patrickzweigssweat · 13 days
guys! what do y’all think art and tashi majored in at stanford 🤨🤨
my friend brought this question up to me and i legit cannot stop thinking about it fr
my thinking is that art is a physics major. he’s one of the more technical players in the film, so you just know he’d major in physics to have a better understanding of tennis too.
i feel like there’s no question/argument that tashi is a business major 1000%. this major definitely helped how involved she is in the business portions of art’s career.
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patrickzweigssweat · 27 days
“Art is the heart of the movie” “Patrick is the heart of the movie” “tennis is the point”
And when will we finally talk about Tashi.
Tashi— who was a tennis superstar before she could even legally drink, who is understood to have grown up poor and without resources or opportunities aside from what she fought for with the blood, sweat, tears and an INSANE talent that she cultivated for years?
Tashi— who was fucking good and fucking knew it, not cocky enough to believe a match was won before it was over but still had the confidence to know she was bringing everything to the match.
Tashi— who wanted to fuck around and have fun, who saw potential between Art and Patrick because of her potential, fully capable and knowing exactly what she wants, knew already at eighteen of how important it was to play the long game in her life so that her only skill wasn’t just with a ball and a racket.
Tashi— who liked Patrick and liked the game, not between the boys but the game itself, who wanted a partner that had that drive and passion and energy for the same thing that brought them together.
Tashi— who lost everything in an instant, everything that she had spent her entire life working towards for what was a horrible and unfortunate accident.
Tashi— who casually joked years later with Art that “she wasn’t going to kill herself or anything” with the sardonic tone of someone who very clearly fucking considered it, brushing it off and pushing forward because Tashi Duncan might not have been able to recover her tennis but she could still be in it.
Tashi— who was no less determined but more focused, who saw the potential of Art not just as a player but as a person, who had told Patrick years before that his game had improved despite how much Patrick had dismissed it.
Tashi— a fiancée, a moment not of weakness but of a choice, maybe to recapture the intensity of her own feelings or maybe a low point at the reminder of Mueller who had no other competition because that competitor should’ve been her.
Tashi— a wife and a mother who tells Patrick to throw the game, for Art and for her love for him, who replies in complete seriousness when Patrick asks if she’ll fuck him for his acceptance “if that’s what it takes.”
Tashi— who is the actual fucking heart of this movie— and as this article put so perfectly, is the thesis of everything, the one person we see right at the end.
Tashi Duncan, the (messy, complex, enigmatic) woman that you are.
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patrickzweigssweat · 27 days
well, hello everyone!
i’m unsure if you could tell from my profile, but i’m a little obsessed with challengers at the moment, and therefore i’m looking for some challengers rps!
some basic info about me includes: hi! i’m mika! i’m 18 (19 in less than a month)! i have a semi-lit/lit writing style, and prefer to at the very least write one decent sized paragraph! however, i do usually attempt to match my partner’s lengths as best as i can! i’d rather you be 18+ because of the subject matter of challengers!
i’m mostly looking to play patrick, but i would be open to playing either art or tashi, depending on the plot of the roleplay.
i have a few ideas in mind, but i’m open to hearing yours! i’m open to fluff, angst, smut, au’s. wherever the wind takes us, you know?
if you’re interested, engage with this post, or feel free to send me a message!
i’m excited to play some good fucking tennis with you <3
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patrickzweigssweat · 28 days
back on my silly goofy thoughts from the challengers brainrot!!!
do y’all think that art’s hair could be a loose representation of his sexuality? like i don’t know how to phrase it. when he’s with patrick/the stanford era, he wears his hair in his loose curls. his hair is always kinda messy, like a frat boy. when we see him in 2019, his hair is straightened, and always kept properly trimmed.
feel like the straightening of his hair represents the hold tennis starts to have on his life, the impact of publicity, and the fade away from the guilty pleasures he was once able to enjoy (patrick)
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patrickzweigssweat · 29 days
okay guys, let me cook.
priest! art donaldson x vampire! patrick zweig
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patrickzweigssweat · 29 days
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sometimes, “babygirl” is a 32 year old man
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patrickzweigssweat · 30 days
you know i kinda just realized that maybe the reason tashi doesn’t care about whether she’s loved or not is because love means nothing in tennis terms
thank you luca guadagnino for the amount of double entendres in this film <333
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