pasteluchiha-blog · 6 years
Is Erectile Dysfunction A Warning Sign For Stroke Or Heart Attack?
Could erectile dysfunction be a warning sign that a man might be at risk for heart attack or stroke? David Kandzari, M.D., an interventional cardiologist at Piedmont Hospital, shares more about the latest findings. New research has shown that many of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease (heart attack and strokes) are the same as the risk factors for erectile dysfunction. “These recent studies contribute to an emerging body of evidence that suggests there is a vascular cause for erectile dysfunction in eight out of 10 men,” says David Kandzari, M.D., an interventional cardiologist at Piedmont Hospital. “Erectile dysfunction pre-dates the onset of symptomatic heart disease or stroke by about three to five years for many men,” he says. “It is no surprise whatsoever that the same interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke would be the same to help erectile dysfunction symptoms,” says Dr. Kandzari. “In particular, lifestyle modifications through exercise and diet, and when appropriate, drug therapy for the treatment of high blood pressure or cholesterol, improved erectile dysfunction symptoms across the board for all individuals. But in fact, the data proves the opposite, says Dr. Kandzari. “We are consistently seeing studies that show that taking these medications is associated with an improvement in erectile dysfunction symptoms,” he says. His key message for men with erectile dysfunction and their partners? If you begin to exhibit the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, be sure to talk with your doctor as soon as possible. He or she will determine if you have risk factors for other serious health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, and determine your best treatment plan. The global erectile dysfunction drugs market size was valued at over USD 4.39 billion in 2014. Key drivers of the market include an increase in patient awareness and education levels and growing base of geriatric population. Rising adoption of a sedentary lifestyle and increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases are further anticipated to fuel growth. However, the industry is estimated to witness a decline in revenue over the forecast period owing to the patent expiration of key drugs in 2019. Moreover, reported side effects from the existing drugs are negatively affecting the industry growth. Availability of cost-effective counterfeit drugs is further expected to decrease the valuation of the branded erectile dysfunction drugs. Government reforms and public awareness initiatives in developing regions of Asia Pacific and Latin America are expected to drive market growth during the forecast period. Economic development, healthcare infrastructure establishment, and increasing target population are estimated to provide potential growth platforms for this industry in these regions. Novel molecule combinations and drug delivery techniques such as the use of creams and pellets that show better efficacy and performance are expected to become an opportunity for the erectile dysfunction drugs industry. Now even though ED would only be rated 0%, this 0% rating, as opposed to no rating at all, is an important distinction. A 0% rating means that the VA recognizes it as a service-connected condition. As such, it could still qualify for Special Monthly Compensation, Category K (SMC-K). SMC-K provides a small amount of compensation for the loss of use of a creative organ. So if the erectile dysfunction effectively makes the veteran infertile, he would qualify for SMC-K. Also, because the condition is considered service-connected, any conditions that it causes (“secondary conditions”) would also be eligible for compensation. So if the veteran developed depression because of his ED (a very common symptom), it would qualify for compensation. Depression is a condition that can definitely interfere with the ability of a veteran to properly function in his daily life and earn a living. So, even though the ED itself would only be rated 0%, any condition that it causes that interferes with the veterans ability to work, would still qualify. While it is still unknown whether or not this change will officially be made, the VA has made a distinct stand on the issue of infertility with this proposal. If this change goes into effect, it is not clear in the proposal whether or not veterans who have already been awarded a disability rating for ED will retain that benefit. Historically, ratings, once given, have often not been reduced or taken away when changes like this have been made. Sometimes, however, a rating that is being eliminated because of new changes to the VASRD will have a definite end-date for current beneficiaries. We will not know what the ruling will be in the case of erectile dysfunction until the VA publishes the final regulation in its entirety. For all proposed changes, the VA grants a period of time when we can give feedback. How do you feel about eliminating the rating for ED? Check out our blog post about the changes and let us know your thoughts. Andrology Australia is an excellent resource for men to begin to explore their erectile dysfunction problems. Erectile dysfunction can be treated both psychologically and pharmacologically. The prescribed medicines of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra can be effective but do present some side effects, so consultation with a GP or specialist andrologist is recommended. Avoid cheap deals on the internet as the content of what is being sold cannot be verified. Psychological treatments are recommended when the cause of the dysfunction has emotional or psychological components. For example, a history of sexual abuse or other traumatic sexual experience may be helped by treatment by a psychologist. These treatments usually explore the patients’ histories and might involve applying Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (trying to change the way one thinks) or focusing on the context of the problem. It is best to ask any potential treating professional exactly what he or she intends to do and how this might work. And all this could be just a result of him being highly stressed at work. These relationship problems might be simply avoided if the man was open about his work situation and discussed this with his partner. A couple could also experience relationship difficulties that then lead directly to sexual difficulties, and so the man experiences erectile dysfunction. These kinds of situations are ones skilled psychological therapists are able to understand and treat. We know depression is linked to many unhappy outcomes, but it can be particularly related to erectile dysfunction and is suggested as a common cause. There is no doubt the two are closely connected, canadian pharmacy online 24 but it’s not clear which precedes the other. If a man is depressed about, for example, his career prospects, this can be reflected in his lack of interest in his sexual relationships and an experience of erectile dysfunction. Some antidepressant medications have been shown to increase erectile dysfunction, so this can compound the situation. The most appropriate way to manage erectile dysfunction is for men to have a preliminary health check with their family doctor and then be referred to a skilled psychological therapist who uses psychologically based treatments. Men experience a number of issues as they age, but one of the most troubling is a lack of sexual desire and performance. If you have noticed these changes in yourself, you may be thinking about asking your doctor for a prescription, but there are other alternatives on the market. Erectile Dysfunction is a male enhancement and sexual performance supplement designed to address those sexual issues. Many men are already using Erectile Dysfunction and supplements like it, and regular use may aid performance and help men fight back against the aging process. It is a problem many men are reluctant to talk about, even with their doctors. Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a common problem, but it is also a problem that for many men goes untreated. When men who were once young and vigorous find themselves unable to perform in the bedroom and please their partners, the effects can be devastating. Prescription Drugs like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra come with serious side effects and don't treat the underlying causes of ED. Here are some of the most commonly found ingredients in natural erectile dysfunction supplements. ➣ Panax ginseng - Also known as true ginseng and Korean ginseng, this natural herb is a major part of many erectile dysfunction formulations. No matter what name it goes by, ginseng may enhance mood, improve sexual desire and aid performance. ➣ Maca - Maca is a root vegetable native to Peru, but it has been making its way north and finding its way into natural erectile dysfunction formulations. Maca has been extensively tested in rats and shown to enhance sexual desire and performance, and there is ample reason to believe it may have the same effect on the human male. ➣ Tribulus Terrestris - Tribulus Terrestris has long been used in traditional medicine, and practitioners of alternative treatment value it for its healing properties. This common natural ED treatment is derived from the fruit of a spiny vine, and it is harvested carefully to preserve its effectiveness.
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