pathsformx · 5 years
Doctor Who - School Reunion - sentence starters
1. “Correctamundo! … A word that I have never used before and hopefully never will again.” 
2. “Careful. Keep it steady. Don’t spill a drop.” 
3. “So there’s definitely something going on. I was right to call you home.” 
4. “I thought you called me home… well, just to call me home.” 
5. “’_______’? I used to have a friend who sometimes went by that name.” 
6. “Nice to meet you! Yes. Very nice. More than nice. Brilliant.”
7. “Well, no harm in a little investigation while I’m here.” 
8. “It’s weird seeing school at night. It just feels wrong.” 
9. “It’s you. ______. Oh my god, it’s you, isn’t it?” 
10. “I thought you’d died! I waited for you and you didn’t come back and I thought you must have died!” 
11. “I lived. Everyone else died.” 
12. “You can tell you’re getting older, your assistants are getting younger.” 
13. “And you decided to scream. Like a little girl. Nine, maybe ten years old. I’m seeing pigtails, frilly skirt.” 
14. “I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but who exactly are you?” 
15. “Oh, ______. The ______ and the ex. Welcome to every _____’s nightmare.” 
16. “You know how you used to think all the teachers slept in the school? Well, they do.” 
17. “Why does/do he/she/they/it look so… disco?” 
18. “What’s impressive is that it’s been nearly an hour since we met her/him/them, and I still haven’t said ‘I told you so’. Though I have prepared a little ‘I was right’ dance that I can show you later.” 
19. “All this time you’ve been giving it ‘He’s/she’s/they’re different’, but the truth is, he’s/she’s/they’re just like any other ______.” 
20. “Did I do something wrong? Because you never came back for me. You just dumped me.” 
21. “I waited for you. I missed you.” 
22. “Oh, you didn’t need me. You were getting on with your life.” 
23. “He/she/they/it recognize(s) me!” 
24. “It’s the children. They’re doing something to the children.” 
25. “How many of us have their been travelling with you?” 
26. “I thought you and me were…. Obviously I got it wrong.” 
27. “You can spend the rest of your life with me… but I can’t spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone.” 
28. “Since when do ______ have wings?” 
29. “If I don’t like it, then it will stop.” 
30. “Fascinating. Your people were peaceful to the point of indolence. You seem to be something new. Would you declare war on us, ______?” 
31. “You get one warning. That was it.” 
32. “Surveillance! If you ask me, it’s just another way of saying ‘Go sit at the back of the class with the safety scissors and glitter.’” 
33. “With you, did _____ do that thing where he/she/they’d explain something at like 90 miles per hour, and you’d go ‘What?’ and he/she/they’d look at you like you just dribbled on your shirt?”
34. “They’ve taken them all! They’ve taken all the children!” 
35. “Crack that equation and you’ve got control of the building blocks of the universe. Time and space and matter, yours to control.” 
36. “All of creation with the face of _______? Call me old-fashioned, but I like things as they are.” 
37. “Their lives are so fleeting. So many goodbyes. How lonely you must be, ______.” 
38. “The universe must move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether its a world or a relationship, everything has its time, and everything ends.” 
39. “When we find ______, eat him/her/them if you must, but bring me his/her/their brain.” 
40. “Time I stopped waiting for you and found a life of my own.” 
41. “Some things are worth getting your heart broken for.” 
42. “Come on, you. Home. We’ve got work to do.” 
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pathsformx · 5 years
Please reblog if you play a character who is 30 years of age or older
I don’t care if it’s an OC or a canon character, and while I play a human, I don’t care if your fandom isn’t but for the love of god, why is everyone in their twenties? Give me some mid thirties or even some fourties. Hell, throw me some silver foxes. Please.
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pathsformx · 5 years
Send me a ♛for an aesthetic of our characters.
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pathsformx · 5 years
v: time and space
Set during the main universe of current events of Doctor Who.
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pathsformx · 5 years
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“It’s not a bad sight with all things considered,” Cipher pointed out, staring out the door of the Dreadnought.   She looked past the blue-green planet below and to so many stars.
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pathsformx · 5 years
Gallifreyan Biology: Genetics
Gallifreyans have Triple Helix DNA as well as TNA. The extra third strand was added by Rassilon to make Regeneration possible. Hidden in Gallifreyan DNA are ‘killing lessons’ to destroy Cacophony should she ever appear. Time Lords share 98% of their genes with Vampires. The DNA of every previous incarnation lies dormant inside a Gallifreyan’s body. By the time he had regenerated 7 times the Doctor (and presumably other Gallifreyans) have 69 chromosomes divided into 23 homogeneous triads. They are vunerable to some earth viruses, like influenza, fevers, and the common cold. They can also suffer from rheumatism. Before the curse fades almost all Gallifreyans are sterile. Every Gallifreyan has a Bio-Data Extract (aka biog-data extract, or D-E) sample removed and stored by Coordinator of the Matrix and veiwable only by the Coordinator, the Castellan, and members of the High Council. Losing one’s virginity makes it much more difficult (if not impossible) for Gallifreyan technology to read ancestral memories from the subjects biodata. Transmission of an extract is considered treason. There are millions of Time Lord extracts stored in the Archival Office (implying that Gallifrey has had more then 1000 Time Lords for much of it history), but as of The Ancestor Cell a total of only 153,846 Time Lord mindes have been uploaded into the Matrix. Extracts of Time Lords are color coded by chapter. Time Lord D-Es can only be accessed by the High Council or the Castellan and all accesses are logged.
( Reference )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Gallifreyan Biology: Nervous System
Gallifreyan brains are green in color and larger then a human’s. They have Superganglion which allows them to re-order and re-program their neural pathways at will. Among other things this allows them to separate the operation of the two hemispheres of their brains and makes them immune to some types of interrogation technology. They can also switch off the parts of their brain that process input from various senses, allowing them to limit their vast number of senses to the same range as a human. They have perfect memory of everything they experience (in that incarnation) and an over greater memory storage capacity than a human. A dormant throwback organ in their brains can allow them to sense higher dimensions (with training). They are much more vulnerable to changing magnetic fields then most humanoids are. Depending on how their brain is currently configured, and how “off” their biorythems are it can sometimes take them a while to notice the blindingly obvious. At the base of their brains is a separate tertiary lobe called the Autonomic Brain that handles all body and motor functions. This frees the rest of the brain for purely intellectual pursuits allowing them to think of over 7,432 ideas in a few minutes. An electroencephalograph of a Gallifreyan brain will show a type of activity unlike any human brain. While human alpha waves are generated by the occipital lobe, Gallifreyan Alpha Waves are generated by the hypothalamus. If all other forms of communication have been disabled they can communicate via reduced-frequency alpha waves. Because of their extended life span Gallifreyans need to clear out some of their memories every few thousand years. They usually store the more important memories using telepathic circuits. Gallifreyans have a nerve cluster of major ganglion along their left collar bone beneath the left clavicle that allows them complete control over their own metabolism . A blow at this cluster will render them unconscious. Their retinas are so sophisticated that they can almost think on their own. In addition to rods and cones their eyes are equipped with octagons, gives them amazing night vision. They can shift their vision outside the normal visual spectrum allowing them to see a total of 170 different levels of the electromagnetic specturm, including in some shades of ultraviolet. There’s a lot of evidence that their eye color can change depending on mood. Their pupil response is very different from humans and can resist super intense photo-emissions that would permanenlty blind a human. (If they remember to check) they can tell whether a humanoid is Gallifrey just by looking at them. A regenerated Gallifreyan’s, hearing and smell is better than human’s and some Gallifreyans can perform biochemical analysises of what they eat including identifying blood type. Unconcious Gallifreyans can often be awakened with a heated infusion of free radicals, antioxidants, and tannin (aka boiling tea vapor). The scent of Celery is considered to be another powerful restorative on Gallifrey. Many Gallifreyans are capable of amazing voice imatation. Thus locks with voice prints are not in common use. ( Reference )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Gallifreyan Biology: Circulatory System
Most Gallifreans are loomed with one heart. When they regnerate they aquire a second heart that is a mirror image of the first. Newblood Gallifreyans are loomed with 2 hearts and have excellent control over their appearance when regenerating. Their hearts are bivalved and each heart produces two distinct beats per cycle. After regeneration, most Gallifreyans have two hearts (a primary and a secondary) each of which usually beat 60 times per minute and normally fibrillate at a rate of 300. A double pulse of 170 is considered more or less normal. The electical activity of the hearts is much greater then a humans and the beats are quite powerful making it difficult for the hearts to be exactly located with a sethoscope. The speed of each heart can vary and they can survive with only 1 heart beating. Gallifreyans are trained to stop both their hearts and feign death for several hours. Both hearts are supported by a binary vascular system. The removal of one heart results in the temporay loss of many Gallifreyan enhancements whiile a new heart is grown. If someone has a Gallifreyan heart transplanted into their body they will be linked to the doner Gallifreyan and it will be very difficult to kill the doner without killing the receiver as well. A Gallifreyan’s blood pressure is typically 70/70 millimeters of mercury. Gallifreyan blood is darker than human blood and redish-orange. It doesn’t conform with any form of human blood because it has a different pathological state and lots of unusual acids. The respiratory pigment doesn’t use hemoglobin but does share some of structural characteristics of human hemoglobin. Their blood carries a uniquie artron energy signaturs and the temporal platelets cluster around any wound, accelerating time in that area to speed the healing. These advanced platelets detect even tiny amounts of toxins. Time Lord Phagocytes can resist Grell space time altering Viral Particles that would easily influence humans. If a Gallifreyan is injected with a sample of genetically contaminated blood their immune systems can create anti-bodies of such sophistication that when injected back into the original donor they ‘teach’ the victim’s white corpuscles how to break down the hostile DNA. Their blood doesn’t have a type and (due to its regenerative properties) it is in a constant state of genetic flux. Not surprisingly doesn’t smell like human blood. Because of its unique nature it can be transfused into any human without complications. A human recipient will feel rather energized, probably because it carries oxygen (and other gases) vastly better than human blood. Gallifreyan lungs can absorb every single molecule of oxygen inhaled. They need less (only ¼) oxygen as a human to function normally and thus they normally take only 4 breaths a minute. Gallifreyans have a bypass respiratory system and a secondary cardiovascular system. When conciously triggered, the bypass system contracts, closing off their primary respiratory passages making them very resistant to most forms of anaesthetic, ether, cyanide, stragulation, hanging, and the squeaky voice caused by helium. Gallifreyans are also much more resistant to mercury poisoning than Humans. Mustard Gas is still deadly however. They lose their sense of smell when they rely on their Bypass respitory system. The bypass respitory systems also allows them to hold their breath for several minutes and, with warning, a Gallifrey can store enough oxygen in their system to be active for 20 minutes. If this is insuficient they can enter a trance to reduce their oxygen intake even futher allowing them to hold their breath for hours. As Gallifreyans pass 1000 years of age their bypass respiratory system becomes less reliable and there is a chance that they won’t be able to awaken from its use. Some Gallifreyans (such as the Rani) have some trouble breathing in humid environments. ( Reference )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Gallifreyan Biology: Psionics
Whenever two Gallifreyans meet there is a courtesy mind-touch to identify and acknowledge each other. This allows them to recognize each other even if they are wearing a new body. There are also able to tell if humans are telepathic or not. Gallifreyans suffer psychic feedback, fever and headaches as their telepathic abilities mature. Gallifreyans can use touch telepathy to form entrelacement (Contact). If they are trying to telepathically contact one of their own incarnations they don’t even need to be touching. Indeed such contact can be made over the astral plane (the 4th Dimension) over galactic distances. Some of them can telepathically block a person’s memories back to an arbitrary point in their life. They can also implant post-hypnotic suggestions in people who are trying to read their minds. The Matrix also enhances the Time Lord telepathic powers. Every Time Lord possesses a quantum of Artron Energy which gives them a unique artron energy signature. This is significantly more life-energy than a human has. It’s possible that females might be more gifted with telepathic abbilites. They generate Artron Energy traces that can be used by others to determine their age and identity. The energy they possess increases by a minute amount every time they pass through the Vortex. They are capable of absorbing lethal amounts of energy from another humanoid. After doing so a regneration will be nessecary to eliminate the energy. They can also donate some of their energy to recharge a TARDIS Power Cell but doing so consumes 10 years of their total lifespan. Gallifreyans can uses a process called Soul Catching to absorb a dying Gallifreyan’s memories. Mindbending (aka Time Lord Wrestling) is a Time Lord game that involves a telepathic battle between two contestants. They try to regress each other mentaly through their previous incarnations. Its just a game but it can end in deathlock if a contenstant is pushed back to the point of death. ( Source )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Gallifreyan Biology: General Biology & Looming
General Biology
Despite looking like humans from Sol III, biologically speaking Gallifreyans have much more in common with Chelonians. Gallifreyans have got multiple organs of virtually everything including two more ribs (than humans). They have 2 of most of the organs that humans have only one of, and 4 of the organs that humans have only two of. Asside from the extra ribs a Gallifreyan’s skeleton is almost identical to a humans. They can have fillings inserted in their teeth that are supposed to regenerate when their body regenerates (though this process isn’t perfect). They have only one liver. Their internal body temperature is 15-16 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit) however their skin temperature is only a little below the human norm. Gallifreyans tend to find a room temp of 20 C to be uncomfortably hot. Despite this, adult Gallifreyans are capable of withstanding extreme temperatures at both ends of the scales. They can remain concious in the -270 C cold of space for 6 minutes and can withstand 200 degreec C for up to 3 minutes. At body temperatures of several hundred degrees below 0 C a Gallifreyan will lose complete control of their body and appear dead. Despite this their mind is infact very active. Gallifreyan probably have tonsils and its not probably not unknown for them to have to be removed. Gallifreyans have more than one stomach and are not as vulnerable to malnutrition as Humans are. Some (if not all) believe that only one meal a day is perfectly normal. Despite this their metabolism is relitively close to a humans and they can eat the same foods. Some Gallifreyans can use their stomachs to interpret human memory RNA and producing the Gallifreyan equivalent. They and can easily go two days without water and a week without food is not a major strain. Infact they sometimes sit in thought for days without food or water. However 40 days without food or water will make a Gallifreyan delirious. Gallifreyans metabolize alcohol very quickly so it is almost impossible for them to become drunk or suffer the effects of hallucinogens. Thus can easily drink 10 pints of beer without showing any ill effects. Some Gallifreyans can use special meditations to regulate their metabolism. This gives them a very fine control over the rate at which they metabolize alcohol, making inebriation or hallucinations possible. However Ginger pop has a severely deleterious effect on any Gallifreyan metabolism. This allows them to be easily effected by any alcohol they might have consumed. They need to urinate every few days. Arsenic is toxic to Gallifreyans and will inhibit their enzymes. If a large source of protein, salt, and other chemicals (found in ginger beer) are availible a Gallifreyan who has been poisoned with arsenic can use a major shock or surprise to trigger Detox. This detoxification allows their stomach to stimulate inhibited enzymes to reverse and release all toxins a gas that can be exhaled. Aspirin is incredibly toxic to Gallifreyans. The allergic reactions that occur when aspirin begins to interfer with their genetic struture causes massive a pulmonary and cerebral embolism severe enough to prevent regeneration. Even touching it can be dangerous. Detox can be used to negate aspirin poisoning if the Gallifreyan can consume some chocolate. The simple triglycerides in the chocolate combats the anti-platelets effect of the aspirin. The Detox procedure doesn’t work for all toxins. Gallifreyans don’t have prostate glands. When trained they can control their adrenaline, blood-suger levels, heart rate, respiration, and presperation to the point where they can fool 23rd century medical diagnotics into thinking they are human. They can even switch off any of their organs at will. They also have control over the speed and location of their hair growth. They can grow hair faster then humans or stop the growth compleatly. Despite this some Gallifreyans still shave their faces. Their skin smells like honey and has extra subdural and subcutaneous layers. This makes their skin very resistant to radiation, physical damage, poison ivy, sunburns, and tanning. Gallifreyans can resist radiation that will kill a human in 4 minutes for 2-12 minutes before they start to take noticable damage. They can easily absorbe 50 times the output of a 21st century medical X-ray machine (approximately 50 rems of Roentgen (aka X-Ray) radiation) and them expel it into any object they they can touch. Incarnations which appear to be physically younger are significantly more resistant to radiation then older bodies. Gallifreyans can erect non porous barriers around their noses, ears and eyeballs that prevent any intrusion on the molecular level. This allows them to remain concious for 6 minutes and survive up to 20 minutes in space unprotected. Gallifrreyans have incredible strength for their size. They can remain concious when exposed to G-forces that would kill a human. They can enter self-induced sleep trance in which breathing, heart beat, and brain activity are all reduced to an absolute minimum. While in this trance a Time Lord can ponder complex ideas without any outside distractions. 20 minutes in this state is equivalant to 8 hours of sleep for a human. Thus they only need about 1-6 hours of sleep every 2 days and some Gallifreyans can get by on a decade of sleep every 100 years. Others become tired after only being awake for only 4 days. Most prefer 1 hour of sleep a day. Gallifreyans rarely dream, but when they do, they sometimes dream of choosing their next bodies, being able to fly, becoming the opposite sex, and bearing children. Gallifreyan who have regenerated in that last few days will require a lot of sleep, even by human standards.
There are between 3 and 9 million Gallifreyans and just over 10% of them are female. Because of their history, Gallifreyan culture tends to view the female gender as a symbol of the unlike and the outside. The Curse of the Pythia rendered almost all Gallifreyans are sterile. Though they are physicaly capable of sex most have almost no sex drive. Losing one’s virginity makes it much more difficult (if not impossible) for Gallifreyan technology to read ancestral memories from the subjects biodata. While some Gallifreyans will enjoy erotic dancers actual prostitution is very rare. Low Town does support a few brothels. Despite all this, some Gallifreyans fall in ‘love’ and some undergo marriage. However Gallifreyan Marriages are almost always undertaken to maintain the power of the Chapters by strengthening the political power of the Houses involved. A Gallifreyan generation is 10,000 years. Each Chapterhouse has a loomshed, which holds the House’s Loom. The Honorable Central Population Directory defines the quota of cousins for each House’s Loom. This dierectory is directly controled by the High Council. A loom consists of millions of fine cords which weave matter (probably Rapid Growth Biomass) and biodata together. For several days spirals of data flow down these cords and are woven into a mesh. From this mesh a Gallifreyan Childe is formed. During this time Loom-Tenders’s supervise and occationally sing traditional rhymes. The Looms are complex anchors in time designed to link the Gallifreyan to Gallifrey and, by extension, the Web of Time. As such they have limited knowledge of the future of every loomling. They probalby weave not only DNA but also give each loomling a distinct future. Depending on the Loom, some loomlings (or childes) produce offspring as small childes (reminicent of a human child) other looms produce them as full grown adults. The childeren have milk teeth. A loomling will have trouble using proper grammar, but can walk right after Looming. ( Source )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Gallifreyan Biology: Development
A Gallifreyan childe ages slower then Humans and it takes hundreds of years for them to mature into what a Gallifreyan would consider an adult. At 5 years old, loomlings are amazingly intelligent. An 11 year old would look like an 8 or 9 year old human, but a 16 year old would look like an earth teenager. At around this point their aging slows dramaticly - a 48 year old would look like an 18 year old human. Some one around 60 would still still look like young adult but would still considered to be a very young childe. Gallifreyans in their teens need as much food as a human teenager if not more. Adult Gallifreyans eat about as much as human. They are still considered kids at age 90. Young Gallifreyans need to sleep a little more then most humans, but after they pass First Maturation and learn to control their bodies, they only need 1-2 hours a day. Childes spend several decades undergoing Brainbuffing both at home and at school. Many Childeren recite prayers to the Time and her Sisters. The spend almost all of their childhood learning focused on their life of duty. Most (if not all) children are taken from their families at the age of 8 to attend their Chapter’s Academy. At some points in history some aliens (such as Gresaurus) are allowed to take classes at the Academies. These aliens are not allowed to learn any Temporal Engineering skills. One of these races was the War Lord Aliens. They were expelled for trying to learn how to build TTCs (TARDISes). The Prydon Chapter has its own Time Academy and the Patrex Chapter has its own Acadmey as does each of the other Chapters. The Prydon Academy is open to the air and located on the slopes of Mount Cadon (Gallifrey’s highest mountain). Cadon is often covered with little blue flowers. Prefectly groomed lawns surround the ebony buildings, which are accessed by sand filled pathways Those taking the mystic studies course spend a great deal of time meditating and dark secrets are taught to the monks in the upper levels of its towers. The Lodge of the Patrexes Academy is located in the Capitol. It has a gate of solid light with a sphere of the first gold ever formed in the Universe. The same year they enroll in the Academy each Novice is taken outside the Capitol to the Untempered Schism for their initiation. They gaze into this gap in reality and stare at the raw power of the entire Space-Time Vortex. When confronted with eternity some Novices are inspired, some run away, and a very few go mad. Gallifreyans who pass are know as Time Tots (aka Time Toddlers) and are given the rank of Novice. Some (if not all) students receive a new official name while attending their Academy. All Gallifreyans receive single names (though they are usually very long). The long version of a Gallifreyan’s name is writen in Old High Gallifreyan. The length of a Time Lord’s name grows as his social and political stature increase. They also receive a nickname using Greek letters that identifies them uniquely and relates to the location their mind will occupy in the Matrix, based off their physical and mental abilites. The closer to alpha their names is the greater their preceived abilities. These names are listed on the Academy Roll in a bronze Records Building. Gallifreyans are force-educated using Neural Training, which on high-intensity level, can teach someone to speak, read, write, count, and play an instrument in one hour. Despite this, there are a number of major similarites between the Prydon Academy and the schools on Earth in the 20th century. Novices learn quantum mechanics in Infant School and even the simplest geometry problem is solved using the first 5 dimensions. While still Time Tots they read 4 dimensional pop-up books like Our Planet’s Story and Every Gallifreyan Child’s Pop-Up Book of Nasty Creatures From Other Dimensions. They are also taught to recite their 2337 times tables. They attend Temporal Protocol classes. Some of the games the children play might involve extra-galactic space travel. They are taught how to live and act in society and that all life is sacrosanct and that Gallifreyans need to be dedicated to a life of service to Time. They also study supralogic. At around 60 they are taught Tri-bio-physics. Novices take the entrance examination for the Time Academy while still in brain buffing. If they are accepted then, after 12 years with their Chapter’s Academy, they are enrolled in the Time Academy. If they don’t pass they remain at their Chapter’s Academy. Gallifreyans are not considered legal adults untill they are 200 years old A Gallifreyan who is almost 400 years old is a legal adult, but they are viewed as being an adolescent but his elders until he can taste his own tongue. 750-850 years old is considered to be analogus to “approaching middle age.”
( Source )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Gallifreyan Biology: Regeneration
Several sources claim that Time Lords are the only Gallifreyans who are capable of regeneration. But several other sources show normal (ie non-Time Lord) Gallifreyans regenerating without anyone considering it unusual. Regeneration was created to extend the already amazing Gallifreyan lifespan. Gallifreyan bodies are filled with self-replicating biogenic molecules (sometimes known as the Immortality Virus, the Legacy of Rassilon or nanites) that work ceaselessly to repair and prune damaged and malformed cells. Because of this it takes hundreds of years for a Gallifreyan to show signs of aging. These biogenic molecules are a variation of symbiotic nuclei and (probably using sonic waves) gives all Gallifreyans a symbiotic self-renewing cell structure. Time Lords actually use their symbiotic nuclie to govern regeneration. If a Gallifreyan’s symbiotic cell structure was ever deactivated they will not be able to regenerate. The biogenic molecules allow the body to dispose of foreign objects and implants fairly quickly. They usually recover from unconciousness faster than humans. By “retreating” into a healing trance most injuries (such as burns and diseases) can be healed in a day. While extreame pain or a sufficiently strong audio-visual barrage will automatically induce a healing trance some training is required to enter one voluntarily. The biogenic molecules are aided by temporal platelets which cluster around any wound, accelerating time in that area to speed the healing. A broken leg can heal in anywhere from a few hours to 4 days depending of the severity of the break. Most nonlethal bullet wounds heal in a day (the bullet is ejected from the body). Bullet grazes heal in a few hours. A combination of a bullet hole through the frontal lobe, a broken nose, jaw, femur, and collarbone will take a Gallifreyan 6 months to heal. These rates of healing can be enhanced if the Gallifreyan is kept near (or inside) a TARDIS. While in the healing trance, they will appear dead to most humanoids, but other Gallifreyans can tell they’re alive. Their body temperature will drop so far below zero that that frost sometimes forms on the body and the mind will essentially switch off. Despite this one heart will continue to beat about once every 10 seconds. While in the trance they can metabolize many types of poisons and drugs using Detox. Using the trance, a fall from over 200 feet can be survived without losing conciousness or seriously breaking any bones. This is accomplished by a combination of bone relaxation and cellular break down and regeneration (similar to what happens in larval pupa). Gallifreyans have even been know to survive lightning strikes. They can selectively regenerate specific organs while in the trance and (given several months) a Gallifreyan can grow a new heart (should one of their originals be removed). It might be possible for them to grow new limbs. If kept alive, a Gallifreyan’s severed body part can be used to detect whether that specific Gallifreyan is in the area. If the body is subjected to great stress such as a severed limb, extream illness, (or perhaps extreme boredom) the the Limbic (or Lindal) Gland releases the hormone Lindos to trigger Regeneration. As the hormone travels throughout the Gallifreyan’s body will begin to feel weak (especially if this is his first regeneration) As the body prepares to lose solidity the Gallifreyan there will always be a moment of hallucination. Ideally all regenerations should take place within a low-grade telepathic field (like the inside of a TARDIS). At this point the permanently carried self-replicated biogenic molecules heal the body of its wounds. Gallifreyans who are exposed to the vacuum of space for several minutes, have had both their hearts punctured, or suffer a direct hit by a Dalek Neutraliser can not regenerate. It is possible to regenerate from a glancing hit by a Dalek Neutraliser. Gallifreyans are educated in how to control their regenerations at their chapter’s academy. It is also possible for some (all?) Time Lords to will their own regeneration without stress or injury. Chemical and telepathic signals can be used to force regenerate someone who is badly wounded (but not somebody who is concious and refuses to regenerate). In most cases, once all the cells have been healed, the regeneration of the body will proceed. However, by enacting the proper meditative techniques a Gallifreyan can temporarily delay the completion of their regeneration for several hours and (if their will is great enough) several days. This assumes they don’t die first. If a Gallifrey the regeneration was triggered by an injury, and a suitble bio-matching receptacle (a spare hand that had been amputated for example) is availible, they can abort the Regeneration after the healing process is complete by siphoning off all the extra energy into the receptcal. This is a rare occurance as regeneration was never intened to be used to heal injuries (and bio-matching recepticles are rarely availble). After healing, the regeneration proceeds and the subject’s body (and to a lesser degree the mind) will be completely restructured. The extra third strand of Gallifreyan DNA was added by Rassilon to make Regeneration possible. This strand stores the regenerative information within the Gallifreyan’s Bio-plasmic Fields that surrounds their bodies. With out these feilds of cronon energy regeneration would be impossible and a Gallifreyan would age and die. These fields of chronon energy also protect a Time Lord as they travel from one time stream to another. These fields have to be very active to adapt to the trauma of Regeneration. So much so that if a member of a lesser speices is exposed to a Gallifreyan for several months the bio-fields will ‘infect’ them providing the same protection from the timestream, rejuvinating their cells, and replace their telemeres. As a result the primitive will age very slowly and live for centuries. If this alien was to leave Gallifrey they will start to age at the rate of a year for every day. During regeneration this information is conveyed from these fields to the biogenic molecules via a bio-language called Nucleolingua Symbiotica. When a regeneration does occur the permanently carried self-replicated biogenic molecules rebuild the body in a violent biological eruption of Artron Energy. Normaly this energy comes from the Lindos hormone, though other sources of artron energy can be used as well. Using this energy every molecule in every cell is adjusted, displaced, rearranged causing a complete renewal and healing and consuming the rest of the Energy. Regeneration also restructures the biodata of the subject, thus it could affect the subjects past as well as its future. Because of this some Time Lords will catch glimpses of their entire past and future during the final tremors of their regeneration. Regeneration is an exihilerating experiance akin to driving a car very very fast. A blinded Gallifreyan will regain their sight after after a regeneration if the neural pathways controlling his sight are intact. Even damaged synapses are repaired and a Gallifreyan who regenerates after decapitation will grow a new head (that will probably have the same memories as the original). At the first regeneration the nanomachines are programmed to build into the new body a number of improvements and backup systems including a new heart. For this reason the first regeneration is usually the most painful. At the end of the regeneration the comatos Gallifreyan is awakened with by an automatically triggered electroencephallic shock. It takes about 10-60 minutes for the body to “gel” completely which allows Gallifreyans of New Blood Houses some time to try various forms. Occasionally two Gallifreyans will end up with bodies that look the same. This has been witnessed on at least 1 (or 2, or 3) occations. This could mean that the looms have only a limited number of bodies stored in their data spirals. The new body will often have a different personality that expresses a different aspect of their fundemental personality. A copy of the previous personality is stored in the memory space for eventual transfer into the Matrix. Each copy is kept “sleeping” in a “room with no doors.” The past incarnations often resent being locked away and wish they could have lived longer. Some Time Lords of the first rank can achieve Retro-Regeneration and temporarily summon the skills and personality of a former incarnation. A TARDIS’s Telepathic Circuits can help a Time Lord acheive this. While Regeneration often causes temporary memory gaps the new body does have the same memories. However, because of the new personality, he will tend to draw different conclusions from those remembered experiences. While many skills remain the same, it appears that many dexterity based skills need to be “relearned” (at a fairly quick rate) due to the differance in body design. A Gallifreyan’s handwriting remains more or less the same throughout all of their incarnations. Until recently Regeneration was still a relatively risky procedure. While regenerating a Gallifreyan’s body might incorporate any foreign biodata it comes in contact with allowing them to change species. Thus a Gallifreyan could regenerate and find himself to be half human. This problem was only corrected within the last several thousand years. Gallifreyans from Newblood Houses have amazing control over there regenerations. This allows them to try on several different genetic templates (and appearances) during a regeneration. This techniquie can be taught with some success to other Gallifreyans. Some are even capable of temporarily shifting their genetic makeup enough to fool some types of gene scanners without inducing a regeneration. It is possible for a Gallifreyan’s gender to change during regeneration if they regenerate by commiting sucide. This illegal procedure is known as a Sex Change Regeneration. It is also possible for them to regenerated in an animal like a dog. Within the first 15 hours of regeneration a Gallifreyan will still have enough risidual cellular energy to regrow a severed body part, such as a hand. The new body part might be designed to prevent what ever caused the loss of the original. Shortly after regeneration Gallifreyans will often experience bursts of superhuman strength and speed while the new body stabilizes. They can also experiance Ambient Complexity which causes erratic and volatile mood changes. Its worth knowning that extreame heat combined with adrenalin can temporaily stabize a newly regenerated mind. In most cases the Gallifreyan’s mind will synchroniz properly within 4 days returning their strenght, reflexes, and personality to normal (for their new incarnation). In some cases Post-Regenerative Trauma can cause severe personality instability. Some times in the absence of a Zero Room the subject never sychronizes properly. Both Metamorphic Symbiosis Regenerators and Zero Rooms can assist with regenerative trauma and ambient complexity. Anaesthetic can delay or destroy the regenerative process and cause amnesia. For all these reasons regenerations are usually planned months to years before the actual event. Gallifreyan technology (such as a TARDIS) or assistance is essential to ensure survival during a regeneration especially if the subject has suffered radiation damage. Without technological assistance (such as a TARDIS) a Gallifrey runs the risk of the rengeneration aborting halfway through leaving the subject looking like some sort of multi-limbed monster. It is very dangerous for Gallifreyans who haven’t passed First Maturation (ie teenagers) to regenerate. For this reason it is usually forbidden for Gallifreyans to regenerate until they are 500 years old. Some seedy Gallifreyan Cardinals hang themselves to get rid of extra regenerations. This is considered to be a dangerous hobby. For these reasons their’s a fair amount of “regeneration politics” among certain factions on Gallifrey. These focus on issues of class, gender, and species. A “Sex Change Regeneration” is forbidden and is considered to be a worse crime then stealing a TARDIS and interfering in other time zones. The standard punishment is for the Time Lord to be locked inside their TARDIS forever. Their only escape is to activate the de-materialization switch with will remove them from History turning them into a neverperson. Public discussions of regeneration among Gallifreyans appears to be similar to sex amongst humans (i.e. not good table manners). A single body can last over 1000 years but the subject’s body will atrophie until he’s only a few feet tall and he will require a wheelchair for mobility. Each body is refered to as an “incarnation” or a “life-span.” After 12 regenerations the biogenic molecules begin to decay naturally. Gallifreyans are limited to 13 bodies because their minds and bodies can only withstand the strain of twelve regenerations. Each body can last centuries and Gallifreyans only need to regenerated every thousand years or so. However the last few incarnations generally don’t last as long as the earlier bodies. If a Gallifreyan suffers a severe enough injury in his 13th body a regeneration will be triggered, but its inevitable failure will kill the subject. Triggering a 13th Regeneration might be the accepted way that Gallifreyan’s end their lives. It is possible to “recharge” a regeneration cycle, but this can only be done with the permission of the High Council and requires a massive amount of Artron Energy. It probably involves a Metamorphic Symbiosis Regenerator. Occasionally a Gallifreyan renews his regenerative cycle by “Jumping Looms” (being reborn into a new Family). A Sonic Micro-Field Manipulator appears to use the same principles of regeneration only the technology is external to the subject. It can use hypersonic sound waves to create a state of resonance which destablizes the subjects cell structure. A metegenic program can then hack into the subjects genese, manipulate the coding in the protein strands, and program them to regenerate. This technology can also be used to prevent regeneration hyper age a Gallifreyan. It can be built into a Laser Screwdriver to be used as a weapon. A Distillation Chamber can be used to collect up a Gallifreyan’s lifeforce (and thus steal their future regenerations) if it is applies as soon as the Gallifreyan begin to regenerate. ( Source )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Gallifreyan Biology: Death
Technically Gallifreyans are immortal except for accidents. In practice they choose there final Death Day between 7,000 and 12,000 (usualy at about age 10,000). They often spend the last years leading up to their final Deathday in meditation. All Gallifreyans can force themselves to stay alive indefinitely. When they choose their Deathday, many Gallifreyans have massive ceremonial funnerals (with lots of Remembrance Flowers). Legally all deceased consciousness must be interned in the Amplified Panatropic Computations Network (sometimes known as the Remembrance Garden) of the Matrix. This is done either directly using electrical scans of the brain pattern at the moment of death (or no more then an hour afterwards) or after the fact in cinerary urns. Because of the risk of psychosomatic feedback living brains are never hooked directly into the Matrix. The Lord President is an exception to this but he spends years training for such contact. Gallifreyans can also use ‘Soul Catching’ to take the ‘mind’ of someone who is dying. Once in the APC they live on forever. The deceased Gallifreyan’s body is entombed in the vaults beneath their Houses where they quickly break down into degenerate matter and then into random molecules. Sometimes this breakdown occurs within seconds of death - though this is very rare.. Under some (not entirely clear) circumstances the disintegration of a Gallifreyan’s body can happen within a minute after death. ( Source )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Time Lords: The Web of Time
The Web of Time, within the Space-Time Vortex, was constructed by Rassilon and the Other. The Space-Time Vortex is an atom sized dimension which contains the Web of Time. It when mapped into three dimensions is can look like any of the opening sequences of Doctor Who. The Vortex became a dimension of pure thought with a complexity that borders on sentience (infact the Faction Paradox believe that it is sentient and refer to it the Loa). The axis of the Web of Time is a vast transdimensional Time Spiral that encompasses the universe and serves as a foundation for all points in space and time. Its creation made it much easier for the Time Lords (and any other speices) to travel in time but it also made it much harder for anyone to change history. The Vortex enables Time Travel Capsules to move from Minkowski space and integrate into the fifth dimension. The Observer Theory states that for the changing of history to make any sense their must be an outside observer who watch all of history and sees this change. The Eye of Harmony is that observer. The Eye of Harmony created a Universe of Positive Time by locking down the Web of Time within the Space-Time Vortex. It serves as an anchor for the Continuity and causality of the Universe and probably sits at the exact center of the Vortex. This nexus can be accessed with the Spiral Chamber. While the Time Lords’ control of the Weak Nuclear Force (and through it Gravity and Time) extends only to the limits of this cluster of Galaxies, the Noosphere (the range of understanding and data that is defined by a culture’s physical, perceptive or comprehensive capabilities) of Time Lord activity is much larger. This Noosphere is known as the Spiral Politic and reaches from around 3500 years after Event 0 (the Big Bang) to the time of the story Frontios (10,000,000 AD) and covers most of Space all the way out to the asteroid hindmost. This forms a temporal barrier to legal Timeship travel. In practice most Gallifreyan Capsules are unable to make it to the edge of knows space without being specially engineered. A similar limit exists on traveling forward in time. But this is further complicated when a timeship reaches the point where the universe ceases to expand and begins to collapse. This is because time works differently after this point. It should be noted that there are areas within the Spiral Politic that the Time Lords can’t observe or penetrate. It is possible that some other power with their own Eye sits in distant future beyond the Time Lord Noosphere. In order to be connected to all points in space and time the Transduction Barriers shifts the planet outside of the space-time continuum and into its own Microuniverse of Inner Time. Despite being in Inner Time, Gallifrey is still liked via a real-time analogue to its former location in the Web of Time. Rassilon and Jelen create the Transduction Barriers and installed the machinery that conrols them on level 30, right below the Panoptican. They use delta circutry and probably quasitronics. The Barriers are a 10 dimensonal defense field that prevent atomic sized infiltrations, teleporters, and illicit frequencies, but they can’t stop spaceships from landing. They also allow their primary star’s sunlight and gravity to reach them but give the sky a pearly orange color. They block all weapons fire or kamikaze runs. Because of this barrier when one is on Gallifrey one is “outside” of the Universe. Once lowered into place a TARDIS can not breach the Transduction Barriers. The Lord President’s Rassilon Imprimatur and Presidential Code allow him and his TARDIS to pass through the transduction barrier at will. When a Timeship passes through the Transduction Barriers the effect is visible from Gallifrey’s surface. If Gallifrey was every to be attacked the Transduction Barrier would be raised to Factor 5. The Time Lords also use Transduction Barriers in other locations such as TARDIS Neural Construction Docks to prevent the Capsules from escaping. The Eye (and thus all of Gallifrey) sits at the center of the Web of Time and anchors all of its threads. The Eye was stabilized in an eternally dynamic equation against the mass of Gallifrey. This star became known as the Eye of Harmony because it sits outside History and watches the rest of the Universe. The structure of the whole planet of Gallifrey became a bio-system in which biodata acts as a planet sized receiver and processor of data from the rest of the universe. The Time Lords use the Eye of Harmony’s control over the Web of Time and their abbility to manipulate the Weak Nuclear Force and the Force of Gravity to map out every inch of the Universe and define the rational laws upon which it functions. This is probably done using the Skasas Paradigm (aka the God Maker or the Universal Theory) which unlocks how the universe workds, giving the user complete control of the basic building blocks of the universe (time, space, matter). Using the data collected the Time Lords can observe and predict almost any event. In mapping out the Universe they rationalize it and create a permanent version of space-time. Because of this most primative forms of time travel aren’t capable of making major changes to History. This Intuitive Revolution destroys Irrationality and Magic. Cacophony (irrationality and magic) is banished from the Universe. This lack of belief might have caused the destruction of dragons, unicorns, faeries, slithy toves, bread-and-butterflies and other illogical creatures. Psionics are the only quasi-magical phenomenon that survives. The Web of Time is the structure that all future races used to build their own histories on. The Time Lords view History (aka the Web of Time) as high-order mathematical structures that can be predicted by powerful computers. These predictions can then be presented in an infinity chamber. The infinity chamber in the Citadel is capable of decrypting the universe and predicting the course of history, however these processes are complex enough to be regard as living beings. Indeed some Time Lords (and all members of Faction Paradox) view history as a sentient being or beings (sometimes called Loa). The Web is capable of affecting the mind’s of a Time Lord. In conjunction with the Web of Time, the Eye of Harmony was used to define the physical and temporal laws of the Universe. It also might have been used to influence the evolution of these species so that most resembled the Gallifreyans. The Rassilon Imprimiture biologically links a Time Lord to the Web of Time, making the foundation of the first four dimensions an integral part of Time Lord biology and culture. This link means that Time Lords keep history largely unchanging merely by existing. Indeed they are so intertwined with the universe that they are a part of the Laws of Time and Space. Thus only beings with a Rassilon Imprimiture (or a similar biodata) are capable of making significant changes to History. Thus in the Web of Time only Time Lords truely have free will. Unfortuanatly in order to keep the Web of Time stable it is necessary for the Time Lords to be steady and unchanging. This is why all Time Lords are instilled with an ideal of service towards Time. To ensure stability cultural change and natural reproduction are forbidden on Gallifrey. The very idea of Gallifrey having a history of its own is viewed as vulgar and primitive. A single timeship exploding in the Vortex is no danger but the destruction of a fleet of 1700 timeships could rupture the Web of Time permanently. It is unhealthy for even a Time Lord to stand too close to the Eye due to density of strands in the Web of Time. Whenever another species causes enough temporal distortion to damge the Web an Interventionist (probably the CIA) is sent to prevent the species from causing further damage. If that Time Lord doesn’t return then the Time Lords (again, probably the CIA) has that Time Lords personal timeline shut down effectively removing that worlds timeline from history (apparently to be replaced by one where the temporal damage never happend in the first place). This prevents the missing Time Lord from being used to damage the rest of the Web. The alternate timelines are attached, in a spoke like pattern, to the Axis, which is located in interdimensional space. The Overseer, from the sideways dimension of Guardus, supervises the Axis. Each of these timeline is trapped in a giant loop. While most of the timelines in the Axis are created by the Time Lords some are produced by other species. By the end of the Universe over 100 billion alternate versions of history will have been created. It should be noted that the creation of the Web of Time also create Anti-Time - the opposite of the positive time. This timeless shadow of the Web of Time is just as destructive to causality and continuity as anti-matter is to matter. The theory of Anti-Time is viewed as superstition for millions of years. ( Source )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Time Lords: The Matrix of Time
The Matrix of Time is a vast extra-dimensional panotropic computer network that exists in its own micro-univeres outside of Time and History. It is the essance of Gallifrey and its culture. Its memory system is an eleven dimensional self referential lattice of trillions of neural electro-chemical cells in a continious matrix. These Neural mechanics can processes data faster than the speed of Time. The Matrix is a small part of Gallifrey’s Amplified Panatropic Computer Network (APC Net) and stores the memories all dead Time Lords and the personality of hundreds of Time Lords. The first intelligence to be stored in the APC was the Rassilon’s. As of The Ancestor Cell there are billions of minds stored in the APC but only a total of only 153,846 full Time Lord minds. The Matrix’s purpose is to monitor all events in the Capitol and predict future developments within the Capitol. All Time Lord minds are connected to the Matrix on a basic level via Reflex Link found in their brains. Through the Matrix this Reflex Link connect every Time Lord to the Time Lord Intelligentsia. The Matrix gathers information from the Time Lords and allows Time Lords to telepathically contact each other. This link can be used across space and time. It might also be used to allow the Intelligentsia to access the full Power of Creation. Localized Transduction Barriers can be used to shield a Time Lord form the Matrix. Time Lords who exiled lose the ability to contact other Time Lords across space and time. The Temporal Scanning Service is responsible for collecting tempographs and monitoring the outside Universe. It is overseen by a sub-committee of the High Council made up of three Time Lords - one of which is a representative of the CIA. The biodata of the whole planet of Gallifrey acts as a planet sized receiver and processor of data from the rest of the universe. With the sum of all Time Lord minds (living and dead) as well as the input from sensors fitted into newer TARDlSes, and data from Time Space Visualisers, the Matrix provides the Time Lords with vast (but not entirely complete) amounts of information about the Universe. Inside the Citadel’s Temporal Scanning HQ Time Lords use infinity chambers to map out every inch of the History of the Universe. This information is stored in the Archive Banks. Using this information the Matrix can predict a few billion years into the future. Some events can be predicted with a great deal of accuracy. The more primative information in the Matrix was archived in Phase 1 and 2. The more advanced and recent information was kept in a master file composed of Phases 3,4,5 and 6. The Matrix has a back up of all its records called the Secure Information Dump, which is located in the Labyrinth. The Labyrinth is the framework beneath normal time - the foundations of History itself. All information is stored on printed books. Their are miles of corridors with each section being allocated to a single Chapterhouse. Many sections have arround 100,000 books. The Labyrinth also includes books written by aliens that were “collected” by the Time Lords. Since the records are located outside of normal time it will remain protected and unchanged even if History is changed. The Labyrinth is maintained by the Minotaur, who is a function or extension of the Labyrinth. This library is connected to every Gallifreyan outpost however a ticket is need to check out a book. The Matrix requires maintenance (such as the replacement of a transductor) approximatly once every 1000 years. It would appear that only the Inner Council knew much about the Matrix before The Deadly Assassin but afterwards all Time Lords and Academy Students are guaranteed limited access to the Matrix. The Matrix Safeguards automatically wipe any irrelevent info that a user stumbles accross. Every time they access the Matrix they leave a unquie artron imprint. Only the President has full viewing rights through the use of the Matrix Crown (aka the Matrix Diadem or Coronet). The Matrix has never rejected a President. The Sash of Rassilon that is worn by the President alters his biodata to allow easier access to the Matrix. The President also has the authority to isolate Master Control of the Matrix (ie prevent anyone from accessing it) by charging the transduction field. Most of the access doors to the Matrix are located in the Archive Tower. but the legendary Seventh Door is capable of being summoned to any location by the Key. Another access point can be found in the Vaults. Rassilon created the Key of Rassilon, which allows access to all Doors of the Matrix. This key is entrusted to the Keeper of the Matrix (aka the Matrix Coordinator). Though it is not commonly know the Key can be copied. If a Time Lord has the Key of Rassilon they can interface their TARDIS with the Matrix’s thought space. Lord Presidents who physically enter the Matrix dreamscape can leave through any of the other “Doors” to the Matrix. Unlike the Matrix Crown the Key gives someone the abbility to re-write and alter pre-existing information stored in the Matrix. The Matrix is maintained by the Co-ordinator of the Matrix (aka the Keeper of the Matrix) from the APC Control room (in the Archive Tower). He keeps the Key of Rassilon in his posession at all times. The Co-ordinator and his subordinate Matricians use the Matrix to monitor life in the Capitol and record predictions about future events. There is also a Sub-Matrix which handles the basic functions of Capitol, like transductions. There is a little known partition of the Matrix nicknamed the Pandora Partition. This partition stored the Dark Designs (the dark sides of the mind) of the all the Time Lords ‘living’ in the Matrix. Because of her massive desire for power the Time Lady Pandora (aka the Imperiatrix) rules over this partition. Should Gallifrey be destroyed or retro-annuled the Matrix would continue to survive within its own dimension for 50-60 years. Gallifreyans use datacubes when they need to physicaly transport information. There are rumors among the Time Lords that the Matrix always existed and created the Gallifreyans just so that it would have a point of origin. There are also some Gallifreyans who believe the Matrix controls the Time Lords. The Mother of all TARDISes always existed and created the Gallifreyans just so it would have a point of origin. She believes that she controls the Time Lords. ( Source )
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pathsformx · 5 years
Time Lords: The Laws of Time
       Rassilon created the Laws of Time during the Time of Legend and insured that they were hard wired into the structure of the Web of Time when the Eye of Harmony was first created.  The Kingmaker is the Keeper of the Laws of Time.  The Time Lords teach these Laws as Scientific Laws and most (including almost all the Oldbloods) believe them to be such. They learn these laws by rote.  These Laws are based on Mason and Aaron Blinovitch’s early work in Temporal Physics.  There are over 15,000 Laws of Time.  Time Lords consider the preservation of History to be far more important than the preservation of life.  Some Time Lords realize that the Laws of Time will let you get away with virtually anything if you do it subtly enough.  It is technically possible for these Laws to be overturned or revoked, but to do so would destroy Time Lord culture and power.  
The Laws of Time
And the Rules Governing Time Lords from the Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey
  The Laws of Time give the Time Lords the divine purpose of serving Time itself by maintaining the continuity/history of the fabric of the space-time continuum and the causality of the Universe.  They claim that this service is their right because they were first humanoid culture to naturally evolve and see this as providing justice to all species.  The Time Lords consider their Constitution to be the Mother of Democracy.  
I. No being shall distort History as he knows it.  You can’t alter the Past.  This is the most important Law of the Time Lords.  This is a moral as well as legal law.
   A. No being shall interact with his own personal history or causal nexus by traversing their time streams.
      1. No being shall murder their past self.  This is the ultimate violation of the Laws of Time.  
      2. No being may come into contact with his past self.  The Temporal Disturbances caused when this occurs require tremendous amounts of temporal energy to repair.  
      3. No Gallifreyan shall meet another Time Lord whose incarnations is out of sync with there own timestream.  This prevents damage to space time.
      4.  Investing vast sums money in the past and collecting the profit in the future is a minor violation of the first law of time.  
      5.  Sending notes to your past self to give them advice (even if you remember receiving the note) is forbidden.  
         *Note: Interacting with a person who knows your future isn’t technically breaking the law as long as you don’t take advantage of the person’s knowledge.  Limited communications with another Time Lord out of sequence is also not specifically prohibited.
   B. (Also known as the Doctrine of Non-Intervention or the “Golden Rule”) No being on Gallifrey or on any other planet shall interfere with the Web of Time (intergalactic history), as it is currently known, no violations of established and predicted quantal events.  Observation from within the micro-universe of a TT Capsule or Gallifrey is all that is permited.
       1. The History of any person or planet, as it recorded or predicted in the Matrix, can not be chronoformed (the deliberate rewriting/distorting of history) to alter its destiny.  This is defined as changing any part of the Web of Time by not less then fifty-three millistates.  (this is also covered under Timeline Interferance Resolution 861)
       2. All Time Lords shall follow a Doctrine of Non-Interference with Time Unaware races.
       3. All Time Lords shall work to prevent Time Aware Races from aquiring Gallifreyan Technology. No alien shall be allowed to spy on Time Lord activities (this is also known as the Golden Rule:).
       4. All Time Lords shall work to prevent Time Active Races from damaging the Web of Time.  Disturbances of .4 or higher on the Bocca Scale must be prevented.
       5. It is forbidden for Gallifreyans and Lesser Species to interbreed.    
       6. All Time Lords are pledged to prevent alien aggression by Time Active Races, but only when such agression is deemed to threaten the indigenous population of a particular time zone.   This includes preventing the Reapers from destorying an entire world because of a temporal paradox.  
       7. A Time Lord who destroys an entire species forfeits his remaining lives - and thus his title of Time Lord.    
           *Note: Article 7 was created not to preserve life but to prevent the massive damage to History that genocide would cause.  
II.  No being shall participate in the creation of a Temporal Paradox
   A. No Time Lord shall use the Power of Creation
       1. No Time Lords shall use the Power on a scale that would corrupt Time.  
   B. No being shall create us a TARDIS to create a Vortex Crisis
   C. No being shall create a Grandfather Paradox
   D. No being shall cause a Dimensional Paradox by transporting sentient beings from one version of History to another.
   E. Timelooping planets is forbidden.
III. The Protocols of Linearity: No Time Lord shall travel into Gallifrey’s past.
          *Note: This prevents anyone from traveling into Gallifrey’s past, and ensures that a Time Lord’s personal time is always synchronized with Gallifrey’s time.  It also ensures that the Time Lords who encounter each other outside of Gallifrey always meed meet each other in a linear progression along their relative time-streams.  Though impossible to travel into the past, it is possible to collect and transport objects from the past to the present.  These protocols are not physical laws per say, but rather engineered by powerful Temporal Baffels, Backtime Field Buffers, Temporal Locks and Governing Circuits built into all their time travel technology.  A side effect of this law is that other time zones observed by a traveling Time Lord becomes linked with Gallifrey’s time.  It should be noted that in Lungbarrow the Doctor took a 3 day side trip from events and returned minutes later.  This might be a power all Lord Presidents have.  Robert Scarrit will also do this during the war but he has to keep it a secret to avoid punishment.  
IV. No Time Lord shall travel into Gallifrey’s future.  To do so would be a theoretical absurdity.  
V.  Whilst there are any number of Futures beyond the Time Lord Time Parameters (defined by their noosphere) none maybe deliberatly shaped by a Time Lord.  Travel beyond the Time Parameters is forbidden - due to psychological affect of watching the heat death of the universe and to avoid the temptation of studying the next universe.   The Time Parameters reach from around 3500 years after Event 0 (the Big Bang) to 10,000,000 AD and cover most of Space.
VI. Unauthorized use of a TARDIS carries a mandatory Death Penalty (This might mean they only take one life).
    A. It is forbidden to allow non-Time Lords into a TARDIS.
VII. Protocols of Observation: No Time Lord shall interact with his own future.
   A. No being may come into contact with his future self.
        *Note:  It is impossible for a being to see his own future in his own biodata.  An attempt to do so will cause the observation to collapse, making the knowledge useless.  Losing one’s virginity makes it much more difficult (if not impossible) for Gallifreyan technology to read ancestral memories from the subjects biodata.
VIII.  No Time Lord shall use time travel for their personal convenience.
        *Note: This law of time isn’t really enforced and most renegades view it as a trivial.
   A. No use of Short-Hops to shorten his personal perception of time. (the Blinovitch Limitation Effect helps prevent violations of this law)
   B. No use of Temporal Orbits or “Vortex Drifting” to elongating his personal perception of time.
   C. It is forbidden to use time travel to live the same day twice.  
   D. No using time travel to win at the lottery.
       1-6.  various etiquettes.
??   There are articles of emergency power that govern possible alien activity on Gallifrey.  They allow the investigation of even the President.
??    Performing TARDIS Interlock (one TARDIS inside another) violates 15,473 different Laws of Time.
??    A “Sex Change Regeneration” is forbidden and is considered to be a worse crime then stealing a TARDIS and interfering in other time zones.  The standard punishment is for the Time Lord to be locked inside their TARDIS forever.  Their only escape is to activate the de-materialization switch with will remove them from History turning them into a neverperson.  
??  Article 17. No Time Lord shall be barred from offering himself as a candidate during a Presidential Election.
   Article ??   Elections must be held within 48 hours if a President dies without naming a sucessor
          *Note: Inagurations usualy take years to organized.  
   Article 28 Oblique 12, Clause 3.  Upon a vote of no confidence being a leveled against a president, that president in his or her current regeneration shall be obliged to stand down from office and legislative power shall past temporaily to the incumbent of the Vice-Presidency, to the incumbent of the Chancellorship, or jointly to the members of the High Council in that hiearchical order - which ever is deemed appropriate until an election is called.
          *Amendment made by Emergency High Council Session: A President who has been impeached for high treason against gallifrey can not every stand for office.
   2. After a journey of 400 years and 12 parsecs a Time Lord is allowed 50 years of rest. ( Source )
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pathsformx · 5 years
The Time Lords (or Ladies)
Time Lords (or Ladies) are Higher Evolutionaries who walk in eternity and are the self-appointed guardians of both Time and History.  While they are considered to be the oldest and most mighty of the Universe’s civilizations the Time Lords view themselves as academicians and observers who are devoted to a life of service to History. They are always on time, for to be late or early for any event is unthinkable.  Each Chapter has 100 full Time Lords for a total of 600.  Their are also about 400 Apprentice and Junior Grade Time Lords at any given time for a total of 1,000 Time Lords.  Of the 1,000 only about 12 are female.  Technically speaking only Gallifreyans who have a Time Travel Capsule can hold the title of Time Lord.
       Sentients who time travel are thought to have Temporally Active Biodata, because they have the power to chronoform themselves.  This means that they truely have free will.  All stable forms of time travel require re-writing of the traveler’s biodata.  Time travel makes sentients vunerable to the influence of poweful transtemporal beings who exist outside of linear time.  These beings will try to force the time traveler to become their agent/servent.  It is for this reason any species that wants to become a stable, time-active race must change itself into another species.  Gallifreyans who attend the Academies have their Biodata modified (especially their DNA) by anointing them with Time Energies from the Eye of Harmony while they are still Initiates.  This alters the Initiate’s DNA, creating the symbiotic nucleatides, a fourth helix of DNA, and the other capabilites making the Gallifreyan a Time Lord.  Time Lord abbilites can also be added to a subject’s biodata by injecting them with Retro DNA serum in the form of a red liquid.  The initiates gain the rank of Junior Grade Time Lords at this point.  Time Lords are rated human-plus-plus-plus-plus (as opposed to an agent of Faction Paradox which generally only rate a Human-plus status).  Extensive exposure to a Time Lord might cause a human to become “infected” with Time Lord DNA in some way.  The effects of this would not be obvious to a human.  
      All Time Lords have Symbiotic Atomic Nuclei which is needed to ‘prime’ a Time Travel Capsules, form a quasi-symbiotic link with the Capsule, and to prevent the Capsule from molecularly detabilizing in the Vortex.  This self-regenerating genetic link in known as the Rassilon Imprimature.  They serve a similar function with Time Rings and other transtemporal technology.  The atomic nuclei serves as a genetic key to the Vortex.  It holds the Dematerilializtion Codes nessecary to create a Molecular Stabilisation System.  Without this system a Capsule would be destroyed by the Vortex after several hundred years.   The semi-instinctual neural-link between a TARDIS and its operator is almost sexual in its intimacy.  Some believe a TARDIS provides a sense of companionship for a Time Lord in much the same way that a husband or wife does for their spouse.  For whatever reason, sex is completely irrelevant to most Time Lords.  A side effect of the full link is that a Time Lord is constantly sending small temporal waves throughout the Universe that can be used by Gallifrey to track a Time Lords space-time travels.  The Nuclei might be located in a Time Lord’s hearts.  The Symbiotic Nuclei cannot be removed from a Time Lord without killing them.   They can be permanently deactivated by the right type of mutagen.  Such a deactivation would eliminate a Time Lord’s powers and his abbility to regenerate.  
      The modification causes them to grow a “time brain” (probably connected to the temporal lobes) under the frontal lobes of their brains making them time sensitive and giving them resistance to chrono-instability.  An organ in their hypothalamus allows Time Lords to perceive the higher dimensions by reciting the right equations.  The abnormalites of a Time Lord’s brain show clearly in an X-ray.  In all Time Lords have 27 different senses and all but the first five are related to time.  The Time Brain processes many (if not all) of these time senses.   These senses grow more accute the more times a Time Lord crosses the Time-Fields in a TARDIS.  They might have their sense of shame psyco-surgically removed.  The following is a list of known Time Lord senses.  
       1. Sight
       2. Hearing
       3. Taste
       4. Smell.  Time Lord noses might have “special powers.”
       5. Touch, Temperature and Pain
       6. Acceleration and Balance: A Gallifreyan can sense the rotation of the planet he’s standing on.  Gravity and acceleration dialate the passage of time.  
       7. Sense of Time: the basic awareness that time is passing which most lessers species have.
       8. Magnetoception: Strong magnetic fields give their skin goosebumps.  Magnetic fields also cause fluctuations in artron energy.  
       9. Topographical Sense: They have Time Lord Topographical Sense which allows them to remember any path they have taken (this might work by tracing their own biodata).  To use their Topographical Sense they must however remember to store the path they took.  Some Time Lords can measure rooms down to the centimeter by eyesight alone.
     10. Higher Dimensions: An organ in their hypothalamus allows Time Lords to perceive the higher dimensions by reciting the right equations.
     11. The Scent of History: Time Lords can identify familiars time periods by a sense akin to smell.  This might be one of the “special powers” their noses have.
     12. Crystalization of local History: They can see (though not identify) other peoples time traces allowing them to know if sentient beings have been in the area.  They can also measure how crystalized events are in any given time zone.
     13. Object dating: They can sense an object’s relative age.
     14. TARDIS Recognition: They usually can identify TARDISes as TT Capsules regaurdless of their disguse and often tell the Type and general condition of the Capsule as well.
     15. Reality Quotient: This allows the Time Lord to get a rough idea any nearby sentient’s current reality quotient (assuming its not too low to detect).
     16. Reading another’s Biodata:  A mechanism inside Time Lord Biodata allows them to sense distortions in the biodata of others   In other words they can tell when someone’s personal history has been altered.  In some incarnations this sense is so acute that they can read a person’s biodata (such as their future history) just by looking at them.  Losing one’s virginity makes it much more difficult (if not impossible) for Gallifreyan technology to read ancestral memories from the subjects biodata.
     17: Temporal Disturbance Sense: Some of these senses will make a Time Lord dizzy and nausious when exposed to temporal disturbances.   The effects of Chronic Hysteresis can reduce Apprentice Time Lords to tears.  
     18. Paradox Sense: Proximity to a temporal paradox causes them headaches.
     19. History Proof: Time Lords are “History Proofed” which gives them superior abbilites to remeber alternate timelines (in most species they are little more then dreams) and can usualy remember previous versions of history books (that they just read).
   20-27. Various other forms of enhanced temporal perception.
       Depite these senses a Time Lord’s understanding of the 4th dimension is mathematical and not instictual.  A Junior Time Lord’s heart (or one of his hearts if a Newblood) serves as a link (via the TARDIS) to Gallifrey, and the Prime Eye of Harmony in a way that not even the Time Lords totaly understand.  This link ensures the Time Lords survial and “integrity” while they travel the Universe.  Without this anchoring, a Time Lord who leaves Gallifrey will die in less than 2 centuries.  This link provides limited access to the Power of Creation, allowing Junior Grade Time Lords to make minor uses of the power (see below for more info).
     While a Triple Helix of DNA is nessecary for a Gallifreyan’s regneration a Time Lord’s DNA has quadruple helix.  The fourth helix is a “fast line” which extends (via a TARDIS) into the fourth dimension and maps the Time Lord into the Space-Time Vortex (the fifth dimension) with Block-Transfer Numbers.  Because of this, the Vortex is an integral part of Time Lord biology and culture.  Once linked to the heart of space time their TARDISes give them access to the Power of Creation and they are capable of changing their time state by thinking the right Block-Transfer Time Equation allowing them to interact with the deep-level process of the Fourth Dimension.  This the greatest of the Time Lord powers and might be related to Quantum Mnemonics or Omega’s power of Psychosynthesis.  The Osiran Sutekh has enough power to singlehandedly hold of entire time-fleet of War TARDISes and is one of the few beings whose power might exceed all of the Time Lords.   However by the year 2966 AD the Sisterhood of the Flame on Karn claim to be the only other race whose mental powers are equal to the Time Lords.   This power is such Time Lords who leave Gallifrey (or the micro-universe of a TARDIS) will, just by observing, crystalizes the mimetic structure of local History preventing events from occuring any other way and creating a single continuity.  The more time a Time Lord spends traveling in the Vortex the more artron energy they will build up in their bodies.  Experienced Time Lords can work apparent miracles by manipulating Time (the 4th Dimension) through their access to the dimension of thought and conciousness that serves foundation of the Universe (the 5th dimension).  By focusing on the right time equations they can alter the rate at which they experiance time - allowing them to move with seemingly super human reflexes that can be as much as ten times faster than a human’s.  They can speed read at a superhuman level and some can write 30,000 words in just over 2 hours. Some Time Lords can (when in the right state of mind) temporairly shift objects (or themselves) out of space, and levitate their bodies.  A sufficiently adept mathematical genius can project a temporary block-transfer projection of himself through space and time just by reciting the right equations.  Under the right circumstances they might be able to shoot death rays out of their eyes.  The power held by a single Time Lord is limited by both the age (or possibly experiance) of the Time Lord, the moral code of the Time Lord, and by the total number of Time Lords in existance at that point.  The more Time Lords the more spread out the Power of Creation is and the less powerful each individual is.  The Power is dispersed among all the Time Lords to prevent one single Time Lord from taking over the Universe.  Using their Reflex Links they might be capable of unifying the Time Lords to use all of the Power at once.  It is possible that there unified minds would create a powerful block-transfer processor that could create almost any space-time event desired.  If their were only seven Time Lords left it would be possible for an young Time Lord to destroy a starship with a thought.  If only a single Time Lord existed he would be able to  travel through time and space just by thinking about it and his every movement would alter history whether he wanted to or not.  Time Lords keep History (aka the Web of Time) largely unchanging merely by existing.  Indeed they are so intertwined with the universe that they are a part of the Laws of Time and Space.  They consider is their primary purpose to serve Time.  As Higher Evolutionaries, Time Lords have a complex of a pseudo-precognitive powers.  Despite superficial appearances the Universe is not random but instead follows a complex four dimensional pattern.  Time Lords can see this pattern and thus can predict the future with an astonishing degree of accuracy.  They can perceive (in a vague way) the full history of the biodata of others.  The Doctor has always had a knack for  sensing when evil was present, or telling when society was out of phase or.  This could be a Time Lord gift, but if it is its not one that other Time Lords aknowledge.  
   This Power of Creation should never be used on a large scale.  For to do so would be to bend and corrupt time causing damage to the physical laws of the universe  The larger the use of the power the more devestating the rips in space-time that form as a side effect.  Among the most destructive of these temporal disturbances is the formation of many new black holes and the increase in power of previously existing ones.  This damaged might be caused because the alternate universe created by the Power has such temporal momentum that it achieves escape velocity and thus halves the life of the entire universe.  The only time a large scale use would be acceptable would be to prevent the power from falling into the hands of a single Time Lord.  Time Lords are forbidden to fall in love or develop other strong affections for lesser species because the emotional attachment could cause them to use their terrible powers.  If a Time Lord is to interact with lesser species it is recomended they form a series of short shallow short term relationships to avoid stronger attachments.  
   Because of the danger of using their power the the Laws of Time are built into a Time Lord’s genetic modifications; so Time Lords know them instinctually.  These genetic modifications allow them to “think” in 4 dimensions, which is necessary to truly understand the Laws of Time.  If a Time Lord is going to be tempted to break the Laws of Time, the violator will experience severe long term memory problems and some pain, months to years before the temptation.  At the moment of temptation the Time Lord will feel large parts of his personality being blocked and disabled.  These retroactive responses are programmed into the genetic modifications to make it extreamly difficult for a Time Lord to break the Laws of Time.  Once a Time Lord learns to overcome these blocks they become fairly easy to ignore.  This is why being beyond the Noosphere fills Time Lords with a powerful sense of unease. Time Lords are programmed to panic if they think that there’s something wrong with the Space-Time Continuum.  Minor and major temporal paradoxes give them headaches. They will experiance a strong sense of prejudice and revulsion if they detect someone who is immortal because they have become fixed in time and space. In addition to pattern-recognition systems are encoded into the genetic memories of the Time Lords’ unborn young they have multidimensional killing responses hidden in their biodata that allows them to fight their ancient enemies from the Time Wars.  Their biodata can’t be rewritten by an outside source (This might be the second biggest lie in Time Lord History).
    When a sentient being meets his younger self the blinovitch limitation effect causes a time differential.  Time Lords used to be shielded to the Blinovitch Limitation Effect but the Time Lords removed this shield to stop violations of the First Law of Time.  Now, in the case of the same Time Lord meeting a younger version of himself this time differential is shorted out causing an ageing of the biodata of the younger version.  This causes the subject to appear much older then actually are.  The amount of time differential (and thus the amount of ageing) is dependent on the amount of time that has passes between the two versions.  This distortion of the younger version’s biodata will snap back to normal when the source of the time differential is removed.        
   If released within the Vortex Time Lords trained to used a Vortex-Walking trance can, with the aid of  a Vortex Tunnel, travel through space and time under their own power.  Some Time Lords have Internal Chronometry abilities.  This allows them to know the time down to a nanosecond (the Doctor can’t do this).  Other Time Lords have deep-time memory, which allows them to clearly remember the original version of their history even after their personal past has been deliberately changed.
    Graduates of the Academy were given Reflex Links in there brains which connect them to the Time Lord Intelligentsia.  This link can be used across space and time.  A Time Lord would be able to detect the existance of other Time Lords (even if they are slightly out of sync with his timeline).  This would allow a Time Lords to know if all the Time Lords in the cosmos had been killed. The right type or Ro Wave broadcasts could be used to hide a Time Lord.  The Reflex Link can be used to unify all 1000 Time Lords.  This might allow the Intelligentsia access to the full Power of Creation.  Time Lords who exiled lose the ability to contact other Time Lords across space and time.  They are however still capable of using the Reflex Link if another Time Lord Contacts them.  
    The dreams of a Time Lord are visions that are free of the shadows of matter.  Thus they can provide information about the world outside of the range of their senses and can be premonitions about the future.  Some Time Lords get random premonitions of the future while concious.  Time Lords who have nightmares (a very rare occurance) or near-death states sometimes make deals with them, sometimes to become their Champions.  Prior to a regeneration it is not uncommon for Time Lords to unconciously generate alternate future versions of themselves in a proto-plasmic pupate stage.  These beings are called Watchers.  The Watchers are insubstantial but can communicate and act on their own.  If a Time Lord’s mental power are very well developed they can even create a fully interactive stable future incarnation (this is probably a violation of the first Law of Time).  These type of projections might be called a tulpa.  In either case Watcher will last untill the regeneration occurs.  Unconciously created Watchers are very rare but can be caused precipitated by damage to the Causal Nexus.  With about 3000 years (or less) of meditation a Time Lord can turn himself into a being of pure energy and move at the speed of light.  But this is forbidden by the Dimensional Ethics Committee.  Like all life forms that reside in the first 5 dimensions Time Lords are incapable of observing the 6-11th dimensions.
( Source )
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