payne1ac · 4 years
During the last 8 weeks of BIS 315, I made continuous recommendations to Foundation Management, a small event management company located in Detroit,MI. I made recommendations focusing on content strategies, and the analysis of their social media presence. I think my company will face a couple challenges when implementing the ideas I recommended. 
The first challenge I for see is lack of time. Foundation Management is very small and the bulk of the business operations are performed by the CEO and Founder. I foresee time being an issue because the CEO has multiple larger tasks to focus on, and without a proper employee to handle social media specific tasks it is possible this may take issue for them. Another challenge that could potentially arise is the lack of content to post. When first beginning this assignment I spoke in depth with Foundation Management about their challenges, goals and opportunities. It was stressed that good content was an important goal. It’s important not only for this content to be engaging but relevant as well.
Since starting this project I have begun to do more work for Foundation Management in their Marketing department. I  strongly believe that with the recommendations I made, this company is on a fast track to success. I’m excited to see their social media enhance and their community grow.
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payne1ac · 4 years
Content Creation
With a business or organization, content is a critical part of the businesses’ success. Having solid content can’t create future opportunities and relationships later down the line. When creating this content, it is important to include information that positively represents the brand and the business. There are two ways that content is developed and share. Those are curated & created. Curated content is collected from other trustworthy sources within your industry. This is generally people who are within your industry, have previous relationships, or are your supporters.  Created content are materials that your company has put together without outside help. Per the module, it is recommended that 60% of a business content should come from curation, and the other 40% should be created content. For more information on Curated vs. Created content please click HERE. When sharing this content, it’s important to understand major information about how to best portray the content. Such as: engagement, draw factors, and appealing visualization. 
The principles of effective content development and sharing are important in becoming a social organization. The principles ensure that businesses are creating effective content that will gain attraction. This will be key to the success of a business, and the upkeep with competition. Social media has taken over the world these last few years, and without effective content, a business may have a hard time being successful. 
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payne1ac · 4 years
Strong Community + Company =
Recently I read a few chapters of “The Social Organization”. The book focuses on how to use social media to its full advantage, in order to grow your business. Specifically, the chapters that I’m discussing focused on forming a vision for community collaboration and developing a strategic approach to collaboration. There are various principles to use when building an online community. It’s important to make sure that mass collaboration is appropriate at the moment. There are sometimes when it is not an appropriate solution. In addition, it is also important to understand how community collaboration will help to influence your business, and in what way. Lastly, I think it’s important to have a strong understanding and developed company culture and goals. Social media will always be used to further help portray the company and their vision, having a clear understanding of the culture and goals is very important. 
Your community are the people who support your company and are looking for you to succeed. Apart of that goes hand in hand with making sure people are attracted to your social media and business. You want people to have a positive thought or feeling when thinking of you company. There are six different attitudes that support this idea of an online community; folly, fearful flippant, formulating forging and fusing. Having a clear understanding of these attitudes will be useful in the future. 
It’s also important to mention the No, Go, Grow Model. The No stage is when the organization has to determine whether or not their goals, purpose and culture is clear and desirable. The Go Stage is where potential collaborative community is likely to succeed on its own or with minimal organizational support. Finally, the Grow stage happens when collaboration proposals either can’t or won’t be approved.
I learned a lot about growing an online community. I knew these things were important but this weeks content really brought that to light for me. My client has a solid online community. They are active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Since they are an event company, social media is a very important place for them to highlight their events and projects. I think Youtube would be a fantastic place like this. Especially because Youtube may allow them to reach a broader audience. I am excited to dive deeper into helping my client develop a deeper relationship with their online community.
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payne1ac · 4 years
They’re Watching..
Recently, I was given the task of watching The Legal Side of Big Data. The main thing that businesses needs to be aware of is both the integrity of their data as well as data security. In essence, businesses need be sure that their data is not being compromised. This is very important because a business operates based on their data. It’s a huge asset to their company, and it could cause major consequences if the integrity was comprimised. Consumers should be also be aware of data being compromised as well. On the consumers side, if their data is compromised it could cause major issues on a personal level. Companies store ALOT of persona information about their consumers. Everything from credits cards all the way to social security numbers. 
The best way to balance opportunities and threats presented by the development of big data is for consumers and businesses to be on the same page. Businesses should be sure that they are being as transparent as possible with their consumers. But I think that businesses have the most tasks in this partnership. They have to do their due diligence to make sure their algorithms are up to data, their firewall is strong, and the risk of the company is constantly being evaluated and improved.
After reading the article “The Internet’s Original Sin” I had a realization. No matter how much you try , there is always data being recorded about you. A lot of us, like myself use social media quite frequently. All of these platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat and countless others are collecting data from us. Following our interest, seeing how often we visit different websites and pages. They’re following out moves, and documenting them. We believe that we use the applications for fun, meanwhile these platforms are documenting our every move and making money off of us. 
What are your thoughts?
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payne1ac · 4 years
Click Here: FAKE NEWS
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Algorithms are both a blessing and a curse. There are  so many great benefits to algorithms but they can also bring harm. Algorithms collect tons of data that you may or may not realize. They get to know us inside and out. Learning the things we like and don’t like, then these things are formed to show us new things we like. Aside from this, algorithms always promote the trendy, or popular information. With this it’s very easy for these algorithms to automatically send you a new post, or article without fact checking. I’ve experienced algorithms in the way they work several times. Such as watching YouTube videos, and information videos ready to play next based on my interest. I’ve also had situations where an algorithm would suggest something for me to read/watch, and it would be false information about the election. 
Secondly, advertising is another concept that pushes fake news. Much like algorithms, advertising is also a blessing and a curse. Because of advertising, so may apps that we love are free. Not just social media but games, administrative apps, dating apps and more. But what’s the point of advertising? To inform. But in order to inform you need an interest. How do you create an interest? Interesting and catchy titles. Which can also lead to …. Click Bait! The sole purpose is to attract attention, not to inform you of what’s really happening. And it’s always something that is involving a celebrity, a scandal or dramatic news. Click bait comes in all forms. Check out some examples HERE. I can think of a few times where I have given into click bait. When the former president was running his campaign, there where so many things that he was doing to anger people and there were numerous articles saying something new that he had done. A lot of it was click bait and fake news, but I was still so intrigued.
Finally, exposure is the final reason as to why fake news spreads so quickly. Depending on what the user is interested in fake news is more likely to spread. For example, there are a lot of people who believe in conspiracy theories. Things like the illumantai, the myth of COVID, and Jefferey Epstein’s death. Conspiracy theories are just how they sound. They are not proven true. But for a person who follows, and is engaged in things like this they are more Miley to see these things on their timeline. It’s safe to say that most of these things may or may not be true, but it is not proven by a fact. Hence, Fake News. A more personal example, I have been wanting to get more active with my reading so I have been following a lot of authors on self help books. Ever since then I have been getting articles about way to improve yourself. Some of the articles I saw had nothing to do with self help but were just click bait.
I think as a society we need to be more aware of the things that we write, post, or say. Fake news is just gossiping times 10. Companies need to be more cautious about what they say and how they say it. But as a whole we need to start fact checking people and their sources. But just remember when you read something online that does not automatically mean it’s true. 
How have you noticed some of these things in your everyday life?
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payne1ac · 4 years
What Defines a Good Consultant?
I think the most important qualities for a consultant to have are: adaptability, people skills, and timing. There are a lot of different ways to successfully complete a social media or marketing effort. But I believe having these three characteristics will make a transition very smooth. 
Every company is different, everyone has ideas and their special thing that makes their company unique. If someone is going to do consulting for a company, then they need to be able to be flexible and adapt to the needs of said company. When discussing flexibility, it is important to discuss being open minded, and able to handle juggle many details and tasks. Within consulting there are going to be major details to keep accounted for. But there are also going to be times where you need to be able to adjust to what the client wants, despite your feelings.
Social Media is a great tool to reach a large body of people, in simple steps and a short amount of time. But with dealing with people, there are so many uncertainties and things that make all of us different. Having good people skills will greatly help a consultant. Not only will it be helpful dealing with clients, but it will also be helpful with reaching people of different demographics and backgrounds.
Lastly, timing. Marketing and social media are all about timing. Knowing when to post something, at a specific time is a great skill to have. Having the skill is very helpful in social media, because if you can correctly time an event, or discussion, it will create a buzz and begin to boost knowledge of the business.
There are plenty of characteristics that will make a good consultant. The three characteristics I’ve mentioned are a great start! What do you think?
If I was acting as a social media consultant for my own professionalism I would make sure that all my social media accounts are in sync. All of them should be linked together with the same biography, pictures and information. I have yet to start this process, but a couple things I am doing is being extra cautious about what I say, repost, or share. In addition I’ve taken the extra caution of making all of my accounts private to eliminate the chance of any mishaps. 
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payne1ac · 4 years
The Social Dilemma
Recently, I watched the documentary “The Social Dilemma”. The film focuses on the obsession that society has with their phones, and more specifically Social Media. I enjoyed watching the documentary. It was very shocking to see things I already know exist, in real life examples. Throughout the video, I noticed myself listening to the facts being presented and reflecting on my own life for an example and I realized that social media and the internet has slowly begun to take over lives. 
Algorithms have been designed to become accustomed to the user, but they probably have become on the most dangerous things. The idea of automatically suggesting things for a user to watch sounds like an impressive idea, which it is. But, the way these algorithms are being used is the lesser part. The notifications that you received on your phone about game notifications, social media alerts, and more are results of these algorithms learning the habits that users make. In the beginning, I thought this was an interesting and smart concept. Thinking from a user perspective, this is something that I would enjoy; tailored content for my personal viewing. But then I learned that data is being traced and notifications are being thrown at users in order for them to spend longer time on their phones, computers or other electronics. In result, causing a large following of people developing a strong addiction to your phone and becoming immensely wrapped up in the connection. 
Aside from these algorithms being dangerous in data collection, it also brings damage to how people feel about themselves. Having a bunch of information thrown at you constantly; other people’s opinions, real/fake news, cyberbullying and more. Users - especially younger users are reaping the downfalls of social media. Feeling flawed, depressed, and anxious because of the things that other people are saying about them online, and this information is constantly being pushed at users. Indirectly causing a negative change in emotions, and higher self harm rates. These things are also having a negative impact on users and creating more issues in society between multiple demographics.
I personally believe that it is up to the user of said app, to have enough self discipline to know when and when not to sue the app. But on a corporate level, I think it is very unethical how companies are almost preying on these individuals. Especially the younger generations who have grown upon this enviorment. I understand that firms have a purpose to make money, but doing this “by any means necessary” (and jeopardizing peoples mentalities. It is our job as a society to bring these things to attention, make people aware and challenge this companies on their actions.
Watch the video here!
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What are your thoughts and ideas?
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payne1ac · 4 years
Social Media Habits
I went 24 hours with no social media. I thought that it would be a lot harder than it was. If you had of asked me to do this at the beginning of quarantine, it probably would have been very difficult. A few months ago, I went 30 days without any social media. After that time, it made it very easy for me not to get so caught up in social media. Now I don’t spend as much time scrolling, posting or playing games. The 24 hours I went without social media wasn’t hard at all. I had a few virtual meetings, homework assignments, and responsibilities to handle, so that made some of the time go by quickly. Even though I spent most the day looking at computer screens, social media didn’t even phase me. I spent the rest of the time hanging out with my friend, watching TV and we just talked. At first I was nervous that I would begin to use social media way too much, but the transition has been very smooth. Filling my time with other things have definitely dimmed the light on social media. 
Before doing 24 hours without social media I monitored activity with electronics and entertainment. I never realized how time I spend using my computer, playing my game, or checking my phone. As a student, especially in this pandemic era, all of my assignments, group meetings, and classes are online. With this, I always end up spending hours and hours in front of some type of screen.  Also, I frequently pick up my phone to search information, respond to group chats etc. Even thought I’m not doing anything “entertaining” on my phone I still pick it up quite frequently. This experiment opened my eyes to a lot.
I suggest trying this experiment, see what you find!
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payne1ac · 4 years
The Internet:
Welcome Back!
Thanks for tuning back into another blog post. This time around we are discussing what our lives have transformed into because of the internet. The good, the bad, and the in between. Let’s try an exercise, think back to when you were in elementary school, it’s lunch time and you’re about to spend time with your friends. What does that look like? Are you jumping rope, playing hopscotch, swinging or something else? I was always the kid who played tag outside, running around with my friends without a care in the world. Now think about children in the day and age. By time elementary school rolls around some kids already have a play station, a phone and/or a tablet. The concept of creating your own fun has begun to disappear. Recently, I read an article called “Before the Internet” by Emma Rathbone. In the article she reminds us that before the internet, we were forced to create our own fun. I completely agree with her, for the simple fact that in some way shape or form, the internet/technology plays a crucial part in what we do for fun. It never occurred to me that the internet and technology has slowly replaced what I call, “the good old fun” 
In addition to the article by Emma Rathbone, I also had the pleasure of watching a video lecture by Max Stossel called “We’ve Been Sneaking into Your Brain”. This video focused on the way that businesses make a continuous effort to keep you involved in their apps, or to keep you focused on your phone. He gave multiple reasons to support this claim but there were a couple that stood out to me the most. For those of us that are Apple users, the red notification button that appears when you have unopened alerts is there to draw attention - obviously. I know quite a few people who have the feeling of “I need to open these messages, because I hate seeing the red alert” this is one way that Apple influences users to stay active more. There is something about the color red that draws attention to the human eye, and wants us to fix it. This was a realization to me because it’s the smallest thing that triggers a subconscious motive. 
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Another example that Max gave was the usage of ads. Not sure about you guys, but I have a love hate relationship with advertising. I love knowing about new ideas, events, apps etc, but when I’m focused in on something I hate being interrupted by ads that aren’t important, especially at that specific time. Max explained that companies will sometimes use longer advertising to get users to stay in the app for longer periods of time. I had never even thought about that! In his video, Max made alot of good points as to how social media and the internet has slowly began to infiltrate our lives, and become a super important part of us. 
A couple weeks ago, I deleted all social media from my phone for about 30 days. I almost instantly noticed how much time I spent checking my phone and searching through apps! If you agreed with any of the things I talked about previously in this blog, I suggest you try a social media/internet cleanse too! You’ll be surprised at the results!
Until next time...
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payne1ac · 4 years
Meet Alexandria!
My name is Alexandria Payne, I’m a senior at Central Michigan University, pursing a double major in Marketing and Information Systems. I’m beyond excited to graduate in the upcoming semesters. Throughout my college career I have changed my major multiple times, which has allowed me to have experiences in various industries. I have bounced around from Marketing, Logistics, Human Resources and Diversity Inclusion - I like to think this makes we well rounded! I’ve only officially changed my major twice, but I am happy that I did because I would not have found my true passion, and what makes me excited!
I am from Southfield, MI which is in the Metro Detroit area. After graduation I’m excited to head back to a major city and thrive in that environment. I am not entirely sure of the route I want to pursue, but I know I want to do Consumer Marketing and Consulting at some point in the future. This is the first blog that I’ve ever had, and I’m am both nervous and excited to see how it goes. I hope that what I say will challenge people to think, and open their eyes to things that we are sometimes blinded from, learn new information and crack a smile. 
One company that I have always admired for their usage of social media and originality is Wendy’s. I follow Wendy’s on Twitter and love when they interact with other companies alike them. Although Wendy’s does a great job at this, I think McDonald’s is also top tier for their social media efforts as well. If you were to take a look at McDonald’s social media you would notice that they continuously use the principle of Participation very well. McDonald’s is very current on popular slang, trendy topics, and viral memes. They always find a way to use these things and promote their business in an entertaining way. For example, there is a funny saying that McDonald’s Sprite is overhwellingly strong and powerful. McDonald’s used this as an entertaining way to promote their fountain drinks, and suggested getting a Big Mac to lessen the drink’s powers. In addition, everyone knows that McDonald’s and Wendys are rivals, every so often they go back and forth on social media, and rag on each other in light- hearted entertaining ways. But the most important thing that they do is interact with their followers; creating polls, responding to comments/ direct messages, and providing entertainment. 
I encourage you to check out their social media once you get a chance! I’ve included the link to their website and Twitter handle below!
- McDonald’s Website
- Mcdonald’s Twitter
I hope you liked reading my blog, tune in next week for more topics!
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