pctioneer · 4 months
Still working on making a habit out of writing again. I am doing some replies on my sideblog for now. Maybe I'll lower the bar by just doing a couple replies on mobile here too. I won't be able to cut them nicely but I promise not to let them clutter the dash.
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pctioneer · 4 months
" You weren't supposed to see that- "
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pctioneer · 4 months
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky // Alanis Morissette
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pctioneer · 4 months
Taking a small break ended up with me hardly writing for like...a year? And I'm not even sure how this happened. I am going to make an attempt to get back and get some new starters out because I really miss writing here!
Anyone still interested in starting/continuing? something is welcome to let me know!
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pctioneer · 11 months
Lucius Malfoy ( @malfaith )
"Right," Lucius says. He's sympathetic - anything the Aurors can deal out, the Dark Lord can do better. Or worse, if you're on the receiving end. "I have some of the potions you gave me." They sit in a cabinet in his office, as they're not illegal - nobody who isn't a Death Eater would recognize them for what they are. He waves his wand for them. He uncorks the dark purple liquid and practically pours it down Severus's throat. The humiliating ritual is quite familiar. Lucius was nearly unconscious last year after making a mess of an assassination operation and had to be dragged out of Lestrange Manor's dining room by Rabastan. Lucius nearly drops the vial as Dobby Apparates right next to him with a sharp crack! "Dobby didn't know you were-" "Shut up and get me a Calming Draught this instant or you'll need this," Lucius snaps at him. Dobby disappears again. He turns back to Severus, gesturing at the other bottle. "Do you need another one, or should I start the bath?" Warm water with a Potion of Numbness poured in always takes the edge off of the pain.
Severus won't admit it, but he is glad that Lucius is still here. He knows it's a rare kindness that few others aside from his direct family would receive. A kindness that he felt he had no reason to expect. Not anymore. But of course, Lucius doesn't know the extend of his betrayal.
There is a sharp taste to the potion - one that would not have been altogether unpleasant if it was just a little less overpowering - but it's a necessary evil that is almost welcomed at the promise of a little relief. Seconds after swallowing the potion, a pleasant, cool sensation spreads throughout his body,, && he feels like he can breathe again. That's about all there is to it, but he'll take it.
To be honest, the draught doesn't quite do the trick anymore. When he'd first used it, it'd pretty much gotten him back on his feet within a couple of minutes, but over the years, he'd built up a tolerance - or the damage had gotten more profound. Either way, it's effects were no more than a bandaid now ( && this certainly was one of the worst states he'd ever found himself in ).
" This will do for now - "
" I'll live "
To be perfectly honest, Severus doesn't think he is quite strong enough for a bath yet. It would have to wait until morning - though he assumes that he is in desperate need of one.
" That is - has the Dark Lord...? "
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pctioneer · 11 months
Crime Drama Archetype Aesthetics
(Bold what applies to your muse, italics for things that apply situationally and/or only in certain verses. Repost, don't reblog!)
THE HERO: a small home full of medals // the scent of justice // the adrenaline rush before busting a crime scene // trusting in the team // sworn oaths // the city's skyline from the roof of the police station // radio chatter // protecting those who can't protect themselves // a last stand // crime scene tape
THE RULEBREAKER: a revolver resting in the drawer // the taste of cheap whiskey // constant reminders of past mistakes // a shadowy figure in the alley // being known in every bar // a fight in the backroom // blood on leather gloves // your name whispered in the underworld // broken laws for the greater good // an act of defiance against the system
THE ODDBALL: a drawer full of candy wrappers // an unexpected knack for solving cases // a fascination with the improbable // the comfort in eccentricity // midnight oil burning for a case // chaotic notes leading to the truth // a genius in their own world // the thrill of a new challenge // the final piece of the puzzle falling into place // a colourful scarf among the grey suits
THE BAD TEMPERED: worn out gloves from punching the bag // a growl in the voice // a reputation that precedes you // a fist through the wall // harsh words with a caring undertone // a cigarette burning in the ashtray // the anger that fuels everything // a grudge held too long // begrudging respect from colleagues // an unexpected show of loyalty
THE MOURNING: working late nights // a plan that doesn't include going home // being unable to return to the way things once were // a whiskey bottle in the bottom drawer // the cold touch of a gravestone // silence in a room once filled with laughter // old photographs gathering dust // the echo of a voice no longer there // a past that refuses to be forgotten // knowing that nobody knows what to say
THE WORLD-WEARY: a flask of strong coffee // a siren in the distance // the familiar smell of gunpowder // a smoker's cough // secrets buried deep // a sigh of frustration // a heavy sense of cynicism // crime scene photos that haunt dreams // a stare that has seen too much // a cold case reopened
THE DOCTOR: the sharp smell of chemicals // a doctor's coat stained with blood // hands that have tried to mend too many // the solemn silence of the dead // precision in every movement // the precise language of medicine // a race against time // the responsibility of life and death // blood spatters on white walls // an oath never to be broken
tagged by: @imprvdente
tagging: @gentlepuff @malfaith @tooxldtorememxer
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pctioneer · 11 months
Bellatrix Lestrange ( @motherfuckingmaneater​ )
She makes quick work of putting Death Eaters in their place. She likes her position, she is arrogant in it. Severus Snape however, is a hard one to place. She doesn’t trust him. She probably never will. Bellatrix has thus far been relatively quiet about her opinions, the Dark Lord has heard her concerns. He has dismissed them as her being too earnest and protective of the cause - of him. So for now she has relinquished the subject.
Still, she knows she is not alone in this. She has seen the way Antonin’s lip curls, the way Walden’s shrewd gaze lingers, the way Rodolphus’ fingers twitch almost imperceptibly. They’re a fashioned crew of pureblood excellence, they’re all wolves and tigers, none sheep. Only their own survive here.
She’s drinking liquor when she sees him. Her husband’s arm is lazily draped over her shoulders as they all laugh about their latest successful mission, how the mudbloods screamed for mercy. They’re cruel creatures, they’re children of the bad revolution. Bellatrix is the cruelest of them all. Her bloodlust is paramount, not yet sated.
She has always enjoyed playing with her food before she eats it.
“Snape.” Her strides are strong and confident as she approaches alone, heels marching to a tango beat, liquor still clutched in one hand, “You’re brave enough to show your face here, the least you should do is join us, hm?”
So far for keeping his head down. Bellatrix manages to make his very name sound like an insult && Severus has to make a concious effort not to grimace at the sound of it. A curt nod in her direction. He doesn’t find this sort of thing unpleasant because he can’t stand his ground, but because he has to - even here - even now.  
           “ Your hospitality is truly inspiring. Your cousin, no doubt, will appreciate you taking it upon yourself to greet her guests. ” Severus replies dryly, taking a step in her direction.
If it hadn’t been for Lucius and Narcissa hosting this gathering, he likely would not have received an invite to begin with ( && he was far to proud to show up to anything that did not specifically ask for his presence ). While not one to boast about his connections, Severus is genuienly proud of his good standing with the Malfoy family - who, when it came to it, outshone most other families present today. He is certain it irks Bella, && a couple of others who took issue with, amongst other things, his own social status. 
                 “ Though I suppose you’re right. ” - at least until better company presents itself.
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pctioneer · 11 months
Océanne Fish Monet ​ ( @imprvdente​ )
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Taking risks had never been a problem for Fish. It was almost as natural to her as breathing. But the looming shadow of the Dark Lord, always pulsating under her skin, had brought her a new sense of caution. The threat was everywhere now, suffocating. 
But she trusted Severus Snape. 
“Ok,” she nodded, “a couple of minutes is good. I can definitely hold that long.” A smile was offered to her old potions professor. It was funny to think about how things had changed. Funny, and heart breaking too. She knew she would never get her childhood back, those years stolen by war and grief. But ever the optimist, she found some comfort in thinking about how absurd it was, plotting a revolution with Professor Snape.
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“What?” she asked, head slightly tilted.
Severus disappears into the hallway and up the stairs. He is gone for a good few minutes && upon his return, he carries a folder full of documents. Magical forgeries. These alone would be enough to get both of them in deep trouble. 
         “ Your new identity- I’m afraid both time and the delicate nature of this procedure didn’t allow for you to have much of a say in it, but you should memorize some of these details such as your date of birth, and your parents names. Anything that might rouse suspicious if you have to think before answering.” he places the bundle of papers in front of her carefully, pausing so that she can skim through them. 
Papers alone, however, would hardly make for a convincing story,, && so Severus had gone much further than merely producing her a new identity. After all, it was to be expected that, at one point or other, someone would take an interest in her. Start asking questions && putting their nose where it didn’t belong. If and when that happened, there needed to be something tangible for them to find. 
          “ - and the keys to your appartment ”
Hiding in plain sight. 
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pctioneer · 11 months
Lucius Malfoy ( @familyname )
Lucius's body sags against the bars. Some of the terror fades out of him. He has a family to go back to. Staying alive was worth it after all. Yet he cannot help that there is something else withheld. The Dark Lord would not leave it like this - and if by some miracle he has, Lucius has a lingering, painful death waiting for him when he's freed. "To kill . . . Dumbledore," Lucius repeats, numb despair on his tongue. He can't. It's absurd. The Dark Lord is mocking them all. "No," Lucius says. "No. No!" He shakes the bars, as if by some miracle, they will part for him. Draco is dead. Lucius realizes with cold, inescapable horror that he will never see his son again. His tongue wets cracked lips. "The Dark Lord . . . could not, perhaps, be convinced . . . to punish the man who truly deserves it?" This is not a Death Eater initiation, not a new member - this is an animal branded and fattened to be slaughtered.
For a short moment, Lucius's features are graced by a relieved expression. However unlikely in a place like this, Severus is certain he detects a sliver of hope in those familiar grey eyes.
Within seconds, his hopeful expression changes into one of cold dread as he realizes what Draco's task signifies. It is a dire situation indeed, meaning that there is little comfort to be passed around to begin with && Severus is afraid that what little cause for hope he does have to deliver won't hold up the way it might have in different circumstances.
" Attempting to sway the Dark Lord's decision would only strengthen his resolve. "
Draco was a punishment - it was meant to hurt.
" - but he will not be left without guidance. " Severus adds quickly, another brief touch of his fingers to Lucius's in an attempt to focus his attention back on their conversation, which is continued in hushed tones.
"Narcissa has come to see me, not long after the decision was made. As far as I know, the Dark Lord is not aware of this. " a short pause, then Severus takes out his wand and touches it to his arm - the same arm that bares the mark - so that a thin golden thread appears, seemingly woven around it.
" I will do all that lays in my power- " He didn't need to say more, certain that Lucius understood what he had seen,, && the seriousness of such a commitment.
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pctioneer · 11 months
Odette Mabel Tauris ( @gentlepuff )
Odette didn’t make it her mission to find out the personal lives or personal history of her professors at Hogwarts. Of course there were many students who were curious about things like that and did try to find out but she didn’t ask any questions from those students. Back to the here and now, she had thought why Dumbledore chose her of all people, she wasn’t part of the Order and only the DA so it was odd that they didn’t pick an adult to do this mission. Perhaps there is something that’s going to happen in which a Hogwarts student was needed? She didn’t question any adults decision so she agreed to help. Odette placed the cup back on the table and shook her head. “I don’t think it has been compromised.” She said.
It's more than he had dared to hope for. In fact, her reply somewhat catches him off guard, for he had prepared to have an entirely different conversation. He hadn't counted on their being the opportunity for them to quietly discuss this --&& every response or admission he'd envisioned himself giving the night before now seem over-dramatic. Clearly, this is a bigger deal to him than it is to her.
" I see " he replies tensely, if only to avoid the silence stretching out for too long while he gathers his thoughts.
"- and might I ask what inspires such blind fate? "
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pctioneer · 11 months
Would anyone be interested in an AU where Severus is a chemistry professor? (I have *ideas*)
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pctioneer · 11 months
Update: I finally have some time on my hands && finished some books so I'm excited && inspired to pick up the rest of my drafts. I did get a start on some of them but nothing really felt finished or leading anywhere so everything (including me) has just been sitting there.
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pctioneer · 11 months
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pctioneer · 11 months
ok I am still slow beyond believe (&& will be for the rest of the week) but drafts are finally getting done. Just at snail pace 🐌.
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pctioneer · 11 months
Lucius Malfoy ( @familyname )
Lucius studies Severus thoughtfully. It's not a normal Obliviation spell, nor - as he's forced to consider - the loss of information that would result from an Imperius Curse or Polyjuice imposter. He pulls his sleeve down, agitation receding, and buttons the cuff securely. "Well, at least you know who you serve," he says. "I wouldn't want to explain that problem to the Dark Lord." Even so, it's a small silver lining. The situation is bad, very bad. "I expect you're thinking that you have no reason to trust me." Count on Severus to be suspicious and cynical. "We've known each other since Hogwarts. You were invited to my wedding. Anyone who knows us both can confirm this." If Severus never regains his memory, has he permanently lost an ally? Is this another kind of death, another fate to lose a soldier to? "If you believe anything I say, believe me when I tell you this situation is very bad. Memory loss this specific isn't an accident. You were targeted by someone. And - the Dark Lord may consider your loyalty to be in question because of possible tampering. Some point in the future, he will look at your mind. Perhaps he will be able to fix the problem." He pauses. "Or perhaps he will go so far looking for information that he will do you damage." Powerful Legilimency can break memory spells . . . and cause significant damage to the one used on. "I suggest you do your best to find out what happened before that, and I offer you any resources you need. If you know who I am you know I have a great deal." Lucius has personal stake in this himself, in case someone is coming after Death Eaters. Yet he pauses. Where there's a situation like this, he should do his due diligence. "I should like to see your Mark."
Clearly, Lucius has given some thought to the situation at hand. It also appears as though he has at least some insight into Severus's disposition. Lucius doesn't appear to expect that anything he is saying will inspire confidence in him. It makes this meeting wholly different from any he has had so far. He finds that, while it is his nature to be sceptical, he doesn't truly doubt the sincerity of what he's being told. Still, he is certain he has made the right decision not to question his own allegiance to the Dark Lord when he catches a glimpse of visible relief on the other's face the moment he confirms his understanding of The Mark. Lucius Malfoy might mean him no direct harm - but their allegiance, whathever form it took, was not an unconditional one.
" I have indeed considered that this...situation might put me in a delicate position. Knowing what this mark signifies, and how it has somehow not landed me in Azkaban yet, I gather that I hold some value to either The Dark Lord himself or someone very close to him. "
He pauses, trying to find a starting point. In the meanwhile, he silently complies with Lucius's request && removes the bandage that hid his own Mark. It was clear to him that it was neither probable, nor desireable that the staff of St. Mungo's would help him uncover the true events that landed him in here. Severus has a distinct feeling that such an investigation would uncover things that were never meant to see the daylight. He found that he was no stranger to spells and potions that affected the memory, but, like everything else, the knowledge was scattered && difficult to manifest in any definite shape. He would need time && privacy in order to attempt to use that knowledge to his advantage.
" What I would need....is to get out of here. "
A loud crack of thunder stops him from saying more, rain beating violently against the windows. For just a moment, the sound is deafening - then it turns into mere background-noise.
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pctioneer · 11 months
Antonin Dolohov ( @tooxldtorememxer )
Antonin had just been happy it hadn’t been him at the end of the wand, and neither had he been the one to cast the spells on his fellow brethren. Not this time, at least, but he wasn’t sure he had gathered enough strength yet to make it any more than an annoying itch. He could have mustered the power if needed, but it would have cost him greatly. Sure there had been time to recover, but all those years in Azkaban had taken a toll on him that he was sure he would recover from for the rest of his life. He hadn’t exactly been paying attention when Severus made his escape, but he felt his own mind shift and slip and knew it was his sign to make his own escape. Just for a few minutes, he told himself, long enough to gather his strength to return to his own home so he wouldn’t have to stay here. The Dark Lord was making even him uncomfortable these days and he’d very much appreciate not spending more than enough time under the same roof. He closed the door silently behind himself and leaned back against it, his head tilted back as he took a deep breath or two. Suddenly his body grew stiff and his eyes snapped open at the sound of someone else. He wasn’t alone as he’d thought he was, because those noises hadn’t come from him, he knew that much. He pushed himself away from the door and kept his back straight as he walked further into the drawing room, still not announcing himself. The first word that went through his mind when he came across the other soul was ‘pathetic’ but he knew he wasn’t looking any better himself and he hadn’t just been tortured twice by crazy Bella. It took him a few moments to speak. “She enjoys herself way too much,” it was more a mutter than anything and he turned away to find the alcohol cabinet. To be fair, that would have been him in the past, enjoying throwing the cruciatus or any of his own spells, around at anyone, but right now he wasn’t even in the mood for that. Finally, he found something worth drinking and poured a great amount for the both of them. It might not help his body to recover, but at least it could numb his mind a little. He put the second glass down on a small side table before he collapsed in an armchair on his own where he was able to keep an eye on the other, then took a long drink from his own glass. “Drink, maybe you will actually be able to sleep through it.”
The aftermath of the cruciatus curse is a uniquely torturous experience in its own right. The longer - or the more often - one is targetted, the longer it takes to recover. Severus figures that by now ( as is likely the case for most of the inner circle ) the damage to his nerve endings in permanent. He had hardly recovered from last time.
Focussed solely on remaining as still as possible, he doesn't notice the door to the drawing room being opened - nor the figure who has entered. Only when Antonin speaks does Severus become aware of him. Perfect. He isn't usually so easy to sneak up on, && the fact that another could witness him so incapacitated bothers him greatly, but for the time being he simply doesn't have the strength to get himself back to Hogwarts - where Dumbledore's wards would force him to walk across castle grounds before he could reach his rooms - so he merely mutters a quiet acknowledgement. With any luck, this could be a quiet interaction - or perhaps no interaction at all.
Eyes slowly scan Antonin as he takes a seat opposite him. It''s not like he is still here out of dedication - even Lucius's expensive liquor cabinet wouldn't detain anyone to stay longer than absolutely necessary. As soon as summons were over they all scattered from these grounds as fast as they could manage without offending the Dark Lord.
After a small pause to gather his strength to move && accept the offered glass, Severus manages to sit himself upright and finish his drink without showing any outward signs of distress, except perhaps the awkwardness of his movements. The liquor burns as it goes down his troath, but it's not an alltogether unpleasant sensation. It manages to dull his senses just a little bit - enough for him to cave and ask for another glass - effectively betraying the desperation he'd been trying so desperately to conceal before.
"- another "
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pctioneer · 11 months
Will (finally) be around in a few hours to pick up my drafts (and hopefully queue some replies).
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