penelopewise-bowers · 5 years
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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penelopewise-bowers · 5 years
Going to the beach with the boys
- belch is always the one to bring up the idea of going
- you’re the one who has to make sure all of them wake up early enough to get a good spot on the sand
- of course patrick is the one who constantly complains about having to be up so early to go
- so to get him out of bed you have to go in his room in your bathing suit and run out as soon as he’s awake, otherwise he’ll pull you into bed with him
- as soon as you get there they nearly get into a fist fight over who gets to put sunscreen on your back
- patrick hates that you never let him do it
- even though the last time he did it, he nearly stole your top
- and all the boys love to do their own thing with you
- vic likes to lay on towels under the umbrella and just enjoy the view
- belch loves to make and then destroy sand castles
- and henry and patrick just like to mess around in the water with you
- but a lot of the time it’s basically just you supervising while they nearly drown each other
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penelopewise-bowers · 6 years
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penelopewise-bowers · 6 years
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penelopewise-bowers · 6 years
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And here we have Nicholas Hamilton providing my page with more posts. And happy birthday messages to our lovely Dancing Clown. Behind the scenes of Chapter 1 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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penelopewise-bowers · 6 years
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Yay. The Bowers Babe is back in Derry.
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penelopewise-bowers · 6 years
Can I request a headcannon with Patrick Hockstetter with a artist s/o who always draws on his arm temporary tattoos that change every week? Thank you! :3
✧ it first happened in the one class that the two of you share together (and of course sit next to each other in)
✧ you were bored and had nothing better to do, and patrick’s hand laid resting on your thigh. he was confused when you suddenly grabbed his hand and took a pen to it, but he’s a curious person so he didn’t complain and allowed you to continue
✧ expecting it to be something cliché and stupid, patrick was genuinely shocked to see the amazing work of art you drew on the dorsal side of his hand
✧ he had no idea you were so talented at art, and was quick to point it out to you
✧ pat left it on for the remainder of the day, and when the boys tried to make fun of him for it he was quick to shut them up; even sending henry a glare
✧ the next day in class, patrick put his hand on your thigh intentionally wanting, and waiting, for you to draw something new. noticing the period was almost over, he was almost embarrassed to ask you to draw on him
✧  this temporary ‘tattooing’ quickly became a common thing between the two of you. sometimes he’d have requests, other times he’d just let you doodle what ever you felt like. either way, whatever you drew always impressed and interested pat
✧ even victor and belch came to you a few times asking for you to draw something on them
✧ and when patrick was old enough to actually get a real tattoo, he of course asked the artist to let you needle in the tattoo
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
Well he does take my breath away.😘😘😘
If you sympathize with Henry Bowers you can choke
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
Opposites Attract (Henry Bowers x Reader)
request: the reader is really shy (like me) and she has a huge crush on Henry. Henry finds out one day that she has a crush on him, and he teases and flirts with her and does sexual things to her until he gets her to crack and admit her feelings for him. then Henry asks her to be his girlfriend.
a/n: thank you for the request @kaitlinp0rrini, and I hope you enjoy it! this is the cheesiest thing I’ve ever written
Keep reading
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
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Henry Bowers looking gorgeous with a gun and release date for Chapter 2 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
The Bowers Gang On Roadtrips
I’m working on WYS, but I suddenly had HCs for Vic, and turned it into this nonsense. 
Henry “Guys I gotta take a piss” Bowers
Doesn’t take bathroom breaks at the gas stations. Ever. When asked why he doesn’t, he gets very defensive and claims he ‘dont wanna get no AIDS or some shit’ and it forces Vic to go into a long explanation about how much of an idiot he is.
Smokes weed every time they stop, so he’s baked about 99% of the trip. If he wasn’t, he’d be a bitchy little cunt, as he actually hates being stuck in Amy for longer than a few hours (liken to Patrick)
Huge window watcher, and brings a camera to take videos with. Pretty good at fixing the settings to get a proper shot, and saves photos of scenery he takes. 
There are countless photos of shots from inside the car though, especially ones of Vic mid-scream, with Patrick choking on his laughter. There are a few of Reggie driving, with really nice lighting too. He took one (1) selfie with the camera and he looked like an angry thumb
Makes Reggie stop the car so he can shuffle to the roadside and take a piss almost every thirty minutes. Thats because he’s drank at least 6 monsters within two hours,. Because he is a dumbass.
Wants to stop at EVERY McDonalds and grab food. Reggie stopped after the third trip into the drive thru within four hours.
The crankiest one in the morning, and most laid back during the midday.
Naps once or twice during the ride, but always wakes up to Patrick flicking his ear. 
Rolls down his window to scream at drivers, and cat calls girls in cars with their windows down.
Wants to control the music, but gets steam rolled by Vic every time. He likes Vic’s choices though, so it doesnt bother him too much. He swears he’ll get to choose the music on the way back, but he knows he wont.
Prompts the weirdest fucking questions because he’s so damn high. Literally gets so bored that he begins to list the shittiest “Fuck Marry Kill” games. The car can be silent and he’ll suddenly whisper “What if Steve Buscemi was god?”
Reggie “Don’t make me turn this car around” Huggins
He calls the shots for where they stop to camp and eat, because if he let the others decide, no one would get to eat anywhere.
Calls his mom every time they stop for the night, wishing her goodnight, and buys her a little keepsake on their way back
Breaks up all the arguments Henry and Patrick start (and that Vic instigate), and will pull the car over and park on the road side to SCREAM at them to shut the fuck up. Everyone will be silent for a good hour after these rants.
Packs food for the first day, but leaves it up to fate afterwards. He likes to do drive thrus so he can get to the destination quicker, but they throw trash out the next time they pull up at a rest stop.
He’ll revoke Vic’s music privileges every once in a while and play his music. Lots of Van Halen, Black Sabbath, and some Johnny Cash if he’s feeling it in the moment.
Uses atlas’ to get to where he wants to go, and hates GPS. He claims it always tells him the exists too late. He’ll write down the route before he heads out, but still brings the road map into the car
Has a gun in the trunk, and has had to use it once or twice because of people trying to fuck with the gang, or his car. Both are big NOs.
Amuses the gang at the campfire with scary stories, just urban legends he’s heard, and starts a tradition to go in a circle and tell a ghost story each. It’s pretty fun until Patrick’s gives everyone the chills and they have to end the discussion early.
The first to rise in the morning, and he’ll clean up everyone’s mess around the camp site. Sometimes buys food to make breakfast in the morning, but he hates doing dishes later, so mostly he’ll swing into a McDonalds and unload everyone inside to grab quick and easy food.
Never gets lost, but Vic and Henry argue that he takes the wrong exits all the time. Despite this, they still end up at their destination on time. Vic claims that he has a satellite chip in his brain or something, as his accuracy is insane.
Victor “I control the AUX cord” Criss
Gets in the car and sets up his spotify, and the first playlist is basically nothing but Beastie Boys. He added ‘Intergalactic’ to the playlist 21 times. By the end of the 7th play, Patrick is loosing his shit.
Took a hit of a dab right before they started, so he’s golden during the trip.
But hates sharing the backseat with Patrick, because he is a giant pain in the ass, and takes over his leg room with his shitty man spreading.
Naps most of the ride, but the moment someone touches the AUX, he rises like a man from the grave and snatches it back, turning up the music louder. Henry and Patrick gave up on their music heists after the first day.
Sleeps in the same tent as Patrick, because he knows that if anything tries to fuck with them, that Patrick will handle it without hesitation. Plus Henry snores and Reggie kicks, so they have their own tent.
Demands they go to Starbucks every single morning. He cant function without his coffee.
Takes Instagram photos (mostly of Reggie) but also snaps photos of Patrick lighting the campfire since he looks to intense and focused, and has a photo of Henry napping that he posted instantly. Lots of filters.
Hits on girls when he gets the chance, at the gas station, at the camp sites, at diners or drive thru’s, you name it. He got lucky once at the camp site, and Henry was pissed he didnt share the details.
Steals food at the gas stations, never getting caught. Shares his gatherings with Patrick in the backseat before tossing his prizes to the front
The most excited to get home on their way back, so that he can recharge from dealing with Henry and Patrick for 2+ days straight.
Patrick “Get me the fuck outta this car NOW” Hockstetter
Gets cramped and uncomfortable within the first two hours and lets EVERYONE know.
Hangs out the top of the Trans-Am if Reggie took it off for the ride, otherwise, he cranes his top half between Henry and the door to get fresh air.
Leans forward and smacks his hand on the horn during traffic, pissing Reggie off every damn time and gets hit for it every damn time. This does  not deter him, because he has no little voice that goes “maybe I shouldn’t”
Cant sleep in the car, but he sure as hell stretches his lanky ass out, taking up all of Vic’s room and closes his eyes, just to annoy the poor boy
Tries to steal the AUX cord, and if he succeeds, he plays nothing but death metal, which is cool for Reggie but Vic and Henry fucking hate it
Flicks Henry’s ear every once in a while, wont own up to it no matter how much he gets yelled at for it, or if Vic says he saw him do it.
Likes camping out on road trips, because he wanders off to smoke, and comes back before the others start to panic. He could be missing for an hour and come back, and pretend he was only gone for a minute or two.
Vic straight up thinks he has murdered someone while they’ve been on the road. Patrick never admits this, but he doesn’t deny it either.
Likes to eat diner food on road trips, and refuses to eat if they go to a drive thru. He hates having to eat in the car, even if it saves time.
Takes a fuck ton of photos during the trip. They are mostly all blurry, with the flash on, and zoomed in on the gang’s faces. There are a good two or three dick pics from the trip on his camera roll too, and a photo Vic took of him doing a smoke ring with a dab.
Brings the drugs on the trip, and goes all out. Shrooms, Ex, weed. Brought LSD for Reggie specifically, because he think he’s the best on it, and likes to watch him freak out if he has a bad trip.
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
hcs for the bowers gang a cute, sweet, shy reader but she owns this... giant.... huge... terrifying dog (like a big german shepherd) that starts growling threateningly whenever someone seems like a threat? cute as shit with the reader tho
hope it’s ok that i made these for poly!bowers gang
• They didn’t expect you to have the dog at first, they thought you might be more of a cat person• Like why would a cute lil thing like you own a big ass terrifying dog?????• When you first introduced them to him, he instantly hated Patrick• Still does tbh• But he’s grown a little on the other boys • He loves Belch cause he gives the best tummy rubs • It took Henry a little to warm up to him• Its mainly cause he was pretty scared of him • Whenever they see you with your dog he’s always super sweet and cuddly, but whenever they come around he gets super protective • Like he will literally tear them to pieces • But he learns that they make you happy too so he tries to be nice to them• When he licks Henry’s hand, Henry falls in love with him• You think that sometimes when he comes over, he’s more excited to see the dog than to see you• But it’s nice to see all your tough boys being cute together
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
Ben you are the sweetest guy ever. Never stop. - Penelope Wise-Bowers
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Each Reblog Is One Signature In Ben Hanscom’s Year Book
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
Owen and Angourie talking about Nicholas Hamilton, as well as the flamethrower
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
please raise your hand if you’d do henry at a funeral
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penelopewise-bowers · 7 years
Gotta love the subtle Black Mirror reference.
Patrick Drug Dealer AU
–  Everything is exactly the same except Patrick is a low level drug dealer.
– Patrick supplies the gang with most of their snacks and stuff since he actually has a form of income that allows for extra cash flow.
–  Patrick goes by “Trick” to other dealers and/or customers.
– He works at a lovely furniture store on the side. 
– Due to Patrick’s sketchy work, sometimes he gets roughed up. He goes to Henry’s house every time it happens because he knows Henry won’t ask questions.
– Patrick? Drugs? Not once.
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