patricekolt · 11 months
Hey. It's Luna. Are you referring to the explosion in Meridian that happened like two weeks ago? Cole, Spider, Hinata, and I all survived, but I haven't heard from Chris. We found our way to some... it's hard to explain properly, it's like a cottage in the forest? Not entirely sure what world we're in or what city. But just know that we're safe. As for Chris or Aurora, I'm unsure. Haven't seen them recently, maybe they're in another room in the house that I haven't found yet.
That I do, Miss Luna. That I do. And I'm rather relieved that you and your friends all survived.
That sounds very lovely, the forest cottage. That's my favorite of getaways, though it does have a reputation of being a bit... dangerous. I mean, it is picturesque, of course, but it is also quite remote. The kind of remote that nobody would know what's going on until it's all finished.
Back to them, I know Aurora can do magic in a sense. Whether that extends to Jumper magic... well, we'll find out sooner or later, yes? I'll need to find out.
Sincerely, P. Kolt
P.S. Both of us seemed to have gotten some minor concussions. Not quite sure how it would affect us, though from previous examples, it rarely is anything good.
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patricekolt · 1 year
Explosions in the Distance
Well that was... unexpected.
We were making good headway until somewhere round a week before, when we got a CB warning, which forced us to drop back to the nearest safe space.
We had hardly retreated when the explosions went off. Thankfully, retracing our steps is much faster than choosing where to jump to, so we did make it out of there safely, but not before one sent rubble towards us and knocked us out like a light.
Usually, with that kind of explosion, there's very little chance of survival. I would rather not break the bad news to my client, so this is also hoping that they managed to survive. Somehow.
Parents are never supposed to bury their kids.
Sincerely, P. Kolt
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patricekolt · 1 year
I think we're getting closer? Not sure, but the skies are looking redder and redder with every universe. Can't tell if it's just naturally red or there's a lot of burning involved.
Will keep you in touch, hopefully.
what kind of beautiful is the person you rbed this from?
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patricekolt · 1 year
It's kinda dark here, so it's only fair.
We're reaching the outer reaches, so we're at the complete mercy of whether things go up or not. Sorry if it looks like I'm going long stretches without answering.
Do you recognize this object?
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patricekolt · 1 year
I guess we'll be seeing you soon then, Mrs. Kolt?
— very well be the case.— crossed.
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patricekolt · 1 year
Well please be safe. What Earth are you going to?
Oh, here and— minutes. It's— description, I know— got to work with.
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patricekolt · 1 year
You ok Kolt?
I'm al—. Just a lot— jumping. Inter—. A bit— re-entry to Earth— without burning.
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patricekolt · 1 year
I see… and I’m curious. What are you going to do to Red Blue? Is this like a “I need info from them” mission or a “let assassinate them because I was hired to” mission?
Sor— Int— has been spo—.
But the reason— I am— tasked to find. My client— worried. He wants— happened.
Just want— closure.
If Red Blue— turned, that'd be— but I'll un— if he doesn't.
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patricekolt · 1 year
Who is your jumper?
No idea. I know where he works, but that's about it.
Why ask for identity when you're looking to get the job done? It's not like I need to know the guy. Nor is it in his best interest to know me.
Therefore, not knowing each other seems the better option.
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patricekolt · 1 year
Are you a jumper?
Not in the slightest. As I said, I'm a hopper. Hoppers get through time, jumpers get through space.
So theoretically, a hopper-jumper pair would be able to visit almost any universe, but the hard part is that the jumper has to know before they make the jump, otherwise you're risking quite a bit.
My jumper said it's like teleportation. If you know where to go, great, you can plan ahead, scout out where it is, and generally make a plan. If you don't, however, you're risking quite a bit. Jumping straight into an uninhabitable environment accounts for about 40% of jumper death. Accidentally getting into the line of fire is another one, especially if it's a more violent universe. He said it's around some 10%? Not sure.
Of course, hopping comes with its own risk, though nowhere near as dangerous. It's more hopping fatigue, if anything. Though the chance of getting into the line of fire is always kinda there, it's just 15%. And most of us know history enough not to rush back to the Big Bang. That, and it would burn nearly all of your energy, so either way it's a stupid move.
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patricekolt · 1 year
The Night of Clocks (28 04 23)
Quiet night tonight. Then again, that's what I like.
The Night of Clocks is a certain day in a jumper's calendar, where they will sit down and reflect on their year as jumpers. To us, it is sacred. Unbreakable. It would be sacrilegious for us to skip the day.
It's not a set day, however. Each jumper has a different day they set as the Night of Clocks. For me, it is today, April 28th. The day I finished my first case.
Lots of things to unpack here. For one, I think my skills as a jumper is still lacking. I want to be able to fine-tune it to the second, but I'm always off by twenty seconds. I want to be able to get it down this year.
Then there are the cases I'm chasing right now: Red Green and Chopin 25.12. My client has been complaining, and I don't want to lose the cases, but I cannot help but feel like I'm meddling in something I have no right to be meddling in.
And then there's the people I have met throughout the year, both online and offline. Ms. Luna and her friends at @krystalwuzhere, as well as the anonymous person in all caps, are helpful to a point, but I wish I could, maybe, somehow, just meet them. They seem to know Red Blue and Chopin 25.12, which is the main fueling point. The other point is that Ms. Luna has been very kind, very kind indeed. I want to consider her a friend, but I don't know if the feelings are reciprocated.
I have been arranging for my trip to the unknown world, which I'll call Red Sky. The jumper is asking for a rather exorbitant fee, but I'll bite the bullet and write it down as business expense.
Would it surprise you to know that the Night of Clocks necessitate a full room of clocks? A clock shop works, but I want to go back to where it begin: The Greenwich Observatory. The famous clock room.
The constant ticking of the clocks is supposed to be calming. A reminder of the end. In a way, a clock is the most basic memento mori that we all have. It tick-tocked its way towards our end.
After tonight, I'll pack my bags.
Salut, mes amis.
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patricekolt · 1 year
21 4 23
Very interesting couple of days down in Meridian.
As with everything else, I doubt it will come easy, and it's not. Navigating officials has never been my particular strong suit, and this one is particularly frustrating. After a lot of running around like a headless chicken on campus, I may or may not have exploded at the admissions officer. Figuratively, of course.
I'm surprised when they say they haven't seen Red Blue, though. If coming here was his plan of getting away, it has been horribly, horribly derailed. Or going according to plan. Who knows?
I know it feels like a dream. An impossible, impossible dream.
But what if it turns out that way?
Might be time to get a jumper involved.
P. Kolt
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patricekolt · 1 year
8 4 2023
I landed at JFK a while back. As of now, I'm just enjoying the views of New York.
Though, it seems that they (the JFK airport) also provide flights straight to Meridian (as an aside, its three-letter code is MEI, so a fair bit of giggling has happened). I'm hoping to score a ticket on the 15th, and then it's off to Meridian, and hopefully it works out.
Thinking back to that flight with Red Blue, I feel like if things don't pan out... it might be indicative of something way, way worse.
If it is so, then it would be wise to get a jumper.
Fingers crossed we don't get there.
Sincerely, P. K.
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patricekolt · 2 years
By the way, happy belated birthday, Mrs. Kolt. I hope you had a really good one back in the present.
Thanks, Luna (and Krystal if you're reading this).
I would love some cake, but I think it's best not to. Sweet stuff don't sit well with me, I'm afraid.
Wish you have a good day, too. And... um... thanks.
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patricekolt · 2 years
Oddly enough, I doubt Chris would force you into a hamster. Not sure about Aurora, don't really know her that well, aside from her Magic.
No, no. Not force me into a hamster. More like I'm forced to live with it for... god, how long was it... like a year? Somewhere round that.
Like you're just kinda lost, if you catch my drift? Like you're just kinda "I don't even know where I'm going right now."
Bit like taking a refuge, I guess, but with more chances of being zombified.
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patricekolt · 2 years
Will the city work for you?
Where in the city?
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patricekolt · 2 years
Would you be willing to meet up?
Like in real life?
I mean, I guess, though I would have to check.
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