patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
Maybe, but if I agreed to that then some might start accusing me of being self absorbed and cocky. Derek can be Mcdreamy and I'll be Mcbrainy. Have you just always had positive experiences with companies, or are you one of those people who just never complains, no matter how bad things were? I know the younger generation don't like complaining when it's valid. Does that involve making up multiple emails and aliases? Because if so then I might have to leave that to you, I'll just tell you what to say. Being Taylor Swift is pretty cool, but I think being Alycia Debnam-Carey is equally as impressive.
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somehow i think those sparks of genius come around a lot more than you think they do. who knew mcdreamy had all the ideas? i like the sound of that. i've never left a bad review in my life, but i feel like i'd have to toss out my best negative review for this occasion. i think we'd have to do multiple bad reviews to be considered internet trolls, but if that becomes our new title then so be it. i feel like even if you hate her, at least you still know her. imagine being taylor swift and being such a household name. i want to be her when i grow up. @patdcmsy
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
Maybe I am, I'm pretty sure I will be closer to your father's age than I am to you. We can bond over how stubborn you can be. Wait, really? Jeremy, I would be honoured to be a part of the wedding. I wouldn't miss it for everything. That's so exciting! Have you decided on a date yet? It's no secret I guess that rumours have been following me and Ellen since the first season of Greys. I've never struggled with the whole blurred lines when being in close proximity with a female co-star. But-I don't know, Ellen has always been different. There's just so much there that it's a lot to process after all these years.
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Are you admitting to a potential bonding session over me? My ego is loving this. Fine, I mean to have you be one of my groomsmen at my wedding soon. How do you feel about that? I do know that about the media. I just wanted to ask first because you know, I happen to know a thing or two about lines getting blurred with co-stars. It's easy to fall in love after being in such close proximity. If that's the case, I'm sure you'll figure things out in no time.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
If I said you were a very cute clown, would that make it better? I can think of a few other ways we can entertain each other and often, but it's usually best when we have an empty house. Are you saying you want to spend more time with me El? Because you know I'm not going to say no. When can I see you again? And preferably can it involve me taking you out on an actual date?
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Are you implying I'm your own personal clown? You know, I could get on board with that. You do happen to entertain me yourself and quite often. Our time together always seems to speed by at an alarming rate. Maybe that's the universe's way of telling us to prolong it. Just a thought. No, not terrible when I'm experiencing the Dempsey blues.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
Who classes as a main character though? Be careful how you answer that, because you could hurt some feelings. Of course I stayed up passed 9pm, I even made it to 10pm most nights, I was reckless the entire week. In your defence, Bradley only has one child, so how were you to know that he could only produce girls. How have the kids reacted to another baby in the house soon? I'm guessing Lucky is a little to young to understand. Wait, why are you getting pro-bono? As family based solely on looks, I think I could at least get a big discount, I'm helping her gain experience.
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I mean out of the main characters. Otherwise that list is going to get far too expansive. Did you manage to stay up past 9pm most nights or were you too busy being a grandpa? Damn it. I should of got with someone that has a track record for having boys. Too bad we're not going to have another chance to have a boy. Babies coming from me are ending with this one. Lucky for me I'm very good at giving cuddles and comfort. We haven't told her yet but she's going to be doing our taxes this year. Nothing to worry about there, right? I don't know if you'll be able to afford her. We're getting pro-bono.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
You can't say me though, I wasn't performing, for good reason, so I'm afraid that your answer is invalid. I guess age has nothing to do with it, if it's something you're into then you're bound to know more about it. It's better late than never, I'm glad that you enjoy the movie, it was a lot of fun to shoot. I might have to do more slashers in the future.
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That actually makes me feel so much better because i know the girls but that's about it, i swear my husbands knows more about pop culture than me and that's bad since i joke about him being old, well is it cliche to say to see you you? because i recently watched Thanksgiving and i am late i know but omg you were so good you gave me Kincaid vibes so bad and i was so here for it.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
Oh I know you could and I've seen it in person. You and tequila never fail to amaze me, as well as amuse me. I had a lot of fun this week, I almost didn't want it to end just because then I wouldn't get to see you as often. Would it be terrible to admit that I'm getting Pompeo withdrawals already?
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I'll come, but let's get one thing cleared away. I could very easily keep up with these kids. Just get some tequila in me and I'm as good as new. Invading your room is a welcomed experience. Besides, I've missed you.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
I'm sure that he doesn't, maybe I need to speak to him, we could end up sparking up a great friendship. Can't you just tell me what's up, you're being very cryptic right now. Firstly, I'm sure you know that the media loves to blow things out of proportion and make it seem like it's something it's not. Secondly, there might be something going on between the two of us, things are still very early and a little complicated.
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Trust me, he doesn't mind sharing the parental duties with you. No, it's not bad. Unless you have an issue wearing nice suits for extended periods of time. Whose leg are you trying to pull because let me remind you that I know a thing or two about outings with beautiful co-stars.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
It doesn't happen often, but sometimes I just have this sparks of genius. Don't expect to see another for the rest of the year. Maybe we should write a letter to the hotel, pitching our idea and if they don't follow through, we will have to leave them bad reviews. Would that make us internet trolls? I wouldn't be surprised, although you may struggle finding someone who is off the grid and doesn't have the internet to know who she is. This is sounding like a challenge.
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i love the way you think. a regular mastermind over here. who do we have to speak to in order to turn this genius idea into a reality? nothing wrong with that. i'm not all that familiar with most of the artist myself. i've heard of them, of course, but none of them i actively listen to on a regular basis. aside from taylor swift. i don't think there is a single person on the planet who isn't familiar with her music. @patdcmsy
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
There is a lot of people who have been on Grey's, but I'm sure there has to be at least one person. Sometimes you have to live a little, get out of her comfort zone and if that means not being tucked up in bed by 9pm then go for it. See, this is why you're missing out with having boys, they're usually the ones who favour their moms. There is a strong chance that you're going to end up with five daddy's girls. Dad's are usually there for the fun, but if they need anything or need comfort, I'm sure that's when you come in. They need you. Lucky is going to be an accountant? How does she feel about that and how do I hire her? What's her rates?
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What person that you know from Greys isn't obsessed with Taylor? I did go to the tour and it was one of the best nights of my life. I broke my curfew and I would say it was so worth it. Even if the next morning I was feeling exhausted. That's what a sleep in is for. Yeah, I'm very fortunate with that one. So maybe this kid is going to be on my side. Gotta have one of five on mamas team instead of dads, right? Maybe she's going to be both. We already set Luckys future career up as an accountant so now we're setting this one up, too.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
Maybe we can ask them to put a TV in the spa and broadcast the festival live. That way we can still enjoy the music while relaxing in the hot tub. I have to be honest, a lot of them I don't really know. My ex wife was a big Taylor Swift fan, so I know a lot of her music. What about yourself? Any performers that you'll pull yourself away from the spa for?
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i can promise you that you are not the only one who would prefer the spa over the festival. i love music and i love to have a good time, but i'd much rather lay around in a spa all day and be pampered than sit outside and be sweaty all day. are you looking forward to seeing anyone specific this week? @patdcmsy
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
How was I supposed to know your answer? It could have been any of them. Did you go to the Eras tour? What time is Taylor performing? Because you might have to break your 8pm curfew. I'll make sure I'm there though, so we can actually hang out while we're both here. No morning sickness? Wow you really are lucky. Why does it always seem to be the bladder, it's like babies know and just wants you to go running to the bathroom every five minutes. She just might be. Or, she might be a trampolinist.
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I thought the answer would be obvious. Taylor Swift. Itโ€™s like I get to relive the eras tour all over again. But on a mini scale. Catch me being in bed before 8pm. This grandma canโ€™t really handle music festivals anymore. Itโ€™s going good โ€” one of those lucky ones that outside of body aches not too much is happening. Weโ€™ve got a lil soccer player on our hands. She thinks my bladder is a ball so Iโ€™d hate to know whatโ€™s going to happen as time goes on. Maybe sheโ€™s going to be the next Megan Rapinoe.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
That's true. And while I'm sure you have your own father you can bug, I wouldn't change this. Do I even want to want what you've been up to? Is it bad and that's why you feel the need to tell me in person? You're not in trouble are you? I'm presuming you're talking about the photos of me and Ellen in Fiji? It was just a drink with an old friend.
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That's all you, Patrick. You knew what you were signing up for when you took me under your experienced wing. Yeah, I'm here too. Let's go ahead and do that because you're in for a proper little catch up on what I've been doing. I'm sure you have a lot to tell me too. Couldn't help but notice a certain tabloid publish some images of you with a pretty lady friend.
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
You haven't spoken to me in ages and suddenly you pop up wanting something? It really is like having a fourth child when it comes to you Jeremy. Are you at this Santa Monica music festival? Because we can go for a drink and you can tell me what it is that you're in need of.
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I'm making the rounds and coming to bug my mates who I've been neglecting. Turns out you're in the card and you being one of the most important ones of all... I do have to ask you something. I'm hoping you'll say yes so I think I should bribe you with some drinks before I pose the question. When are you free? / @patdcmsy
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
I don't know about you, but I'm not sure that I can keep up with these kids when it comes to a concert every night until the early hours. All I'm saying is, I have a hotel room all to myself, if you ever need to get away from the chaos. // @ellenkpompeo
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
I was going to ask who you are most excited to see perform this week. But I have a feeling I might see you more in the spa than in the front row. How is the pregnancy going? I hope the baby isn't giving you too much grief, is she kicking yet? // @caterinahills
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patdcmsy1 ยท 6 months
I don't know about you, but there are a lot of performers at this festival that I have never heard of before. I'm starting to wonder why my manager signed me up to this thing. Maybe he just thought I needed the break. Is there any you're excited for? // @klossehills
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