peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
Combeferre: Oh my god, you literally cannot call yourself dumb anymore.
Courfeyrac: What’d you do this time?
Combeferre: You know how sometimes you don’t realize your glasses are on until right after you get in the shower?
Courfeyrac: We’ve all been there...
Combeferre: So I just got OUT of the shower, looked in the mirror, and my glasses were on!
Courfeyrac: Yeah, we haven’t all been there.
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
besties pls reblog if yall are omni-safe blogs pls and thanks
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
Reblog if you’re bisexual, support bisexual people or are actually a bunch of tiny velociraptors in a human suit
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
Pins that read "I have been personally victimized by Marius Pontmercy"
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
love you darling 💖 tumblr prom here we come (a little late lol)!!
Sorry we’re late
Here’s tumblr prom
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
@dreamcatcher24601​ !! WILL YOU GO TO TUMBLR PROM WITH ME?? PLEASE?? ❤️❤️❤️
someone ask @thatrandomfangirlll to drop the idea of me asking someone out for the tumblr prom
my bestfriend has officially lost
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
okay so im working on a fic and i want to have grantaire’s sister in it but idk her name? and i feel like the fandom has a name for her? can someone help me out here? i know someone out their has a whole story for her but i can’t remeber who it was. @luckysheikah perhaps? or @dauntless-sakura? y’all seem to know a lot. any ideas?
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
You’re back!
i am :)
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
so idk if any of you read my ao3 fics (if not come check me out my acc is peaches_the_fruit) but since i’ve recently risen back from the dead and started doing things online, i just updated one of my fics and added two new fics and some one shots so uh if you have some time uh maybe check them out? its mostly les mis and enjoltaire stuff anyway have a good day 
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peaches-the-fruit · 3 years
important personality test: mario kart main, gas station order (candy, drink, chip), animal you were obsessed with when you were 8, lightsaber color, and lastly: vampires, werewolves or dragons?
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peaches-the-fruit · 4 years
first off stop tagging me ari
relationship status- single
favorite color- rose or pale yellow
3 favorite foods- french fries and idk what else
song stuck in my head- its all coming back to me now - celine dion (thanks lex)
last song I listened to- our song - taylor swift
dream trip-  florence, italy
anything I want- idk
@dauntless-sakura​ and anyone else who wants to do it
I was tagged by @iknewyouweretroublegoatremix thank you so much<3
relationship status: single
favourite color(s): black and white if you consider them as colors
three favorite foods: chicken,eggs and pizza maybe
song stuck in my head: Sweat by Zayn
last song i listened to: insomnia by Zayn
last thing i googled: it was for some cbse sample papers for my hindi exam
time: 11:56am (just came back from school)
dream trip: Italy or actually any European country would work but Italy<3
anything i want: sleep for now
Tagging- @delicate-13 @13-taylor-swift @the-soul-in-the-sixth-sense @persephone-and-uh-hades @just-here-to-escape-from-reality and anyone who wants to do :)
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peaches-the-fruit · 4 years
im so proud!!!
I’m very stressed
aw you got this love! you’re going to get in :)
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peaches-the-fruit · 4 years
I’m very stressed
aw you got this love! you’re going to get in :)
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peaches-the-fruit · 4 years
hello darling :)
Hello @peaches-the-fruit
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peaches-the-fruit · 4 years
so this drawing that i made back in seventh grade recently resurfaced and i just- okay. thanks for all of the support y’all :)
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“I guess he didn’t take care of me!” Finch, Race, and Albert, drawn in my art style. Expect a lot of Newsies content in the next few weeks :)
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peaches-the-fruit · 4 years
to be you
I feel like I already answered this. No. 
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peaches-the-fruit · 4 years
actually-- i shouldn’t.
Please don’t block me
i won’t. but i won’t draw bucket either.
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