parklian-blog · 8 years
can yall believe tumblr wont lemme change my email to a wORKING ONE......... once i log outta here im SCREWED
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parklian-blog · 8 years
Honestly, I’m really only interested in soulmate AUs with alternative plots.
I don’t really care about person A and person B who have each other’s names on their wrists and find each other and live happily ever after. I care about a culture where people don’t bother forming romantic relationships with anyone other than their soulmate, where they finally find their soulmate and realize they don’t know how to handle the ups and downs of a relationship.
I care about people who fall in love with someone who isn’t their soulmate and aren’t willing to leave.
I care about queer people who are outed by the names on their arms, about trans people who spend their whole lives worrying that their birth name will be on their soulmate’s arm, then sobbing in relief when it’s not.
I care about people in poly relationships and how that looks.
I care about asexual aromantic people who have a name anyway and wonder if they’re broken or if it’s the platonic soulmate they’ve always wanted.
I care about people who Google their soulmate and are disappointed by what they find. I care about the private detective agencies that rake in cash to help people find their soulmates. I care about the ways non-soulmate couples are discriminated against, from disapproving grandmas to insurance companies that won’t insure someone’s spouse unless they’re their soulmate. I care about teenagers who are devastated that their celebrity crush isn’t their soulmate and what happens when the media discovers a young, unknown person whose soulmate is hugely famous.
I care about the people who never meet their soulmates, whose soulmates died young, whose soulmates have another name on their arms.
I care about the ways that this is a broken system, how it fucks people up, how it doesn’t guarantee a happy ending and how people find their happy endings anyway.
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ -- what the hell is trivial pursuit?  this is the first time i’m hearing about it. ” 
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“ your true homie? ” he let out a long-suffering sigh. “ who the hell have you been hanging out with lately? ”
“don’t call me an idiot, asshole. never forget who always wins trivial pursuit, me son! so if i’m an idiot and i beat you, what does that make you? chicken wing is my true homie, why can’t i mention him?”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
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aesthetic space : kai
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parklian-blog · 8 years
Do you love me?
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ want me to dumb it down for you, sweetheart? ”
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“ even when it involves us, politics still confuses the hell out of me. please don’t tell me i’m the only one. “
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parklian-blog · 8 years
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ useless,” he huffed, rolling his eyes as he continued snooping around. “ is jean grey the only competent person in this damn tower? ”
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Abel plopped down on the couch and shrugged. “I guess Titanic will do. And I’m not sure. You’d have to ask Jean Grey that.” He replied monotonously, his eyes unwavering from the television screen.
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“  nah, you’re right.  i’m askin’ for too much here, aren’t i?  don’t worry, i’ll ask you again in a week.  ... that is how long it takes a clever thought to cross your mind, right?  or was it two weeks? ”
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“You know you’re not worth my time, Park.”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ nah, i insist.  i promise i’ll pay attention this time. ”
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“Nevermind. What’s up?”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ says you. ”  the urge to smack the punch right outta the student’s hands was growing by the second.  “ look at you, going through all that trouble to keep little ol’ me company.  cute. ”
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“That doesn’t mean anything.” he shrugged back at him, taking a large gulp of the punch in his hand. “I don’t know, man. I’m fine with staying here, especially knowing how much you’re annoyed by me. Why would I want to be somewhere else?”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ listen, i don’t make the rules.  if you wanna know where our secret hideout is then you gotta pay up.  i’ll take no less than forty bucks. ”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ what the hell are you doing? ” lian takes the pamphlet, skimming through it with mild disinterest. “ you’re givin’ these out for free?  at least charge 10 a piece, idiot.  and don’t drag chicken wing into this. ”
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“Here have one of these!” Bora said with a smile, handing the other person a pamphlet. “Its not big deal, just about the Brotherhood and the process for joining and stuff. You’re gonna need somewhere to go when they pass this stupid registration shit. Which by the way, we had nothing to do with those explosions going on, not us, I swear on my dog Chicken Wing’s life.”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ can you repeat that?  i totally zoned out, dude. ”
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“So, hypothetically, if you were at a club by yourself and this really attractive guy started talking to you like you’ve been friends forever, and then he calls you a different name. And while you’re talking to him, you’re really drunk and even though it’s obvious that he’s mistaking you for someone else, he says he wants to go back to his place, clearly with the intention of hooking up. So, you can either the go back to his place and completely ignore the fact that someone else is in the club somewhere looking for this guy, or you could tell him he’s mistaken and miss the chance to hook up with a really attractive guy. What would you do?”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
He ran a hand over his face, making his voice sound shaky. “It’s not a joke, Dom.” 
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“I--... I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
Raised eyebrows showed how unimpressed by the other’s joke, because it had to be a joke. He was perfectly healthy and he wasn’t going to die. “Anyone ever tell you you’re horrible at making jokes?” He punched the other’s arm lightly. “No, really. Where are you going?”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“because you continue to explain yourself to me time and time again.” he shrugged, glancing at his watch for a few seconds. “can’t you go be obnoxious elsewhere?”
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“Why would I care if you believe me or not?”
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“I live here. That means I get to stand wherever I want.”
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parklian-blog · 8 years
“ don’t be so dramatic, sera.  it’ll be fine.  wanna come with? ”
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“This has nothing to do with me. You’re just bat crazy for wanting to mess with her.”
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