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You remember L̶̢͇̩̤̳̩͖̲͚͚̳͚͕͉̗͋̓ͅư̵͓͖̥̥̦͇͍̬̪̑́͐̏̂̐̎̾̐́̑̋̽̇͆̃̾̈́͌̈́̀̉͛͑̓̌͐́̊͂͒̈́̈́͘̚͠p̸̥̳͈͚̊̈́̋̀̄͐̓͆̇͑̿͊͌̍̕̕͝͠͝͠͝, of course. How could you forget L̶̢͇̩̤̳̩͖̲͚͚̳͚͕͉̗͋̓ͅư̵͓͖̥̥̦͇͍̬̪̑́͐̏̂̐̎̾̐́̑̋̽̇͆̃̾̈́͌̈́̀̉͛͑̓̌͐́̊͂͒̈́̈́͘̚͠p̸̥̳͈͚̊̈́̋̀̄͐̓͆̇͑̿͊͌̍̕̕͝͠͝͠͝?
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peachykneesjellybees · 6 months
theres a genocide right now going on and probably for every four people that read this about three of you are from a country the government of which is in support of this genocide and actively pro letting israel think up new and more depraved and more headfucked batshit blind evil monstrous methods of mass torture and individual torture of palestinian civilians inbetween starving and bombing and shooting them repeatedly killing them in thousands and thousands leveling their cities and backyards and olive trees and universities and hospitals and eradicating entrie bloodlines every single day its been over seventy days and over seventy years how are we meant to let anyone move on let alone live with ourselves if we do
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peachykneesjellybees · 6 months
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nabil anani, "palestinian folklore," 2020, acrylic on canvas
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peachykneesjellybees · 6 months
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Gumlee if it was good /j
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peachykneesjellybees · 6 months
it goes against so much of what i stand for to share "palestinians are humans, they have hobbies, they have pets, they laugh and cry" kind of posts because i've spent so much of my life and career completely rejecting the notion that we should humanize ourselves, that we should ever be defensive, that we should entertain this racism at all
but it breaks my heart when i have to share them from people in gaza, who are using their five minutes of internet connection, their 25% of battery charge collected from a macguyvered car battery, emotionally exhausted, thirsty and hungry, sleeping in schools that have turned into refugee shelters and still making the time to say "please, i am human too, i am still alive, please fight for me" in english to appeal to the only people who have the power to help
i shared a tweet from a jjk artist in gaza i follow about a bts photocard being found in the middle of the rubble. even the love of anime and kpop and sports is no longer just a hobby, but an appeal to humanity. what was once a source of joy is now proof of life.
the worst part is that you won't find this content in arabic. palestinians don't post like this in arabic. but when they translate themselves, they recognize that they must humanize themselves first. it's an unspoken understanding of dehumanization, one that has dictated a whole region's understanding of the value of human life. in arabic they speak with dignity, with anger, with sorrow. in english, they appeal for their existence.
i share these posts not just because we have to reach everyone we can, because im being asked to and i will not refuse. but i also share them because they're evidence of how deep the racism has run. at what dehumanization leads to. of war crime after war crime. this too i will not forget.
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peachykneesjellybees · 6 months
*leaves theatre* wow what a great show my favourite bit was how it fundamentally changed me as a person forever
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peachykneesjellybees · 7 months
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The stage of taking the risk to relate the picture has ended and the stage of trying to survive has begun. I have transferred enough, and I bear witness to God that it was for his own sake and for the service of my country.
We are now living under the beginning of an internal siege. We cannot go out, whether toward the north or the south. Israeli tanks are surrounding the central region of the north and south.
Our situation is tragic beyond what you can imagine. Remember. We are not content for sharing. We are people who are being killed and a cause that we're trying to keep from being erased from existence
Oh, we are alone!
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peachykneesjellybees · 7 months
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Footage emerged from Gazan journalist Nooh Al-Shagboni of the heroes of the Civil Defense rescuing a number of children, women, and youth from under the rubble of a home bombed by the IOF in Gaza.
A 37-day-old baby named Salam (peace), born during the first days of the war amidst the bombing, was rescued after a four-hour-long operation, reborn from under the rubble after all thought she had been martyred.
Salam was the firstborn child of her mother and father, who both ascended to martyrdom as a result of the bombing.
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peachykneesjellybees · 7 months
the fact that lup was a long lost twin who was effectively retconned into existence pretty late into the series. and how on paper that sounds like it should be a shitty soap opera level plot twist... but somehow it's not. instead, lup's existence slots into place perfectly, like she was always meant to be there. it's just. of course, how could you forget lup?
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peachykneesjellybees · 7 months
hey this is literally so embarrassing but i erased everyone's memory of your boyfriend and told them he was the big bad. yeah he kind of leaned into it and started monologuing to them about the hunger of all living things. no he's not allowed onto the moon, i already put up the anti-lich wards. sorry
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peachykneesjellybees · 7 months
people will forever call making cosette and enjolras half siblings stupid and while that might be true did anyone stop to consider the pure shakespearean instinct to add ridiculous lost siblings/twin plot lines to every story
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peachykneesjellybees · 7 months
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Don't Stop Talking About It. Don't Look Away. They're Still Here. They will be Free.
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peachykneesjellybees · 7 months
if any non-palestinians, especially in ‘the west,’ especially in positions of bodily safety, especially especially whites, are still feeling hopeless and lost about the genocide, may i offer, as gently as possible... get over it. your body is safe. you have been told over and over and over exactly what you can do to help, in exhaustive detail according to your specific social and political position. find out what you should do and do it if you can. if you can’t, that’s on you. find something you can do. stop asking palestinians to tell you what to do; take what is already given. you can find the instructions that have already been so explicitly left for you. you are an adult. your job is to keep moving. you are not allowed to be hopeless — that is a betrayal of everything the palestinian community and its supporters stand for. keep moving. don’t let anyone tell you that anti-zionist means anti-semite. don’t let anti-zionists around you become anti-semites. don’t let islamophobia stand. know that propaganda works and it’s working on you right now. keep moving. you are an adult. your life is yours to care for — that means finding the support you need, which also means knowing the boundaries and needs of those supporting you. you aren’t special. you aren’t alone. keep moving. you are not a hero. you are safe. you have agency. there is nothing you can do that can’t be done by someone else while you recharge. you are part of a collective; no one is looking directly at you. do what you can, and if you can do nothing, make your peace with that. palestine has no time for your shame or your guilt. feel these feelings when they come to you and then move through them.
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peachykneesjellybees · 7 months
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peachykneesjellybees · 8 months
and let the history books name joe biden, rishi sunak, justin trudeau, emmanuel macron, ursula von der leyen and every other world leader who did not step in to prevent the genocide of palestine as cold-blooded murderers. may they face a shred of the immeasurable pain and suffering they allowed to be committed against 2.2. million innocent lives.
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peachykneesjellybees · 8 months
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peachykneesjellybees · 8 months
lincoln li-wilson you are so finn the human mertens coded
scary marlowe you would love marceline the vampire queen
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