pawstoholddear · 7 years
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Surprise!!  I’m now on Patreon!!  This will allow me to create the games and the stories and characters within them that I’ve always dreamed of~
If you have been a follower of Gardd Cariad or Paws to Hold Dear (or are hearing about them for the first time and wondering what the heck they are), THIS IS HOW THEY ARE GOING TO EXIST!!
I aim to release a constant stream of updates and inside peeks into the development process for Patreon supporters, which will allow me to dedicate time, art, and energy to them (and the other projects I am to tackle this summer as I work up to them) and MAKE THEM ALIVE!!
🏵️🌟🏵️ There is a time-sensitive Goal to reach in the early stage of this campaign!!  If we reach $150/mo in July, I can upgrade my Game Maker license to export to more platforms before the discount to acquire those upgrades expires in August!  Help me reach this first Goal so that my games can be available for Mac & Ubuntu users as well as HTML5, which will allow for cute & simple browser-based games that do not require downloading!
There are already posts available to read in my Patreon activity feed RIGHT NOW - check the page out, and see if any of the reward tiers feel right for you~
🌸 Even if you can’t join, just reblogging this post helps so much! 🌸
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pawstoholddear · 10 years
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I figured I should show a little bit of my Game Maker practice games!! :D  My screen capturing software recorded them jerkily; they are much smoother than these gifs show. n_n;
First pic: An adventure-y game point-and-click movement system, player character on the left and NPC on the right.  The purple boxes are collisions - in the gif, it shows you can click on the opposite side of the ‘wall’ and the character walks around to it.  Both characters have small blinking and idling animations.
Second: Prototype Tamagotchi-style pet-raising sim.  Time passes as indicated by the sky moving in the background (that’s a sunset transitioning into daytime~), and feeding/playing with your little planty dude in different ways will make it grow differently, with lots of branches!
Third: A shoot-em-up, because they are easy and relaxing to make.  Lots of particle effects demonstrated even at this prototype stage.  Needs cuter graphics than these placeholders (also more obstacles).
Fourth: A dialog system, first posted about here.  Works fairly well, can add more character portraits so that two or more characters can talk together, and their expressions can change.  Easy to combine with other systems, like the adventure game in the first pic.
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pawstoholddear · 10 years
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Messy doodly doodles!  Grumpy bunny boy and puppy boy (who is very sorry for breaking your things).  They are characters from Paws!!
It’s transparent but looks weird on dark backgrounds.
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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Doin art for the game & Alo the canary is the subject of the day, and right now it’s snowing big fluffy snowflakes outside so I took a break from the serious art for this happy doodle \(’ v ‘)/  I liked working white snow onto the extremely minimal white background~
As I draw Alo’s expressions I find myself giving him this little ’ v ’ smile a lot because it is cute and birdlike.
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
OMG!! this game looks soooo good! you have to finish it, amazing person! *---*
Wah thank you so much!!!  And thanks for the holiday wishes too!!  Now that the holidays have settled down I can focus on working on this game some more! \(^o^)/
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
Hi there! I think this game is really cute and I can't wait to play it! you have all my support!!
That's so sweet and wonderful to hear!!  Thank you so much!!  I will keep working hard FOR YOU!!
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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Max needed a new outfit because I just wasn’t thrilled about his existing one, and I will probably switch up the colors and details on the new one still but for now I just wanted to do something cute and fun with bright colors all over so here we go yay!!
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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Paws to Hold Dear - Screenshot Saturday December 7, 2013
Each character has different likes and dislikes.  Pay attention to the preferences he mentions to discern his favorites and get the best Affection boosts!
More game info!
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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Paws to Hold Dear - Screenshot Saturday November 23, 2013
Most gameplay will be seen on this screen, the Pet Evaluation Thing, or PET.  Here, time lapses as indicated by the sun icon traveling across the top of the screen, and your pet’s Hunger and Mood meters gradually decrease.  To keep him happy, you’ll have to supply him with food and activities that he likes!
More game info!
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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Comm: Sterling by ryuuen
Commissioned by Bon-Bon-Bunny
Commission info here.
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
OMG, this looks amazing! I know some people who don't finish otome games they make, or go on a long hiatus, but even if it takes a long time, your game looks like it will be worth it.
Thank you so much!!!  Your encouraging words fill me with the strength to keep working hard!! (>3ᕤ
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
So... What about progress?? Did you already write a story or just doing it at the moment??
An excellent question, thank you!!  The story is outlined and more than half of the scenes have their writing and dialogue completely done!
What’s left to do now is the rest of the writing, the art work, and actually building the game!  So we’re still in the very beginning stages, but up until now progress has been incredibly slow because I wasn’t dedicating time to it and also I moved across a number of states… twice. @_@  BUT NOW I am settled into a place at last and dedicated progress can pick up!
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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Omiiiigooosh, I just had to do fanart for http://bonbonbunny.tumblr.com/ She’s currently working on an otome game; code name “Pet Sim Otome game”. xD ♥. ITS SUCH A FREAKING BRILLIANT, CUTE, AND PERFECT IDEA. GFKGDKH. Like, you guys have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see something like this.
So here are all the pet characters in the game. first four are the main characters, the other four are the rivals. :D
She actually hasn’t released the colour scheme of these characters to the public yet, so I just loosely based the colours from the original animal. So I probably got the colour all wrong from her original vision. *o* !!
I was originally only going to do fanart for one character, but I literally love all the characters. I just couldn’t do just one. T-T Like, holy crap. NRGGHGHGGH. I love how even in her early sketches, they all have so much personality. (LOL ESPECIALLY TEDDY. A grumpy, shota bunny? HOW IS THAT NOT PERFECT?!) I seriously look forward to this
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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I’m so sorry this took so long!!! But here you go! Here’s the fabulous Porfirio, The Parakeet! From BonBonBunny’s Pet Sim Otome Game! I hope you like it! I tried a little differently on the style, but to me it still looks the same… (╥﹏╥)”
But! Instead of drawing the little mini animal next to him. I drew him looking at his bird form. Like kind a looking in the mirror! (Cause he’s so fabulous!:D)
Now I’m going to go draw the kitties! YAY KITTIES!!!♥
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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I actually colored this one! Yay! (Even though it looks kinda crappy… I’m sorry!) So here is Aloysius the Canary! I had a great time drawing him! And I’m excited to draw Porfirio next! But first…
I’m going to bed, didn’t sleep a wink last night. That’s because I went to go see Evil Dead at a dollar movie theater, and through the movie I was either closing my eyes, or looking at pictures of cute puppies on my phone. Let’s just say me and scary movies do not mix! 
Night everyone. ^w^”
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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I need to clean it more, but here it is! Here is Maxwell the French Lop from BonBonBunny’s pet sim otome game! Hope you all like it! :3
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pawstoholddear · 11 years
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I’m so sorry this is late!!! RL just decided to keep me busy for a awhile, but now I’m good! Sorry this is a bit messy! I wanna clean it a bit more, but I know I have kept you all waiting long enough. So here he is!
Teddy the Dutch rabbit! I hope you all like it!
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