part2theshortstory · 10 years
This ish is crazy but I love it.
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
Im not against Taj at all. I actually like him the most. He's just so sexy and has the most sexiest confidence. I want him and her to have an affair behind brae's back. It would make it more fun then Taj just getting the girl.
But wouldn't this "affair" be "typical"?
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
This shit is crazy but I love it!
Fun, right? Crazy is always fun! Hehe.
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
Where'd u find the picture of Chris that's in the icon for this ff? Do u know what shoot it is?
Eh, on one of his fan blogs. It was some magazine shoot, scroll thru the blogs I'm sure you'll find it. . .or you can always google it.
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
"Author’s Note: This takes places between the past chapters and those that take place in 2012.
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November 17, 2010
"This isn’t your fault." I mumbled to myself lowly as I sat Indian style in the middle of my bed. Thank God P was nowhere insight. I didn’t need him here to witness this,...
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
“fun…fun happened last night” Uh 😳 Fuck that! 🙅 BB would’ve had some fucking explaining to do, he wouldn’t have gave me no damn $2 ass excuse. And why the fucking hell can’t this bish remember shit?! I’m starting to believe Braelyn has a lot more power over Myan than meets the eye. 😕 Mr. Taj 🙌😩 He just does it all for me! I don’t think it’s healthy to trust him or his mystical ways, but I do. I’m even more intrigued by him now knowing he uses herbs. 😂 Oh my God I luh you fa this story!
Wait…😂 thefck is a $2 ass excuse?😂😂😂 Oh my! You truly aren’t here for the fuckery, huh? Lol…WELP.😊 Of course Braelyn has a lot of power over Myan but people choose not to pay attention to that. HA!
Taj is my fave. He’s so bomb…in an evil way of course.😆😘
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
Do you read myminefanfiction?
No but I’ll check it out.
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
As for Taj & his crazy ass... I don't trust him even if he let his intentions be known. Ion trust ANY OF THEM lmaoo If Myan was truly uncomfortable & felt it was inappropriate her ass woulda got the fuck out of dodge but she chose to stay. This feels like a set up from all accounts... She need to stop going along with shit & make moves. Ughhhhh 😩😩😩😩😩 lol this is too much for my heart! I can't wait for what's next tho
😯…All is have to say to this is…I LOVE TAJ!😊 Haha.😝😝😝
"this is too much for my heart"😩😂😂😂😭😂😂😂
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
You and these riddles & paradoxes you call chapters lol!! It's like when it seems one thing becomes a bit of a loose end, somewhere else gets knotted even tighter. 😩. It was nice to see the cute side of Myan & Braelyn 😊. I noticed her calls her Mini too... I wonder why lmaoo hopefully I'm not looking to much into it. And tf was that group chat about that damn function Myan wasn't present for? 😒😒 judging by her reaction her friends seem like they are crossing a line. They better not be fugazi
Frustrating isn’t it? Ha…but the build up is AWESOME.😉 You’ll see more of “Part I” now. It’ll all make sense. & who said Myan wasn’t there, hm?
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
What makes taj think he gonna get Braelyn girl ? "Hard way, easy way" how about no way ? He not gonna get her, brae not gonna let her go. He'd probably fight for her.
Ha…this gave me a little giggle. Lol. I love that y’all underestimate Taj. :)
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
And clearly he doesn't get everything he wants if Braelyn "peels" things away from, IM JUST SAYIN.💅
Oh?😳 Well THEN.😂
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
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Rolling over as I woke up briefly, my body collided into his as he laid sleeping peacefully. I began to grin to myself as I cuddled my body to his, his arms immediately wrapping around me, causing me to smile more as I closed my eyes and relaxed my body against his. It's been a while since we've slept like this. Braelyn's and I relationship has seriously been on the rocks and I can't for the life of me figure out why. ("It's mine?" His grunts filled my ear) echoed thru my thoughts. My eyes immediately flew open as I popped up off of Braelyn's chest, breathing heavily causing him to wake. "What's wrong, babe?" He mumbled sleepily as he stretched some while rubbing his eye. I closed my eyes as I tried calming myself. With my heart beating at 100 miles per hour, my body began to shake some. Holy shit! Last night!!! "Babe..." Braelyn's sleepy tone mumbled against my shoulder as he softly pressed his lips against my skin, causing me to jump some as my eyes fly open once again. The constant kisses he's been placing on my skin helped to calm my jumping nerves some before I pushed my hair to the side so I can look at him. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I smile a little at him as our eyes connected. "You okay?" He inquired as his lips continued dancing against my skin. I nodded briefly and smiled more. "I'm okay. . ." I whispered softly as he continued to place gently kisses on my skin. Wrapping his arms around me, he continued to place kisses on my shoulder and neck as I allowed my body to melt into his. We remained that way for a long while as soft moans left my lips. My mind slipping into a wonderful place as I continued to enjoy this intimate moment with my boyfriend. No one has any idea how long I've been wanting this. "What happened last night?" I asked before the words could register in my mind. His deep chuckles traveled thru me briefly before he mumbled, "fun. . .fun happened last night" he finished with another chuckle, making me giggle some at the wonderful sound of his chuckles. And in that moment nothing mattered. . .only me and my baby, just like old times. "I love you, BB." I whispered softly as I turned in his arms to cuddle to him once more. "Luh you, Mini." His deep voice mumbled as he looked down at me before pressing his lips against my hair, his arms wrapping tighter around me as I closed my eyes once more. "My Mickey." I whispered before giggling softly. - - - Loud laughter came from both Braelyn's and I as we ate breakfast while going over our next project. He's always wanted to do a huge piece of mixing nudity and urban art together. . .in a it's never been done before. Of course, it's what he does and excellently, might I add. But trying to shut down TriBeCa to make it happen is beyond crazy.
"Braelyn Bradford, no!" We both let out louder laughs as he squeezed my side playfully, causing me to laugh more. "You know they'll end up turning all of that into a movie. . ." I paused for a moment as he raised his eyebrows ". . .and you know the rest." I pushed myself off him some and glared at him playfully. "Nah, nah, nah!" He started as he laughed more. "All options open! It's niggas out here tryna do it bigger and better than me. . .can't let that shit happen!" His voice quickly turned serious before he cleared his throat Catching the seriousness in his voice I simply nodded. No use in turning this into a fight or even a debate for that matter, even though he knows damn well why I'm very skeptical about this. But whatever Braelyn wants, Braelyn gets. . .
"Alright, baby. . .if that's what you want we'll make it happen." I assured as I brushes my thumb across his freckled cheek. His eyes stayed glued to me for a long moment before he nodded. "Ma baby!" He placed a sloppy kiss on my forehead and looked down at his phone just as it buzzed on the table. My eyes followed his before he quickly snatched it up to unlock it. My face scrunched up a bit as I processed both Olivia's and Teigan's name popping under group chat. Really? What the hell do they have to group chat about? Rolling my eyes at my new found annoyance, I glances over at Braelyn as he laughed obnoxiously loud as he typed away at a fast pace. Deciding on skipping THAT augment for the day, I kept my mouth shut and picked up my own buzzing phone.
Taj "Masa...9PM...dinner...be there."
Flashed across my screen, causing my heart to pound hard in my chest immediately. Uhm. . .when the hell did we exchange numbers??? - - - Letting out a deep breath, I laid back in my seat as I allowed my mind to run wild. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I'm really convinced I'm losing my damn mind. I've spent the entire day trying to piece together what little (and I mean little) memory I have of last night. Everything is a big blur and my mind is one big ass smoke cloud but yet here I am. Shaking my head at myself as the car came to a stop, I quickly gathered my things to climb out and disappear inside before I could be noticed. Slowing my pace completely, I tried not to lock eyes with him when he came into view. I've learned my lesson. . .well, obviously not if I'm here. . .with him. . .a man I know nothing about. . .in the most expensive restaurant in New York City. Good going My. Shaking my head yet again at myself, I pushed some of my hair behind my ears and tried to calm my jumping nerves just as he approached me to lead us to our secluded table. "You look lovely." He mumbled lowly into my ear as he ran his hand down to my lower back, making me gasp some, making it impossible to barely whisper a "thank you". This is so inappropriate. . . After getting seated and comfortable, I suppose, he waved our waiter over to take our orders. "Taj. . .I'm not hungry." I spoke as clear as possible with my heart beating in my throat. His smirk seem to capture all attention as he gave my hand a light squeeze. "Nonsense!" I started as he looked over at the waiter and began to order for both of us. "And the best wine in the house for this beautiful young lady sitting across from me." He finished with his eyed glued to me. I immediately looked away and glanced at the waiter, giving him a small as my cheeks began to heat up. He quickly verified the orders before disappearing. This is so inappropriate. . . "Why am I here?" I asked as I slowly pulled my hand away from his, my body tensing more by the second. A deep chuckle left his throat as he looked me over. "You tell me, Ms. Furrs." I allowed the silence to take over for a long moment just as our beverages arrived. "This is a game for you?" I blurted out boldly as my eyes burned into him. "Most times." He stared truthfully as another smirk laced his lips. Rolling my eyes immediately I picked up my glass of wine and took a big gulp, not caring about how unladylike it looks. "Cut the fucking shit, Taj! What do you want?!" I pretty much shouted at him. The look on his face gave away his amusement mixed with his new found surprise. "Ooo! That mouth Ms. Furrs!" He exclaimed and began to laugh, causing me to stare at him blankly. This is bullshit and I refuse to allow him to get me all worked up. I came here for answers, not this bullshit. When our food arrived I barely nibbled at it while I continued with the delicious bottle of wine. I'll be sure to get the name before leaving. I'm purposely ignoring Taj and all of his efforts to spark a conversation, if he doesn't want to be serious then we have nothing to talk about. He'll catch the hint, I'm sure of it. He's an intelligent man. "Eat your food, Ms. Furrs. . .don't be rude to the chef." He carried on with a smirk heavily lacing his voice. Once again I remained silent. That small back and forth went on for a good 15 minutes before he finally decided to focus on the contents on his plate. "Wha-?" I started after a very long while of silence between us, only to be suddenly cut me off by him with a laugh. "What happened before your boyfriend. . .for a lack of a better term, pealed you from my hands?" His laugher turned dry as he fixed his shirt and sat up straight as I stared at him cluelessly. "Wasn't the first time YOUR wonderful Braelyn as pealed something from my hands and I assure you it will be the last." He finished with a warm smile just as he picked up his glass and raised it at me before taking a sip of his liquor. My eyes remained on his as my mind went completely blank. Smoke cloud gone, only blankness. What the fuck is he talking about and how did I get dragged into it?! None of this makes sense! Did I sleep with him? Did I not sleep with him? Ugh! My frustration. "What happened last night?" I mumbled just above a whisper, finally able to find my words and my voice. Deep chuckles left his lips. "OH. . .you mean how I got you to open up your mind so that I could make all that feel real?" He smirked as he eyed me closely. WHAT?! "H. . .how. . .di. . .-" I looked down and fumbled over my words while gently massaging my forehead with two fingers as I tried to understand. . .remember at least. "Scary what you can do with herbs huh?" He questioned rhetorically as I finally looked up at him, allowing him to look me in the eyes. For what seems like the millionth time I mind went completely blank and all I want to do right now is cry. I've never been this confused in my life. I'm starting not to trust anything or anyone around me and the build up is coming on strong.
"So here's the thing," he started, after getting very annoyed by my silence and my inability to take my eyes off him. Picking up his glass, he started again. "I want you and I get everything that I want." He spoke as he once again looked me dead in the eyes. "You can fight it, you can deny it but the fact of the matter is, I will get you." As he placed his glass to his lips, I felt all of the air leave my lungs just as he words placed themselves on repeat in my head. Picking up his fork he placed a piece of the meat on his plate in his mouth and chewed slowly. I watched every motion as if it were in complete slow motion. Unable to move or even open my mouth. "The hard way. Or the easy way." He placed his glass to his lips once more and took another sip of his liquor. "You choose." He finished as he winked at me before smirking.
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
Troubledtimes-ff is good too !
Thank you, I'll check it out.
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
crooked-fiction, xthefanfiction, technicalfoulfanfiction those are some good ones.
Already fuck with TF; I'll check out the others. Thank you.
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
😪 I know!😂😂😂
Lmfao. Take ya nosy butt on.👉😂
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
I wanna follow a few good stories -
Any suggestions?
Preferably with authors who don't fill their story blogs with things that aren't story related.😕
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part2theshortstory · 10 years
She's a Virgin tho.....unless he be lickin ha kitty👀
Lmfao. You nosy as shit.
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