partikle · 7 years
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TWIN PEAKS Episode 9 Stream Blog
YES Mr. C. Bloody and red like the handkerchief he pulls off from the gate.
He looks a little tired.
3:00 Buckhorn South Dakota
Lieutenant Knox-- re routing!
3:35 Mr. C
Yes Tim Roth!
The Farm. We finally made it.
Chantal // Jennifer Jason Leigh
4:55 Short trip to Buckhorn South Dakotah
Blue Rose case
Diane is an alcoholic. Trauma survivor.
LOL. “I know. I know. Fuck you, Albert.”
RIP Miguel Ferrer
Albert looks so vulnerable and tired.
Cooper flew the Coop.
Mr. C calls the man in the office with the laptop. So they are now absolutely connected. That’s a minor revelation.
Ordering Warden Murphy to be Killed
Dougie at the Police Dept.
Dougie is a “...solid citizen.”
Why would Bushnell hire a man with.
Bushnell: First the car blows up and then somebody tries to kill him.  
Nothing on Dougie Jones prior to 1997. Witness protection?
And now they have a connection to Ike the Spike. Brothers Fusco aren’t too bad
American the beautiful?
The plug reminds Coop of something.
19:00 nice Ike the Spike is getting caught -- ‘medical leave’.
20:30 Twin Peaks Sheriff Dept
Andy & Lucy fighting over the chairs. And Lucy wins out. And buys the red chair.
Johnny Horne. Injures or kills himself.
Bobby and Mrs Briggs.  Garland warned her that we would see this scene now, and she was to give them something... The chair.  Mrs. Briggs was the most normal, grounded and centered woman on the entire show. She still acts like that. She helped to ground the show, especially the second season.
A silver skinny orb.
Fucking Diane and Mr. C are in cahoots.
29:40 “What Happens in Season 2?”
This feels like Season Two Right now.
Hastings and Davenport had a blog on alternate dimensions.
Marbles. When did he lose his marbles. Something about a dog?
Body of man in his 40s. Major Briggs is 72.
32:00 Coopers on the loose in this neck of the woods
To Dougie, Love Janey-E
32:52 -- JERRY!
I am not your foot. Jerry is high or possessed.
Ohmygod. Jerry is high. He is doing such a good job of acting like the highest man alive.
34:49 Bad Chad
Nobody likes Chad and it’s so satisfying.
He’s going to spill it.  They really don’t like him. They taunt him.
36:40 Hidden button?
40:00 Garland Briggs saw all this
I worry that Bobby Briggs will be in danger. Two Coopers.
42:50 Back to Hastings
He is crying like a Baby.
I love it how Mathew Lillard quickly looks to the others. He’s so good.
The major was hibernating.
Matthew Lillard for Emmy for supporting actor.
Ha. Miguel Ferrer for Emmy for supporting actor.
49:46 Lodge
Whirring continues.’The ring out of a monastery bell...’
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partikle · 7 years
on key: twin peaks season 3, episode 7
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(First attempt at live-blogging the episode as I stream it.)
Jerry... Is he really scared or really high?
Ben Horne! That’s a brother who is really trying.
Jerry has lost it. And his car.
“Oh, good lord, Jerry,” says Benjamin.
3 min
HAWK & Frank Truman
Laura’s pages about Annie saying Dale Cooper and Laura were in the Lodge!
This IS what the Log Lady wanted you to find, Hawk.
Three of the FOUR PAGES? Of course there’s one page missing.
How did they get in the bathroom door? Good question, Frank.
Hawk thinks Leland hid the pages.
Hawk: “... the one who came out of the Lodge that night was not the Good Cooper.”
Harry is SICK and that is SAD, but TRUMAN -- ASK HIM. ASK HIM. The selfish part of me wants Frank Truman to ask Harry, before he goes. Frank is far more patient and balanced than I am.
8 min
ANDY doing some police work. Kinda sorta. Way to go, Andy!
Has to do with the wiped-down grill of a certain truck.  Say goodbye to that guy who just asked for 2 hours.
9 min
Doc Hayward and Frank Truman SKYPING! Oh, the magic of TP in the modern era.
That’s a fancy computer screen. We’re in the Lodge of the Future. 2001 Forest Odyssey.
Cooper went to intensive care because didn’t he bang his head into -- OH...
First time anyone mentions AUDREY!!! in a COMA!!!! HOLY SHIT. FINALLY we learn she didn’t die immediately following the explosion in the bank.
Are they going to mention Donna?!?
No mention of Donna. I wanted too much too soon. I can wait.
Lt. Knox... Finally back to the prints!
Lt. Knox: There’s a body?
Where’s the rest of him? haha
Oooh. YES. Who is this person walking down the hallway? Spooky spooky spooky person. Holy FUCK! Who is that scary person? And the reverb in the background? Yikes. That person was kinda nasty. Is it the Ghose being we saw in the jail cell earlier? We’re still in Buckhorn. Who could that be?
Gordon Cole is whistling in front of a Nuclear Explosion. Looks kinda phallic?
Diane -- seeing Cooper, ‘No fucking way.’ She must have felt abandoned by him.
“Say please, Albert.” That’s all Albert wants, is to be treated decently. I adore Albert.
LOL. Oh you want personal? Fuck you, too, Albert.
I love Diane’s mid-century interior design.
Damn Good Coffee. No shit.
Okay on a flight to South Dakota where Bad Cooper is being held. Last two thirds of the season and we’re moving now.  This is really coming together.
Fuck you, Albert #2. Love it.
Tamara Preston -- good to see she’s still hanging on!
A Girl from Ipanima? That seems a little on the nose or trying too hard to be clever. That’s almost too well-known enough reference. But the point is Bad Coop lived in Rio.
Ha! “Fuck you, Tammy.”
Bad Cooper’s black eyes are dead.
Bob as Cooper perhaps violated her or something.
I feel that Laura Dern is overacting. Something about her performance that is off. She was attacked in some way, for sure. But still it feels off or not enough.
Warden Murphy and a strawberry.  What’s the threat. I bet we never know. Irrelevant to the overall story.
Andy is actually doing some policing! Hate to sound patronizing, but it’s true.
Audrey must be coming in Episode 9.
Warden Murphy
Joel McClusky? Okay, new complications.
Dog legs were sent with some info.
Mr Strawberry?
Dougie & Janie-E and a LV police detective group of three.
Just as I thought -- Coop’s instincts will kick in.
Ike the Spike. See ya, though probably not the last we hear of him.
Perhaps television coverage will broadcast Good Coop
Ew, what is that piece of a hand on the gun? This show is fucking great.
Audible element? It’s wind from a portion of the hallway. From the secret passageway!
Room 315: Room where Agent Cooper was shot.
Oooh, Ben is working it.
Holy Shit! Who Is This? He’s sick? I don’t know this guy. He’s sick and depressed.
Thought it was Harry Truman. Nut no. Then I thought it was Leo. But no, it’s Tom. Woah. Ashley Judd is UPSET. UNHAPPY.
This song plays on the conference call line at my office. Often. Mixes in with about 8 songs -- One Beatles Song, one Frank Sinatra song, etc. Sparingly but this does play.  
Sweeping the floor at the Road House. Counter programming to the sleek bands.  Jacques Renault!!! I thought he was killed. I thought LeLand killed them. This HAS to be a dream. What? Glad he’s back as a character.
Bullshit. Bad Cooper is OUT.
54 min
Bing?  Who is Bing? Double-R is off the hook!
57 min
Love how the music gets eery at the end, and then just like a cherry on top, we are blessed with Heidi’s giggle.
In memory of Warren Frost.
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partikle · 9 years
Reel Karma
With the slow resuscitation of this blog, it’s clear film reviews must be part of the content palette. Like many, I love film.  In my youth, film director favorites were Alfred and Billy, on the Hitchcock and Wilder tip.  My Saturday mornings consisted of the repeated viewing of a classic film + making myself pancakes.  (Hitchcock’s Rear Window was a regular selection.)  I took a handful of film studies courses in undergrad, but regrettably didn’t major in it. So while I used to write about film, it has been a few years. But I feel a renewed enthusiasm to do so. Given the proclivity held for older films, a fair amount of the blog will focus on more recent films, from the 1990s to the present day as I make up for times lost. As I typically average going to the movie theater twice a year, there is considerable making up to do. The reviews will include some film theory and wherever possible, will include links to other reviews and informative pieces.  I am calling this Reel Karma because since film has given me some love over the past years, it’s time I gave a little love back.
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partikle · 9 years
A moment from the Off + On climate change activism event hosted by 350.org. They took half a minute to acknowledge all of us who marched in the People’s Climate March in New York September 2014.  Of course, millions all over the world participated in this global event.  
The first topic on the event’s sheet concerned a campaign focusing on divesting from fossil fuel companies. Sitting in the audience I felt a flush to my cheeks. I have an investment in a fossil fuel company. For all of the consistent time and effort put into educating myself, taking action against and talking about contributors and impact of climate change, it’s the dark personal secret that I forgot about. 
Seven years ago I increased the amount of an investment I had in a fund and while agreeing to do so, I saw that Exxon was one of the companies listed as part of the fund (several hundred were listed).  I was told at the time that since the fund was now closed, if I chose to leave I couldn’t come back. I was advised to stick it out; it was my choice to follow the advice.  I regret it.
Now I have the opportunity to right this wrong. My investment is substantial to me, but a pittance relative to the $200+ million University of California endowment discussed at Off + On.  I imagine that a very low percentage of my actual fund goes toward this company.  (I write to make myself feel better.) But ultimately my knowledge is minimal. There could be many more. I’m going to take a couple of months to walk through this decision.  I don’t want to drag my feet any longer, but investing is not my area of expertise.  So I need to educate myself and make balanced decisions. To speak to professionals and research where I am and what my legitimate choices are. And then make the concerted leap. 
I am excited about this. Perhaps once it’s all done, I will scream like I do on the video above. (Yes, that’s me, howling like a newly-freed wolf.)
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partikle · 9 years
...where I left off
I created this tumbler account four years ago, and never used it.  Just now, when trying to create a new account, I couldn’t because one already existed on  my current email address.   As the queen of the incomplete, I oversee a kingdom of fragmented good intentions, great ideas, bad ideas, dreams, creative projects, relationships, communications, media accounts, posts, tweets, websites--you get the picture. 
One of the great-starts-then-nothing was ‘partikle’ -- a name for a character that I came up with one night while completely high (I am nonindulgent now, several years).  It suited the space-themed party that I lambasted my way through with many other lovely Los Angeles folks one night in June in 2006.  A couple years after the party I started hosting a short-lived online radio program as partikle (or particle). Then I found myself in India working on a photo series and “responsibly” handed the reins of the show to an acquaintance back in LA, who took it and ran with it.  By the way, outside of a couple images being published in very minor publications--this photo series has not been shown publicly. (Another incomplete task, your majesty.)
Re-using partikle several years later in 2012 to create this tumbler account only points to the individualistic sense of self that I continue to explore to this day. I am a person with many interests about vital subjects.  Despite that I hop around on my interests, surprisingly, the intro in the first post generally holds water.   I am interested more in matters of the environment today, including activism in the realm of climate change.  In December 2013 I completed my masters thesis on environmental human rights and intend to write about this progress quite a bit here. I commute by bike now and LOVE it. I’m a little active in Sub-Saharan African politics, too, which I will share more about.  Gender issues are also fresh to me today.  But also, due to my expanding spirituality and all-around well-being, I will be able to be more honest and vulnerable with my writing now than I would have then, too, if I had ever gotten around to writing a third post. 
A blog is an interesting medium in that I can start it and add to it without there being an actual ‘finish’. (The jury is out on whether this awakens the queen within or placates her.) For today, I hope to use this blog as a way for me to fill in the gaps of my interests. To add coagulating fat, muscle and membranes to the skeletal, divergent limbs of my activities, passions, fears, and fascinations. To write myself think. Oh, and also to rant.
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partikle · 12 years
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Art installation this past weekend at the back room at Think Coffee in prep for the Anamesa fall issue launch party, tomorrow night starting at 8pm: art, photography, poetry readings, people, drinks and the latest issue. Come check it out!
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partikle · 12 years
taking individual partikles from politics, human rights, development, photography, arty stuff, humorousness, human beingness, emerging technologies and me. 
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