parkitleeds · 5 years
peter accidentally stars in midtown’s fall musical
Tony’s worried at first
The kid has gotten really quiet during lab Thursdays
When he’s not talking about suit upgrades or the medical device Tony’s going to make him patent sometime soon, he doesn’t chatter like normal
He does mumble under his breath, though
Sometimes he’ll even hum
(the kid’s pretty good, actually)
But it’s not his usual Hamilton and Dear Evan Hansen tunes
Shut up, Tony listens
A few Thursdays after Pete starts acting weird, the kid comes in late
He texts May to check on the kid when Karen tells him Spidey hasn’t gone out at all that day
“did you ask him if he has rehearsal? it’s tech week I think”
And Tony is baffled
Pete’s in band and talked about picking up choir because MJ and Ned were joining to “diversify their applications” for college
But the kid doesn’t have a band concert until December
Pete doesn’t know he knows, but Tony’s had the date marked since he hacked into Midtown’s activity calendar a few months back
As he’s about to pull up the calendar to check what’s coming up soon, Pete trips into the lab
Literally trips, the kid is so clumsy
And when Tony asks what kept him, the kid has the audacity to lie to his face
“Seriously, kid? You’re a bona fide genius and you want me to believe you needed help with robotics? And if you do need help, you know I am literally right here, right?”
Peter goes red(der)
“May mentioned rehearsal?”
Pete’s eyes go wide
“I can’t believe she told you! I told her I didn’t want to make it super public. I’m already so nervous I think I might throw up every time I’m on”
And now Tony’s confused, because he’s never been nervous about playing the clarinet or answering Decathlon questions
“And it’d be one thing if it was a character I felt like I could actually play well, but all the false bravado and the freaking costumes...I really am just baffled by the pinstripe suits, honest, Mr. Stark. If Ms. Broderick hadn’t heard me and MJ messing around, I don’t think either of us would be in the show, but now we’re the leads? She’s going to be an awesome Marion, but Harold Hill is just too much. But Ms. Broderick is so nice and everyone else in the show is working so hard, so it’s not like I can quit. Maybe I should quit. I can’t quit, right?”
Tony puts up his hands to stop the barrage of words, grin tugging at his lips
“Harold Hill, huh? You wouldn’t happen to be in a little show called The Music Man, would you, Pete?”
Is it Tony’s birthday? He didn’t think it was his birthday
Peter won’t look anywhere but the floor, but he nods
Tony texts May under the table later and gets tickets for the two of them for each night of Pete’s show
And he’s not going to lie, he came prepared to (gently) mock Pete after and record a few videos for blackmail purposes
But the kid is good
He leans over to tell May as much, and she giggles
“I may have tipped off his choir director,” she whispers
He nods slowly, impressed
“And he’s only a sophomore, so he’s a shoo-in for the next two shows,” she adds
She leans in close to whisper the next part
“Ms. Broderick is thinking of doing Hairspray”
Tony grins like the Cheshire Cat
If the kid hates Harold Hill’s getup, he can’t wait to hear his opinions on Link Larkin’s look
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parkitleeds · 6 years
hello I am alive
(and I’m going to start fulfilling prompts this week!!!)
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parkitleeds · 6 years
pls send me headcanon and fic prompts
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parkitleeds · 6 years
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get to know me meme: [1/10] favourite female characters:                                               ↳ sansa stark.
— “Sansa was a lady at three, always so courteous and eager to please. She loved nothing so well as tales of knightly valor. Men would say she had my look, but she will grow into a woman far more beautiful than I ever was, you can see that. I often sent away her maid so I could brush her hair myself. She had auburn hair, lighter than mine, and so thick and soft… the red in it would catch the light of the torches and shine like copper.“
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parkitleeds · 6 years
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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) dir. Jon Watts
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parkitleeds · 6 years
peter learns how to cook for ned
i’m SURE this happens
because Peter and Ned see each other almost every day, and they spend a lot of time in Peter and Aunt May’s apartment
and We Stan Aunt May but we also know that she can’t cook
it starts because Ned brings his own snacks to Peter’s for a week
“you know you can always have something here, right babe?”
“Peter I know you think that’s true but man cannot live by pizza rolls and the least-burnt pieces of date loaf alone”
“RUDE we also get takeout sometimes”
but Peter wants to accommodate Ned while he’s over
and if Ned brings his own food Peter can’t sit as close and share a plate with his boyfriend
so he starts small, making brownies using boxed mix and looking up easy recipes online
he discovers slow cookers and it’s life changing
cooking in them is so easy?? you just dump everything in and let it cook all day?? how did no one tell him about this earlier
and he starts to watch Tasty videos more often
it starts as something he only does for Ned
but then Aunt May has an evening off and Peter’s had a meal going in the slow cooker all day
and May fills up a plate hesitantly because Peter’s never tried to cook much before
but Ned digs right in and compliments the seasoning Peter used for the chicken
so May takes a bite, too
and then just,,,slides a blank notepad over to Peter
“I’ll get whatever groceries you need and you don’t have to clean the bathroom anymore, but you’re in charge of cooking for as long as you want to be”
Peter just,,,lights up 
“I’m actually really liking it, so I think I’ll take you up on that. Oh, and I saw a new video about how to make cinnamon rolls from scratch and I was thinking about trying it out this weekend, but I don’t know how to bloom yeast because I’ve never made pastries before so if you could get a couple packets, I could experiment and make sure I get it right, and aNOTHER THING--” 
the tips of Ned’s ears turn red
“Cinnamon rolls are my favorite”
Peter stops talking
“I know. Why do you think I’m making them?”
that weekend the three of them get into a massive debate about whether cinnamon rolls should be topped with frosting or a glaze
May says glaze
Ned is adAMANT that it is frosting
so Peter makes both because he wants his favorite people to be happy
May buys him a “kiss the chef” apron for his birthday (along with the standard lego set)
and Ned follows those instructions every time Peter wears it
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parkitleeds · 6 years
do u think peter ever forgets he has powers like one day he’s ranting about something to ned while walking down the hallway & he gets so absorbed in it that once they reach the end of the corridor he starts walking on the walls and everybody’s like ‘…wtf’
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parkitleeds · 6 years
Ned was visibly vibrating with excitement as he sat in Tony’s home cinema. The screen was bigger and clearer than any normal cinema screen and the chairs were built for optimum comfort. Peter and Ned were sat together on one of the cuddle chairs nearer the back of the room with their Jedi dressing gowns on and a mountain of snacks and fizzy pop in the chairs next to them. 
Peter had just got back from a tough mission with the Avengers and Tony had only managed to convince Aunt May to let him stay on as a junior Avenger if he let Peter and Ned book out the home cinema for the whole weekend. So they had 9 films all lined up and ready to go. Ned grinned as the screen went dark and the familiar music filled the room. He took a sip from his Yoda cup and leaned into Peter. It was going to be a great weekend 
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parkitleeds · 6 years
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endless list of MCU characters → happy hogan
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parkitleeds · 6 years
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parkitleeds · 6 years
peter loves ned (and his brain)
 Peter is like the most supportive™️ boyfriend
when he and Ned study together he’s constantly mooning over how smart his boyfriend is
“did you get number five? of course you did, I don’t know why I’m even asking you’re brilliant”
he gets others in on it too
“MAY! You’ll never guess how many questions Ned got in decathlon practice today my boyfriend is a GENIUS”
“Mr. Stark, did Ned tell you he got into a summer program at Harvard? I’m gonna miss him but like, wow, right?”
and the whole time Ned just blushes and kinda kicks his foot against the ground
when Peter really gets going Ned buries his head in Peter’s neck
“am I embarrassing you? Babe come on, be proud of yourself with me! You’re amazing! And you’re cute too”
Ned does the same for Peter ofc but Peter tries to turn it back on his boyfriend whenever he can
“Mr. Stark, Peter made end-of-year roundup!”
“That’s great kid, but why are we whispering?”
“If Peter hears me he’s going to compliment me again and if he keeps doing that my cheeks are going to stay bright red foreVER I can’t handle any more please keep your voice down”
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parkitleeds · 6 years
Okay but imagine: peter walking into the compound looking like a full ass mess and Rhodey runs into him and is just like “hey?? Kid are you okay??” And peter ofc goes into a rant of how ‘duh of corse he just hasn’t slept in a day or two or three but like who needs sleep right?’ And he keeps going but Rhodey isn’t listening any more because all he’s thinking is that there’s two of them
okay so I’ve actually wanted to write something related to this concept for a while and I’ve got so much writer’s block with NaNoWriMo so let’s see if his bullshit ficlet will help me break out of it…
Rhodey looked at Peter, and all he saw was Tony.
That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He knew that some people would think it was. In Peter, he saw Tony’s brilliance, his ingenuity. The two bartered ideas back and forth like currency, slowly ramping up every concept until they were so far above Rhodey’s head that he quit even attempting to follow the conversation. He’d just sit back, relax, and enjoy the way Tony’s armor fell away whenever Peter was around.
It wasn’t just the intelligence, either. Peter had Tony’s kindness, too. It just wasn’t so shielded. They both had this visceral and undying determination to protect the people they loved, even at the cost of themselves.
The list of similarities could go on and on, from personality (brave to the last gasp, almost comically reckless, brutally witty) to appearance (he swore their curls literally matched some days). Most of it was good. Some of it… wasn’t.
Right now, he was discovering one of the things that was most definitely a negative.
Tony had never known when to stop. As it turns out, neither does Peter.
The kid stumbled into the Compound looking like he’d been hit by a bus. Dark circles rested under his eyes, heavy and far too old for a kid of just sixteen. His t-shirt was on backwards and his shoes were untied. His gaze held that same pre-occupied glaze he’d seen on Tony’s face over and over again. The look of a genius too immersed in… something to even comprehend the most obvious details of the world around them.
Oh good, he thought, now there’s two of them.
Rhodey had only left Tony’s lab a couple of minutes ago, and he hadn’t looked much better than his protégé. FRIDAY had informed him that the man had been awake for over 72 hours. Of course, he’d ignored all of Rhodey’s attempts to coax him away from his work and into bed.
Maybe Peter would be easier to wrangle?
“Kid, you look terrible.”
Peter blinked as if he’d just noticed Rhodey’s presence. Honestly, that was probably the truth. “Oh. Hi, Colonel Rhodes. I, uh, I’m sorry. What’d you say?”
“Hi, Peter. I said you look terrible.”
“Oh.” Another blink. He vaguely wondered if the kid was going to drop right then and there. “I, uh, I’m good. Totally fine. Don’t worry.”
“Mhm. When’s the last time you slept?”
“Couple days.”
Wow. So Peter wasn’t only a much worse liar than Tony, he also didn’t even try to conceal the extent of his recklessness. He could work with that. “Peter. You need to sleep. Don’t follow Tony’s example.”
“I’m good. I’m Spider-Man. Means I can stay up longer than other people.”
“Yeah? Have you scientifically proven that?”
It took Peter a good few moments to process the question. It always amused Rhodey, albeit in a bitter sort of way, how sleep deprivation rendered even someone as bright as Tony dull and uncoordinated. It was only during Tony’s moments of pure exhaustion when Rhodey could outstrip him intellectually. If those occasions weren’t so concerning, he might actually enjoy them. 
“I, uh, I’m working on it.”
“On proving it?”
“Uh huh.”
“Well,” he gestured casually at the teenager, “looks like it’s going well.”
“Oh, thanks.” Did the kid actually think that was a compliment? “I, uh, ‘m gonna go to Tony now. I’ll see you later, Mister Rhodey.”
He watched Peter retreat, silently plotting a way to get both him and Tony to actually take care of themselves.
He had his work cut out for him, didn’t he?
He pushed his plan into action early the next morning.
It was a simple plan, really, but that’s why it was perfect. Tony and Peter were too smart to be fooled by anything elaborate. But something straightforward? Something that played directly into their weak points? Something that was so based on truth that you could barely even call it a trick?
That might work.
He rolled into Tony’s lab around 8:00 am. The man was feverishly working on some piece of the Iron Man suit. Rhodey knew he hadn’t slept.
“Hey, Tones.”
The genius jumped. He glanced over his shoulder and glared. “Jesus, Rhodey. You trying to give me a heart attack?” He looked to the ceiling. “F.R.I.D.A.Y., why didn’t you warn me he was here?”
“I did, Boss.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“I did. The notification is saved in my logs.”
“Then you must’ve saved it but not alerted me.”
“I did, but you did not respond.”
“Because you never said it.”
Rhodey groaned, cutting off the argument with a sharp, “Tony.”
“Yes, honey bear?”
He forced himself not to react to the nickname. “I’m worried about Peter.”
Tony’s attention zeroed in on him all at once. “What? Why?”
“Did you look at him yesterday?”
The man scoffed. “Of course I did. He… he came in here. And he worked on… something.”
“Mhm. But did you look at him?”
Tony floundered for a moment before conceding. Something told Rhodey that he would’ve fought a lot harder if he didn’t think Peter’s well-being was at risk.
“Not really, no.”
“He looks dead on his feet. I talked to him, and he said he was stressed. Super overwhelmed by school and Spider-Man and everything. Hasn’t slept in a few days.”
Tony’s fists clenched. “That damn kid, I told him to stop patrolling if it got to be too much. He needs-”
“He needs a break. To get away from everything. It’s Friday tomorrow, and he’s got Monday off because of some teacher training bullshit. Why don’t we take him away? Rent a cabin somewhere quiet. Leave the suits and the tech and everything else behind. He can just… be a kid for a bit. Get some sleep. It’d be good for him, don’t you think?”
Agree. C’mon, Tones. Agree.
He could see his friend’s inner battle: the drive to create versus the drive to protect.
His shoulders slumped. He pushed his tools away. Protection wins.
“Alright. You’re right. It’s a good idea. The kid won’t relax unless we force him. He’s too much like me.” Rhodey had to push down a laugh at the irony. “I’ll let his aunt know, and we’ll kidnap him after school if she gives it the go-ahead.”
“Sounds good to me.” Step one: complete. “Is he coming over today?”
Tony shook his head. He looked a little sullen. “Nah. He’s got Decathlon practice on Thursdays. Gets out at 5:00 and then usually takes the trains home.”
“Sorry, Tones. Try not to miss him too much.”
“I’m perfectly capable of surviving a day without Peter Parker, thank you very much.”
He snorted. Sure you are.
He pulled his car up to Peter’s school at 4:50. A few minutes later, a small group of teenagers filed out the front door.
The rolled down his window and called to the one he knew. “Hey, Peter! Over here.”
A couple of the other kids stopped to gape. One spun and rambled excitedly to Peter, who looked baffled.
“C’mon, kid. I don’t have all day.”
Peter had scrambled into the passenger’s seat within a minute of the urging, ever polite.
“H-Hey, Colonel Rhodey. What’re you, uh, what’re you doing here?”
“Wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh.” The kid fidgeted. “Did I, uh, do something wrong?”
“Not at all.” Rhodey shot him a calming smile. “It’s about Tony, actually. Can I tell you something in confidence?”
“Mister Stark? Y-Yeah. Of course.” Peter straightened his spine, the picture of devoted attention. “You can count on me, sir.”
He smothered a laugh at the kid’s enthusiasm. He could really see why Tony adored him. “I’ve been worried about him. He’s overworking himself.”
“He is?”
He nodded. “He needs rest. And I’ve known Tony long enough to know that he won’t come quietly. So, you and I are going to trick him.”
Peter’s brow furrowed. “Trick him?”
“Yep.” He flicked on his indicator and pulled out into traffic. “Tomorrow, Tony’s going to accost you and say he’s dragging you away on a retreat to force you to relax. I suggested it.”
“I’m fine, Mister Rhodes-”
“Of course you are.” No, you’re not. “But Tony would’ve never agreed to the idea if he knew it was for him. But you?”
Realization dawned on the kid’s face. “You’re convincing him that the whole thing is for me so he goes along with it.”
“That’s really smart.”
“Well, I’m not Tony, but I do have my moments.”
“I think you’re brilliant.”
Something warmed in his chest. “Thanks, kid.” Focus. “I have a job for you during the trip.”
Peter’s face lit up with excitement. “What is it?”
“Distract Tony from anything work-related. You’re burned out, remember? Make him relax with you.” He reached out to give his shoulder a pat. “Think you can do that?”
“Good man.” He didn’t miss the way the kid brightened at the term. “Knew I could count on you.”
Step two: complete.
Peter actually did a phenomenal job of faking surprise when he and Tony pulled up outside his school the next day.
Rhodey also got the pleasure of watching Tony silently fret over how pale and exhausted the kid looked. His friend kept stealing glances at Peter in the rearview mirror, entire body keyed up with concern.
Now you know what it’s like, he thought, a little spiteful, to worry constantly that someone’s going to spiral themselves into destruction.
The cabin was nice. It was a short hike away from a waterfall and surrounded by nothing but wilderness for miles. Peter looked genuinely excited by how massive the trees were, pointing out every one that seemed even slightly taller than the last.
(“Wow! That one’s even bigger! Do you see it, Mister Stark?!”
“That I do, Pete.”
“This is so cool!”)
By the time they were settled in, dusk had fallen over the forest. It was a nice night, but Rhodey was still surprised when Tony suggested that they all go sit outside on the screened porch.
His shock must have shown, too, because his friend sent Peter out ahead of them and whispered a hasty explanation.
“I read that fresh air might help him relax. Dunno if it’ll work, but it’s worth a shot.”
Sometimes, Rhodey was still blindsided by how much Tony really, really loved this kid.
“It’s a good idea.”
He could see Tony hiding a smile at the praise. “Thanks. Now go out and entertain the little monster for a minute. I’ll grab some blankets.”
By the time Tony wandered out, Peter was amusing himself with the cushioned porch swing. The kid twisted to smile brightly him as the door swung closed.
“Mister Stark! Look how cool this is! It’s got pillows and everything. It’s… it’s like a bed and a bench!”
Tony tossed Rhodey a blanket and motioned for the kid to stop swinging so he could sit with him. “It’s pretty cool, huh?”
“Yeah!” Once Tony sunk down beside him, Peter toppled shamelessly into his side, pulling his legs onto the swing. “It’s really nice out, too.”
“It is.” Tony carded a light hand through the kid’s hair, anchoring one leg on the ground to gently rock the bench back and forth. “Can you hear anything interesting with your super-hearing?”
Peter closed his eyes, face twisted in concentration. Tony watched him silently.
“I can the normal stuff, like your heartbeat. And, uh, I can hear the waterfall. I think there’s rabbits under the cabin. Oh, and there’s some deer, uh,” the kid opened his eyes and pointed to their left, “that way.”
“Hm.” Tony sunk back into the cushions, pulling Peter along with him. “Don’t get any ideas about bringing a rabbit home. May’ll kill me.”
The teenager grinned. “Sure thing, Mister Stark.” He met Rhodey’s eyes and mimed a little thumbs up outside of Tony’s view. “Can we go to the waterfall tomorrow?”
“‘Course we can.”
“Will you come with us, Mister Rhodey?”
Tony groaned. “Just call him Rhodey, kid. The ‘mister’ part is very unnecessary.”
“I second that.” He leaned back and tried not to smirk at the way Peter had not-so-subtly arranged himself so that Tony couldn’t escape. The kid was like an octopus. “You don’t need to be so formal, Peter.”
“Sorry, Mister Rhodes.”
“Well, at least it’s not just me.” Tony scratched between the kid’s shoulder blades. “And I’m sure Rhodey’ll join us if you ask nicely enough.”
“Of course I will.”
“Oh, good.” Peter yawned. “That’ll be fun.”
The conversation lulled for a while. Rhodey was content to watch his plan unfold. He could see Tony’s body relaxing in time with Peter’s breaths. The kid was nearly asleep when Tony spoke again.
“Hey, Pete?”
“Why haven’t you been sleeping?”
Huh. Rhodey watched Tony watch Peter. Not part of the plan, but interesting.
“You don’t know?”
“Not really.”
“Yeah. Not really buying that answer. Wanna sell me another?”
Peter sighed, burying his face into Tony’s neck, who just cupped the back of his head lightly. He didn’t stop the rocking motion of the swing. Rhodey smiled a little at the scene. Damn, they were actually pretty cute. He’d never get over seeing Tony so… soft.
Patient. Nurturing. Parental. 
��I just get distracted by stuff. I… forget.”
“You forget to sleep?”
Tony sighed. “The worst part of that statement is that I can tell you’re not lying.”
“‘M not.”
“Yeah, I know.”
They were quiet again. This time, Peter broke it.
“‘M sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s alright.” He dropped his forehead onto the crown of the kid’s head, shoulders bowed with exhaustion. “We’ll go to the waterfall tomorrow, okay?”
Rhodey watched the two carefully. He felt like he’d just missed some secret code. Whatever it was had closed the conversation. Peter’s breath evened out first, but it didn’t take long for Tony to drop off, too. The swing settled into motionlessness.
He waited a full 30 minutes before creeping over to the pair and gently pushing Tony over until he was laying across the bench’s seat with Peter half on top of him.
He was pushing a pillows under his friend’s head when he stirred, arms wrapping more securely around Peter and eyes flickering open. 
“Easy, Tones.” He folded a blanket over Peter’s shoulders. “It’s just me.”
“Yeah, man. I was just settling Peter.”
“He okay?”
“Sure is. Now be a good role model and go back to sleep.”
Tony turned his face into Peter’s hair and, for once in his life, actually listened to his advice.
Go figure.
(Peter would spend the rest of the weekend dragging Tony through a hundred different hikes and activities. Rhodey would spend his time marveling at the way the kid made Tony’s eyes light up.
He hadn’t seen his best friend look that carefree in years.
Maybe he could convince Tony to make this a monthly thing.)
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parkitleeds · 6 years
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parkitleeds · 6 years
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F.R.I.E.N.D.S |  running gags
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parkitleeds · 6 years
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“…Somebody’s got to look out for the little guy, right?“ - Peter Parker
Editober - Notable Quotes
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parkitleeds · 6 years
[captured by a villain]
tony: don’t say a word
peter: fergalicious
tony: i said no words
peter: oh! i see. two weeks ago while playing scrabble, it’s not a word and now suddenly it is a word because it’s convenient for you
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parkitleeds · 6 years
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avengers edit series by daisyridlay and mattydamons
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