Literally me irl. Funny thing, I am building my 40k sisters army
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 3 months
Chronicling the end of the Mirage volcano.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
Why the tiger has become a transgender symbol in Japan
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Gay Breakfast Pin Club writes:
Recently we learned about how some trans folks in Japan like to use tigers as a symbol for the trans community. It's a pun: Tora [虎] is the Japanese word for tiger, and when you sound out "trans" in katakana it basically starts with "tora." To-ra-n-su [トランス].
Toransu is clearly a loan word from English ("trans") that has been adapted to Japanese pronunciation (adding vowels/vowel epenthesis helps you avoid unpronounceable consonant clusters).
See also: MishimaKitan
The pin is available here.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
It's June 1. It's time.
Go be gay.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
Not as much gum on the sidewalk as I would have expected. This is a good thing.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
Learned to speak the local bird dialect. Not sure if qualifies as weird. Normal to me.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
Me being me again
Me: So yeah, feet.
Random human: Feet? Pearl. WTF are you up to now?
Me: Feet. I think it is a thing.
Random human: You went from bunnies to feet.
Me: Yeah. This is a picture of my feet pointing at the ceiling while I lay in bed.
Random human: This is why nobody takes you seriously.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
i’m fucking dying. it’s been brought to ben collins (the rad new owner of the onion’s) attention that Google AI summary is using The Onion headlines, resulting in this:
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
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Please help. Desert is not your biome. Needs proper home.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
Have not done or seen anything weird for a bit so………
Got to the DMV for Walk in Wednesday. Line wrapped around the building and snaked through the parking lot. Was handed a QR code which did not work right until I got into the building. Near the end of the line.
Still there around noon feeling demoralized and dehumanized.
Took a walk to clear my head. Saw there was a huge fence up around the employee lunch area. Asked through the fence if this thing was to keep up out. Was told yes. Totally understood.
Went back inside and sought out my fellow humans who were in line with me and still there. Started talking with everyone. We all started laughing at our predicament. Soon we formed a crew in the lobby.
We all eventually got called up and had our stuff taken care of. I guess the DMV realized this was a potential situation. People having fun and laughing at the DMV.
End result. Got my car registered. New driver's llicense!!!! LICENSE PLATE!!!!! FTW!!!! PLATE. ON. VEHICLE.
Twerks relentlessly.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
Oh yeah, I hired Barry. Everyone missed him. I love him as well. Welcome back Barry. This time you are on the team.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 4 months
Do not pet the friendly looking coyote
Coyote is not a friendly puppy. Do not pet. Stay away. Coyote sees you as food. Human is nom nom for coyote. Good meal. Lots of fat.
Coyote is a predator. We are encroaching on his land. He is angry. Do not upset coyote. Let coyote go about his day.
How many times does this have to be said. Every year people think it is ok to pet the coyote. Please stay away from the coyote.
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pearlslittlespot-blog · 5 months
Thank you mom. For everything.
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