paulsarcher · 2 years
It was almost laughable how uncomfortable being near the beach was for Paul. Most people in Holbrook had lost someone to that place, it wasn't anything new. But one whiff of sea-salt air and his thoughts rush back to unsafe times. That's why he stood frozen, beads of sweat falling from his brow, staring out into horizon.
There was something holding him back from making it onto the beach, this trip had been another part of his own personally designed exposure therapy. What did he know about exposure therapy? He just knew something needed to change, and he didn't know where else to start.
After a few moments, his gaze fell upon a seemingly familiar face, he was sure he'd seen her around somewhere. He had to have. There weren't many places to hide in Holbrook. From the distance he yelled out "You really shouldn't be so close to the water, you know!"
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location: lake side beach availability: open
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She knows she should stay away—nothing good washes up on the shores here. Even the wildlife seems to stay away. When was the last time Célia saw a set of footprints in the sand that didn't belong to her?
Despite the warnings, Célia can't seem to stay away from the beach. It's laughable, how utterly landlocked the town is even with these flowing waters as a border. She dreamed of building a boat big enough for just her and the family dog when she was young, and sailing far, far away from here.
Obviously, that never happened. She's propped up in the sand, ways away from the moving shoreline, picking up handfuls of earth and letting it slip through her fingers. This is the closest she'll ever be to a real beach. It's a shame; the pictures in the magazines and books all seem so beautiful.
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paulsarcher · 2 years
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It had been a rather laborious project, getting Paul to step inside any establishment he and Valentina had been. The memories of the nights they shared inside most places haunted him, an attachment he couldn't shake. But he also knew that no matter how much the memories lingered, the idea of bringing dishonor to his wife's memory lingered longer. She was always pulling him from the depths, and her light, though dim, was still shining in his soul.
He'd begun his own exposure therapy, and rather slowly he had found himself walking towards the Lynwood Tavern. Thankfully, though not much to his surprise, the bar was rather empty, just the way he liked it. As he sat, he realized the bartender was speaking to him and took his eyes off the floor and looked in her direction. Settling in, he unbuttoned the top button of his jacket and sighed. "Rough century," He threw back, "I'll take a whiskey neat."
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐓𝐄 quiet at this time of night, something that Ela finds quite a bit of comfort in. Of course she is able to turn it on for the customers, all smiles and small talk until the moment they walked out the door. However, she can't deny her relief when she finally finds a moment of peace like the one she has now. For the past ten minutes she had her head in a pile of undone dishes, coming up for air to notice an individual at the end of the bar. "What can I get ya?" Ela asks, face graced with a quick, gentle smile as she makes her way in their direction. Fingers clasp around a glass in anticipation as she waits with a sense of expectation. It's routine; Ela is known to move like a well-oiled machine. "Rough night?"
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paulsarcher · 2 years
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☆ THEO JAMES, MALE, HE/HIM ☆ PAUL ARCHER the THIRTY FIVE year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard heard the FIREFIGHTER made themselves at home in SUMERSET APARTMENTS. While others around town have gossiped that they are LOYAL and COMPULSIVE but maybe that’s what helps them survive here. [ MADZ, 25, EST, SHE/HER. ]
Paul comes from a fairly traditional nuclear family. Mother (63), father (68), grandmother (95), and aunt Suzanne (46) all lived on their family land, passed down slowly from generation to generation. He also had three older brothers who were perfect specimens of the Archer line, tall and strong and athletically gifted. Paul wasn’t ever considered small or weaker than the other boys, but the shadow cast over his achievements was large and remained up until he was a senior in high school when he was the only boy left.
When Paul was 7, his life changed forever. When the U-Haul left the house across the street from his, his eyed went wide when he saw a girl just around his age with the most beautiful smile. She was digging in the dirt, planting some sort of seeds with her mother, and as they waved him over he didn't know what he was feeling but it was something that made him feel good.
The two were inseparable throughout grade school, and beyond. When everything went dark, Valentina was the first and only person Paul could think about, and when he found out she was okay he held on even tighter.
When he began to come to the realization that the two of them would never be able to leave Holbrook, he decided to take charge of his life. He proposed, and she gracefully accepted, and they moved together to Willow Ridge, a quaint two bedroom home with the most precious nursery room they'd seen.
It was supposed to be their home forever, until the night everything changed. Valentina had come home hysterical and Paul tried so hard to understand what was wrong. But Valentina had choices to make, and she made them, without consultation. Her sister had wandered out onto the lake during a drunken dare and Valentina felt compelled to go after her.
He begged and begged for Valentina to stay, and explained to her that she was the only thing he had keeping him together, but it wasn't enough for her. He loved her anyway, and knew that she would do anything for her family. So he let her go. It broke his heart immensely, but he had hope and faith that she would return to him.
However, she did not. And it took Paul three years to come to terms with it. He sold their home the moment her body was found, and has been living in a small studio apartment since, not taking care of himself the way he knows she'd want him to. But how can he bring himself to care about anything when the one thing that saved him is gone?
Since her death, Paul has had a hard time controlling his impulses and compulsions, and has become a bit of a recluse in the town. Sure, he still goes to the fire station, and can be found perusing the aisles of the grocery mart, but there aren't many people in town who can say they know much about the man other than his name and his marital status.
It upsets him, when he opens his apartment door up and someone has ever so thoughtfully left a casserole and cleaning products at his door. He can't take the pitiful glances his neighbors throw his way, though he can't help but think that they're just responding to the countless nights of endless tears and wails coming from his apartment.
REBOUND: (COSTA MORENO) Paul has never had eyes for another woman, and anyone can attest to that. Valentina was his one and only, and for Paul that was enough. After months and months of nagging from the boys at the station, they ended up dragging him out of the house and to The Venue. There it was that he met YOUR CHARACTER and they ended up going home together. It was a good experience for the evening, but the aftermath hasn't been pretty. Paul feels guilt and shame for what he had done, and does his best to avoid (YOUR CHARACTER) around town. NEIGHBOR/FRIEND: Someone in the building feels for Paul. (YOUR CHARACTER) has the unfortunate pleasure of being just within earshot of Paul's apartment, and has heard the sad songs bellowing from his room for far too long now. They've sent casseroles, left notes, invitations, gifts, ANYTHING they could think of to get him out of his slump. The two haven't really spoken except in quick exchanges outside their doors, and while Paul knows that they might seem to care, they could never understand his pain. WORK OUT BUDDY/TRAINER: Someone who holds Paul accountable. He's taken it upon himself within the last few months to start pulling himself together, and weight training has been a big part of that. As much as he wanted to exercise, he couldn't find the strength most days to get himself out of the house. But after meeting (YOUR CHARACTER) He admired their dedication and got their information.
Any and everything! I'm not super great at general connection ideas but I'm very open to any and all dynamics! Just has to make sense between our characters <3
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paulsarcher · 2 years
swallow it down the blood & death wrap it up in soft lies  be bright & hopeful like they all need to see don’t let them know  how you slowly decay
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paulsarcher · 2 years
“I live on my emotions. Sometimes I wish I didn’t–but then again I would rather suffer through them–suffer intensely, I mean; go down into the depths with them, for the sake of that wonderful upward swing on to the pinnacles of happiness.”
— Katherine Mansfield, from The Collected Stories (via violentwavesofemotion)
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paulsarcher · 2 years
“She wasn’t my first kiss but she’s the kiss that mattered, the kiss that made me realize I didn’t want to kiss anyone else. So now my lips belong to her. Just look at them… Her name’s written all over them.”
— Oko Ninjah (via okoninjah)
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paulsarcher · 2 years
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