Wednesday Creature Feature ~ December 23, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-december-23-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ December 23, 2020
Albino Buck Photographed in Snow-Covered Backyard! 
In Wisconsin one lucky lady captured this rare albino buck in her yard. It was reported the deer was an 11-point buck. It is illegal to shoot all-white deer in Wisconsin because they are protected by the state. This would have been an absolutely amazing site to see. Click here for the original story.
  World’s Loneliest Elephant, is Finally Going Free!
For decades this poor elephant has been forced to entertain crowds in a Pakistan zoo. His only companion had died years prior and animals in enclosures around him were slowly disappearing due to be sold to the wealthy. He was obese and going into psychosis. But not too long ago it was finally determined that the elephant would finally be free and leaving his lonely enclosure. Thanks to pop icon Cher and volunteers he will be living a new life on the other side of the continent. Kaavan is his name. You can check out his whole story here and it is a very interesting life he lived. We highly recommend checking it out. When Cher heard of this elephant the actress hired a legal team to try an organize his freedom.
Cher has hinted on Twitter since Kaavan’s freedom was ordered in May that she might travel to Cambodia, and on Friday she landed in Pakistan on her way. Her exact schedule has been kept secret for security reasons, but she reportedly met with the prime minister, Imran Khan, on Friday.
She is expected to travel on from Pakistan to Kaavan’s new home in Cambodia, the one-million acre Kulen-Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary, where volunteers and staff work to protect the natural habitant and house a wide range of endangered species.
Kaavan has many psychological issues to overcome but now he will be able to do that in peace.
    Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ December 9, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-december-9-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ December 9, 2020
  Half-male, Half-female Songbird Discovered in Pennsylvania!
Researchers recently made a discovery of a songbird. They found that it was male on the right side and female on the left side. Usually they can tell by the colors of the bird what the sex of the animal is but this bird had both colors of both genders. This condition is called bilateral gynadromorphism.
Unfertilized eggs typically contain one sex chromosome: a Z or a W (male birds are ZZ, while females are ZW). But very rarely, an egg develops with two nuclei, one containing a Z chromosome and the other a W chromosome. If this egg is fertilized, it unites with sperm that carry the Z chromosome to produce an embryo with some cells that are ZZ, producing male traits, and some that are ZW, producing female traits, Natural History Magazine reported.
Click here to learn more.
Sea Turtle Lays Eggs Unseasonably Late!
A green sea turtle has surprised a lot of people by laying eggs a lot later than they usually would. This occurred in North Carolina’s Outer Banks. It marks the first time in more than 20 years that a turtle has laid eggs past summer time.
Female sea turtles typically lay nests during the warmer months. Nests laid after Aug. 20 are considered late.
Meaghan Johnson of the National Park Service said that the baby turtles are unlikely to survive. But she said they could stand a chance if there’s a mild winter.
Click here to learn more.
Rescued Puppies! 
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Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ October 21, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-october-21-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ October 21, 2020
  The Fort Wayne Kid’s Zoo Welcomes New Baby Giraffe!
A few weeks ago in Fort Wayne, Indiana a baby giraffe was born at the children’s zoo. At birth the giraffe weighed in at 134 pounds and 6 feet tall.
The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo is now home to a herd of seven reticulated giraffe: five females and two males.
This is mom Faye’s second calf. Her first calf, Thabisa was born in November. Mom and baby will remain behind scenes for a few weeks as introductions with the rest of the herd are made.
This baby giraffe is the newest ambassador for wild giraffes in Africa. Click here to read more.
More Sightings of rare White Ravens on Vancouver Island!
A rare white raven has been spotted on a beach this summer on Vancouver Island. The ravens are said to be leucistic, which not considered albino but rather have no pigment at all. They most likely have a genetic defect which causes their natural color to be diluted.
He hasn’t seen the white raven this year but has been documenting and photographing the strange corvids since 2007. Although there was a report of a white raven in Haida Gwaii more than 30 years ago, Yip said the central Island birds are unique.
Click here to read more.
Pit Bulls & Parolees!
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Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ October 7, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-october-7-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ October 7, 2020
    Hero Rat Wins A Top Animal Award For Sniffing Out Land Mines!
When you think of a hero animal one would not necessarily think of a rat as being a hero but in this instance that is exactly what happened. Britain has given their hero animal award to a rat. The animal has detected dozens of landmines in Cambodia and has believed to have saved many lives.
Magawa is a Tanzanian-born African giant pouched rat who has been trained by the nonprofit APOPO to sniff out explosives. With careful training, he and his rat colleagues learn to identify land mines and alert their human handlers, so the mines can be safely removed.
Click here to learn so much more on the courageous animal.
‘Knoxville tiger’ Could be Bobcat or Cougar, says Zoo Knoxville Expert!
[no picture available]
Lately there has been a “tiger” roaming around Knoxville, TN. Many people have claimed that it is a tiger but experts are saying that it very well could be a cougar or bobcat especially with it being in the area that it is in. There have been other calls about mistaken animals in the past and most have turned out to be bobcats.
Cougars have migrated into the western part of Tennessee over the past few years. According to TWRA, since September of 2015, there have been a few confirmed sightings of cougars in Tennessee.
Of course nothing is impossible with the way people are owning wild animals these days.
Click here to learn more.
        Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ September 23, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-september-23-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ September 23, 2020
    Baby Bonanza: Columbus Zoo announces births of 5 animals!
The Columbus has announced the birth of five new animal babies. These consist of a giraffe, a sea lion, two red pandas, and a gibbon.
A baby siamang was born on May 29 to mother Olga and father Rashid.
The sex and name for the baby are yet to be determined.
Siamangs are the loudest and largest species of gibbon, known as a lesser or small ape.
All of these pictures are the cutest we have ever seen. Click here to learn more.
National Park Service: Don’t move the rocks in Smokies streams!
This might be more of a nature post rather than animal but it does greatly affect the wildlife in the area. The National Park Service has given an advisory in TN to not move the rocks to stack them or otherwise move them in any manner because it can mess with the waterways and salamanders in the water.
The Park Service on its Facebok page said making dams or aligning rocks can hurt critters like the Hellbender, which live under the water.
“Species, like the Hellbender, can’t afford to wait years and years for a river to return to normal.”
It’s better just to leave rocks in the streams and creeks as the park’s millions of annual visitors find them. Nature can take care of itself, according to the Park Service.
It might make a pretty picture but when it comes to rivers and creeks do not mess with the rocks. Click here to learn more.
Three Bears Look For Food! 
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Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ September 9, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-september-9-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ September 9, 2020
    Botswana Investigates ‘mysterious deaths’ of 275 Elephants!
Botswana is investigating a high number of elephant deaths. Poaching still remains a huge threat in the area but that seems to have been ruled out.
This is “one of the biggest disasters to impact elephants this century, and right in the middle of one of Africa’s top tourism destinations,” the director of conservation group National Park Rescue, Mark Hiley, said in an email.
“Elephants began dying in huge numbers in early May and the government would normally respond within days to an event of this scale. Yet here we are, months later, with no testing completed and with no more information than we had at the start.”
Click here to learn more.
Centerville Lifts Ban on Pit Bulls!
The town of Centerville, IN has sent out a survey asking their residents if they wanted them to end the pit bull ban. Unfortunately most residents did not want the ban to be lifted but the town council decided to lift the ban anyways. Residents may now own pit bulls but it may just require some insurance. Click here to learn more about this ban.
Goldfish Life Vest! 
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Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ August 26, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-august-26-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ August 26, 2020
    Scientists Figure out How Snakes Can Fly!
Researchers in Florida have published an article describing how snakes could use their bodies to glide through the air.
The snakes are known as Chrysopelea paradisi, and they live in the trees of South and Southeast Asia. Sometimes, to get to other trees, they will launch themselves into the air and glide down.
Scientists at Virginia Tech strapped some motion cameras to 7 snakes and well you can guess what happens next. Check out the video here.
Human Sized Bats Found In The Philippines!
I already know what you are thinking, Vampires? Possibly.
Nah, well, I mean I am not 100% sure that is is not a vampire, especially with all that is going on in 2020. It is kinda like, “what’s next?!” But spectators have claimed to see human sized bats and some as big as 6 feet tall. After a little research on our end these “bats” are actually flying foxes. Just google it, human sized bats or flying foxes. Still in the bat species but called foxes because of their fox like features. Check out this crazy video of it hanging upside down here. Also check out the informational video below.
Meet the World’s Biggest Bat! 
          Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ August 12, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-august-5-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ August 12, 2020
    Tampa Family finds Gator with Missing Limbs Lying on their Front Porch!
A family in Florida woke up to find an 8 foot alligator lying on their front porch but missing two limbs. Croc Encounters, a facility who deals with this sort of thing came to the rescue and said that it is likely missing limbs from a fight with another alligator. The gator was not too happy to leave his spot on the porch, the family said it smashed everything in site when leaving. Click here to learn more.
Momma Bear and Triplet Cubs Spotted Living their Best Life in Tennessee!
A local family of Oneida, TN lives close to Big South Fork National River have been entertained regularly by a family of bears who come to eat from their apple tree and roll around in the yard. The mother bear is no stranger to the family as this is her third set of cubs they have seen over the past few years.
The human family, of course, watches from afar and doesn’t get too close when the bear family comes to visit.
Bears are amazing and we love seeing them in East Tennessee, but we have to remember to be responsible to protect ourselves and the wildlife.
Click here to see even more adorable pictures.
Incredible Goat Recovery! 
            Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ July 29, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-july-29-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ July 29, 2020
    Wolf Seen in Northern France for First Time in over a Century!
[ photo can be seen in link below ]
According to the French Biodiversity Office the wolf was seen on a camera wandering through a village close to the coast. They are very sure that it seems to be a grey wolf. In the 1930’s there was an over-hunting of wolves in France and since then they really have not been spotted even after they made their way back in the past 30 years. This was a pretty exciting spotting.
There are roughly 530 wolves in France today, mostly living in the Alps and the south-east of the country, according to the ONCFS hunting and wildlife agency.
Wolves are a protected species under the EU’s Bern Convention, but the increase in their numbers has led to protests from farmers, who ask for a large annual cull of wolves.
Click here to learn more.
Hundreds of Animals need New Homes after Zoo Closes due to Lack of Funds!
There are hundreds of animals needing homes after a zoo in Torquay is closing due to lack of funds.
Wild Planet Trust, which also owns Paignton and Newquay zoos, announced that its Living Coasts site in Torquay, Devon, was shutting.
The trust blamed a fall in the number of visitors and the economic downturn caused by Covid-19 for the attraction’s closure.
Many businesses have been closing permanently since Covid-19 began and it should come as no surprise that zoos and other animal residencies even sanctuaries are having a hard time. The zoo has been approaching other zoos for help in taking the animals in. Click here to learn more.
Australia Zoo Covid Plan! 
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Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ July 15, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-july-15-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ July 15, 2020
  “It’s probably the most babies in one area this year”: Dolphin calves abound at the Oceanfront!
In Virginia Beach a group of dolphin watchers were pleasantly surprised when a pod emerged from the water! The dolphins had black spots on their fins which are signs that they were born recently.
“It’s probably the most babies in one area this year,” said Capt. Skip Feller of Rudee Tours.
But sightings of young dolphins are not unusual. Tour guides and beachgoers report seeing large numbers of the mammals this month in the waters off Virginia Beach, and there are plenty of babies mixed in with the adults.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen so many dolphins,” Lavinia Rodgers said Friday, even though she has taken several other tours before.
Calves can be 3 to 4 feet long and weigh 30 to 40 pounds! Right now is the time of the year for baby dolphins.
Click here to learn more.
Rare Sea Turtle Back in Water after Year-Long Rehab!
A rare sea turtle has been released after a year long rehab in the Florida Keys.
Maisy is a hybrid hawksbill-green sea turtle that was rescued about a year ago.
She has a condition called fibropapillomatosis, which is a herpes-like virus that affects sea turtles around the world.
The staff at the Summerland Key Turtle Hospital treated Maisy with surgeries, antibiotics and a healthy diet.
She now has a satellite tracker as a part of a program that will be following sea turtles much like her over the next three months.
Click here to learn more!
Adopt an Animal at Australia Zoo! 
Want to adopt beautiful Igloo, check out our website for more information on Igloo and all of our other gorgeous animals: https://www.australiazoo.com.au/support-wildlife/adopt-an-animal/
        Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ July 1, 2020 ~ 4th of July Edition! - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-july-1-2020-4th-of-july-edition/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ July 1, 2020 ~ 4th of July Edition!
      7 Ways to Protect Your Pets on the 4th of July!
Prepare for the Worst Case Scenario ~ 4th of July can be a scary time for pets. If they do not already have a chip ID in them it might be nice to consider it if they happen to run away or get loose. If they already have a chip you should double check that it is connected to the right name and phone number.
Avoid Crowds ~ Avoid bringing your dog or cat to large gatherings where there might be a lot of noise. It is better to leave them at home in a cool area with water.
Work them Out ~ During the day make sure to give them a good amount of exercise so they are more tired that night when the fireworks will be happening.
Head Indoors Before the Events ~ If your pet has to be near you try to bring them indoors away from the fireworks before they begin.
Create a Safe Space ~ Create a safe but escape-proof space for them to hide inside. Lower the blinds, close the windows, give them their favorite toy in their favorite spot to sleep. You can also turn on the TV or radio to distract them from outside noises.
Wrap them Up ~ Wrapping your dog or cat in a blanket can have a calming effect on them. You might consider an anti-anxiety wrap or coat.
Give them a Chill Pill ~ If you are still worried you can talk to your vet about a medicine that can help calm them before.
Learn more by clicking here.
More Safety Tips for Pets on the Holiday! 
Never leave alcoholic drinks nearby ~ this could be potential poison to pets if they get to it.
Do not apply sunscreen or insect repellent to pets ~ unless it is specifically for animals it can be very dangerous to their health if eaten.
Always keep matches and lighter-fluid away from pets ~ for obvious reasons.
Keep your pets on their normal diet ~ even one meal change can upset their stomach especially for older pets.
Do not put glow jewelry on your pets ~ the substances inside can be toxic if broken.
NEVER use fireworks around pets ~ it scares them and if aimed wrong could hurt them.
Learn more here!
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Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ June 17, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-june-17-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ June 17, 2020
Meet Biscuits and Gravy, the two-faced Kitten Born in Oregon!
A family from Oregon were already expecting a new litter of kittens any day so when Kyla went to go check one morning, sure enough, kittens! As she started checking them all out she came face to face with a kitten that looked just a little bit different. It had four eyes, two noses, and two mouths.
Kyla reached out to their vet to learn more about the kitten’s condition, how to care for it and its odds of survival. She learned there wasn’t much to be done medically for the tiny creature. All she could do was make it comfortable and help it eat.
  Cats with two faces are known as “Janus” cats, after the Roman god Janus often depicted with two faces in mythology. They suffer from a rare congenital defect called disprosopus, or cranial duplication. Most Janus cats don’t live longer than a day but one defied the odds. His name was “Frank and Louie” and he passed away in 2014 at the age of 15. The Guinness Book of World Records named him the world’s longest surviving Janus cat.
The Kings’ special kitten appears to be doing well but they’re taking the situation day-by-day and keeping a realistic outlook.
Click here to read more.
Millions of 17-year Cicadas will Emerge in the South, Creating ‘substantial noise issue’!
Sometime in June millions of cicadas are expected to emerge after a 17 year “hibernation”. Every 17 years cicadas crawl up from the ground in parts of the south. But most will be one by July.
Communities and farms with large numbers of cicadas emerging at once may have a substantial noise issue,” Eric Day, an entomologist in Virginia Tech’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences said in statement. “Hopefully, any annoyance at the disturbance is tempered by just how infrequent — and amazing — this event is.
  Much remains unknown about the creature, like why the periodical cicadas emerge on 13 or 17 year cycles. Theories suggest it could be as a way to avoid predators.
Click here to read more.
Our Beluga Calf’s Sex and Name Reveal!
        Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ June 3, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-june-3-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ June 3, 2020
  Bear Breaks into Gatlinburg Cabin with Guests Inside!
(no picture available)
Anytime we go into the woods we as humans have to realize we are walking into the animals homes. Although this never really prepares us for something like this to happen. A group of friends were visiting Gatlinburg when they got an unexpected guest.
She just started pointing and I was like, ‘what?’ and so I turned and looked and there’s a bear just putting his full force on the door. And then the door opens, Eberhart said.
The bear was leaning on the door when all of a sudden it opened. Those that were in the home removed themselves from the situation and are safe. Park rangers said that usually bears do not come looking for food on someones porch unless they have been around humans that have given them food in the past. Bears are coming out of hibernation so it is not uncommon to see them right now.
They got 5 pounds of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and a pound of M&M’s and two pounds of Sour Patch Kids and two bags of potato chips… two beers and two Diet Cokes and about 20 Zyrtecs. Eberhart said.
Click here to learn more.
Sea Turtles Thriving on Empty Florida Beach During Pandemic!
As we talked in our last creature feature, turtles all over the world are thriving since tourists have been minimal during lockdown. This is no different for Florida turtles.
As of April 18, the center’s team noted 79 sea turtle nests along the 9.5-mile stretch of beach — 76 leatherback nests and three loggerhead nests. Sarah Hirsch, senior manager of research and data at the center, said that number is a significant increase from the same period last year.
There have been leatherback and loggerhead both presenting nests. The leatherback are the largest on Earth but are endangered because they do not have a hard shell on their backs like the loggerhead. Both are endangered but loggerhead are still abundant.
Our world has changed, but these turtles have been doing this for millions of years and it’s just reassuring and gives us hope that the world is still going on, she said.
Click here to learn more.
Adopt an Animal at Australia Zoo! 
          Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ May 20, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-may-20-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ May 20, 2020
  Sea Turtles Flourishing Amid Coronavirus Lockdown!
Thailand is seeing a record number of leatherback turtles since the covid-19 lockdown. They are thriving and doing amazing things for the turtle population. While the beaches are remained undisturbed, turtles are hatching all over the place. They have found 11 nests since November.
The leatherback turtle lays its eggs in dark areas without movement, which were rare when tourists enjoyed the beaches. People also take the eggs for consumption. Tourist numbers have dwindled in Thailand, dropping nearly 50 percent in February as countries imposed travel restrictions and a nationwide curfew was instated between 10 p.m and 4 a.m.
Click here to learn more.
Jellyfish Spotted Gliding Through The Now Crystal Clear Venice Canals!
(picture from Forbes)
While Italy has been on lockdown, the canals have been completely empty to traffic. This has given the opportunity for many marine animals to explore unlike before. The waters are usually pretty hard to see through but now they are clear enough to see animals as well as welcome them.
Last week, Andrea Mangoni was near San Marco Square when he spotted a jellyfish gliding through the crystal clear water. Mangoni started recording as the jellyfish swam amidst the reflections of the buildings, and shared the mesmerizing video on Instagram.
Click here to learn more and see the pictures.
Acclimating Beluga Whales! 
          Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ May 6, 2020 ~ Tiger Edition - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-may-6-2020-tiger-edition/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ May 6, 2020 ~ Tiger Edition
  21 Surprising Tiger Facts Prove These Big Cats Are Amazing!
(all of these facts are straight from animal planet)
Tigers are the only cat species that are completely striped. They even have stripes on their skin.
No two tigers have the same stripes. Like human fingerprints, their stripe patterns are unique to each individual.
Tigers are the largest cat species in the world and the third-largest carnivore on land–only polar and brown bears are larger.
An adult tiger can consume up to 88 pounds of meat in one meal and will often stay with its kill or bury it to return and dine over a period of days. It may not kill again for four or five days.
You can hear a tiger’s roar from up to two miles away. Tiger vocalizations include roaring, growling, hissing, moaning and chuffing.
Tigers are generally nocturnal hunters. Their night vision is up to six-times greater than ours. But they’re also opportunists, which means they won’t pass up the chance for a daytime snack when it’s available.
White tigers are not a separate subspecies nor are they albino. They are leucistic, the result of a recessive gene from each parent that affects pigmentation. White tigers typically have blue eyes.
These are just a few of the facts check out the rest here! Aren’t these amazing creatures?!
  Tigers 101!
  Cubs Meet Adult Tiger! 
        Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugge
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ April 22, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-april-22-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ April 22, 2020
  Yosemite National Park is Closed to Visitors. Now, Bears are Thriving!
Since all of the parks have been closing along with the rest of the businesses, animals have been thriving. The Coronavirus has made a lot of things different. It has made a world that we are not used to. But for animals, they are loving not having as many humans around.
“There can be literally walls of cars, stop-and-go traffic or people in the park,” she said. “So, for the bears, they normally have pick through these little corridors that they have to move through in the valley to get from Point A to Point B. … Now, that there are no people the bears are literally just walking down the road to get to where they need to go, which is kind of cool to see.”
It is kinda sad that we come to visit these animals homes and they have to hide from us. We for one are glad they are getting a break from us. Click here to learn more.
Blind and Deaf Puppy Relies on Seeing-Eye Puppy Brother!
(pic credit: @ fox5sandiego insta)
A brother and sister puppy duo are melting hearts everywhere. The sister is blind and deaf but her brother is her seeing puppy. These two are part of a litter of 8. Their mom was a stray found wandering streets while she was pregnant.
“Star is deaf and almost completely blind,” she said. “Animals are amazing because they really learn how to make their way in the world. Her sense of smell is 40 times stronger than ours. Star uses her nose quite a bit.”
“Her brother Denver really stuck by her side,” added Gercke. “Even though there were eight of them Denver was really sticking near her, guiding her around. She was depending on him.”
Click here to learn more about this dynamic duo.
Shy Box Turtle Meets Toddlers And Comes Out Of Her Shell!
          Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugge
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ April 1, 2020 - https://paulwesleychronicles.com/wednesday-creature-feature-april-1-2020/ #PaulWesley
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Wednesday Creature Feature ~ April 1, 2020
    Rare Rainbow Snake Seen for the First Time in 50 years in Florida Forest!
Tracey Cauthen found a 4 foot long rainbow snake while hiking in Florida. This particular kind of snake has not been seen since 1969!
Biologists say they think the sighting might be because the drawdown of the Rodman Reservoir has this one on the move. These snakes spend most of their time in the water and are great burrowers.
While the snake is nicknamed the “eel moccasin,” it is not venomous like the more commonly encountered water moccasin.
This is definitely not an April Fools joke. This beauty is real! Click here to learn more.
Horse that Survived Kentucky Shooting is now Ready for Adoption!
This horse was one of the few lucky that were rescued from a herd of about 20 that had been shot and killed. This horse has seen so much devastation in its short life. It is lucky to be alive as well as its mother. After some time being looked after the horse is now ready for adoption. As talked about in the post; this horse has a loving spirit, very confident, and athletic. Click here to learn more.
Moving A Huge King Cobra Into His New Exhibit!
          Credit for stories ~ corresponds with links
Editor ~ Chelsea Dugger
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