pentriarch · 6 years
Steve and Bucky whenever anyone asks them literally anything:
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pentriarch · 6 years
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pentriarch · 6 years
Loki caressed Peter’s cheek with cold fingers. “Any time lad.” He said with a soft smile.
“I remember my own sons being your age. And my daughters, but girls grow up swifter than boys, always. I have one twin, a boy and girl and she was always so much ahead of him.“
It seemed a bit odd, having all of this paternal affection, especially from someone like Loki, who he’d heard so many conflicting accounts of. But Peter didn’t protest, instead just smiling softly. 
“ That is always how it goes, isn’t it? “ He asked with a light chuckle, sipping lightly on his drink. “ Something to do with brain chemistry. “
open starter — explain?
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pentriarch · 6 years
HE NODDED but wasn’t too sure how he would do on the keeping quiet front. He stumbled a bit on the steps but overall did decently. When they walked through the door he was disappointed to see an average place of living. Why could he never get saved by interesting people? Well, to be fair average people were the best. 
Peter does his best to help keep the man steady as he leads him up the stairs, into that plain little apartment and into his bedroom. Just about every surface aside from the bed and the floor were littered with projects, some of the devices stripped down to their bare bones, others practically completely rebuilt. “ Sit down, wait here. I’ll be right back with some ice, “ he assured, before slipping from the room, back out to the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with an ice pack. 
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pentriarch · 6 years
HE ROLLED HIS EYES at the seemingly inane questions. He knew humans could be dense but this was a whole new level for him to experience. 
“Most just call me Doctor and if you’d care to ‘member I just took a hard hit to the head so I’m sorry if my memory isn’t the best,” he snarked.
“ Oh. Right. Yeah, you have a point. “ The teen agreed, leading the Doctor up the steps to his little apartment. 
“ Okay, so, my aunt is definitely asleep, so try to be a little quiet if possible — “ He started, before fishing out his keys and unlocking the door. Thankfully he had them in his jeans, otherwise he would have just gotten in through the window like he usually did when he was alone. 
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pentriarch · 6 years
“NO PAIN MEDS,” he said, “I’m allergic to one but I can’t remember which one.” It was true. He knew one of those Earth pain medicines was deadly to Timelords but he couldn’t remember which. Gah, he hated having his head hurt like this.
“I’m The Doctor,” he said in response to the offering of the name.
“ The Doctor? “ Peter asked, a bit confused, but didn’t question much. Maybe it was just one of those made-up super-hero names. That being said, if it was, he didn’t recognize this man, and wasn’t about to reveal his own. 
“ So, if I were to shorten that, would it just be ‘Doctor’, or is your first name ‘The’? Or is it always The Doctor? “ He purses his lips in thought for a moment, turning the corner onto his street. “ Also, if you’re a Doctor, how do you not know what kinda medicines you’re allergic to? “
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pentriarch · 6 years
“Just call me Loki.“ Not that anyone called him anything else, save for Stark and Rogers. Stark had a new nickname every bloody time and Rogers deigned him only worthy of ‘You!‘
He conjured a huge steaming mug of pure chocolate milk. “G on, drink it while it is warm, sweet boy.” Loki was in his ellement, way too glad he had someone to parent.
“ Just Loki, “ Peter confirmed with a small nod. It’d take some getting used to, with how accustomed he’d gotten to referring to everyone by formal names — Mister Stark, Miss Natasha, etc.
He couldn’t help his smile as that mug was extended towards him, another laugh escaping the boy. “ Thank you, Loki, “ he muttered, taking a small drink of the perfectly heated liquid. 
open starter — explain?
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pentriarch · 6 years
“It’s fine, you can tell me.“ Loki purred, like he had purred to so many small ears before Peter’s.
“I have many children. Some call me Mother and others call me Father. I even have grandchildren.“ He said with a chuckle. “Now, is there something I can do for you. Would like some chocolate milk?“ He cooed.
“ I’m not even sure what there is to tell, “ Peter murmured, shaking his head a bit, giving another, slightly defeated sigh. 
And yet, at the mention of chocolate milk, he’s finally cracking a smile, which is quick to widen, accompanied by a quiet laugh. “ I think I’m okay on the chocolate milk. I appreciate it, though, Mist  — “ Peter stops himself at that, brow furrowing slightly, glancing up to the God. “ Oh, uh.. What do you prefer to go by..? “
open starter — explain?
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pentriarch · 6 years
“I understand.“ He said softly. He had been through this over and over. With his own young, that would come to him with any excuse to stay up, to stay with him, not to face the monsters they imagined under their bed. “I am a parent you know, this is very familiar behaviour.“
“ You.. You’re a parent? “ Peter asked, glancing over, his brows raising a bit in shock. He hadn’t known that, certainly hadn’t expected it. 
Clearly, however, it seemed that the other male was seeing right through what he was telling him. The teen’s shoulders slumped a bit, a sigh squeezing its way from his lungs. “ It’s just.. I don’t know, it’s weird. I can’t even remember all of them, but I keep waking up, and can’t get back to sleep — “
open starter — explain?
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pentriarch · 6 years
“No need to … lie to me. I know what it is like, to close your eyes and meet that darkness that crept inside you somehow. You looked into the void, lad, and it looked back.“ Loki extended a hand to the young man. 
“Come here.“
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Peter still seemed incredibly hesitant, but as that hand was extended, he was wandering closer, moving to sit beside the God. Even as he did, he didn’t seem quite as ready to admit to the real reason he’d woken up so late that night. 
“ I just — I couldn’t sleep..” 
open starter — explain?
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pentriarch · 6 years
“Lad, this is my bedroom… You broke into my bedroom.. This must be precicely what it looks like. Are you having nightmares?” Loki put his book away.
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Originally posted by cashmiere
“ This — This is your bedroom, “ Peter repeated, blinking, looking all around a bit flustered as the man continued speaking. 
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“ Nightmares? No, it’s not — Who said anything about nightmares? “ A pitiful attempt at dismissing the suggestion, Parker.
open starter — explain?
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pentriarch · 6 years
“you can explain Spider-Man breaking into the school science fair?” MJ asked him quirking a brow at him though she also didn’t stop the work on her own project, life size “rock-em-sock-em-robots” that looked suspiciously like iron Man and captain America.
“by all means explain,I would really love to hear this.” She said brushing her hair back out of her face
“ Uh — Yeah, sure, totally, “ Peter tried, scratching at the back of his head. 
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“ Y’see, I uh. A little birdie told me someone needed saving, and I figured since it was so late, I should come check it out. But I guess you’re just.. Working on your project. “ The teen muttered, still trying to play it all off. 
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“ So. You’re welcome. “
open starter — explain?
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pentriarch · 6 years
HE NODDED, and said, “Yeah, yeah. Walking shouldn’t be a problem.”
That was, it wasn’t a problem until he stood up and swayed dangerously. He put a hand out for stability and sighed. That hit to the head had really done it hadn’t it? He sighed heavily and took a stumbling step forward. God, this sucked.
“ Okay, woah, easy — “ Peter warned, his own hand reaching out when the man stumbled, grabbing onto his arm to steady him. “ We’ll get you there, okay? Hopefully some ice and Aleve will help? “ That was, at least, as long as he was just a bit disoriented from the bump. With all this stumbling, that could very well not be the case. 
“ I’m Peter, by the way, “ the boy offered as he started to lead the man off towards his apartment, down the thankfully mostly quiet streets, aside from a few drunks stumbling home here and there. 
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pentriarch · 6 years
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“Let’s just go home, Peter.” He hissed, eyes narrowing. “I don’t believe in that ghost and goblins shit, but i don’t want to be stuck in this disgusting moldy cabin.” Stark was seething, though on the inside he was actully rather… startled by the whole situation.
“If you’re around mold too long you get sick, I don’t need that.” He grumbled, turning on his heel and jiggling the knob, though with too much jiggling the knob came clean off. “Fuck!”
“ I thought you only got sick if you were around it for a long period of — “ He started, only to cut himself off, watching as that knob just snapped right off. 
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“ That’s not the only entrance, right? “ Peter asked, despite knowing full and well that the windows were boarded up tight, and this was the only way they could have come in. 
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pentriarch · 6 years
i love the feeling of waking up to so many replies, goodness! i’ll be getting right to them now, thank you so much everyone! 
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pentriarch · 6 years
@thefoolreversed — continued from (x)
“ Okay, first of all don’t call yourself Daddy — “ he started, only to freeze up when Wade tried to pull him down the tunnel. 
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“ Wade, do NOT — “ Peter practically squeaked out, two lines of web almost immediately shooting out to anchor onto either side of the entrance, keeping the boy firmly in place. “ Second of all, don’t do that! You don’t know whats in there! And I’m not going in! “
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pentriarch · 6 years
@thefoolreversed — continued from (x)
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“ Sh — Shoot. Shoot, sorry Mister Stark — “ Peter stumbled, huffing lightly. “ In my defense, why would I even expect this to be anything more than just an old abandoned house? I mean, come on, it looks totally innocent from the outside! I could grow up and raise a happy family in this house! How was I supposed to expect the rumors about demons to be true?! They’re not even supposed to be real! “
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