pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
                                                                   I can be                                               everyone's sunshine
                                               Even if it    always                                                                   always always                                                                                           rains                                                                                              in my end.
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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look at these cuties (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
My soul is baby pink and very expensive
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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Bonus Travis:
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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jester helps nott practice
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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Oh, my little artist!
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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JESTER: Okay. *pulls out pamphlets* Look what I made for you! ?: Hmm. Adorable. JESTER: People are going to worship you like crazy. ?: You know what to do, then? JESTER: Yes! Okay. I missed you.
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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“I wish it could always be like this.”
“You’re always there for me.”
“The stars are the only thing that makes sense.”
“There’s more out there, you just have to be patient.”
“It doesn’t all have to be existential dread.” 
“You’re so much different when we’re alone.”
“I like it when the worlds quiet.” 
“There’s a place for us somewhere.”
“They’ll name constellations after you one day.”
“Your hearts beating so fast.”
“They don’t know what they want.”
“You don’t know what you want.”
“That’s what they’re supposed to say.”
“We really don’t know what we’re doing.”
“I miss the old you.”
“Nostalgias a trap.”
“Aliens are out there.”
“Did you hear that?”
“I really want pizza right now, think it’s open?” 
“What time is it?”
“But why would they abduct cows?”
“We’ll all be dead soon enough anyways.” 
“I wish we didn’t have to sleep.”
“What do you believe in?”
“What happens after we die?”
“Seems like a silly thing to say, don’t you think?” 
“And what’s your excuse?”
“You’ll get it together soon.”
“Sometimes I feel like I’ll never have it together.”
“It’d be better if people weren’t so afraid of their feelings.”
“You keep quiet and we both lose.”
“I wish I could save this forever.”
“When did you realize you were in love with me?”
“The rooms spinning.”
“I loved you long before you knew.”
“I’m not afraid of death, I think it’ll be peaceful.”
“The Universe is too big for that.”
“Do you think we’ve met in other lives?” 
“I’d come back to haunt you.” 
“Would you come back to haunt me?”
“What’s alternate universe you doing right now?”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Why haven’t you told anyone?” 
“I wish we knew each other sooner.”
“You’re a game changer.” 
“I’m a game changer.”
“Don’t ignore fate.” 
“Ignorance isn’t bliss.”
“What, is that a conspiracy theory?”
“It’s probably the Illuminati anyways.” 
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
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10:30 me: let’s do a quick squid sketch 11:30 me: …what just happened
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
✤ - for my muse to wake yours from a nightmare (// from my sideblog tealeafreading :))
jester stretches her arms high above her head, grinning as their crack makes caleb, still half-asleep himself, wince while he stumbles past her with nott for their watch.    she tip-toes past fjord, rolling away from the grumpy monk flopping onto her bedroll, to collapse onto her own bedroll, fingers tangling in the laces of her leather breastplate as they work at them, eager to finally get to sleep.    it’s really been a pretty long night, really — except for watching caleb’s cat hunt field mice    ( and she still doesn’t really understand if he actually does need to eat or not, because even though caleb says frumpkin is a totally real cat, real cats don’t usually poof back everytime they get killed )   nothing much happened on her & beau’s watch.
bodice conquered, she slumps under her cover, burrowing deep against the late zemnian night’s chill.    she cups a 𝑠𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑒 close to her chest, her bedroll warming quickly, and her eyes train heavily on where the other tiefling lays a few feet away, kind of twitching in his sleep with a sleepy smile. 
movement catches her, though, and she squints until she can just see the tiniest bit of molly’s tail on his other side, coiling and releasing again and again.    she readjusts her own – and her eyes widen just that little bit enough to help wake her up enough.    oh ; she recognizes that.    molly’s having a nightmare.    clutching her covers, jester rolls over, taking the bedroll with her and ignoring fjord’s annoyed grunt at her exerted oomphs until she’s closer to the other mass of covers.    wiggling until she’s right up against molly’s side, she trades the flame to just one of her hands and reaches the other out of the safety of her covers to stroke at where his hair touches his pillow, humming haltingly under her breath. 
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❛ sleeeep little tiefling, ❜    infernal growls past her lips, and she tries to remember the next part of her mom’s favorite lullaby, pitching up and down until she finally catches the key again.    she doesn’t really remember the words, but she figures that’s not as important.    ❛ pretty waves bouncing by… and lots of fruit for you to try, and —  funny goblins trying to lie. ❜
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pastrycleric-blog · 6 years
✂ - for my muse to rescue yours from danger
three days of very intense, very thorough scouting kind of seem like a waste when the super secret library beau & caleb keep running off to is so… boring.   it took jester like two days just to even get inside the archive, and after she’d finally gotten in, there wasn’t even anything in there but books.    kind of a weird amount of books, actually – way more than anyone would ever really get the chance to read, and she’d really been planning on something more interesting being in there, and she’d been followed around by this super serious monk guy the whole time, and –
anyway, by the third day she’d just learned to stick to the outside, though the crownsguard presence is still crazy since that massive explosion.    she’s not exactly sure what the new plan is, but jester’s sure it will come to her – besides, the towers all together kind of look like four super tall, very sharp dicks, and she’s certain she can do something with that.
her nose itches, and jester frowns and scrunches her nose again and again to try to get it to stop.    she’s learned from that first day, when a crownsguard caught her staring up at the spire scribbling ideas in her sketchbook, so she’s keeping it on the downest low today.    she’s just a regular guard on duty, keeping a square eye over the sprawl… but if she scratches at her nose she knows she’s going to break her cover when it looks like a crownsguard stabbing himself in the face with his spear.   
             but.   𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 𝑎 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒.   actually, it’s a familiar kind of itch –              the one that follows some scent wafting behind her: kind of              like glass, and blood,  and the  street fairs  that would  pass             under her window in nicodranas, and –
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jester’s tail flares out behind her, invisibly tucked behind her very practiced spell, and curls itself around a leather boot.   it tugs to get the boot’s owner safely out-of-sight behind her at the same time jester waves at her belt, dispelling the traveler’s blessing she’d given herself to try to keep her disguise more inconspicuous.    she wriggles at the sensation of tiny needles as the blessing fades from her and passes to molly, and her voice is shrill as she angles a whisper behind her, ❛ – molly ! what are you doing here, this is a really, really secret place – they’re going to catch you ! ❜
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