patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄 #MerryChristmas
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patlee · 6 years
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Yeah. Just imagine.
Chad Curtis blocked me when I commented on his 2016 post at the time, but I felt his fact-averse “essay” was worth revisiting, now that we are two years in to a Trump presidency. As has become emblematic of the Trump presidency and his base, provable facts don’t matter. 
After becoming president, Donald Trump has made 7,546 false or misleading claims over 700 days, as researched and catalog by The Washington Post.
An Oxford University study found that Trump supporters share more fake news on social media than any other political group. This “essay” is no exception, with the demonstrable falsehoods beginning with the first sentence. I’d like to think Chad may have had a change of heart since then.
You can see Chad’s original post here.
Imagine an America where Hillary Clinton is President...
By Chad Curtis / November 3, 2016
If she can acquit the rapist of a 12 year old girl, knowing he was guilty, and laugh about it, what other atrocity will she actively pursue injustice on against the helpless?  
If she can look into the parent’s eyes of the fallen Benghazi soldiers, who she left for dead when they called hundreds of times for help, stand over their caskets and lie to them about what happened to their sons, saying “what difference at this point does it make??” what lie will she not tell?  
If she, behind closed doors to her rich donor friends, can call Hispanics “taco bowl voters,” and “needy latinos,” black Americans, “professional never do wellers and super predators that need to be brought to heel,” catholics “bastardized” actively working within the democratic party to overthrow the religion, Bernie Sanders supporters “basement dwellers and a bucket of losers,” Trump supporters, a “basket of deplorables and irredeemable,” Arab-Americans “sand n***ers” Bill Clinton’s rape accusers “looney toons and trash” with her top staffers saying she “hates everyday Americans” how can she lead a country of people she hates and detests so much?  
If she can hold such a corrupt organization as the Clinton Foundation, where donations in the multi-millions were illegally made by foreign dictators in exchange for power and influence in the U.S. State Department, all the while enriching herself to the point of being worth over 100 million dollars, under the mask of a “charitable foundation,” can you only imagine how she will use the White House on a grander scale for her own financial gain, while selling out the United States to foreign powers?
If she and her campaign can accept over 100 million dollars in donations from Wall Street and over 50 million dollars from middle eastern countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc, that throw gays off buildings, behead them, believe its ok to rape women, and don’t allow them to drive or go to school, and refuse to give any of that money back, will she sell out any cause for a price? How can she possibly say she will stand up for gays and women?  
If she can fund Islamic terrorist groups and supply them weapons, and 20% of her campaign is funded by middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, what possible outcome other than more attacks, more killings and bombings, and more broken American families can we expect under a Clinton Administration?  
If she can look into American parents’ eyes and say “it is the primary role of the state to teach, train, and raise children, parents play a secondary role,” what will she not do to continue to break down the family in our country?  
If she can break federal law and delete 33000 emails and destroy 13 phones with a hammer after being subpoenaed by U.S. Congress, and lie about it repeatedly, all the while colluding with the White House, department of Justice and attorney General to cover up her crimes, what national security matter will she not endanger us with by deliberately breaking the law and deliberately covering up?  
If she can say it is her “dream to have a hemispheric common market and open borders” what length will she not go to destroy U.S. sovereignty and cede our country to a one world government?  If her top aide Huma Abedin’s mom is the editor of a Muslim brotherhood magazine that promotes sharia law and death to America, along with Huma’s convicted pedophile husband, this in addition to her former KKK mentor, how bad can her judgment be? And how many others has she aligned herself with in her inner circle that hates America’s values?  
If she can stand on the DNC convention stage and smile at the American people, knowing she rigged the process, along with the DNC chairwoman, going all the way back to 2014, to ensure her win and silence the American people’s voice for Bernie Sanders, what else will she rig and who else will she silence, and who else will she collude with for her own gain?  
If she can cheat and accept questions from Donna Brazile prior to multiple debates to give herself an unfair advantage, how far will she go to break any rule or law necessary to get herself ahead? And how deep is the corruption within her own party?  
If she will intimidate and force her husband’s many rape victims to stay silent and keep them from coming forward, what other victims will she keep from justice and how can she possibly be a champion for women?    
If she will raise our taxes by 1.3 trillion dollars, despite literally losing 6 billion dollars while running the State department, and already being the highest taxed country in the world, and being 20 trillion in debt as a country, including raising taxes on the middle class, what will she not do to further strain hard working families financially and how else will she mismanage your hard earned money? Does she even care?    
If one of her biggest mentors is Robert Byrd, a former high ranking KKK member, whom she said was a man of "surpassing eloquence and nobility," how much of the KKK values does she support?  
If she can stand arm in arm with Barack Obama and break criminal law by sending Iran 400 million dollars to Iran as ransom for hostages, and lie to the American people about it, are there any limits to the lengths she'll go to further severe trust between the American people and government?    
If she can exploit a situation like the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, by stealing 14 billion dollars through the Clinton Foundation given for relief, instead funneling the money to themselves and their friends, while most citizens and kids still live in dire poverty and in tents, and the Haitian senate president saying “they are nothing but common thieves who should be in jail,” what depths will she go to enrich herself at the expense of others, even those in the worst possible situations?    
If she actively aligns herself with and supports terrorist groups like BLM, and doesn't seek support from America's largest police force, how far will law and order fall and how many officers will die because of her choice to empower terrorism and political correctness?    
If Hillary’s supervisor during the Watergate investigation in the 70’s says, "Hillary was a liar, she was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality,” considering her recent lies about her emails etc, and focus on disbanding the 2nd Amendment, what 40 year personal record is more concerning than that?    
If she can say “the supreme court is wrong on the 2nd Amendment,” in a private speech to rich donors, what will stop her from doing everything in her power to rewrite the constitution and remove the right to bear arms?    
If her and her team can hire the mentally ill, paying them $1500 and an Iphone, to go to Trump’s rallies and incite violence, injuring many, throwing eggs on women and severely injuring police officers, and then blame Trump for the violence, what other disgusting tricks will she employ for her own personal gain?    
If 48+ people close to Clinton, like Vince Foster, Ed Willey, Suzanne Coleman and just recently Shawn Lucas have mysteriously died, when having opportunity to give incriminating evidence against her and her family, could it be that she will go to any lengths to protect her position of power?    
If she can say to an unborn baby just hours before being delivered and say “the unborn do not have constitutional rights,” you are not a person, we are going to mutilate and tear you out of your mother’s womb and kill you, and also say she wants to be the “planned parenthood president” and supporting partial birth abortions, who and what else will she kill with no remorse?  
What kind of country would allow this kind of person to be employed in government? Let alone be promoted? Let alone run for President?  
We should pray for America.  
A vote for Hillary Clinton is your signature on all of the above. Not voting is your signature on all of the above. A third party vote is your signature on all of the above, as a third party has no chance of winning.  
A vote for Donald Trump, with all his imperfections, is to stand in the gap against all of the above.  
A vote for Donald Trump, an imperfect person, is to put a renewed focus in our country on American independence, our 2nd Amendment, life, religious liberty, our constitution, leading from the front, on border safety and security, rebuilding our military, a constitutional supreme court, ethics reform in government including term limits on congress, on economic strength, smart trade, rebuilding our inner cities and school choice, removing common core, law and order, and on honoring and championing the only people standing in the gap between chaos and anarchy in our country and abroad, our police officers and military veterans.  
He is a billionaire who at 70, could be enjoying the fruits of his labor with his family, but instead has spent over 100 million dollars of his own money on his campaign and has endured the most intense media pile on in American political history, all because he wants to give back and fight to make America great again. He has not taken more than one day off in 18 months, traveling the country, working tirelessly, fighting for that cause.  
This election could be America’s last chance, to draw a line in the sand and start to push back against the corrupt Washington machine, driven by the Clinton’s for decades.  
This election is  
“We the people” and Donald Trump  
The smug arrogance of the corrupt Washington establishment, donors and special interests, Wall Street, globalism, George Soros, open borders, corrupt democratic and republican insiders and elites, the liberal mainstream media, Hollywood, dishonest politicians, political correctness, everything Americans are sick of in our government, and the ultimate Washington insider mob boss, the most corrupt, criminal and dishonest person to ever run for office, a felon, Hillary Clinton – all working together to maintain their power, status, and money in a corrupt system.  
Americanism vs. Globalism.  
Trump wants to make America stronger than ever. Clinton wants us to cede to a global government, and sell our nation off piece by piece.  
“My highest duty as President is to protect our citizens and uphold the Constitution of the United States. It will be America first. Once again we will be a government of, by, and for the people. I will be America’s greatest defender and most loyal champion.” –DJT
“It is my dream to have a hemispheric common market and open borders.. we have been working to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. Ignorant voters are our best key to win.” – HRC
This could be our last chance to take back our country. November 8 can be our new American Independence Day.  
We may not see an opportunity like this again in our lifetime.  
The most powerful weapon we have is our vote.  
As someone who wants this country to be great again, to stand for goodness again, for my kids and grandkids, I will be standing in the gap against all that this woman has proven to be on November 8, and voting for Donald Trump.  
Say what you will about Mr. Trump, he will fight for America. As should we all.
Please share.
You can see Chad’s original post here. 
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patlee · 6 years
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The Stranger has obtained direct messages between Dylan Hafertepen and a silicone enthusiast going back a few years that contradict Dylan's recent statements to the media. It appears from these messages that Dylan confirmed that he had silicone injected into his own body, and that he performed some of those injections himself and may have injected other people.
Dylan told Buzzfeed recently: “I did not make him inject silicone” and “This was his fetish.” On Australian TV, Jack's mother, Linda, wanted to know who had injected her son with silicone, and Dylan said: “I have never done that for him. I forbid him from doing silicone.”
Dylan Hafertepen is a liar and a dangerous sociopath.
Read the Article
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patlee · 6 years
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Daniel Villarreal of the Seattle Alt Weekly, The Stranger, has done an incredible investigative report on Dylan Hafertepen’s connections to the deaths of Jack Chapman, Joe Quader and Peter Dovak.
Villarreal covers:
Jack’s cause of death with an updated death certificate
interviews Peter Dovak’s boyfriend Robert Waltman
confirms Joe Quader’s suicide
interviews Jack’s friend Arman Ellis (the friend who clipped Jack’s padlock)
the entire story so far
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patlee · 6 years
Dylan Hafertepen was confronted by Jack Chapman's grieving mother on a program which aired on Australian TV tonight. [Link for Aussie viewers]
“I didn’t know he was in hospital, I didn’t know he was in an induced coma, I never got to hold him, I never got to hug him. I never got to say goodbye,” she said.
“And he (Hafertepen) waits til the day after he’s dead to tell me he’s dead. I didn’t even know he was sick.”
She also didn’t know that Jack had changed his will three weeks before his death so that Hafertepen would inherit his $200,000 inheritance.
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Watch the report...
Watch on YouTube
Watch via Twitter Video
The above are temporary, low-resolution video links. I will update with HD-quality video links once they are available. If you reside in Australia, you can watch the official replay here once it is posted.
ALSO: The Body Modifying 'Cult' Blamed For The Death Of Aussie 'Gentle Giant'
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Seattle publication The Stranger​ has also published a report on the string of deaths associated with Dylan Hafertepen —  known by his handle “Noodles and Beef.” 
Death of a Kinkster: Why did a young man named Jack Chapman, aka Pup Tank, die suddenly? Is his master, Dylan Hafertepen, to blame? https://www.thestranger.com/features/2018/11/07/35073826/death-of-a-kinkster
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Jake Burton by Pat Lee ⇢ @jakeburton.official ⇠ #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #hot #aesthetics #instagood #picoftheday #amazing #SergiConstance
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Sergii Kokariev by Pat Lee ⇢ @muscle._man ⇠ #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #aesthetics #instagood
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Stefano Aquaro by Pat Lee ⇢ @stefanoaquaro ⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. ★ #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #aesthetics #instagood
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Jon Hubacheck by Pat Lee ⇢ @hubbodybuilding ⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. ★ #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #gymlife #instagood
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Nate Bell by Pat Lee ⇢ @nate_bell08⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. ★ [email protected] #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #FitLife #aesthetics #GymLife #workout
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Jake Burton by Pat Lee ⇢ @jakeburton.official ⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #hot #aesthetics #instagood #picoftheday #amazing #SergiConstance
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Leo Billon by Pat Lee ⇢ @leonitus_fit ⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #hot #aesthetics #instagood #picoftheday #amazing #SergiConstance
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Logan Frazier by Pat Lee ⇢ @bigbodyfraz ⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. ★ #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #aesthetics #instagood
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Sergi Constance by Pat Lee ⇢ @sergiconstance ⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #hot #aesthetics #instagood #picoftheday #amazing #SergiConstance
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Alan Valdez by Pat Lee ⇢ @alanvaldezofficial ⇠ #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #aesthetics #instagood
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Scott Cullens by Pat Lee ⇢ @Scott.Cullens ⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. ★ #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #abs #aesthetics #instagood
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patlee · 6 years
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http://patlee.net ★ http://patreon.com/patlee ★ Mike Gettier by Pat Lee ⇢ @mike.gettier ⇠ Pat Lee is based in Chicago and available for photography, video and media projects. ★ #bodybuilding #fitness #fitfam #gym #fitspiration #shredded #gymlife #instagood
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