paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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Finally returns to this blog 
Again! Even after a bunch of computer problems I ended up with MORE computer problems! But I should be here for good now!!!
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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Finally returns to this blog 
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
Send "Will you be quiet now?" For my muses reactions to yours pushing them against a wall and kissing them
Bonus Points if our muses are enemies.
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
旦 (well it's still cool if you don't want to)
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
Send me a “旦” If our muses haven’t interacted yet and but you want us to change that.
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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Another friendly laugh. He'd messed up her name, but it didn't bother her in the slightest. It could happen to anyone. Not that any one had so far, but he didn't have to know that. He seemed embarrassed enough as it was.
 "Oh no, not at all! Don't worry~" Children mess it up all the time!  
Her eyes closed in a genuine smile, in hopes that he didn't think she was getting a laugh out of him. It was merely a humourous mistake, if not a little charming in its own way. 
"I am, but Hearthome isn't so cold!  It is rather hot here you're right, but I've been here for about a month so  I've gotten used to it a little bit". 
"You might be a little cooler if you weren't bundled up in a turtle neck and blazer~" she giggled, wondering honestly how he was fairing in such thick clothing in weather like this. 
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Ah. He’d messed up the name. Quickly trying to find an excuse for the pronunciation mix up, he could feel his face burning with embarrassment, considering that she even laughed a little at his mistake.
               ”It’s j-just a mouthful!                S-surely I’m not the                 first to mispronounce                it, right?”
He coughed, and felt a little grateful that she allowed him to still address her by her real name, rather than the nickname that he couldn’t pronounce very well.
               ”Ah, right, I am from the                Sinnoh region.” Her statement about being from Hearthome surprised Riley, as she seemed like she was a Hoenn native, considering how well she was taking the heat in this god forsaken region.                 ”Well, that’s quite the                surprise, really. You seemed                like you were born in the                region.”
He sighed at her question, following her along quietly, not even trying to match her bubbly pace before answering it.               “I suppose I am. It’s…               really hot here, though.”
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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                         "Paruru"  She corrected with a giggle, Paruru was a little bit familiar sounding, so she had no problems being addressed without her nickname.                   "Haruna is just fine though~"
"Oh! Canalave! You're from Sinnoh?? I'm from Hearthome city!! It's always nice to meet someone who's from sinnoh! But please, follow me!!"
With that she began to walk at a leisurely pace, her steps still jaunty for the speed.
"Are you enjoying Hoenn so far?"
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                    “Paruparu..?” He paused, trying to think of a way to pronounce that before deciding on just using her real name.                   “Miss Haruna it is.                   Sorry, Paruparu is                   sort of a mouthful.”
He smiled lightly, trying to apologize with his expressions before answering her next question, shaking her hand after doing so.                   “I'm visiting from                   Canalave. We’re                   low on books on                   Hoenn mythology,                   so I’m here to pick                   a few up.”
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"You're welcome!"
Haruna gasped, clapping a hand on her chest in sympathy. She couldn't believe what she would do if she lost one of her pokemon's pokeballs. Why she'd be up all night!
"Well I certainly wouldn't want you to lose a special friend! If that was the case. It's no problem at all, I'd want someone to do the same for me."
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     Barry skid his heels against the ground the moment      he heard a voice call out in the distance, He soon      rushed back to see it was a young woman that held      one his pokeballs.
            “Oh man! How did I end up dropping this!” He took             the pokeball before nodding at her.” You are a life             saver! Thanks so much!” He smiled pacing himself.
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"Why do they call them pokepuffs if they're just as delicious to humans??"
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"Oh, yes please!" she beamed, already reaching out to pat the pokemon gently on it's head, giggling as the pleased pokemon made a happy sound. "Ahh, she's really sweet, did you raise her from a munna??"
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Bianca smiled at the girl “Thank you. Yeah she is mine. She’s an absolutely wonderful pokemon.” Bianca answered. She was smiling fondly at her pokemon as she said the last part. “Did you want to per her?” Bianca asked, noticing how the girl looked ansty to touch the pokemon. 
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"So you're not sure? Have you ever participated in a contest before?" Haruna asked, now not wanting to leave this poor, frazzled looking man until he was settled properly.
He didn't exactly looked prepared to participate in a contest, but she was ready to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"If you're just here to watch, you need to go to the big doors right down through the middle ofthe lobby, that's where the audience sits."
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Oh, thank goodness, help. It’s not incorrect to assume that Rook can’t figure out where he’s supposed to be going, but the biggest problem is probably the fact that he hasn’t quite decided to begin with.
     ” Oh, um, I— maybe… I was thinking about it, but y’know, I’m really not all that good at this sort of thing so maybe I’ll just watch instead— "
The unfortunate truth being that he doesn’t really know where to go for that, either.
     ” But, ah, I am a little lost… I’m sorry. I don’t really know this place that well… “
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"Well....Famous in Sinnoh at least, I'm not sure how many people know about me in other regions. I do some tv, so unless it's aired in other regions.....this one might be.
I'm a contest idol first though, so I guess if you paid attention to the contest scene you might know me! I'm sorry, I'm rambing! My name is Haruna but most call me Paruru~!" she greeted, a peace sign added for extra flair.
Her speech came out rather fast, something she tended to do when she chattered on. Any more talking and someone might compare her likness to a chatot. It was best to let the other introduce themselves before she tried to chit chat away.
         ╱ ☷ ╲
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Now Lucinda had a dumbfounded look on her face, nearly gawking at the other. She was a TV star? So then, she was actually someone of relative importance in the media? That—that actually wasn’t so shocking. After all, she was rather cute. Shaking that aside she found herself after a few moments, giving an embarrassed smile.
                            “I—I didn’t know you were famous? I—I mean I don’t watch                             much TV so I… that’s really awesome?!”
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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I constantly waver in between keeping Haruna a Contest idol or making her a regular idol.
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"I'm filming a tv show here for a couple days so I thought I'd check out the area. This town is really lovely!" she beamed, always feeling extra energetic when she got to travel.
         ╱ ☷ ╲
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                             ”Your nickname is really cute!                               The pleasures all mine Paruru!”
With a quick but very firm shake she released the others hand and dropped her arm back at her side.
                               ”So what brings you out here?”
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"Are you participating in today's contest? You look a little turned around, can I help you?"
Haruna gestured to the man, who was currently standing in the lobby of the contest hall, looking quite lost. Poor soul.
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"Hey! Hey mister you dropped this!!!"
Haruna called, her feet carrying her as fast as she could, waving a pokeball above her head, trying to catch up with the boy who had sped past her in a blur of orange and white.
What if something important was in this pokeball!?
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paruparuu-blog · 10 years
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"Oooh! A musharna! what an interesting pokemon.... I've never seen one up so close. Is she yours???" 
Haruna asked almost tempted to reach out and feel the pokemon before her.
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