patheticfagboy45 · 1 month
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Sissy baby loves public humiliation!
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patheticfagboy45 · 1 month
I have found a beautiful Mistress that i have the privilege to serve. I look forward to serving her and being her property in the future. Wish me luck😘
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patheticfagboy45 · 1 month
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Jesse 😈😏🔥
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patheticfagboy45 · 4 months
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Would love to be pied on camera like this, and for the perpetrator to make it worse by saying “boom” to the camera 💥
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patheticfagboy45 · 4 months
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patheticfagboy45 · 4 months
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patheticfagboy45 · 4 months
Leather sub tapegagged
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patheticfagboy45 · 4 months
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240 notes · View notes
patheticfagboy45 · 4 months
For legit Alpha/fag arrangements - consider a contract.  Why?  Because that’s how you manage expectations and avoid potential train wrecks, frustrations, and embarrassment.   Not to mention catastrophic wastes of time.
It’s important to always remember;  we can’t read each other’s minds.  Which (in the long run) is a very good thing.  But when it comes to finding initial trust, loyalty, and expectations - not being able to read minds is a serious handicap.
It’s been my experience that few fags, slaves, or subs see their role from entirely the same perspective as the Alpha.  In fact - the vast majority see themselves in ultimate control without even realizing it.  But that’s a topic for an entirely different thread.
Creating an outline of what each is to expect of the relationship; can be an excellent way to shed light on both perspectives and inject a sense of trust right from the get-go.  It doesn’t have to be complicated or overly detailed, and by NO MEANS will it be legally binding.  I can’t stress that part enough.  You can’t legally obligate someone to serve you.  Slavery is simply a major offence for obvious reasons.  But as long as both parties recognize their respective legal rights and obligations - at least it will form a basis for continued, and mutually respective trust.  HOWEVER… Violence, bondage, bodily harm, and a few other parts of typical master/slave arrangements are considered criminal in most countries.  ALWAYS be aware of that.  This is why mutual understanding and trust are SO IMPORTANT.  
I drafted the following contract as a reasonable template.  It’s fairly complete, but there’s plenty of room to add or remove whatever does or doesn’t suit the situation.
For the sake of practicality, there’s even a back story to why this contract is written the way it is. It demonstrates how a contract needs to be fair and balanced even if it’s not legally binding. 
In this case - there’s a fag who is with an existing bf.  But he’s decided to commit to a long term live-in arrangement with the Alpha - and has asked the Alpha for a contract.  So this particular contract is written to show due diligence and respect to the (soon to be) Ex-Bf.  Which is only fair.  
                   A SAMPLE ALPHA-FAG CONTRACT
We the undersigned; being of the age of majority, and sound mind, do hereby mutually consent to, agree to, and abide by the terms and conditions laid out in the following contractual agreement between;  _______________, known herein as (the) “Alpha”, and ______________, herein referred to as (the) “faggot”.
This contract will be laid out by, cover, refer and relate to three periods of time.  The “Warm UP”, “Live In”, and “Exit” periods shall be outlined, and included as the main body of this contract.
The “Warm Up Period” Shall commence and be in force immediately upon the time and date of signing of this document.  It will likewise remain in force until such time that the faggot has taken his place living in the Alpha’s home.  
During the Warm Up Period, the faggot will;
remain chaste at all times and provide the Alpha a key or combination to any locked device worn or in possession of the faggot.
create a Tumblr or similar blog to which it;
dedicates posts often to the service, worship, and pleasure of the Alpha.
attempts to post at least two items per week.
makes frequent and sincere efforts to interact publicly with the Alpha’s tumblr blog.
maintains the content of its blog primarily without relying heavily on reblogs from others.
is made openly and honestly without the need for contrition.
decline ALL sexual, romantic, or intimate interactions between itself and any other entity (without permission) than the Alpha.
make reasonably frequent and regular attempts to be physically near the Alpha.
behave with, and exemplify proper respect and dignity toward the Alpha at all times, without exception or regard for context, present company, or circumstance.
make genuine effort to meet with and serve the Alpha in any way He may feel a need or desire.
diligently and proactively discuss, consider, set goals which include (but are not limited to) the following:
taking its rightful place in the Alpha’s home.
discuss the situation with existing relationships etc.
be up front with Alpha at all times about its intentions etc.
During the Warm Up Period, the Alpha will;
continue to text and interact with the faggot as time and motivation permits.
remain welcoming to the faggot at the Alpha’s home and other appropriate locations, gatherings, or events.
not place unnecessary pressure or expectation over the faggot with respect to his existing relationship, family, friendship, professional, or other individual needs.
at the Alpha’s sole discretion; be available from time to time to assist the faggot in a protective or utility capacity.
remain open and forthcoming about any activity which may affect the faggot or the terms and intent of this agreement.
be patient with respect to the faggot’s obligation to his existing relationships and household.
The “LIVE IN Period”:  will commence when the faggot has moved into the Alpha’s home.  The specific date will be determined by arbitration between the Alpha and the faggot during the Warm Up Period.
During the Live In Period, the faggot will;
Proactively communicate its individual routine and obligations with Alpha.  Examples;
sharing work schedule.
disclosing friendships.
outlining personal goals.
Work with Alpha to assure a mutually agreeable plan is in place which;
outlines the faggots personal short term and long term financial goals.
addresses Alpha’s expectations for the faggot’s financial contributions and obligations.
creates a framework and mutually agreed budget for the faggot.
places reasonable and easily met expectations on the faggot for maintaining financial wellness and a growing savings account.
Maintain gainful employment on a part time basis unless Alpha approves of full time schedule.
Continue chaste at the exclusive pleasure and discretion of Alpha.
Accept willingly and ungrudgingly; any task or condition dictated or indicated by Alpha - to the best of the faggot’s abilities at all times.
Behave toward Alpha in a positive, sincere way.
During the Live In Period, the Alpha will;
Reasonably assure that the faggot is positively supported and enabled to meet the conditions of this contract at all times.
Proactively and diligently protect the faggot from any condition which places the faggot in harm’s way financially, mentally, physically or morally.
Maintain an open and proactive dialogue with the faggot which discloses the needs, intentions, plans and conditions of the property, home, occupants and assets of Alpha’s estate.
Update and inform of any changes to policy, expectations and/or decisions which might affect the faggot’s ability to meet its obligations under this contract.
Consider and accommodate or support the faggot’s obligations to family, friends, and employment. 
During all periods of this contract: the following policies shall be considered enforceable and reasonable unless otherwise amended through mutual consensus of both Alpha and faggot:
faggot shall be willing to be nude at Alpha’s discretion.
faggot shall NOT permit itself any sexual contact with any human, object, or species without the express specific permission or direction of Alpha.
faggot shall NOT argue, question, or hesitate to immediately  comply and agree with any statement or action of Alpha while in audible range or line of sight of any person or group of persons. Likewise:
any disagreement shall be openly disclosed at an appropriate time and place.
concern over safety or ‘limits’ shall be presented respectfully and with patience.
faggot shall make a clear and concise list of punishments or forms of punishment it feels unwilling to bear.  The faggot further agrees to accept any form of punishment therein deemed appropriate by Alpha.
faggot shall (at all times) be prepared to, or willing to accommodate and/or accept or ingest any secreted or excreted fluids from Alpha.
faggot will not reasonably refuse Alphas cock in any way, or at any time.
faggot will accept Alpha’s seed without hesitation or excuse.  ie; faggot ALWAYS accepts and ingests or “holds” any and all oral and anal inseminations by Alpha.
faggot will not refuse interaction with Alpha based on paranoia or concern for the thoughts of others.  If Alpha feels a location or event and activity is suitable, faggot will comply.
at the sole discretion of Alpha;  faggot will serve whomever, wherever, and whenever it is directed.
when not home, or with Alpha;  faggot will remain willing to,   endeavour to seek out and serve by text at any and all reasonable opportunity.
faggot shall keep itself on a weekly body shaving schedule, and will always maintain a smooth ass and pelvis.
anal devices (as determined by Alpha) shall remain in-use unless otherwise expressed by Alpha.
faggot agrees and consents to any and all potential forms of non-harmful binding, shackling, chastity, caging or the like.  At the sole discretion of Alpha but within common sense and safety.
faggot must trust that Alpha knows best. As such, it is expected to endure whatever levels of pain,  exposure, restriction, constriction, discomfort or condition Alpha’s discretion dictates.
faggot surrenders complete control to Alpha in trust of Alpha’s good faith and fair judgement of safety and well being.
faggot acknowledges that “Alpha knows best” with regard to all aspects of faggot’s life, safety, freedom, independence and responsibilities.
Alpha and faggot both understand that the primary concern is the safety and wellbeing of all parties and stakeholders affected herein.
faggot agrees and acknowledges that the use of or compliance with a safe word is not required on behalf of the Alpha. The faggot understands that “no” and “stop” are not safe words, and that the Alpha will decide for himself whether to stop.  The faggot openly and confidently consents to Alpha’s sole discretion and judgement in this regard.  The faggot further acknowledges and maintains by initial,_____that this clause/condition was drafted specifically by the faggot and that it is included on this contract by his own will and request.
faggot hereby gives express and unrestricted permission to Alpha to make profit or income from the use of faggot in any capacity seen fit by Alpha.  faggot waves any and all financial claims in past, present or future contexts.    The faggot further acknowledges and maintains by initial,_____that this clause/condition was drafted specifically by the faggot and that it is included on this contract by his own will and request.
The EXIT PERIOD will be 30 DAYS and commence upon notice, and/or acceptance of the decision of either party; to either party; and of either party of this contract;  whereby the intention to end the contract is conveyed and understood by both faggot and Alpha.
During the EXIT PERIOD:
all accounts, conditions, indemnifications, acceptances and otherwise shall be considered in FULL FORCE until midnight on the evening before the faggot departs from Alphas home with intention of not returning as a live-in faggot.
the faggot will be responsible for;
seeking his new accommodations.
clearing up any monies owed to the household or its  occupants.
gathering its things and find appropriate boxes etc. to pack them in.
correcting or repairing any damaged items or property the faggot may be responsible for.
. the Alpha will be responsible for:
finalizing any and all involvement or access to funds, assets, or interests of the faggot.
assuring that the faggot is adequately prepared, equipped, and supported in meeting its obligations during the exit period.
provide financial assistance as the Alpha may deem necessary to assure the faggot remains safe, warm, and dry upon exiting Alpha’s home.  This clause is limited in obligation to a 30 day term.
During the Exit Period (and for the foreseeable future) both parties shall remain positive and caring.   Both shall remain optimistic and supportive.  Both parties will respect each other and themselves, and; the fact that both Alpha and faggot initiated this contract with good faith and common interests at heart.
The EXIT PERIOD shall be considered terminated and reconciled in full, upon the stroke of midnight at the end of the 30th day after the initial notice.  
Signed on this, the ______ day of _____, 20__  by both parties as consenting and sound minded adults with full understanding and agreement of the conditions outlined within the whole of this document and in good faith of the intent, legality, implications, dangers, and otherwise unforeseeable circumstances created, executed, and or in service of the context and true intent of this contract.
Signed by faggot:                              Signed by Alpha:
____________________________        ________________________________                  (signature)                                             (signature)
____________________________         ____________________________                    (printed)                                                (printed)
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patheticfagboy45 · 5 months
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One of my last diapee’s before my hair cut.
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patheticfagboy45 · 5 months
Please take me here!!!!!
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patheticfagboy45 · 5 months
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~Another diapered day ^w^~
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patheticfagboy45 · 5 months
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I need more diapee’s :x
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patheticfagboy45 · 5 months
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Aaand my personal favorite of the bunch~
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patheticfagboy45 · 5 months
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Aaand my personal favorite of the bunch~
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patheticfagboy45 · 5 months
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Aaand my personal favorite of the bunch~
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patheticfagboy45 · 5 months
Tightly sealed in shiny rubber.
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