penguintaetae · 14 days
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penguintaetae · 14 days
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penguintaetae · 19 days
Do you think joon will get back with his ex? 👀
Looks like he is still in love with them
Me personally, I don’t believe in getting back together with exes under any circumstances but that’s just me.
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He might help them out with something? Finances? Donate to their charity? It’s not directly to them (talking to them and engaging with them) but maybe through a 3rd party person/organizer? He might also give them a final goodbye and reflection about their relationship? “Look we didn’t work out but I appreciate the love and what we had but I have to move on with my life and focus on my career and other bigger responsibilities”.
Look at the bottom of the deck lmaooooooo
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Looks like he did date a spoiled money hungry brat lmao
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penguintaetae · 29 days
Hi starry, I was wondering if you can do a reading on who's dating in BTS?
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Jin - king of swords - he seems to be pretty closed off. He’s very private and wants his shit under lock and key. He doesn’t want people to know. It’s hard ro decipher but I would lean towards no? Maybe? But yeah I’d say no.
Yoongi - 9 of swords rx - another one who’s private af. I would say no? But he has interest in dating. Has a lot of people vying for him. But there seems to be something in his past that affects his ability or desire to date? Something about the ghosts of his past haunting him? Fears? Past relationship failures that he did? People he wronged?
Hobi - 4 of wands - maybe? Seems comfortable around them? Moved in with them or like one of them is regularly at the other person’s place?
Joon - knight of wands - is interested in dating? Might approach someone or court them? Idk I feel like he wants to get back with an ex.
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Jimin - 7 of swords - he might be in one but they did/do him dirty? Cheating and toxic energies are here 😐 idk if he did the cheating but it seems like he walked away from someone? And the way they did it was messy?
Taehyung - 2 of pentacles - maybe? But he has a lot of responsibilities rn so he’s torn. He’s not sure if he can juggle a relationship and his current commitments.
Jk - 3 of swords - that’s a straightforward no lol
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penguintaetae · 29 days
Jimin’s chart + daeun’s chart
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They have sun-moon synastry which the stans might hate bc that’s one of my soulmate synastry aspects. It’s in his 6H so I do think my reading on them was accurate and that she took care of him and managed his life when he was at his lowest/when he needed it the most. But 6H synastry isnt always the best as it can also cause tension and butting of heads. Issues like being too controlling and demanding might be seen here.
She has cancer moon in his 7H. It’s a wrap y’all. I’m sorry to the jimin girlies. 😬
That’s soulmate and marriage synastry right there. But again, 7H can also be opponents/enemies, legal issues, but mainly partnerships.
She also has venus, mars and jupiter in leo in his 8H. Yep she definitely is spoiled by him, has access to his stuff and has a deep bond with him. Could also indicate tension and drama but yeah, the tie is tying lol.
Her saturn is in his 2H - she’s likely a stabilizing and controlling figure in his life. Not always a bad thing but that he might crave the stability and confort and direction she gives him.
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penguintaetae · 1 month
Hi, if it is too much trouble and fine by you— can you do a reading of Taegi? Their dynamic? I love both of them so much and gravitate towards them for different reasons. So, I'm just kinda curious. If you choose to do so, thank you in advance. If not, then also it's fine! I hope you have a good day and keep yourself hydrated.
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Taehyung - 9 of wands - he’s not a very easy person to deal with and he knows that. He’s also afraid of yoongi? Or like he doesn’t really want to deal with yoongi? Bc he knows if things get heated, things will be said that will hurt.
Yoongi - king of swords rx - he doesn’t think he and taehyung really get along well? He tries his best to understand him but they’re just very different people. He thinks taehyung is a puzzle he can’t solve but he will try to understand. He thinks taehyung is a bit childish and rebellious at times.
Energy together - knight of pentacles rx - they’re not getting things done when they work together lmao. They’re too different and they’ll fight.
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penguintaetae · 1 month
What's the future possibility of a rap collab between these two baddies - G-Idle's Soyeon and BTS's Suga/AgustD???
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She’s open to it but his fee might be too high? 😅
So they would have to find the right balance to make the collab work? He’s also very busy with a lot of commitments so the timing might be off. I think she might’ve asked or toyed around with the idea if working with him but the timing never worked. She does want to work with him in the future. She feels like she can learn a lot from him and he’s open to helping and teaching her. But they won’t force the collab if it doesn’t feel right. They’d rather wait for the right time and the right song to bring them to working with each other.
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penguintaetae · 1 month
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Jin - damsel - needs more care and attention than he presents.
Yoongi - God - this is funny. From his music he sounds like he has a god complex lol.
Hobi - prince - someone with the potential to be a leader figure/powerful person. Charming, everyone easily becomes his friend.
Joon - destroyer - lmao. Full of willpower and energy. Big jyeshta energy.
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Jimin - slave - might leave a lot to fate instead of being proactive. Susceptible to being overpowered by people with stronger personalities/agendas.
Taehyung - engineer - he’s much more calculating than people think. Do not underestimate this man.
Jk - companion - he’s such a love-filled romantic lmao
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penguintaetae · 1 month
Updated J and V Reading bc what is going on 😭
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Yes I think the recent leaks are real. They are absolutely meant to sabotage their relationship. The leakers want them to breakup and make the couple feel like “see? We protected you from that other person. See how horrible they are.”
The companies and j and v will have to make a decision soon. Rn they’re just stalling and buying time.
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See I told y’all. The companies dgaf. They think it’ll blow over soon and yes the companies are in contact with each other and they’re in agreement. I think they’re also telling j and v not to do anything. J and v wanna speak out. Like really badly but they’re being told not to.
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This will definitely negatively impact the girls’ cb. Might even cause fights in the group as well as j and v’s breakup. Someone here is happy to see h and v pissed off. There’s one person here that’s like “hehehe 😎” and celebrating their misery. This person has a grudge against v and j. Omg I think this is the leaker. They’re being offered money to leak this and they’re happy to do so.
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Someone is raining on the girls’ parade. They’re absolutely celebrating the negative attention of the cb.
I do think there’s something being hidden about this situation. Oh. Nobody’s speaking up bc it’s being fixed behind the scenes. Moves are being done in secret.
And the future/outcome?
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The devil = capricorn and then V/5 of cups lol. Oh the irony. Yeah I think with the queen of wands. She will initiate a need for a breakup. There’s a rich and powerful man here (I think it’s yg ceo) telling her to focus on her career and not be distracted. Bottom of the deck is 8 of pentacles. See? 🤷‍♀️
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penguintaetae · 1 month
Neverending V and J reading bc why not lol
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In my interpretation, V is the page of cups in this reading. He might he the one suggesting to J and the companies to zip it. He has their careers and projects in mind. He wants to protect their projects.
She’s the queen of swords here. She might be double thinking this connection. It might be becoming more toxic due to it being leaked. It put pressure and attention on them that’s way too much and unhealthy. She might be rethinking if it’s worth it.
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Taehyung or them both are lying about something….there’s an issue with this whole thing and this relationship that they’re not telling the truth about or the public- hang on. I think they’re fighting behind the scenes and they wanna keep it secret. He and J are fighting/in conflict. One of them is trying to appease the other but they’re not having it they dgaf. They’re pissed. Something’s gonna hit the headlines. Something about their relationship (either confirmation or details of their relationship). One of them might slip up out of anger and spill tea about the relationship. I think J can’t do anything about the leaks. There’s a man here that she pissed off and might try to make amends with but this man dgaf. Might be famous (famous than her?) is this gd??? She can’t say anything about him to the public/speak her truth and defend herself bc that would mean speaking out against him and she can’t do that. She’s trying to make amends with him by way of offering an olive branch. Interesting.
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I think they’ve been dating for some time now. Or at least their relationship has been a long time coming. Like it’s been building for some time now. He’s definitely the one who approached her. I think their happiness/honeymoon phase will end soon and it’s gonna be a depressing time for them for sure.
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She might leave him/break up with him due to her overseas commitment and world tour. Unfortunately this might be her running away (whether that’s from her problems or just in general). This move will be her repeating a cycle from her past relationships.
There’s an older man here potential water sign whose advising her (and maybe him but I think it’s her mainly) to focus on her career, her independence, her life and her future/potential.
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I think she’s gonna blindside him with a breakup and devastate him completely. She’s not gonna tell him about her concerns. It’s gonna be shocking for him I believe. He’s gonna shut himself away from his members, from work and his other responsibilities like collabs. This is gonna hurt him bad. He’s gonna have to take some time to heal. Probably best to be surrounded by his family in some sort of familial retreat.
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There’s another man here, a ceo/boss type who will push him to keep working and pushing out stuff (content, collabs and exposure) and push him to go back to work like nothing happened. I think he’s gonna be (forced) to balance work and his life/healing.
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Yeah there’s gonna be a definitive end to this that will make him go back to work and being a workhorse. Most likely will be reported online and on gossip tabloids. I think he will keep to himself and just enjoy what he has in life while the internet speculates on him and his life.
Bottom of the deck is the queen of cups = this relationship was meant for her to grow and mature and confront her emotional wounds.
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penguintaetae · 1 month
could you ask the cards what bts think about bang pd being all greedy and shady and shit? do they know and choose to ignore as long as he's good to them? or are they super grateful and loyal to him for his hand in their group making and success?
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Jin - 3 of pentacles - he seems pretty amicable with bang pd but his relationship with him is completely professional. As long as they work together he’s gonna remain polite and compliant.
Yoongi - 7 of swords - does he think bang pd or hybe are stealing or taking advantage of bts? Or other groups? Not favorable views here.
Hobi - 2 of swords rx - he has a very strong opinion about bang pd but won’t really reveal what it is? He’s very private about his real thoughts about him.
Joon - 9 of wands - lol he thinks dealing with bang pd and corporate bullshit is very stressful. Not favorable view same with yoongi. He dreads having to talk and deal with bang pd.
Jimin - 5 of pentacles - same with yoongi and joon, not favorable views for bang pd. He feels like bang pd is not a man of his word and people should be careful trusting him.
Taehyung - page of cups rx - he doesn’t like the creative choices bang pd makes in general (like for other groups) and especially for bts. They clash in taste for things like that. Probably why he went with mhj for his album. He didn’t like the stuff presented to him by bang pd and his people.
Jk - 8 of cups - he would like to be as far away from that man and to be free of his control and influence on him in his life, career and musical choices. He wants to do things on his own but bang pd might around him bc he’s the golden maknae.
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penguintaetae · 2 months
Hybe/MHJ update
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Hybe is on the top left, MHJ on the upper right and the energy of the public down below.
Hybe is definitely thinking that she’s a snake and very manipulative. That she’s someone who’s a pathological liar (not saying she is or isn’t but this is what hybe believes). They think she’s being petty over this and blowing things out of proportion. They also think she’s very cunning and that they underestimated her. Hybe also thinks she’s petty over well they think she’s coming after a female hybe employee for no reason? Could be blonde but could just be someone that mhj thought was gonna follow her to ador? Maybe a trainee or staff that she thought she could take with her to ador but then hybe snatched them up and mhj thinks this girl has no loyalty?
She believes that hybe didn’t really follow through on their word and she believes everything she said in her press conference (about them lying and misleading her). She did believe in hybe and that they could’ve been different from her other company’s that she worked with. Now she’s realizing that big corporations really shouldn’t be trusted. They promised her something but they reneged on it. I think she might be telling the truth. Hybe promised her something big? But now they’re like “well actually….”. So she’s upset. Might be money related?
The public thinks this is all so childish and pathetic. Like two children throwing the biggest tantrums trying to outdo the other person. I wouldn’t be surprised if the public gets over this stuff quickly.
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Bang PD - 6 of wands - he thinks he’s untouchable. He’s a very prideful man. It’s giving leo energy. He thinks nobody can come at him and go against him. He’s very success oriented and will whatever it takes to get there. I’m seeing someone who’s yelling “alright team! Let’s do this” but then only the other people are working and he’s just there giving orders. He thinks he knows it all and is always right.
Park Jiwon (CEO of HYBE) - 6 of pentacles - he’s a very straight businessman. Very dull tbh. He’s the one pushing for a mediation between everyone. He’s also trying to look over contracts and agreements. He strikes me as a pushover tbh.
Min Heejin - 10 of wands - she really feels betrayed. And that she’s dealing with a lot at the moment. She feels like she’s been stabbed in the back after everything she’s done for them. I do believe she believes everything she said and did at her press conference.
HYBE staff - 8 of swords - they really can’t do or say anything much tbh. Their hands are tied. They’ve also been told to stay out of it. I see a bunch of people shrugging.
Ador staff - 3 of pentacles - are some of them already looking for other jobs? Other companies or other hybe labels? But they’re open to working with hybe or whoever to smooth things over.
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The Newjeans girlies - 2 of wands - they’re conflicted. They don’t know what to do or who to side with. They’re very upset though. They’re angry that they’re in this position. But they don’t seem to be blaming anyone?
Their parents - 4 of wands - they’re also being told to stay out of it but they don’t really want to speak up? They’re not that type of people anyways. They’re mainly concerned about the health and safety of the girls.
Newjeans and hybe - the empress - they do mean what they say when they want to prioritize the health and well-being of the girls. They want to provide them with the best care possible. They believe that hybe wants the best for them.
Newjeans and min heejin - they also believe her and that she has good intentions towards them. They believe what she’s saying and that she wants a good outcome for them.
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The outcome:
The sun, queen of wands rx, 5 of cups, wealthy man, change rx and court house.
More high profile attention? She doesn’t want to leave? But she’s not gonna get what she wants/is asking for from hybe? People might be disappointed that she won’t leave? Bang pd/hybe might threaten her like “if you don’t budge on this issue and do what we want you to, see you in court”.
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penguintaetae · 2 months
there's a lot of misinformation spreading right now and i was wondering if you could do a reading on what is true what is false?
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She’s not being fully honest with her plans either…..especially about the money/gaining investors/new funding….
But yeah this is a major lesson for her…
I do think they did betray her and it had something to do with why she wanted her own label or why she wanted ador to leave hybe.
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As for the cults lol
Yes she was telling the truth about consulting her friend who happened to be a shaman about how they could move next (as a group/label). It’s like how celebs consult astrology charts for projects. Idk if any of the bts hexing was true though. But she did keep an eye on other groups and their success. Just so she has a measure of things.
Idk if bang pd was involved in a cult like people and articles have said as he’s already rich enough as it is. I don’t think he’s involved but he does have some loose ties to it? Like knowing someone who’s like say a producer who happens to be a member or associated with it. Very loose connections but not a full member.
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Was she behind the leaks, dating rumors and other smear campaigns against the bts members?
No I don’t think so. But she did work hard to prove herself to bang pd and the company. I think she was too busy for that. She was also very focused on the newjeans debut.
Was she behind the dating leaks for other hybe groups? (Chaewon of Le sserafim and K of &Team, Yunjin of Le sserafim and Yeonjun of TXT are the only ones that come to my mind).
Yes. This was done by her after her issues started with hybe/bang pd/park jiwon. This was also a long time coming. She had ammunition against other hybe groups and this was when she chose to unleash them. Mainly because she was hurt and wanted to be petty/lash out.
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penguintaetae · 2 months
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He’s in his bag with this one. He knows he’s the shit/the big dog. He might talk about the success he has in his life and how it affected him and how he sees his future going forward. As well as about his commitments (and not wanting to get married? Lol). Or like how he wants to be more independent? In general but also from hybe/bighit? It’s all earth energy so it might be something he wants like a good pop radio hit. Something that makes it big. He might even go all out with the promo and invest hugely into it.
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penguintaetae · 2 months
hello stella! how have you been? i wanted to ask since you said jk needs to focus on one thing at once, what does it take for him to have a healthy relationship in love?
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This is so funny 🤣
He needs someone that can help him build a secure circle and foundation. Someone he can trust and really build a life and family with. Someone who he can feel safe around with and let his guards down. He needs someone much smarter and even cunning than him. Someone who is able to see things and people clearly. Someone who can help give him an objective point of view on things. Someone who can play devil’s advocate at times. Someone even spiritual and intuitive? So he can cleanse his circle of fake people and make better decisions for himself. He really needs someone who can guide, inform and educate him about life and other things. That’s really it. That venus in 9H is really loud here.
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penguintaetae · 2 months
Ohh taehyung is sooo meattyyy 🤤🤤 I wonder what joon looks like right now 🥵🥵
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penguintaetae · 2 months
Hi Stella, could you please do a reading on jennie and zico, they have a collab coming out but I want to know why jennie is collaboratinging with him as he's a burning sun apologist. He was also aware of the golden phone, Google if you're confused
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Omg??? For attention? To soft launch something? To get someone’s attention? To get the public’s attention through the speculation?
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