thechosengryffindor · 3 months
@gentlepuff liked for a Harry Starter
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" you can't just talk your way out of problems." Harry looked up at the words and wanted to smirk- he'd made an entire life out of it. But he wasn't about to argue with someone, especially someone he barely knew. Snape had just put him through yet another lecture and Harry had honestly lost track of what it was he was being lectured about.
"You're probably right. But i gotta try- right?" Harry asked, a lopsided smile slowly forming
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slytherintragedy · 3 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ I was tame, I was gentle till the circus life made me mean. ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Odette }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @gentlepuff ❫
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The Slytherin had honestly just been minding his own business, ignoring practically everyone. Was more than aware of certain whispers that was spreading around, how could he not be? He wasn't deaf and despite seeming zoned out, he's paid somewhat enough attention. But with what's been going on, he just didn't care to snap back. Yet when the Hufflepuff startled him, Draco couldn't help but to snap at her with insults. Though when she snapped back, that had surprised him into silence before his laughter broke the silence that lingered for a little bit. And oh how her next choice of words, only made the corners of his lips curve upwards in a sharp smile. ❝An angel finally got some bite to her, what a surprising twist.❞ Malfoy remarked. ❝But the problem is, I don't buy it so let’s hear one morе joke.❞ Draco knew that war changes people, how could it not? But he truly didn't see her changing, however it wasn't like they were ever friends so what would he know? Nothing.
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chaoticrebels · 4 months
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Closed Starter » { Odette }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @gentlepuff ❫
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❝You will be fine...❞ Romeo sighed, sliding down next to Odette. Typically the Slytherin would have minded his business but when the Hufflepuff seemed a bit distracted by something and everyone seemed to be ignoring her, he couldn't help but find out what's up with the younger student. Though he almost regretted it because he clearly didn't know what he was getting himself into. ❝There may be decisions to make and surprises in store, life takes us to unexpected places sometimes. The future is never set in stone, remember that.❞ The male remarked, giving the female his best reassuring smile that he could master. Then he stood up once more and held out his hand to her. ❝But instead of sitting here worrying about what's to come, how about we just go find something fun to do?❞ Romeo offered, rather or not Odette accepted was up to debate.
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acourtcfmuses · 6 months
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@gentlepuff | liked for a starter
"Don't fancy joining me in detention by any chance do you?" The Slytherin fixed her with his most charming smile. No one else had gotten detention today which meant he'd be alone in the dark dingy classroom given he was pretty sure Professor Binns wasn't even sure which century it was let alone exactly who should be there.
Unfortunately for him though Scribner would likely get spot checks done to ensure he was there. Likely via Peeves or a prefect. "So what do you say? Fancy keeping my company?"
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themirxcleisyou · 5 months
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@gentlepuff said : i've been alone all my life. it's nothing new.
"Well that doesn't mean it has to be permanent right?" he offered a soft smile he did understand loneliness he's felt like that all his life aswell until Sebastian came along, and even then he still felt it, and the fact he wasn't someone easy to aproach mostly because of his last name, made it even worse.
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" I know loneliness it's a horrible friend, I had someone get rid of them for a while it was nice but ...lately ...it seems I'm back with my old pal..." letting out a sigh he shook his head , this wasn't about him now focus. "Look all I'm saying is I'm here if you ever need help alright or to just chat?..." , he definitely was not good at this but he tried at least it had to count for something right?, and if in the process he made someone feel better then it would have been totally worth it.
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luminescenc1e · 9 months
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“ There is no reason to give up now. I mean we haven’t even been caught yet. What would be the point? And the worst that can happen is that we have to scrub some cauldrons with Filch. What do you say? Worth the risk? ”
@gentlepuff from the starter call / accepting.
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pctioneer · 1 year
Odette ( @gentlepuff​ )
Odette ended up drifting to sleep within an hour or so of being left to her thoughts. She didn't know how long she was asleep for, it was only until she heard the clanking of a mug on the table that she groggily woke up. She had to force herself to open her eyes and sit up before standing up slowly. She brushed and fixed her hair to at least look presentable and then made her way to the table she hoped her would be sat at. She didn't make eye contact yet as she was busy pouring herself a cup of tea to drink and warm herself up. It was only until she finished her first sip of tea. She waited for him to speak first since he was the adult.
While he was far from looking forward to their upcomming conversation, Severus releases a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding when Odette joins him for his morning coffee. Had she been as appalled by what she’d found out as he thought she might be, she certainly wouldn’t deign to sit down at the same table as him. She didn’t say much- if anything- but that he could understand. It’s not as though she could outright ask him about the mark.  
A few seconds are spent in perfect silence - both of them consciously avoiding eye-contact. then Severus very deliberately meets her eyes && holds them. 
                   “You haven’t left.” 
It’s an observation - not a question. A means of trying to get an idea of where she stood. 
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progenyofprongs · 1 year
@gentlepuff​​​​​ ♥ ( ODETTE ) liked for a teeny starter
"Can it wait? I really need to finish this essay for McGonagall." Quill scratching quickly across the parchment, Amelia didn't bother to glance up at the shadowy figure who approached her. The most she saw was a flash of yellow from the corner of her eye, but even that wasn't enough to bring her gaze up. After all, she didn't know anyone in Hufflepuff.
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museyourmarbles · 1 year
@gentlepuff cont. from here.
Odette had to hold in a giggle as her fellow Hufflepuff spoke to her. "What? I do not snore." She replied softly. "If I do, no one has ever mentioned it to me until you did." She continued. She had turned to her as they sat next to each other in the Great Hall, pausing from eating her dinner. "Please dint tell me that I keep you up because of it?" She asked the other girl.
"Do so!" Poppy let out a light-hearted chuckle and gracefully settled into her seat adjacent to Odette at the massive dinning table in the Great Hall. "Maybe they were simply being courteous." Poppy quickly realized her comment may have come across as impolite and added, "Oh, no, no! It's similar to those silly noise machines muggles use to help them sleep." Something about her dorm mate's snoring eased her and put her to rest at night.
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       dean had become almost as big of a fan of quidditch then he was of soccer. almost. one of his favourite past times was to kick a ball around the grounds, much to the confusion of his friends. he knew they didn’t understand why anyone would use their feet for a ball, instead of a broom. and though dean had tried to explain it over and over again, they still didn’t seem to understand. which was fine, they didn’t need to.
       as the other boys sat and spoke about quidditch - ron and semaus mainly, arguing over which team was better, harry and dean had taken the opportunity to trade a few kicks. after blocking a shot, dean gave harry a wicked smile and booted the ball - sending it past the bespectacled boy and straight toward a group of hufflepuff girls, sitting by the lake.
     “ oi! heads up! ”
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ofblackskies · 2 years
@gentlepuff gets a Valentine’s Day starter!
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“So I know it’s last minute…” Theo declared as he came up to her at her breakfast table. It was already the morning of Valentine’s Day, and honestly he hadn’t been sure if he was going to ask her. He wasn’t sure she’d say yes. That was why he put it off so long. “But er… areyoufreetonight?” The Slytherin blurted out all in one breath. “Fordinner?” He added in a mumble.
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prioriincantatem · 2 years
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“You’re back!” Seamus’ expression is filled with delight when he sees Odette. He wasn’t sure how many students would come back to finish their final year of Hogwarts. He was relieved to see that she’d decided to return-- many hadn’t, and he can’t blame them for that. If he’s honest, he wasn’t entirely sure he was going to come back. But seeing Odette on the platform brings a smile to his face. “I wasn’t sure you’d come back. I’m glad you’re here.”
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@gentlepuff​ gets a starter!  ( odette + seamus )
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slytherintragedy · 2 days
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝well, this has been a fun day.❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Odette }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @gentlepuff ❫
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Every since the day Romeo decided to become friends with Odette, he had found himself spending more time with her than thought he would. After all they were in two different houses and in different years, they both had their own little social group as well. And yet, it seemed like they both preferred each other's company more. But right now, it was winter break and the Slytherin had invited the Hufflepuff and her family to spend it with his this holiday. The male had taken the female to a Christmas festival, something his family had put together every year because Christmas was one of their favorite holidays, Halloween a close second. Sure they were well aware there was a war a brewing but they weren't going to let that stop them from spreading happiness, which the world needed in these dark times.
After they had finished ice skating, they went and grabbed some hot coco before they started walking among a trail of Christmas lights. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of Christmas music and some laughter from another group just ahead of them. Both of them seemed to be content within the silence of each other's company, that was until Odette had broken it and caused Romeo to look over at her with a hum. ❝Oh, well I'm delighted to hear that you've had fun today. I know it's probably not how you are used to spending your holidays but I think some change in routine is good for the soul.❞ He mused with a smile. ❝For what it's worth, I had fun. Minus that little scares we had with possible death eaters sightings. But you know, it doesn't have to end just yet.❞
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"somedays things just take way too much of my energy."
@gentlepuff liked for a lyric starter from harry! (breathin - ariana grande)
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acourtcfmuses · 6 months
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@gentlepuff | liked for a starter
"Please tell me that Sebastian isn't dragging you into this inane plans of his?" Ominis knew already that Sebastian was heading down a path none of them could stop him from. Eilidh seemed to be going along with it, if only to ensure Sebastian didn't die trying but Ominis didn't wish for anyone else to get pulled into this mess, let alone the Hufflepuff he was currently speaking with. "If you are, please be careful."
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decrsum · 9 months
[sit] – sender comes and sits next to a bruised receiver. no words, just warmth. {Hello! ^^}
Bruises and Bruising
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ㅤㅤㅤOut of anyone that could sit next to him, it just had to be a Hufflepuff, didn't it? Silence. As if he had to start explaining the story behind the purple and blue blooms on his skin. He wouldn't, but it sure as hell felt like it was expected of him.
ㅤㅤㅤNo. Instead, Elliot rubbed at the red on his knuckles, feeling the heat and pulsating sensation in his blue jaw. Attempting to push away the discomfort, not from being watched by honey-coloured eyes, but from the sheer physical pain he was experiencing. Refusing to see the hospital wing for a third time this month, Elliot was content to bask in the last rays of the summer sun.
ㅤㅤㅤ❝ If you're looking for a conversation, you won't find one here. ❞ Perhaps it was a bit harsh, but the silence began to bother him a tiny bit now. He adjusted the sleeves of his uniform as if to buy time for the girl to walk away and pretend she was never there to begin with.
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