parn123 · 8 years
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They really have it in for Jeremy !
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parn123 · 11 years
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Mosaic floor depicting a dog and a knocked-over gold vessel. Discovered in 1993 during construction of the new Alexandria Library, Egypt. Now currently in the Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria.  Width: approx. 70 cm. Date: approx. 200-100 BC.
This scene formed the center piece of a large mosaic floor.  The quality is fantastic, and this period represents a high point in the mosaic craft in antiquity. Many of the tesserae (the little pieces of stone/glass that make up the floor) are only 1-2mm across, which allows the mosaicist to achieve a painting-like effect.  This technique was known in antiquity as opus vermiculatum, or ‘wormy work’.  
This is one of my favorite works from antiquity, both for its beauty and superb technique as well as the simplicity and intimacy of the scene.
The photograph is taken from Cleopatra of Egypt: From History to Myth, Princeton University Press (2001). 
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parn123 · 12 years
26 Jan 2013 - Colourful Uzès Saturday market on a beautiful cold sunny January day
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See the album of 33 photos on Posterous at:
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 245 (3 September) of 366 - Approaching the 10th anniverary of our flood in Sept. 9-11, 2002 - This is a view from a mini flood in our garden in 2005 #photography #Uzes
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 244 (2 September) of 366 - A dreamy Sunday afternoon ... just relaxing with the Sunday papers on iPad #iphoneotography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 243 (1 September) of 366 - Fish fright in the supermarket - "Je reviens ... " #iphoneotography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 242 (31 August) of 366 - Shop sign in Uzès (enthralled watching Parade's End by Ford Madox Ford and nearly forgot the photo of the day... ) #photography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 241 (30 August) of 366 - After the rain - Luke on the red carpet of pine needles at Les Castagniers #iphoneography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 240 (29 August) of 366 - These trees are just wonderful! #iphoneography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 239 (28 August) of 366 - A walk by the river Alzon in the cool valley of the Eure park near Uzès - #iphoneography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 238 (27 August) of 366 - Finally, the inevitable big day for Uzès arrives - McDonald's inauguration party tonight! #photography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 237 (26 August) of 366 - Great photo of our three smooths Miss, Blacky and Luke. Thanks Martti! #photography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 236 (25 August) of 366 - Welcome to Uzès - mannequins enjoying the afternoon sun #iphoneography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 235 (24 August) of 366 - Still b* hot, and now it's the time for figs galore - even for some leaves for Harry #iphoneography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 234 (23 August) of 366 - #Uzès: the fountain in the Place aux Herbes is a favourite of the pigeons in this prolonged heat wave [#photography]
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 233 (22 August) of 366 - Collie decision making - "how about we head back to the house before the temperature hits 40C (105F) degrees?" #photography
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parn123 · 12 years
Day 232 (21 August) of 366 - Smooth collie Fudjaï on vacation - swim, sunbed, chill out with friends #photography
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