crystalcaveromione · 2 years
Daily Reminder That ronald billius weasely was both the main guy and the main girl's true love. Canonically
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
no one recognizes that ron had prefect duties AND quittich team duties to attend to at the same time (double the responsibilities of h and hr) whilst being supportive towards harry’s ptsd outbursts and preventing hermione from overworking herself before owls WHILE BEING BULLIED BY THE ENTIRE SCHOOL and dealing with (surely undiagnosed) anxiety why do people call him irresponsible no wonder this boy was so frustrated during 6th year.
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
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Ron is so precious. Completely wrecked and bleeding, in one room with a mass murderer and his dangerous werewolf mate who really badly want to kill his pet and he's not having it. Ron is just like: Yeah, nice story, but not my genre. I'm off.
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
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Recently I've made my first illustration of Harry Potter. I mainly drew based on the character description of the book, the clothes and some props by the movie and the rest is by my imagination.
The scene depicts the fight between Ron and Hermione around their pets in the 3rd book the Prisoner of Azkaban, while the tired Harry listens to his two best friends, with his owl, Hedvig on his right.
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
Rating Ron and Hermione Moments from The Books
1. Their First Kiss: I mean……no other moment in this list can beat this right? Ron made fun of S.P.E.W. for majority of the series but this all changes when Dobby saved their lives, at the expense of his own. It is also adorable considering that he is the first one to suggest the safety of the house elves instead of Hermione. Also, if Harry wasn’t with them, they would have not stopped kissing. Damn him for interrupting their moment.♾ ♾ ♾/10
2. Ron Getting 12 Fail Safe Ways to Charm Witches Book to Date Hermione: OMG! This is actually such a small scene in DH but its so damn adorable!!! I love that Ron took Fred and George’s gift seriously and started to read it to woo Hermione. I love that Hermione is “pleased and confused” at his politeness. This man really is putting in the effort to get the girl he loves. 307487482042/10
3. Hermione Confunding Cormac: Considering Hermione’s character and her hating breaking the rules, it is a big deal. She gets mad at Cormac for insulting Ron and therefore makes sure his arrogant ass does not make the Quidditch team so Ron does. She breaks the rules for her MAN. 150/10
4. The Malfoy Manor Scene: Honestly this scene was so damn tragic, all Romione fans were crying their eyes out in this scene. I hated seeing Hermione being hurt and hated seeing Ron stressing. However, because I am an emo bitch, I put it on the list. Ron who is calm under stressful situations was screaming her name over and over again and even offered himself to be tortured in Hermione’s stead. I am literally sobbing. the most infinite number in the world/10
5. Ron Pushing Hermione out of the way in the Cafeteria Fight: *sobbing* If you want a good partner, make sure you get one that will push you out of the way when spells are being thrown at you (if you happen to be a witch, too). Ron’s first instinct is to push her out of harm’s way instead of protecting himself. That’s called ‘actions are louder than words’ 100000000000000/10
6. Falling Asleep While Holding Hands: I honestly wish to know what led up to them holding hands in their sleep. Such a simple gesture but romantic nonetheless. It is even cuter considering that they weren’t actually dating when this happened. They are the best ship to ever grace the planet. 789/10
7. Ron Telling Snape to Fuck off after he Insulted Hermione: Ron has always made fun of Hermione for knowing everything but he also admired her intelligence and work ethic. However, once he sees how Snape’s insult affected Hermione, he roasts him (as he should). And earns detention for speaking against Mopey Snippy Snape. We love an overprotective king. 1000000000/10
8. Dancing at Bill and Fleur’s Wedding: Imagine Ron and Hermione dancing, him twirling her and having their happy moments before everything goes to shit.  I just know that they embraced and enjoyed every single second of their dance!! It is so damn romantic! Also can we appreciate Ron’s character development here???? He went from asking Hermione to the Yule Ball at the last minute to asking her to dance with him immediately???? ♾/10
9. Hermione kissing Ron’s Cheek: Its so adorable considering Ron was dazzled by her kiss and his mind was in another dimension when it happened. I  also love that Hermione puts effort into wishing him luck with the kiss and doesn’t bother even wishing the rest luck. She merely just says good luck to Harry. 90/10
10. Ron telling Hermione he loves her: Yes, they weren’t dating. Yes, Ron was still dating Lavender. But this doesn’t make it any less romantic. It’s so cute because you know that when he tells her he loves her, he means it. Hermione believes its a joke but blushes anyways. (Let’s also acknowledge that he told her she’s the most wonderful person he’s ever met in fifth book when she helps him with his work) 10/10
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
I don’t care what you head canon any of the next gen to look like, but let’s make one thing clear - Hugo has his dads long nose, and big hands and feet. And he’s just as lanky as Ron was. That is all.
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
“His sister didn’t really try,” said McLaggen menacingly. “She gave him an easy save.”
“Rubbish,” said Harry coldly. “That was the one he nearly missed."
Or they were both right. (1k, HBP missing moment, Ron and Ginny being siblings here)
The ball went through the first of the three loops they had improvised in the orchard. Ginny allowed herself another triumphant grin. “That’s the fifth goal in a row!”
Ron’s face was dangerously red when he came back from retrieving the ball, but he didn’t say anything. Ginny moved back to her position, about twenty feet distant from the goals, following the point Harry had marked on the ground. She ran three steps then threw the ball; as in the other five times, Ron jumped to the wrong loop, and she scored another goal.
“Oh, shut up.” He grabbed their improvised quaffle and sat on the ground. “This is stupid—it’s not really Quidditch.”
“There is a ball and there is a goal. If you can’t save it on the ground, you’re not going to be better in the air.”
“It’s different!”
“How so?”
“You will be flying also, duh.”
“Except I fly so much better than you, so that’s not a vantage for you.”
Ron’s eyes narrowed at the same proportion his face got scarlet. “Why are you so mean? Oh, sorry, I meant meaner than usual.”
Ginny narrowed her eyes, annoyingly aware that this made her look like Ron, one of those few times where no one could deny they were siblings.
“Perhaps if you concentrated more on Quidditch and less on my love life, you would be a better player.”
“I don’t care about your love life.”
“Then how do Fred and George know that I’m dating Dean? Because I didn’t tell them.”
To his credit, Ron looked a bit ashamed, his expression softening a little. “I was just expressing concern, that’s it. You can’t blame a guy for worrying about his younger sister’s life.”
“I am your only sister,” she replied coolly. “And as said sister, yes, I can blame this guy. What’s your problem with Dean?”
“It is not—Dean is okay-ish—look, you just have to dislike the guy who is dating your sister. It’s a principle. You should know it.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
Now there was a smirk on Ron’s face. “You and Fleur are already braiding each other’s hair, are you? Discussing the flowers for the wedding?”
She reached for her wand, only to lament the fact she’d left it inside the house.
“It’s not the same,” insisted Ginny. “I didn’t even know Fleur before she burst into the house as if she owned it!”
“Oh, right.” Ron crossed his arms, clearly at upper-hand here. “Tell me you wouldn’t hate anyone that Bill — favourite brother Bill, don’t deny it — would date.”
“I wouldn’t,” said Ginny at once, though lacking a bit of confidence this time. Bill wasn’t her favourite brother because a girl shouldn’t have a favourite sibling, only… Bill was Bill. She expected more of him than… Fleur. “I just think he is rushing things here.”
“So you breaking up with your boyfriend and soon after dating another guy—that is not rushed?”
“How long?"
"How long do tou think I've been friends with Dean before we started dating?"
"Ah... three weeks?"
“Three years. I was friends with him before I even dated Michael.”
His eyes widened. “Friends? I never saw it!”
“It’s not my fault you were too busy with other things to realise I have friends. Or that I can play Quidditch better than you.”
“Hey, hey, don’t get mean again.” Ron bit his lips, thoughtful. “Were you really friends?”
“Have you ever talked to Dean and Seamus? And I don’t mean only because you are aggravated with Harry or something stupid as this—I mean really enjoyed their company?” He shook his head. “Well, they are really fun. A lot of dirty jokes also, they give Charlie a run for his money.”
“Hum—I’ve heard a few…”
“Nice. The thing is, you, Hermione and Harry are so busy with your own drama that you forget that while you three are conspiring to defeat the dark villain of the year, other people are having a life of their own.”
“You were glad to join us last June.”
“Of course I was! Just because I don’t do it regularly, it doesn’t mean I don’t care about this war.” Ginny looked away, suddenly embarrassed. “I know what You-Know-Who can do to someone.”
There was a moment of silence, then Ron patted her shoulder. The gesture seemed to make him as uncomfortable as it made Ginny, but she appreciated all the same.
“Dean is a nice guy,” she said, her voice calmer now. “Don’t be a jerk to him.”
Ron seemed to debate the matter with himself for a moment, but then he nodded. “I won’t say anything,” he promised. “Not even to Bill.”
“I don’t think he would care at the moment,” she admitted, throwing an annoyed glance towards the house; Fleur had arrived with Bill for lunch and had stayed, the main reason why Ginny had agreed to Ron’s suggestion of a practice that afternoon, no matter how hot the day was.
“Don’t be silly.” Ron sounded amused. “You are still Bill’s favourite sister.”
“I’m his only sister, prat.”
“He only got one of those, exactly. There are other quarter-Veelas in the world. Somewhere.”
It wasn’t exactly a compliment, but she could find some comfort in Ron’s words.
“I guess,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant. It didn’t seem to fool Ron, so she just grabbed the ball on the ground and resumed her position. “Go on.”
“Aren’t we past humiliating me? I can’t save it, there, I’ve said it.”
“You should have added that I’m a brilliant chaser,” Ginny said unashamedly. “And because I’m also a brilliant sister, I’ll give you a hint. Stop looking at me.”
“What? How is that a hint?”
“Look at the ball. It's the ball you need to stop,  not me. You already stay at a right distance from the posts to reduce my angle, you already face my direction–you are only missing the goals because I keep misguiding you where I am throwing it."
"So I ignore you and focus on the ball?"
"Don't ignore me, I didn’t say it–are you listening to me?"
"You are one that’s saying rubbish–of course I am looking at the ball!"
"If you were then you'd save something, wouldn’t you?" She threw the ball on the ground, letting it bounce away. "Don't be mad when the other teams score because you can't take advice from your little sister!"
"That has nothing to do with you being my sister!"
"Oh, right, because if Hermione had said it, you would have listened to it!"
"Hermione doesn’t understand Quidditch."
"Harry, then."
"He is the captain this year, and he's youngest–"
"Seeker, exactly! While I am a Chaser, and a Seeker in my spare time. But do what you want, I don’t care."
"Ugh, you are impossible." Ron shook his head; Ginny crossed her arms and neither moved for a few minutes.
Then there was a laugh coming from the house and she saw the door opening; Fleur's silver hair was glistening under the sun.
She sighed.
"Do you wanna play Exploding Snap in the living room?" She asked. "We can wake up Harry, he has napped enough already."
Ron smiled. "Let’s go, I bet Hermione is back already. She gets all flustered when the cards blow up in her turn."
"You know, there are other ways to get Hermione flustered, if that’s your goal."
"What are you talking about?"
Ginny smiled to herself. "Never mind."
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
The fact that Harry thought of Ginny right when he was waiting for Voldemort to kill him is incredibly important.
With everything that had happened to him, with everything he had gone through, his thoughts went to Ginny. "-and Harry thought inexplicably of Ginny, and her blazing look, and the feel of her lips in his-".
He could have thought of his parents and how he was going to greet them and be with them at last. He could have thought of Sirius, his godfather, an essential paternal figure in his life, the first person who felt like the family that had been ripped from him that night in 1981 . Or of Remus, how he had taught him to cast "Expecto Patronum", how he had been the first person to talk to him about Lily. How Remus had died without knowing his son, how Teddy had been left an orphan, just like Harry had been years ago.
Ron and Hermione could have been his last thought too, them being the first real loving friends he had. His best friends always there, his partners in crime. Everything they had gone through side by side, fighting back. How they were his first source of comfort, of help, of understanding, of love.
He could have thought of the war coming to an End. Of every single person who had fought for what they believed. Of how Dumbledore had raised him only for this very moment, how Harry has trusted and found almost a father in him.
But he didn't, Ginny was everything in that moment. Maybe Ron and Hermione were comfort and help... Ginny was his BEST source of comfort, of love (even though he doesn't say, he knows) she IS his family. He had fallen in love with her so recklessly. In an instant she represented something Harry had never thought of in all his life: future. Harry's life is absorbed by darkness that overshadowed a possible happy life. But Ginny changed that. She was so bright the shadows couldn't follow him when he was with her. She was so warm, the coldness of his body left, escaping that fire.
She became his life, his love, his family. She was the person with whom he'd start and share a life. That's why he fought for her in the war, he desperate for her not die, not to be hurt. He wanted her to live.
He thought of her.
How could he not?
She was the only real thing.
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
Long Car Rides
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
a silver Patronus soar through the drawing room window and land upon the floor in front of them, where it solidified into the weasel that spoke with the voice of Ron’s father. “Family safe, do not reply, we are being watched.” The Patronus dissolved into nothingness.
Ron let out a noise between a whimper and a groan and dropped onto the sofa: Hermione joined him, gripping his arm. “They’re all right, they’re all right!” she whispered, and Ron half laughed and hugged her. (Deathly Hallows)
This kind of small and heartfelt scenes between Ron and Hermione make them a great couple in the books. There are so many of them in HBP and DH. Sadly not a single one of those scenes were included in the movies.
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
Small Ron/Hermione canon moments that even most books readers don't remember.
1. Ron actually decided to follow his worst fear in COS with Harry after seeing Hermione's empty seat beside him at the great hall.
2. The 1st time Hermione apologised and accepted she was wrong in POA to Ron. She also hugged him and cried.
3. Ron actually read many books in his spare time to help Hermione with Buckbeak's trial.
4. Ron got detentions total 3 times in 7 years. 2 of them by Snape for defending Hermione against his bullying.
5. Hermione kissed Ron on his cheek to distract him from the horrible song Malfoy wrote in OOTP
6. Ron bought Hermione a perfume as a Christmas gift to make up for his atrocious behaviour in 4th year.
7. Hermione's the only person who caught that Twins were terrible to Ron and their pranks were affecting him emotionally.
8. Ron consoled Hermione the most when she was upset. At Dumbledore's funeral he was stroking her hair while she was crying on his shoulder.
9. Hermione asked Ron out on a date for the 1st time even though she said 'we are allowed to bring guests'
10. Ron is the only person who said 'I love you' those exact three words to his S.O in the whole series.
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
Back when it was Ginny and Ron against the world
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
Can you imagine the happiness Ron would feel when he would know that Hermione loved him back? Like this guy, never got anything in his life. Always 2nd best to everyone. Even his parents neglected him. He was overshadowed by his siblings and best friend but he fell in love with a girl. That girl rejected an international quidditch star to be with him. She loved him back. He was 2nd best to EVERYONE but her. 😭❤
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
Hermione's relationship with her parents was permanently altered after the war. As they celebrate Rose Granger-Weasley's eleventh birthday, old wounds are reopened.
Read on AO3 here or continue below
*** *** *** ***
The small silver spoon tinkled softly against porcelain as Hermione sat at her parents’ dining table, stirring a dash of sugar into her teacup. It was pink with a delicate trim of white roses, not unlike the ones she had loved dearly as a child. Hermione glanced up at her mother across the table, wondering with a guilty pang if perhaps she had done her best to replace them with a close match when they moved back to England.
Anna Granger, meanwhile, gazed lovingly at her granddaughter, Rose, as she ripped at the bright purple wrapping paper covering her birthday gift, slowly unveiling the present within. Hermione watched as her daughter pulled out a box bearing a picture of some sort of electronic device and the words Nintendo Switch emblazoned on the front.
“No fair, I want one!” cried Hugo from across the table.
“I’m sure your sister is happy to share, aren’t you darling?” Anna asked sweetly. Rose, however, was too busy looking utterly perplexed to properly appreciate her present.
“Will this work at Hogwarts?” she asked with furrowed brows. It was of no surprise to Hermione that this was her first question. Rose would be departing for her first year at the school in a few months time and had spoken of little else in the weeks leading up to her eleventh birthday.
“I’m afraid not sweetheart, but won’t it be so fun to use when you’re home visiting?” Hermione asked encouragingly, painfully aware of the way her mother’s jaw had suddenly tightened.
Rose grinned widely. “Yes, it will. Thank you!” She got up from the table and hugged both her grandparents tightly.
“That means I can use it while you’re away!” Hugo declared excitedly.
“You’d better not break it,” Rose said sternly. “I’ll know how to hex you when I get home if you do.”
“Can’t do magic at home, Rosie,” Hugo teased in a sing-songy voice.
Hermione’s mother got up quite suddenly from the table, picking up plates with remnants of birthday cake on them and taking them over to the kitchen sink as Rose and Hugo bickered back and forth. There was a stiffness in her movements.
“Why don’t we go play outside?” Ron suggested to the kids with a quick, knowing glance at Hermione.
“That sounds fun,” Hermione’s dad added jovially as he clapped his hands together, equally eager to distract the children from their spat. “How about I join you and we play a game of tag – we’ll see if I can outrun your dad.”
“Dibs on tagging first!” Hugo yelled before running to the back door, swinging it open and disappearing into the back garden, his grandfather not far behind him.
“Thank you again for the present, Gran,” Rose called back into the house as she followed them out to the garden. Ron gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek and squeezed her hand reassuringly. He shut the door behind him a moment later, leaving Hermione alone with her mother.
The kitchen was quietly tense, Hermione still rooted to her seat at the table while Anna furiously scrubbed at the dessert plates one by one.
“That’s a really nice gift, Mum. Thank you,” Hermione said tentatively, clutching her teacup.
“Is it? Even though she can’t take it with her to…that school in the fall?”
Hermione winced. The poorly masked resentment in her mother’s voice raised the hairs on the back of her neck.
“It’ll be more special then, since she’ll only be able to use it when she’s home for the holidays. She’ll enjoy it for much longer.”
Anna nodded stiffly, scrubbing even harder at a plate that looked perfectly clean to Hermione. She felt she ought to say something, but found herself lost for words.
Clink. Another plate set into the drying rack.
“She doesn’t have to go, you know,” Hermione’s mother said in a measured tone, breaking the silence. “I know she’s different, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t do perfectly well at a normal school.”
“Of course she’d do well at another school, but Hogwarts is what’s best for someone like her.”
“Someone like you.”
“Yes.” Hermione felt herself growing defensive. “Someone like us.”
“So that settles it,” Anna’s voice shook. “I’m going to lose her, too.”
Hermione’s heart sank.
“Too?” she asked breathlessly. “Mum, you haven’t–”
“Don’t.” Anna dropped a plate into the sink with a crash and gripped the edge of the counter angrily. “You left us behind from the very moment you first set foot on that train. You couldn’t wait to go, and now neither can Rosie.”
“I was just a child who was excited to be somewhere with people like me, and so is she.” Hermione clutched her cup more tightly, taking a deep breath. Her heartbeat quickened, anxiety and anger coiling up within her, intertwining like a two-headed viper.
“I suppose you were just a child, then, when you chose to spend nearly all your holidays away, feeding us lies about studying while you went off to play soldier. I may be a Muggle, but I’m not a fool.”
“I was trying to do the right thing. You have no idea the things I was dealing with.”
“Yes, well, you made sure of that, and look where it’s got us.”
“You don’t get to pin this all on me,” Hermione said with as much composure as she could muster. “I was in a living hell after the war, and I needed you, but you wouldn’t come back for me.”
“We came back for you when it was the right time.”
“You came home when you had a grandchild on the way. That was not for me.”
“And whose choice was it, that we had somewhere to come home from?”
Hermione’s lip began to tremble as she felt hot, angry tears well up in her eyes.
“That’s not fair.” Blood pounded in Hermione’s ears. Her hands began to shake. “I did what I had to do to protect you.”
“You did what you had to do to get us out of the way,” her mother said bitterly, tears now pouring down her cheeks.
Hermione parted her lips to retort, when she was interrupted by a timid voice.
“Are you fighting?” Rose stood in the doorway to the garden, her eyes wide with concern.
Anna quickly wiped her cheeks and plastered a big smile on her face.
“No no, darling, we were just…talking about some grownup things.”
Hermione couldn’t stay in the room a moment longer; full-blown panic threatened to overtake her. She got up from the table and marched down the hall into the bathroom, refusing to let her daughter see her tears. As soon as the door clicked shut behind her, they began to stream down her face, and her chest heaved with silent sobs.
It had been this way ever since her parents regained their memories – uncomfortable, distant. Hermione had accepted long ago that their relationship was irreparably damaged, and she was kicking herself for still letting it get to her all these years later. They’re good grandparents, and the children love them, she thought to herself. Just be grateful for that.
There was a gentle knock on the bathroom door. Hermione took a few steadying breaths, wiped the tears from her face, and opened it to find Ron on the other side. No words were spoken. He simply took one look at her and pulled her into a hug.
“Let’s go home,” he whispered in her ear as he held her tightly.
Hermione thought of their home together, the one filled with laughter, joy, chaos, and magic – a place where she could be herself with the people she loved most in the world. She looked up into Ron’s eyes, filled with affection for her not in spite of who she was, but because of it. She smiled softly.
“Yes, please.”
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
fanfiction that is just harry consistently cockblocking romione by busting in the room and announcing “guys, my scar hurts”
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
headcanon of the day: both harry and hermione have the absolute, literal worst resting bitch face known to mankind.
for harry it was one of the many things that made the dursleys extremely angry at him and one of the numerous reason other kids just didn’t really flock his way.
for hermione it was one of the traits that always gave her an air of superiority. looking like she is judging everything you do paired with her extensive knowledge on certain things and the fact that she is not oblivious of this knowledge always made her to be seen as a know-it-all, more or less.
ron, on the other hand, is all smiles and strong expressions and funny faces. he’s always cracking jokes and making all those around him laugh. he looks sweet and approachable, but being constantly attached at the hip with the two single most intimidating eleven year olds in the castle does not help his cause at all.
everybody knows the golden trio is tight knit. by the end of their first year everyone knows that if you need to know where granger is on a thursday evening she’ll probably be writing up notes at the quidditch pitch with weasley as they watch harry potter train with the gryffindor team. everybody knows that you will never find the boy who lived walking out and about without “his ginger” loudly talking about whatever by his side.
despite wanting to be friends with the saviour, a lot of students don’t even dare approach.
ron is completely oblivious of the way his two friends look to others. he doesn’t really get why some gryffindors and hufflepuffs seem nervous after wishing harry goodluck before a game or why the ravenclaws kind of hesitate before asking hermione to borrow her notes. to him, that’s just how his best friends look.
after all, he really can’t see how anybody would be intimidated by the harry potter who had bought a whole trolley of candy to split with him upon first meeting, or the hermione granger who would get thoroughly upset whenever he beat her at chess.
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crystalcaveromione · 2 years
movie ron: i’ll heh go easy on you. even though you have consistently showed us how proficient you are at spellcasting and how hyper confident you are at magic. i’m the Man so i’ll go easy, don’t worry my overwhelming manliness will not allow me to disarm a poor defenceless girl
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