acharaxsaetang · 1 year
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☆ ZORZO NATHARUETAI, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ☆ ACHARA SAETANG the TWENTY SIX year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard the ASSISTANT AT TWISTED SCISSORS made themselves at home in WILLOW RIDGE. While others around town have gossiped that they are FRIENDLY and STUPID but maybe that’s what helps them survive here. [ DANI, 26, GMT, SHE/HER. ]
Full Name: Achara Saetang
Nickname: Achie, Acha
Age: 26
DOB: May 4th 1996
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: blue
Piercings: here
Tattoos:  here
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Assistant @ Twisted Sisters (literally only takes them water thats it)
Positive Traits: Thoughtful, Down to earth, Energetic, Kind
Negative Traits: Naive, Clueless, Inattentive, Foolish
character playlist
tw: drugs and alcohol
Achara was born and raised in Holbrook.
Her mum and dad never got along and they ended up divorcing when she was 10 years old, her dad earned the most money and they decided it was best that she lived with him. She still had contact with her mum everyday and in the end she preferred them separated because she wasn’t surrounded by constant arguing.
Growing up she very easily trusted the wrong people, got into the wrong crowds which caused her to go through some wild years as a teen. She was out partying, getting drunk and doing drugs.
Her dad bought her a place near him in Willow Ridge so that she could have the independence she needed but honestly doesn’t trust her to survive without him so literally goes to her house every day. The girl can’t even use a toaster correctly.. it’s for the best he visits.
She got a part time job at twisted scissors but honestly they probably felt bad for her and did it out of pity. She’s a sweet girl but dumb as fuck.. she broke 5 glasses on her first day and they switched out the cups to plastic and she strictly only makes the customers water. Hot drinks are too risky.
Over the years she has only had two long standing relationships. She’s a very gullible person so she forgave whenever cheating took place.. rip.
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celestexzhao · 1 year
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☆ NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ☆ CELESTE ZHAO the TWENTY-SEVEN year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard the BARTENDER AT LYNWOOD TAVERN made themselves at home in SUMERSET APARTMENTS. While others around town have gossiped that they are FRIENDLY and DISTRUSTING but maybe that’s what helps them survive here. 
Celeste was raised by her single mother, the two moving to Holbrook when she was just four years old. Her entire life she’d only been told one thing about her father: that the man had cheated on her mother and had abandoned them. And with that being the main focal point of Cel’s relationship with men, she grew up not really trusting them, her mother’s bitter voice always ringing in her head: giving your heart away will always lead to heartache. 
But even her mother’s bitterness couldn’t fully shake how sweet of a person Celeste turned out to be. She was one of the friendliest girls in school growing up, always willing to help someone with their homework or give a hand in studying (and sometimes that kindness was used against her, people taking using it to their advantage and making her outright do assignments for her) but as someone who grew up being told she’d been given up, Celeste was willing to take any sort of ‘friendship’ or validation, willing to be a people pleaser if it meant having people in her life. 
Especially since her life back home wasn’t exactly as pleasing.
Her mother had turned resentful at losing her husband and her life ending up going nowhere, and at times she even put the blame for it all on Celeste, saying she was to blame for her father leaving them since she’d never been a planned pregnancy. So whenever she was at home, Cel stayed in her room, turning to art as her comfort. What started as doodling as a child turned into a full-on love for all things art. She had a canvas in the corner of her room, paintings and sketches strewn throughout. She’d never be caught without a sketchpad, or without paint stains on her clothes. It was an escape and something that she was truly good at and was hers.
It was last year when she met Campbell--or at least, that she really met him. It’s impossible not to know everyone in such a small town, and know of their reputations. She knew Campbell had been popular in school, knew he had money...and knew he had lots of girls in his life, so really...she should have known better. But Campbell had been nice to her..he’d been sweet and caring. And even though Celeste had only been on casual dates and never really had a boyfriend for more than a couple months as she still had her mother’s warnings stuck in her head, she couldn’t deny the pull she felt towards him. And for the first time, Celeste felt truly wanted. More than that, she actually felt loved and loved him in return. She trusted Campbell with knowing about her life, about her parents, and he accepted all of it- just making Cel fall for him even more.
But despite all her mother’s faults, her words ended up being true. She gave her heart away...and it ended in heartache. 
Celeste had been working at the bar one night over the summer when another girl in town (another girl from his past) casually let slip that she’d slept with him. Recently. And despite all she felt for him and how much she wanted to deny it....her mother’s voice was louder in her head, and the fact that her father had done the same to her mother after years together...
The fallout had been ugly, and the way Campbell reacted..how hurt he’d been at her words... But they had to be true...right? 
...But even if they weren’t, Celeste hadn’t spoken to Campbell since, the man effectively breaking them up and leaving her. Which..maybe was for the best. Even if she still loved him--and even if she slowly feared that she was just going to end up like her mother: bitter and resentful and alone.   
birthday- september 26th
nicknames- cel, celly
began doodling as a child and it all spun out from there
she often paints at night as the house is quiet. big moon lover
is fluent in mandarin along with english
big believer in crystals and the properties they wield
aesthetics: napkin doodles, worn-in converse, moonlight reflected on the water, sleepless nights lit by candlelight, red wine splatters on hardwood, hair picked up by a paintbrush, crystals hidden in pockets
long dark hair almost always picked up
height: 5′5
eyes: dark brown
usually wearing paint-stained clothes (jeans, converse, plaid shirts over tank tops)
she wears glasses to read or when painting.
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paulsarcher · 1 year
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☆ THEO JAMES, MALE, HE/HIM ☆ PAUL ARCHER the THIRTY FIVE year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard heard the FIREFIGHTER made themselves at home in SUMERSET APARTMENTS. While others around town have gossiped that they are LOYAL and COMPULSIVE but maybe that’s what helps them survive here. [ MADZ, 25, EST, SHE/HER. ]
Paul comes from a fairly traditional nuclear family. Mother (63), father (68), grandmother (95), and aunt Suzanne (46) all lived on their family land, passed down slowly from generation to generation. He also had three older brothers who were perfect specimens of the Archer line, tall and strong and athletically gifted. Paul wasn’t ever considered small or weaker than the other boys, but the shadow cast over his achievements was large and remained up until he was a senior in high school when he was the only boy left.
When Paul was 7, his life changed forever. When the U-Haul left the house across the street from his, his eyed went wide when he saw a girl just around his age with the most beautiful smile. She was digging in the dirt, planting some sort of seeds with her mother, and as they waved him over he didn't know what he was feeling but it was something that made him feel good.
The two were inseparable throughout grade school, and beyond. When everything went dark, Valentina was the first and only person Paul could think about, and when he found out she was okay he held on even tighter.
When he began to come to the realization that the two of them would never be able to leave Holbrook, he decided to take charge of his life. He proposed, and she gracefully accepted, and they moved together to Willow Ridge, a quaint two bedroom home with the most precious nursery room they'd seen.
It was supposed to be their home forever, until the night everything changed. Valentina had come home hysterical and Paul tried so hard to understand what was wrong. But Valentina had choices to make, and she made them, without consultation. Her sister had wandered out onto the lake during a drunken dare and Valentina felt compelled to go after her.
He begged and begged for Valentina to stay, and explained to her that she was the only thing he had keeping him together, but it wasn't enough for her. He loved her anyway, and knew that she would do anything for her family. So he let her go. It broke his heart immensely, but he had hope and faith that she would return to him.
However, she did not. And it took Paul three years to come to terms with it. He sold their home the moment her body was found, and has been living in a small studio apartment since, not taking care of himself the way he knows she'd want him to. But how can he bring himself to care about anything when the one thing that saved him is gone?
Since her death, Paul has had a hard time controlling his impulses and compulsions, and has become a bit of a recluse in the town. Sure, he still goes to the fire station, and can be found perusing the aisles of the grocery mart, but there aren't many people in town who can say they know much about the man other than his name and his marital status.
It upsets him, when he opens his apartment door up and someone has ever so thoughtfully left a casserole and cleaning products at his door. He can't take the pitiful glances his neighbors throw his way, though he can't help but think that they're just responding to the countless nights of endless tears and wails coming from his apartment.
REBOUND: (COSTA MORENO) Paul has never had eyes for another woman, and anyone can attest to that. Valentina was his one and only, and for Paul that was enough. After months and months of nagging from the boys at the station, they ended up dragging him out of the house and to The Venue. There it was that he met YOUR CHARACTER and they ended up going home together. It was a good experience for the evening, but the aftermath hasn't been pretty. Paul feels guilt and shame for what he had done, and does his best to avoid (YOUR CHARACTER) around town. NEIGHBOR/FRIEND: Someone in the building feels for Paul. (YOUR CHARACTER) has the unfortunate pleasure of being just within earshot of Paul's apartment, and has heard the sad songs bellowing from his room for far too long now. They've sent casseroles, left notes, invitations, gifts, ANYTHING they could think of to get him out of his slump. The two haven't really spoken except in quick exchanges outside their doors, and while Paul knows that they might seem to care, they could never understand his pain. WORK OUT BUDDY/TRAINER: Someone who holds Paul accountable. He's taken it upon himself within the last few months to start pulling himself together, and weight training has been a big part of that. As much as he wanted to exercise, he couldn't find the strength most days to get himself out of the house. But after meeting (YOUR CHARACTER) He admired their dedication and got their information.
Any and everything! I'm not super great at general connection ideas but I'm very open to any and all dynamics! Just has to make sense between our characters <3
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celiachante · 1 year
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☆ SABRINA CARPENTER, FEMALE, SHE/HER ☆ CÉLIA CHANTÉ the TWENTY FOUR year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard the PERSONAL TRAINER made themselves at home in BIRCHWOOD PARK. While others around town have gossiped that they are SPRIGHTLY and IMPERTINENT but maybe that’s what helps them survive here.
Célia is the eldest of 3, born to River and Adrianna Chanté in '98. She has 2 younger sisters: Kaia (npc, 22), Leia (npc, 19)
Her upbringing was fairly healthy. Her parents, not without their issues, made sure to raise their kids with love and patience, though Célia was the trial run and grew to be a tad bit spoiled. Her parents had no clue until baby no. 2 came around.
Her father owned a construction company in the next city over where there was more business, and it was a pretty good set up. Business was good enough that her mother could stay home. Financially, they were solid. 
When Holbrook became inescapable, everything went downhill—the family continued to grow, but resources were slim. Somehow through it all, Célia didn't grasp the overarching themes of her family's struggle. At least they still had the house.
Having been too young to remember life outside Holbrook, Célia simply grew up believing every hardship was normal. She's held a flippant attitude toward it all since she was young.
Célia lives on her own in a half decent trailer. Although her whole family's stuck in Holbrook with her, she makes a point to keep herself at arm's reach. She sees them on birthdays and holidays, and whenever she happens to run into them in town, but for the most part Célia likes to keep her life private. Since she can't leave Holbrook, this is the only way she feels in control of her life.
She works at Ford Gym as a personal trainer, and when she's not working, she's probably still there getting her own workouts in, or volunteering her services regardless. Anything to keep her mind off being eternally stuck in Holbrook.
Célia is a tough nut to crack. She doesn't let many people close, and those she does are still far from knowing the inner workings of her mind. She's obstinate to anything that could encourage true bonding. She'd rather have someone for the night than for the future. 
She knows it's basically impossible, but still Célia has notebooks full of ideas to break free of the town. She'll probably never risk any of them, but she dreams of the day she can finally see the rest of the world for herself. Pictures in books are cool until they're the reason she's seething. 
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ashlynnhxrris · 1 year
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☆ MADELYN CLINE, CIS WOMAN, SHE//HER ☆ ASHLYNN HARRIS the TWENTY SIX year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard heard the BARTENDER AT THE VENUE made themselves at home in LAKE POINT. While others around town have gossiped that they are FLIRTATIOUS and TWO FACED but maybe that’s what helps them survive here. [ CEECEE, 27, GMT, SHE/HER. ]
tw death, alcoholism, drugs
February 14th 1996
she didn’t have the best upbringing, her dad was stuck in the past and missed his life outside of Holbrook which caused him to turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism. her mother owned jewellery stores across america which she lost once they all became trapped here when she was 4 years old and with that they lost everything too, her mother that she once new was gone and she became a shell of the person ashlynn remembered.
growing up ashlynn did whatever she could to avoid being home, she’d stay at her friends or whatever boyfriend she had at the time, she would go out drinking and even experimented with drugs too, whatever kept her away from home she was willing to do.
her mother passed when she was 14 due to a cardiac arrest and even though she knew she should have been upset she didn’t feel much, she felt numb in a way but it was one burden out of her life and one less thing to worry about.
ashlynn has had one serious boyfriend from the age of 18-20, she still has a soft spot for him and gets butterflies whenever she bumps into him. (chase williams)
Though she has only had one serious relationship she has still had a few before and after though they never really lasted that long and since breaking up she has had a few flings and even experimented with her sexuality.
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soldieratheart · 1 year
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ZEHRA OZTURK the 26 year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard the NURSE made themselves at home in LAKE POINT. While others around town have gossiped that they are SELFLESS and STUBBORN but maybe that’s what helps them survive here.
ALIAS: Zehra Ozturk
AGE: 26
BIRTHDATE:  April 18th
FACECLAIM: Aslihan Malbora
The youngest of six, Zehra was born into a very warm and welcoming household that prided themselves on helping their community in any and every way they could. Often to the point where they gave more of themselves away to their projects than they did themselves. Each siblings was ambitious in their own way and would go on to pursue careers that would lead them to the top of their respective fields. 
The brunette’s warm, inquisitive nature in hand with her quick witted remarks, something she picked up off her brothers, meant she slipped right in amongst her peers. Effortlessly maintaining high grades and diving into as many extra-curricular activities, it was evident from a young age that Zehra held a bright future ahead of her. She knew what she wanted from a young age and that was to simply help people, just as her older brother did in becoming a doctor. 
He was her very first role model and she made it very clear that when she was old enough, she wanted to be just like him. It started from when she was just a young girl, plucking a bird with it’s broken wing from the side of the road, holding it the entirety of the walk home from school, desperately willing it to live. To her surprise after a little food, water and rest, the bird flew away unharmed. From that moment on, the decision had been made. 
However, at the age of fifteen her entire world would fall off of it’s axis when one of her brothers was killed in a car accident and by a drunk driver no less. How was it that one stupid decision of another’s could lead to the sudden death of someone so treasured, loved and with so much good to spread in the world? It was unjust, unfair and left the youngest's Ozturk suddenly considering what it was that truly mattered in her life. It had been her brothers to heal people and that had been taken from him, as he had been taken from their family. 
The aftermath that followed would see the separation of their parents and greater family, as Zehra, and her sister Ceyla remained with their father while their brothers moved accross town to live with their mother. One death had left a family torn apart and there would be no fixing it. 
Her father very quickly changed, morphing into a cynical control freak of a man that wanted for nothing other than his daughters success. And while her sister took the brunt of his attention, Zehra put her head down and did all she could to ensure her own freedom. Attending university was but an opportunity to leave the family nest and step out of her comfort zone. College gave her purpose and was but another step on the pathway to becoming a nurse. All the while she kept in touch with her siblings, heading home for dinner every Sunday when her study schedule allowed it. Her studies offered an escape, and she very quickly immersed herself in the college lifestyle. Before she knew it she was three years deep into her study and preparing to graduate. Graduating and getting the first role she had applied for at the local hospital were two moments she didn’t ever think she could possibly beat.  It could really only be explained as a feeling like coming home. 
Moving into her own small cottage had been a leap of faith, but one that ended up paying off nevertheless --- she had her freedom out from under her father’s thumb and could finally start living the life she had been so desperate to lead, not only for herself, but for her brother that had the opportunity taken from him. 
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daisybuckley · 1 year
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☆ MADELYN CLINE, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ☆ DAISY BUCKLEY the TWENTY SEVEN year old has been trapped here since 2000. We heard the RETAIL ASSISTANT AT ALL AMERICAN made themselves at home in WILLOW RIDGE. While others around town have gossiped that they are OUTSPOKEN and SHORT TEMPERED but maybe that’s what helps them survive here. [ DANI, 26, GMT, SHE/HER. ]
Full Name: Daisy Buckley
Nickname: Days
Age: 27
DOB: July 4th 1995
Parents: tba
Siblings: Alabama Buckley (twin)
Hair colour: dirty blonde, kept long and tidy
Eye colour: dark brown
Piercings: here
Tattoos:  here
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Retail Assistant @ All American Apparel 
Positive Traits: Outspoken, Down To Earth, Resilient, Reliable
Negative Traits: Short tempered, Closed off, Grumpy, Argumentative
character playlist
tw: death, cancer
Daisy was born in holbrook along side her twin sister, Alabama. 
Her sister is the older of the two and was named after her mothers home state whereas she was named after her favourite flower. 
She was welcomed into a loving home in willow ridge where she still lives to this day with her sister and mother.
When she was a child their father fell ill and was unable to recover as he was diagnosed with cancer. 
Daisy took losing him very hard but has always felt the need to care for her sister. Alabama took it even harder and refused to leave her room for 2 months so Daisy felt as though she needed to care for her and her mother. 
When she was alone thats when she could finally allow herself to grieve. She had no idea how to handle all her emotions to often turned to music, she had a big collection of vinyl’s but sometimes often resorted to her CD player and headphones.
Out of the two sisters Daisy is the hot head. 
She’ s the one who would get into fights, she got into trouble in school a lot but more often than not she never started them. 
Her sister being the more emotional one she felt protective, she could see whenever she was upset or not understanding something and would step in. 
Her sister see’s the best in people whereas Daisy always second guesses their intentions and motive until she is proven otherwise.
always wearing comfy clothes but goes all out when dressing up
loves music
fascinated by snakes and has no idea why
has a black lab named buck buckley
did track and was a volleyball player in high school 
would rather pass away than wear anything remotely pink
has a matching tattoo with her twin
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