paulinejoylago-blog · 5 years
The Power of Media and Information and the Responsibility of the Users
“Before, generations were born with silver and a golden spoon. Now, kids are born with phones on their mouths,” a teacher of mine once said during our class session about the evolution of generations. Indeed, we’re the generations growing up with the advancing technology. And with this, have we been responsible users of the power media had given us in disseminating information?
Media has been part of everyone’s daily life. It is the television, the Internet, cinema, newspapers, radio, magazines, email or smartphones that we use anywhere. It is probably the most, if not, one of the most influential tools in communication within thousands and thousands of people, might be someone you know or not. It becomes a platform for many things like information and entertainment. But not only that, but it also becomes a pottery wheel in shaping many lives.
We will go first in the print media. Although these days it’s not popular among youngsters, it is still the most reliable source of information. This type of media affects not only readers but also researches. One example is our Science Investigatory Projects. In the Review of Related Literature, printed journals, magazines with statistics and scientists’ commentaries or interviews, and books are essentials in supporting the project to turn out more convincing or valid.
Next is media as a necessity. We use innovated appliances and gadgets like televisions, radios, computer, cameras and phones like we became dependent on it. When you're bored, you'll just open your TV and choose a channel with the show or program you want or you get your hot news from it. It became a bridge in showcasing talents. In addition to that the Social Media which youth, or even kids, are so used became their expressway of feelings, sentiments, and views. The use of these mediums in many ways skyrocketed hardcore.
However as the media advances through Technology, it also increases the disadvantages. Many are becoming careless, wild, insensitive and dishonest. Some people today use these platforms to deceive people like online shopping or spreading false articles. Some are wild and thoughtless in using social media. People became braver but less sensitive to how it will affect lives. Therefore, we, people should do something about these.
Can you honestly say you’re a responsible media user? No, because no one hasn’t made a mistake.
Nevertheless, it is not bad to commit mistakes sometimes. Being a responsible user starts from being accountable to your wrongdoings and be critical to your next steps or activities related to it. A user must not only think of about one’s self, but it must also consider and empathize with others, especially those who you really know. 
There’s a great power within the Media and Information.  It affects many lives even to a glimpse of it, and so since it is powerful, we must be careful and be knowledgeable of the responsibility that we would carry on using it.
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paulinejoylago-blog · 5 years
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Follow these Core Rules and you’re social media life would be healthy
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paulinejoylago-blog · 5 years
How Has Technology Changed us
Empathetic Talks.
When I was little, I was surrounded by genuine laughter, cries upon losing on a game, and empathetic talks where we give advice we don’t even know where it came from. Now, all I do is sleep through the sound of tapping and ringing of a radiating square-shaped object from all directions. At first, I was indifferent, but for a little while, I as well enter the new dimension of technology.
Technology, according to Merriam Webster Dictionary, is the use of science in industry, engineering, or invention of useful things to solve problems. Even from the Stone Age, we already have a technology, it only continuously changes and improve as time goes by. As it improves, a lot of things in our lives improve as well. Three of the most affected areas are the field of medicine and agriculture, communication and labor.
In the field of Medicine and agriculture, here comes the healthcare, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment’s, biotechnology and medical-agricultural researches. Since much medical equipment nowadays is being invented and innovated, healthcare became more convenient and easier compared to the past. The foods or other resources and more are now being improved as well through the field of biotechnology. Lastly, the researches became easier for scientist for they won’t need too many people to volunteer, they now have new equipment.
Next, in communication wherein before to contact another person you’ll need sticks, stones, leaves to papers and inks, now they have gadgets and social media. Smartphones, where you have an app for texting, calling
or chatting, arise. Before you need to see a person face to face, now you can use social media to communicate or talk. If there’s an emergency, these gadgets are useful in many ways.
Lastly, on labor or work. Instead of doing things manually, they can use appliances in washing clothes and more. Instead of staying for more than four hours just to finish your work, you can use technology and finish it on lesser hours. Labor on factories became easier because of machines. Machinery, appliances, and gadgets can now make labor or work easier than the old days.
Indeed it has a lot of advantages in our lives; however, it still has disadvantages.
It could be on our physical health or mental health. Gadgets for youngsters nowadays can’t be taken away. Many video games are launched and being played by thousands of millennial. Some became its addiction and destruction. Some turned it into violence and cruelty.  
As medical equipment increase, diseases also increase. Much developed illness is due to too much use of technological stuff especially gadgets. Now, the average age of woman and man’s life span is 68 years old for male and 72 years old for females.  It decreased from before.
Technology today improved the ways of life, but it degraded the quality of life. Now instead of genuine laughs and cries, you can hear the noise of phones within the silence. No one talk or maybe a few. Girl talks, Boy talks no more. We can now easily hide what we really feel through these mobile chat. We can talk now without opening our mouths. Young ones nowadays think they’re of the same level as the old ones. And students became dependent on the internet instead of what is really happening to their minds. It is beneficial for us living on earth but as we people rely more on it, the danger will slowly or suddenly creep out from nowhere.
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