Reading List- April 23' h.e.r.e. w.e. GO!
1.) The Plant Paradox by Steven R. Gundry, M.D. 2.) Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan, M.D. w/ Luke Shanahan 3.) Fix Your Period by Nicole Jardim
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Current State: Day 1
Okay... officially 2 weeks post-op today from 2 bunion/1 hammer toe surgery. T-minus 5 weeks until I am able to walk. In the meantime, I pulled the trigger on a wheelchair with a leg rest to at least get outside and enjoy the fresh air. With all this time on my hands these next 5 weeks, I wanted to journal my experience and what I am doing to overcome my PCOS. I was diagnosed Feb 2022 and spent the last year digging into PCOS/Thyroid nutritional research, eliminating toxic products, and feeling overwhelmed by it all. On top of it all, I need 2 separate foot surgeries on each foot to fix my bunions AKA not allowed to work out for almost 5 months which includes no walking for the first 2 months (x's 2..left & right foot). That obviously impacts my ability to workout and help my PCOS.... sooooooo ...instead of feeling defeated, I will spend the next 5 weeks deep diving and learning as much as possible while I begin an 8-week program with a functional NPR specializing in fertility and cases like mine of women who want to reverse their PCOS! This is my journey.
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