penpalnation · 9 years
Penpals For My Partner?
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Are you seeking a penpal? someone maybe you share random doodles with? someone you think of cause you found an awesome old stamp?
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well let me tell you about my lovely partner Clara. First off, she loves Nature! i promise if it was legal she’d live in the forest and when she’s there, well it’s where she belongs. My favorite thing she reminds me of is “every being is on their own level of consciousness” This statement always makes me smile because it explains how much love Clara holds. She also does awesome things with watercolor and other artistic means, she can longboard and tries tricks (while i just kick/push). She can rock climb like a beast on a boulder. Her curly hair is so delightful. She’s down for a cup of tea and a good book before any movie. She belongs also in the Land of Ooo (adventure time!) She has a gorgeous animals (and even some plants). And honestly if you want to know more, you gotta go to the source.
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SO let her share stories and adventures with you. Let her letters put the same smile i get while watching her write them. Everyone should have some Clara in their life, but YOU gotta make the first step.
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penpalnation · 9 years
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Name:  Shelby
Location: Oklahoma, U.S.A
Looking forward to: Snail Mail, Art Exchange, Packages, Culture Exchange, Tumblr Buddy or whatever you want to bring to the table, I am a very open minded person and excited for this new adventure that we both can take!
Language: English, some Spanish/some Cherokee
Email/Tumblr: [email protected]/http:// http://shelbajuana.tumblr.com/
Books/Films/TV Shows/music I like: I’ve never met a bad book, I love them all recommend me one please! / Anything funny, laughter is the way to my soul / I don’t  watch any TV, just own A LOT OF DVDS/ It really depends on my mood.
Other interests: Vintage pictures, anything outdoors the woods or the water is where you’ll find me in my hometown, doing DIY projects, bonfires,  learning about  people and their stories,  giving and getting advice, I am very open minded and I love trying new things!
What I would like in a Penpal : I want penpals from all walks of life from any location! I want to talk to everybody!!
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penpalnation · 9 years
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hey everybody.. I am Gerald(boy) and I am 18 years old. I live in small Country in Africa called Tanzania. That means apart from english I also speak Swahili and a little french cause I love it. I love traveling. I have been to Dubai, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and India. I love music, I write songs, poems and I sing like tomorrow doesn't exist. I play the guitar. what else... I am sarcastically funny. I watch pretty much alot of movies, but I am a sucker for Horror, rom com, action and comedy in general.
about my penpal:  I am actually looking for anyone,any gender,age and any personality. I am down with that. Just do not bail after the first two emails or three. If your going to do that..do not even think about it, just keep on scrolling. I am looking for long lasting pen pals who I can call friends. My methods of communication are mostly email and skype. But I am open to suggestions. email me if I haven't scared you off.
fun fact: I got robbed two days ago.. don't worry about me I am fine. I just lost a part of me... My phone :( when I get my new phone we can even advance to KIK. cheers
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penpalnation · 9 years
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Name // Sharelle Age // 18 Location // Wellington, New Zealand Interests // I love everything about the past; fashion, music, the people. Don't get me wrong I love the modern world as well but I just wish I'd grown up in a time where life was much simpler, less technology bc although it's great the access we have to the world now, it's taken over our lives and I juts wish I could go back. Dislikes // people who don't give others a chance to voice their opinions message me here on tumblr if you're interested in being pen pals :)
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penpalnation · 9 years
Let's be penpals!?
Hello you lovely internet people!!
I'd love to be penpals and send each other cute and encouraging things!  Being a human can be rough, but I'd love if we could be a support team and help each other stay positive :) We can talk about deep stuff, please no superficial small talk--we all know that's the worst.  
Name: Malena 
Age: 16
Gender: Female 
I speak English and a little French!
Hobbies: Ballet, reading, creative writing, photography, art journaling, writing poetry, songwriting, playing piano and ukulele, pretending to know what I'm doing, sewing, adventuring, sneaking onto rooftops, stargazing, hammocking, hiking, laughing until I cry
Favorite books:  (fiction) Delirium, Lost and Found, Awake, Paper Towns, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, A Wrinkle in Time, arg too many to keep listing! (nonfiction) Blink, Crazy Love, David and Goliath, Amusing Ourselves to Death, Love Does, Homeward Bound, etc.....
If you are 16-17 that would be awesome!  
You can send me an ask if you're interested, my tumblr is cantgowrongifyougowrite!  
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penpalnation · 9 years
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im studying english lit and creative writing in college (i plan to transfer to a different uni next year), and i aspire to be an author. i also journal quite regularly. i’m a fan of taking photos (both of people and nature), and i’m interested in learning more about photoshop so i can create more surreal photos. i draw a lot of portraits. if we become close enough friends, i might end up drawing you! i like history. i watch a lot of tv shows (criminal minds, sense8, castle, bones, htgawm, star trek, to name a few). i’m willing to read most any genre of book (maybe at some point we can exchange a book via mail). i enjoy cooking and baking. i like to go out on walks, hikes, and bike rides whenever i can.  i’m also interested in converting eclectic wicca (or maybe even druidism). that said, i’m entirely open to being friends with people of any religion/faith. while i only speak english, i’m totally interested in learning other languages, so if you would be willing to help me learn, i’d really appreciate it (though it’s not required).
as far as the type of person i’d like to communicate with: i’m rather open. any gender/sexuality/religion is fine by me as long as you’re openminded and willing to accept who i am. i won’t accept a pen pal any younger than sixteen (i’m just uncomfortable with the idea of speaking to someone fifteen or younger), and probably no older than thirty. while i’m willing to have pen pals in the usa, i’d really prefer someone from another country. i’m particularly interested in the nordic countries, but really anything not in the usa would be interesting. i’d love to learn about your culture.
my main tumblr is ihavetogogh.tumblr.com i’d like to have a bit of a chat via tumblr before i give you my address and we start sending letters!
sorry that was rather long winded. i tend to drone on and on. hope to hear from some people soon!
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penpalnation · 9 years
Name: Annie
Age: 17
Gender: Genderfluid
Hobbies: Writing, journaling, DIY projects
Favorite books/movies: Annie On My Mind (book); United States of Leland (movie)
Age Range: 15-19
I'm misteriprotest
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penpalnation · 9 years
Erica 23
Female Hobbies: Reading, writing, and eating are some of my favorite hobbies. :) Books: Harry Potter, The Perks, The Bell Jar... There are far too many to name. Movies: The Princess Bride TV: The Office, Pretty Little Liars, Parks Age range: Over 18 :) 
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penpalnation · 9 years
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name: maya age: 18 country: Finland (i’m actually spanish but) zodiac symbol: gemini
hobbies: drawing/painting/doodling, cooking, knitting, reading, visiting museums, geocaching, music, learn languages, series, movies and music, going to picnic, crafting, snail mail (obviously wtf), deep conversations, petting animals and traveling.
(even though i’m worthless choosing favorites, let’s try it)
favorite singer/band: Lana del Rey, The Smiths, The 1975, Arctic Monkeys, Russian Red, 1973, The Japanese House and Belle & Sebastian
favorite series: black mirror, AHS, sense8 (currently watching), gossip girl, skins and penny dreadful (currently watching)
favorite films/directors: i like almost all the work of Quentin Tarantino, Woody Allen and Tim Burton, but i also like a real lot this kind of romantic movies that never ends as they’re supposed to ( Moulin Rouge, 500 Days of Summer or Submarine for example) and Big Fish style (that “grand finale” always makes me cry)
things i do not like: people who think that are better than the others. People who doesn’t have goals in their lives and are not interested in learning and discovering new things. The heat, sausages, olives, excessively romantic films (f.e. The Notebook), animal testing, killing bugs (could you please just gently take it and set him/her free? thanks), selfish people and conceited people.
things i do like: people talking about their passions, old fashioned love, berries, mythology, bees, veggie/environmentally friendly products (like lush!), moomin, the smell of new books, manley, copic ciao, dogs, cats, plants (every alive creature is welcome to my tiny heart), long walks, snow, christmas, the mountains, candles, cute socks with cute shoes, pressed flowers and handmade things.
why am i looking for penpals?: i have always been this kind of weird girl in the class who’s doing “stupid”, “ridiculous” things, like going to the theatre, art galleries, doing snail mail, having a journal (i don’t really know why this was considered weird in my high school, i think those thing are totally cool lol), etc. I just think it would be nice to find someone who shares some hobbies and  enjoys them.
Contact - mayatokki.tumblr.com/
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penpalnation · 9 years
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   Hello everyone! My name is Justin Buzek, and I'm 20 years old. If you're reading this, well... It's because both of us are looking for a penpal! 
   I'm from a boring town in Texas, there's literally nothing to do here. The beach is dirty, and the water is clear maybe 2 days out of the year.
- Music (every genre besides opera)
- Art
- Parkour/Free-running
- Writing (sometimes i just write random words I see and fill the page up)
- Traveling
- Playing guitar (mainly), drums, piano, bass, ukulele, and a little bit of violin
- Performing freak show stunts (Fire eating, human blockhead, homemade lobotomy, etc)
- Rapping (I cant sing so rapping is the next best thing lol)
Well if you want to know anymore about me, or if you're interested in becoming penpals, don't be scared to contact me!
Contact Info:
Kik: Justinbuzek1995
Instagram: Thatscopeguy
   I hope to hear from someone soon!(:
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penpalnation · 9 years
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Hi there, I'm Esther! I'm 17 years old, aries sign, if that matters I'm from Brazil, South America I only speak Portuguese and English, training on French but it's terrible, sorry Contact me on my tumblr or my kik(ixtep4nd) The tv shows I watch and love are: the flash, daredevil, the walking dead, z nation, i zombie, pll, ahs, grey's anatomy, orphan black, narcos, suits, how to get away with murder, sense 8, ftwd, blindspot, scream queens, faking it, awkward, got, teen wolf, etc Some music I enjoy, a lot, to hear: Jake Bugg, George Ezra, John, Mayer, James Bay, Arctic Monkeys, Mumford & Sons, Of Monsters and Men, Maroon 5, Coldplay, The weeknd, Ed Sheeran and there must be more I'm forgetting I'm looking for someone to talk, obv, but to actually be friends with, I always loved having long distance friends, idk why, and if we get really good friends we can even FaceTime <3 No? Ok, I tried XO, see you in my messages? 😂
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penpalnation · 9 years
lets be penpals!
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name: maya
age: 18
country: Finland (i’m actually spanish but)
zodiac symbol: gemini
hobbies: drawing/painting/doodling, cooking, knitting, reading, visiting museums, geocaching, music, learn languages, series, movies and music, going to picnic, crafting, snail mail (obviously wtf), deep conversations, petting animals and traveling.
(even though i’m worthless choosing favorites, let’s try it)
favorite singer/band: Lana del Rey, The Smiths, The 1975, Arctic Monkeys, Russian Red, 1973, The Japanese House and Belle & Sebastian
favorite series: black mirror, AHS, sense8 (currently watching), gossip girl, skins and penny dreadful (currently watching)
favorite films/directors: i like almost all the work of Quentin Tarantino, Woody Allen and Tim Burton, but i also like a real lot this kind of romantic movies that never ends as they’re supposed to ( Moulin Rouge, 500 Days of Summer or Submarine for example) and Big Fish style (that “grand finale” always makes me cry)
things i do not like: people who think that are better than the others. People who doesn’t have goals in their lives and are not interested in learning and discovering new things. The heat, sausages, olives, excessively romantic films (f.e. The Notebook), animal testing, killing bugs (could you please just gently take it and set him/her free? thanks), selfish people and conceited people.
things i do like: people talking about their passions, old fashioned love, berries, mythology, bees, veggie/environmentally friendly products (like lush!), moomin, the smell of new books, manley, copic ciao, dogs, cats, plants (every alive creature is welcome to my tiny heart), long walks, snow, christmas, the mountains, candles, cute socks with cute shoes, pressed flowers and handmade things.
why am i looking for penpals?: i have always been this kind of weird girl in the class who’s doing “stupid”, “ridiculous” things, like going to the theatre, art galleries, doing snail mail, having a journal (i don’t really know why this was considered weird in my high school, i think those thing are totally cool lol), etc. I just think it would be nice to find someone who shares some hobbies and  enjoys them.
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penpalnation · 9 years
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Hi there! My name is Ashley, I am 16 (17 next month!) and I am currently living in Canada!
I love to travel and learn languages and about other cultures!! I also enjoy reading classic novels and I love action and adventure movies!
Even if you think you might be different from me, don't hesitate to contact me! I love learning about new interests and things that I didn't even know about before!! 
I have no specific requirements for penpals, I just want to meet someone I can vibe with! I prefer to talk in English and Spanish, or Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Dutch or Greek however if you speak a language that I didn't mention, we can still talk and I would love to learn your language!
I am looking forward to meeting some great people and hope to hear from some of you soon!!!
Feel free to contact me through my tumblr: http://lacienerra.tumblr.com/
or emailing me: [email protected] 
P.S. I don't snail mail! Email only :)
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penpalnation · 9 years
Looking for new friends
I'm new to Tumblr. Just trying to find a way to make new friends/penpals. Jennifer Age 35 Florida [email protected] Interests: reading, writing poetry, drawing, cooking, just to name a few. Music: I like a lot of different music. Savage Garden, Green Day, Lily Allen, etc. Books: horror is my favorite genre and Stephen King is my favorite author. I also like Mysteries, crime fiction, chick lit, psychological thriller/suspense. Movies : Again horror is my favorite genre and my taste in books is similar to my taste in movies TV: the big bang theory, Scorpion, Fargo, NCIS, NCIS New Orleans, Mysteries of Laura, Scream, Bates Motel, Pretty Little Liars, Rizzoli and Isles, Bones, CSI Cyber, Better Call Saul (loved Breaking Bad) Looking for snail mail penpals
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penpalnation · 9 years
Penfriend Wanted
Name: Sneha Age:19 Country: Mauritius Hello! I would love to have a penpal from anywhere in the world with whom I can snailmail or even e-mail regularly. I'm starting my first year of uni and I'm so excited :) zodiac Cancer. Hobbies : reading poetry, having tea, shopping and drawing with henna. Also I am bilingual in English and French. You can contact me on my tumblr blog: greenteacottoncandy xoxo Prefences: 19 +
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penpalnation · 9 years
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Hai! How are you, future awesome pen pal?
My names Hafsa and Im 16. Im also a proud Canadian, eh. *insert peace sign while chugging maple syrup and playing hockey*
My interests are:
friends (the show and actual friends)
tv & movies
netflix and chill (aka netflix and gobbling down loads of food while wrapped in blankets)
new music
TVD && Teen Wolf && HIMYM && Friends (again)
taking care of people
helping people feel better
playing pranks
having a good ol’ time
staying up really late
reading (i love almost every book)
I think my perfect pen pal would have some or most of the above interests and is nice but isn’t afraid to be crazy. I love talking with the people who are considered weird because it's way more interesting. Also who isn’t into messing with people’s brains by faking cancer and stuff because that’s not cool dude grr. I would prefer my penpal to be from 16 to 18 years old but if your chill then I'm chill with that too! Oh, and my perfect pen pal could be anyone really, as long as they respect me and my life decisions. And it doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from or how you look or your religion or ethnicity or culture. I’m just looking for a great guy or girl to be friends with :)
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6s4Vu7Vuqh2Ej0FqZjcALg
Tumblr: mysticwxterfxlls.tumblr.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/hxfs_x/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hxfsx_
Other things you might want to know about me is I’m very shy and awkward but once I get close to you, I’m a total hurricane. Im also very aesthetic-y and indie and I love punk rock. Im also very clingy and give out free hugs and love unconditionally :) Another thing you should know about me is that I’m a Muslim and a part-time hijabi.
I speak and understand English and Urdu but I can understand basic French and Hindi. 
I’m really looking forward to meeting my new pen pal and I hope we can be the bestest of the friends!
(btw sorry for the very long description heh I just want you to know what you’re getting into)
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penpalnation · 9 years
Well, my name is Lucia, I'm 27 years old, and I'm a bisexual polyamorous (that's how you say it in english?) girl. So, I often have problems with people understanding my life choices. 
I also have a few mental issues (anxiety and stuff). 
I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I make a living as a high school teacher, a tutor in classical studies and sometimes a waitress or a delivery girl (sometimes economy gets hard). Never the less, me and my boyfriend manage to pay the bills, eat nice and buy a few books per month, hihihi.
I love reading, specially literature. But I do read almost everything, except most self help books. 
I also love to write. And to learn knew things. I'm trying to learn a few languages now (hebrew and french). 
I don't care you gender, age or place you're at right now, I you send me a message, we'll star with our snail mail. 
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