Your description says that requests are open, so I hope you don’t mind me putting in a request? Maki, Kaede, and Kiibo with a S/O who frequently has nightmares
Oh no, of course I don't mind! Hope you like this anon, it would've been out yesterday but I kinda ... fell asleep while finishing it.
Maki, Kaede and Kiibo with an S/O who Commonly has Nightmares
Maki Harukawa
your frequent nightmares don't bother Maki in the slightest
the good thing with Maki is that she's a light sleeper, so it's not like you'll have to try and go back to sleep without help
then again, she's not the best at comforting others ...
Maki might have nightmares of her own from time to time, but that doesn't mean she knows anything about calming herself - or anyone else - down
she can barely comfort herself after all
still, she'll try her hardest, even if it is just petting your hair
she's just so confused: how can she help you? how will she know what to say?
she's soothed children (much to her annoyance), but all she really did was tell them that it'll be okay
maybe it'll work with you too ..?
"Umm ... it's okay, I've got you ..."
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Kaede Akamatsu
having nightmares? no fear, Kaede's here!
Kaede's as caring as they come, so she'd be more than happy to make you feel better when you have one of your night terrors
soft whispers, gentle touches - it all comes to Kaede very easily, so she's perfect to come to when you have troubles
like when she hugs you from behind, burying her head in your neck as she consoles you ...
it's quite the experience
if you'd prefer something different, she could always play the piano for you
of course, it might not be all that soothing without her by your side
she won't admit it at first, but she's worried for you
these nightmares, she wonders if they could be coming from something internalized
still, she wouldn't prod for answers if it made you uncomfortable, she's happy helping you anyway she can
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K1-B0 (Kiibo)
nightmares? Kiibo's a little confused ...
Kiibo's a robot, so you wouldn't expect him to know what you might be going through - especially since he doesn't really sleep
still, he could always try and search the internet for answers - thankfully - he would have much trouble trying to help without even knowing what was happening to you
after researching, Kiibo still might not fully grasp the situation, but as least he knows how to help the best way he can
whenever he can tell you had a nightmare, he'd try and reassure you it was nothing but that, you're here with him and that's all that matters
if you'd prefer him to hold you, he'd do just that - he wants you to feel the most comfortable you can in these moments
"I'm here, (Y/N), it's alright. Do you want to talk about it? It's alright if not, whatever you'd prefer."
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-Mod Peko
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Gonta Gokuhara x Reader - Sleepy
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Gonta sighed, straightening his posture as he waited for you at the bus stop. He had been walking to school with you for as long as he could remember, and he didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. Not like he'd want to - this routine you two shared brightened his mood everyday.
He also walked with you because the bus seats barely fit him.
"Hey Gonta," he snapped his head to his right, you standing beside him. Normally, he would've noticed you beforehand - guess he was just a bit too caught up in his thoughts.
"O-Oh, hello (Y/N)! Gonta is happy to see you today," Gonta smiled, looking up to you from his seat on the bench. However, you looked a little ... tired.
"Is (Y/N) alright?"
"Hm? Oh, yea. I'm fine Gonta, just a little tired I guess." You yawned, taking a seat next to Gonta on the bench. "How are you?" Gonta stiffened, "Gonta is doing well. However, Gonta is worried for (Y/N)'s health. Proper gentlemen shouldn't let their friends feel tired!"
"Don't worry. I'm fine Gonta, really." You were lying, of course, but you wouldn't want to worry your best friend.
You two stayed on the bench for a little while longer, a comfortable silence surrounding you both. Minutes passed before Gonta felt pressure on his shoulder. He hummed, turning his head to you.
There you were asleep, leaning on his shoulder. Gonta blushed, looking elsewhere before down to the watch on his wrist - a proper gentleman always wears a watch - where it read 7:30 AM. Well, he supposed a little sleep wouldn't hurt.
Gonta rubbed his eyes - he was feeling a bit sleepy as well. He looked down to his watch again: 7:45. He sighed, leaning his head towards yours, where he fell asleep beside you.
A proper gentleman wouldn't skip school, but a gentleman also cares for others. So if he had to miss a couple classes to make sure you weren't too tired, he supposed it wouldn't hurt.
He'd do anything for you after all. Even it it meant waking up to drizzling rain at 12 PM.
-Mod Peko
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MOD PEKO SKXNKSNCJSNXJMDKXNSJKD how are you doing lately? I do hope you're fine. It's always nice to see you uploading, reassures me that you're still here. Anyways— I take back what I said about kinning Byakuya. I simp for him not kin him T0T Have a good day! ✨ -anon
Oh my, ✨ anon, some major character development going on!
Seriously though, I'm doing okay! I'm happy to be back, and I'm gonna be posting much more regularly (I have a Gonta piece I'm posting in like 20 mins-).
How are you doing ✨ anon? Well, I hope.
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-Mod Peko
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Gundham x Reader - Happy Valentine's, Mortal
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"(Y/N) ..."
Gundham jolted awake, excitement drumming in his veins as he attempted to recall his dream. He was there ... with you. It seemed like whenever Gundham was dreaming, you were there with him.
Like that dream he had where he was in a flower field - with you. Or that one where he was in an empty classroom - and again, you were there. Nobody else accompanied him in these strange dreams, but you were always in his sight one way or another.
The only question he had now: why?
Why are you always there?
Why does he feel this way?
Why are you doing this to him?
He groaned, leaning back into his bed before turning to the digital clock on his dresser. 4:00 AM, no reason to go back to bed now. He laid down for a while more, his mind constantly going back to you. Just what were you doing to him?
Whatever it was, he had to face it head-on, and he had to do it soon. Who knows how you'd affect him if this went on much longer.
Gundham walked down the halls of Hope's Peak; he eyed his classmates, his eyes settling on your back as you walked to your class. He debated walking towards you, telling you what he needed to for so long, but he didn't. Instead, he sighed and turned around, making his way to Miss Yukizome's.
Another day, another attempt. Gundham was closer now, inching towards you as his heartbeat quickened. He was nearing you, and the beating in his chest was so loud he couldn't hear the clicking of his shoes on the tile. He breathed in, fingers ghosting your shoulder before he promptly turned and stormed off.
There was always tomorrow.
It was Valentine's Day. To Gundham, a foolish celebration for fleeting feelings. Yet here he was, a pink letter grasped tightly in his hands, shaking as he made his way to your locker. He stood in front of it, slipping the thin letter inside and walking away as fast as he could.
Gundham could barely focus on anything that day. He constantly shook in his seat, sweat on his brow as he attempted to calm himself. The Overlord of Ice would never act this way, so just what was happening to him? Even his devas seemed to share his fright - or maybe anticipation? Gundham couldn't tell anymore.
The bell rang loudly, signalling the end of the school day. He watched as the others left. He still shook as he waited near your locker.
He saw you turn the corner - just where was everybody else? He creeped deeper into the corner he hid behind as he watched you open your locker. He waited.
Gundham saw as you noticed the bright pink letter - a color Sonia recommended to make it more "romantic" - and opened it quickly. You read the ink-etched imitation papyrus, looking around before putting the letter into your bag and turning away.
Gundham couldn't wait until tomorrow.
Greetings Mortal,
I am unsure of how to begin this declaration, but I presume I must. I, the one and only Overlord of Ice, have become smitten for you. I cannot recognize when these feelings have formed, but I've had them for an untraceable amount of time.
The way you make me act, it is as if you have cursed me. You cloud my thoughts like a heavy fog. You blind my actions like I am but your puppet. You make me a fool, (Y/N), but I'd wish to be your fool.
I hope you return these emotions, and I shall wait with baited breath until our next encounter.
- Gundham Tanaka
-Mod Peko
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If requests are open, how about some fluff HC’s Tsumugi, Kaede, Miu, Hina, and Chiaki moving to and setting up a new house with their Male S/O
This is such a cute idea! It's nice to think what kind of furniture the Danganronpa characters might decorate rooms with - for me at least ...
Tsumugi Shirogane
moving in with Tsumugi? be prepared for some sleepless nights, because she might wake you up with her sewing machine
moving is difficult, but it's even more difficult when your girlfriend has mountains of cosplays, materials and sewing needles that need to be packed
i suggest you move into an actual house rather than an apartment, there will be no room for Tsumugi's necessities if not
where does she even put all that stuff
that being said, I believe that Tsumugi would much prefer a populated area if she were to move in with you
the Ultimate Cosplayer has to share her cosplay with others, right?
isn't that what the internet's for?
moving in with Tsumugi, maybe you should've expected the amount of anime items ..? it's just ... they're everywhere
even a few figurines in the kitchen - at least Lain Iwakura gets to keep you company as you make eggs
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Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede would love to move in with you! just give a bit, okay? she's a little nervous to do any moving if your relationship were to go awry
you two are meant for each other though! to her at least ...
Kaede, like Tsumugi, would much prefer moving into a house rather than an apartment
if she were to practice piano, do you think a neighbor would send a complaint?
then again, a bustling metropolis isn't really Kaede's style ... would you be against moving somewhere quieter with her?
now, I love Kaede just as much as anyone else, but she'd be the kind to put up "Live, Laugh, Love" signs ...
lots of pastel pinks too, if you wouldn't be against it, that is
"Ooh, what about this throw pillow? I think it's so cute! How about you? Do you like it?"
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Miu Iruma
move in with you? hell yeah, more time to ogle your girlfriend's-
seriously though, Miu's taking this move very seriously ...
all the time and effort she's putting into finding a nice place, it seems as if she wants this really badly
and in truth, she does!
even if moving in with Miu would be great, it'll be a bit difficult to catch much shut-eye
let's hope Miu also buys a lab, yea? preferably farther away from your place ...
speaking of, I feel as if Miu would prefer an apartment over a house - then again, with all the money she makes she could probably afford a penthouse
then again, would anyone really want to buy something that punches people who make bad dirty jokes ..?
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Aoi Asahina
"You know (Y/N), I've been thinking ... should we move in together? C'mon, it'll be fun!"
Aoi loves the idea of moving in with you! She thinks it'll be a blast!
in fact, she seems adamant on it, almost as if she's been waiting for it for a very long time
Aoi doesn't mind where you two live, as long as it'll make you happy she doesn't mind
though she would prefer a nice neighborhood, if you two were to really "settle down" she'd like a quiet place with sweet neighbors
you know, the suburban life
maybe she could get that old lady down the street to make her some sweets ...
the interior of your shared place would be ... very childlike
not in a weird way! but Aoi does enjoy a few stuffed animals here and there
not to mention the clouds she painted in your shared room ... did she even ask you about that?
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Chiaki Nanami
"Move in ... with you? You know ... I think I'd like that."
moving in with Chiaki? she'd much prefer you to move in with her, but it's okay either way
she just ... already has all her internet stuff settled out, and she already has all her games in her room, and she -
they get it Chiaki, you're too lazy to move all your stuff
at least she already has a spare room, even if you might prefer to sleep with her in her room
or not - that's fine as well!
her room is ... a little messy, so I guess it's a bit better you don't sleep in her room?
you could always help her clean up though
please do there are so many chip bags-
honestly? you living with Chiaki has helped her schedule much more than ever before
sometimes, on the weekends she'd even wake up at a reasonable hour! all thanks to you, of course
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i'm so sorry for how late this is coming out! gosh, I've been putting this off for far too long, I'm really sorry! school's been terrible recently, and some family - and relationship - problems just keep popping up
-Mod Peko
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I'm so sorry for making you worry Modmaru! I'm back though! Sorry for losing my composure for a minute there, I was just a bit excited that my phone started working again.
I was really nervous people would worry - I'm fine, I promise! Ugh, I missed you guys so much!
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-Mod Peko
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-Mod Peko
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Hello everyone! I decided that before I work on the last request in my inbox, I might as well try and polish up my writing.
Leon, Mondo and Kiyotaka Hand Holding HC's
Leon Kuwata
Leon takes any chance he can to show PDA (much to Kiyotaka's vexation)
so what better way than to hold you hand?
since he doesn't play much baseball (or many sports at all), his hands are rather smooth
his nails are also painted black most of the time, though the chipped pieces of paint tend to rub onto you
his hands are rather warm - not sweaty, just a little warmer than normal
he's a little embarrassed, and while you might not be able to read it on his face (other than the soft pink on his cheeks), you can certainly tell by how his hands clam up
rather than the "usual" hand hold (is there a usual hand hold ..?) he prefers intertwining your fingers
"Hehe, it just makes me feel more secure, babe!"
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Mondo Owada
Mondo loves holding your hand
that being said ... it's very difficult for him
it's hard for him to express that he wants to hold your hand, so he'd opt to doing it without asking
because when he does ask for it, he's a stuttering, yelling mess
overall, holding hands with Mondo is very enjoyable!
if don't mind how sweaty his hands can get, or how strong his grip can be ...
not to mention how calloused his hands can get sometimes, being the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader has to be tough on the hands
then again, who knows what a biker gang even does?
mondo says be gay do crime
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Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Kiyotaka allows no PDA! though, he guesses it couldn't be too bad to make an exception, right?
he should've never given you that power
Kiyotaka's hands are perfect: the temperature, the smoothness, it's all perfect!
what else would you expect from the Ultimate Moral Compass?
people with hand kinks come get y'all juice
his hands smell of hand sanitizer, but a powerful sanitizer - it kind of stings your eyes ...
it's hard to hold Kiyotaka's hand, because when you do get to do it, it never lasts as long as you'd like
because as soon as you two lock hands ...
"Hey, no running in the halls! Get back here!"
and there he goes ...
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hope you all enjoy! currently listening to Mitski's entire discography and ... it's nothing but pain 😁
-Mod Peko
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Heyyy mod Peko how are you?i've got a question have you ever think about opening mod applications??
💋 anon <3
Mod applications? I'd be surprised if anyone would even apply in the first place ...
If I'm being honest I haven't even considered it, mostly because I don't know the first thing about setting any kind of application up. However, I might in the future ..? Keep your eyes peeled to see if I do, okay 💋 anon?
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-Mod Peko
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tagging: @kokorosfanfics @amagujiblog and anybody else who'd like to <3
-Mod Peko
Choose one picture from ur camera roll without downloading to sum your personality and then rag 5 ppl
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@justnerdystuffs @zetrif @lostaff @supremeshogunrj @vincent-van-gtg
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Mod Peko, I'd like to be shipped with Byakuya "Long legs" Togami ♡thank you♡ ✨-anon
Oh my gosh, you guys are so cute together!
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he's totally bending down so you two can take this picture by the way
-Mod Peko
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it's 🪀 anon again! (Just another ranting moment) Does anybody else's mom get fired up over small things? My mom really just woke me up screaming because I opened the dog food incorrectly? Like please it is 7 in the morning- anyways there's my ranting! Hope you have a good day :) -🪀 anon
That sounds terrible! I'm so sorry you had to endure that.
I personally don't see my step-mother often, and my real mom even less, so I can't really feel what you go through. Then again, I have a sister who's a huge pain ...
Moving on, a nice day!
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-Mod Peko
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Tumblr wasn't letting me tag you to ask for a promo :( (only your main blog for some reason)
But if it isn't too much to ask, can I have a promo?
Oh my, what a strange thing to occur, I'm sorry Mod Komaru! I would've had this out earlier but something bad occurred - better late than never, right?
Nonetheless, please check out Mod Komaru's blog! It's really pretty, I'm a little jealous ... They even have a masterlist up already! I should get on making one of those soon ...
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-Mod Peko
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Can I be shipped with Nagito 👉👈? (👽 anon)
👽 anon, the taste is impeccable.
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they're on a spooky date omg
-Mod Peko
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MOD PEKO I MISSED YOU HHHHH!! I'm sorry I didn't leave any message for you anymore. School is annoying the heck out of me TwT. Hope you have a great day!! ✨-anon
✨ anon, always a pleasure to see you in my inbox hehe! Don't worry though, you really don't have to message me.
I know school's been a "snooze-fest" but you got this! I hope you have an amazing day ✨ anon, and I hope your Friday will be amazing!
(unless your timezone is like ... a lot different than mine, if so then happy Friday right now! or ... Saturday? Thursday? happy day!)
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-Mod Peko
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W-Wha!? No! It's not like that - I swear! Actually, now that I think about it ...
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this you? 🤨
-Mod Peko
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Mod peko x Gonta...haha jk..unless 😳(👽 anon)
👽 anon, you're such a genius! Such an amazing ship will go down in history!
Then again, I much prefer Ice Anon x Gundham. (that's right ice anon, I know who you simp for! me too though ...)
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-Mod Peko
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