job i already have, so i wont have time to pick up a second job to help.
For any donation of $20 or more, I’ll draw you something. I have a BFA in illustration. I know what im doing. Just trying to give an incentive to donate.
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
So the music industry is trying to make it a felony to violate DMCA on Twitch, and thus everywhere else. It's coming to vote in 2 days
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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A man has built Ogo, a hands-free wheelchair for his paraplegic friend (video)
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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Today’s comic is a special one because it discusses #dyscalculia, which co-occurs frequently with #adhd. I personally live with it and it’s something I feel should be discussed more often.
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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Yepraksia Gevorgyan, 110
Armenian genocide: survivors recall events 100 years on
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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Your daily reminder that Black Lives Still Fucking Matter. Casey Christian Goodson Jr. was mudered by police on December 4th and no one is talking about it. He was shot three times in the back entering his own home. The police are not going to get any better under Joe Biden, in fact, they will continue to get worse because there will be less media scrutiny. There is little to no media coverage of this story because of that very reason. We have to keep these stories in the public eye and continue to fight to defund the police just as hard in 2021.
Here’s a link to the full story from one of the few media sources reporting it.
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
For years, this has frustrated Ellen Buchanan Weiss, whose toddler son is mixed race. She’s tried searching for photographs online to reference conditions such as chicken pox and hives, but tells me that “even adding the qualifier ‘chicken pox on black child’ yields mostly Caucasian examples.” Recently, she decided to do something to help other parents facing similar barriers, and began collecting photos on her own. Her project Brown Skin Matters is an Instagram account filled with reference images of dermatological conditions on non-white skin. You can see what ant bites can look like on a child who is Hispanic and black. Or how the viral illness Fifths disease can manifest in a child who is black and white.
From the photos, it’s clear that conditions look different on different skin tones. On a post featuring a black child with chicken pox, one person commented: “Thank you! My mom (white) always said she wasn’t sure if we’d actually had chicken pox because they didn’t look how she expected. But the pediatrician said we did.”
While Weiss is not a medical professional, she is working with physicians to review the viewer-submitted photos. She emphasizes that the information on Brown Skin Matters is for educational and reference purposes only, and not a diagnosis. “I’m just a regular person who dearly loves her son and wants equitable representation and resources available to him and other people who look like him,” Weiss says.
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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“Her fantasy novel Children of Blood and Bone, the first of a trilogy about a young girl’s battle with a prince over bringing magic back to West Africa,  is going to be released some time next year. But it’s already got a seven-figure publishing deal with Macmillan, and a massive deal with Fox Studios too, with the latter acquiring the movie rights pretty early on in the day for a book that hasn’t even been published yet.”
Source (x)
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
I’ve realized my Ideal Outfit is this:
button-ups, high-waisted jeans, and Docs. You literally can’t go wrong.
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it’s perfect. you can dress it up or down. it’s flattering on any body type. it’s the perfect amount of androgynous, and it even has Femme and Masc variants:
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Right now I’m wearing a botanical print blouse I thrifted off etsy and it’s from the 90s so it has shoulder pads sewn in. fuckin sweet is what it is
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
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parisianbug22 · 4 years
Why do Protestants and Catholics hate each other and try to kill each other in Ireland?
It’s a common misconception that The Troubles (the conflict/war in Northern Ireland from the 1960s-1998) was about religious hatred between Catholics and Protestants.
It was actually not about religion. It was about colonialism.
To understand, you need to know a little about Irish history.
Starting from the 1500s, the British began a program of systematic, intense colonisation of Ireland. Native Irish people were driven off their land, which was then settled by British people. The northern part of the island was particularly heavily settled, to the point that about half the population was made up of British settlers.
At the time, the vast majority of British people (and therefore the British settlers) were Protestant, while the vast majority of Irish people were Catholic.
As the centuries passed, the native Irish population and the descendants of the British settlers did not integrate. They lived largely separately.... attending separate schools, living in separate communities... and worshiping separate religions.
Religion became one of a handful of “markers” (along with language, cultural practices, etc) to identify whether someone was a native Irish person, or a descendent of the British settlers.
Laws were established that systematically discriminated against Catholics (who were mostly Irish) in favour of Protestants (who were mostly descendants of British settlers). These were in effect in Northern Ireland until the latter part of the 1900s. They meant that Irish Catholic people were denied equal access to education, housing/land ownership, and political representation. This was known as the Protestant Ascendency.
In the 1960s, a Civil Rights Movement began in Northern Ireland. It was inspired by the African American movement in the US. Irish people marched and held protests for their rights. This Civil Rights Movement came to an end when British soldiers fired live ammunition into a peaceful protest in Derry, an event known as Bloody Sunday.
Following Bloody Sunday, tensions between the two main groups in Northern Ireland (Irish people/“Catholics”, and the descendants of British settlers/“Protestants”) escalated dramatically and the region descended into violence. The Troubles had begun.
Of course, when the British press was reporting on the sudden civil war that had erupted in one of their territories (Northern Ireland) they glossed over the fact that... you know... they caused it, by colonising Ireland, displacing it’s population and then systematically oppressing the Irish for centuries.
Colonial powers don’t really like to acknowledge the effects of their colonialism.
So instead, the British media simplified the situation by calling it a religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants. And other countries, who don’t know any better, caught on and also portrayed it as a conflict between Catholics and Protestants.
But in reality, religion was not the root cause of the conflict- it was colonialism.
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