bandfullofmuses · 6 years
“Look guys! There’s no need for this.” Aurora tried to speak up before receiving a hard shove on the back from the Slitheens to get her to keep moving. She was unable to fight them back due to them securing her hands behind her back with handcuffs that was made for her to not escape. 
Next to her, she saw a man also being escorted by the Siltheens as they were both being taken down the corridor of the castle that the Siltheens took as their hideout. She tried to talk to him but ended up being slapped for speaking up. 
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braveadventurers · 6 years
(Ianto and Matilda)
Matilda helped straighten out the house, putting some flowers in a vase on the table and putting away the dishes, Miss Honey had told her that they were having some friends of hers over and that the house needed to be cleaned up so Matilda was doing her best to help. 
Matilda was just adding some water to a vase of sunflowers for the coffee table when she heard the doorbell ring.
“I got it!” Matilda said hopping down and hurrying for the door but Miss Honey beat her to it answering the door and greeting their guests before she allowed them in and put a gentle hand on Matilda’s shoulder
“Matilda I’d like you to meet Rhiannon Davies and Ianto Jones, They’re some good friends of mine.” Miss Honey told her Matilda nodded and offered a small smile 
“Hello,” she greeted feeling a bit more shy around the peculiar strangers, after being around so many adults who didn’t care what she said it was difficult to get out of that habit Miss Honey smiled at her 
“matilda why don’t you show Ianto to the living room and show him the beautiful sun flowers that you picked and Rhiannon and I will go get some tea and those cookies you made earlier?”  Matilda nodded glad for the suggestion as she lead the way to the living room
“So what do you do?” Matilda asked trying to start any conversation between the two as she moved her book from the couch so that Ianto wouldn’t sit on it.
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the-young-rosebud · 6 years
Drunk Starter
Rosetta downed another glass of wine as Loki sat across from her. "I don't, I don't even feel that drunk" She slurred
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Jack’s Help | Closed for DoctorTorchWhood
Continued from: X
@doctortorchwhood :
“Hoo boy, you sure are something Doc.“ Jack said with a smirk.
“Long time no see, what can I do for you?“ He tucked his hands in the pockets of his coat. Despite it only being September, he was already getting chilly. Even after almost two centuries, he still wasn’t up to speed with the drizzly climate.
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The pun hadn’t worked. Of course, Jack would know something was up, he was Jack after all. There was also the fact that it’d been, well, a long time since he’d last seen the man…. It’d been a long time since his last life… But, that didn’t matter! The Doctor, still wearing his grin wide on his face, moved on to Plan D.
“Oh, come on, Captain. Can’t a Time Lord just stop by to see his mate? Been a while, huh?”
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heartonanoose · 6 years
@doctortorchwhood liked for a thing. Here. Have this. 
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“Listen mate, I don’t know why you’re following me but you need to stop. Please.” Alu held back the growl trying to fight its way out of her throat. Smiling as nicely as she could. 
“Stop or I am going to break both your legs...” Eyes flashing to a crimson color as she tried to hold on to that smile. 
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[ @doctortorchwhood - Continued From Here ]
The Doctor, for what it was worth, at least had the good sense to lower the sonic before she spun around to face her friend and long-time companion.
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"S'not that simple. This isn't an ordinary toaster, y'see. No, no, no, this thing's got it out for me. Has ever since I was the bloke with the spiky hair an' pinstripes, all cos I took it apart an' put it back together again so I could add reconfigured circuitry. Apparently it didn't appreciate the upgrades."
She winced at the word 'upgrades', shook her head, said "Remodel. Apparently it didn't appreciate the remodel." before turning back round to face the nefarious enemy, sonic lifting once more and the soft metallic whirring filling the air as she switched it on.
"No, Thomas. This thing's got a mind oov its own. Best not get too close."
As if to prove her point, the toaster- being bombarded with sonic frequencies of various types -gave a shudder, leapt a foot into the air, crashed back down on the counter-top and threw green and blue sparks that had the Doctor letting out a squeak.
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The Doctor new that it was probably not the best idea to land there, right on the Rift, because he knew who would most likely be coming to greet him. And with this face, that might be a problem. Why this face this time, he still wasn’t sure. Maybe to remind him of what he should and shouldn’t do, mucking about time.
The Doctor had known about the 456, it was true, but he couldn’t be there. He couldn’t, because it was fixed, and he’d done enough damage with fixed points as it was. Still, the guilt in his hearts for not being there, even if he couldn’t change anything, weighed heavily. So, it was difficult to be there, to know Jack might show up, knocking on his door, furious or pleased or both or neither.
Still, he had to refuel a bit, and now was the safest time for him to land. So, he waited. He waited at the console for Jack to knock, or maybe he’d use his key, if he even still had the key. Either way, the door would open freely for the Captain, and the Doctor would be leaning as casually as he could against the console, a somber look on his face.
“Hello... Captain.”
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“It has been... such a very long time.”
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harknesstm · 6 years
@doctortorchwhood sc for Eleven
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"I can't find you in the body sleeping next to me."
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jennymaltzurrak · 6 years
Jenny was being escorted somewhere, that’s all she really knew. It had taken a few days to find a library wherever it was that she’d wound herself at, get a handle on the language, and find somewhere to sit at nights trying to understand her environment. The situation had happened quite pacifingly, until she’d been grabbed by the soldiers.
And now she was sitting in an office, after her blindfold had been removed, she wondered just what kind of trouble she would be in. She had just defended herself without much violence, thank you, and wasn’t particularly up to defending herself against whomever would walk through the door next.
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smithjanesarah · 6 years
Look Who’s Coming for Dinner
She actually had two cat burglar suits by now.  One for warm weather, one for cold.   Here in late July, she had the light one on, though there was no avoiding the black knit cap.  Snug against her body was a side slung leather bag that held a variety of goodies.  Sarah Jane may not have a Sonic Screwdriver, but she’d accrued lock picks and cellophane wrapped pot roast tidbits not to mention more goodies that might be surprising.
She’d cased the beautiful old Victorian for a couple days and a night.  Tonight she’d done a fine job of slipping in a vent window that wouldn’t let pass more than a child.  She landed on a bathroom floor and began to take in her surroundings.
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scinglives · 6 years
“Relax.” Rose said with a sigh as she started to get dressed, maybe Owen wasn’t looking forward to this, but she definitely was. “You’re being dramatic, it’s not like you’re going on a date with just Ianto. Don’t think of it as a date, it’s just dinner. And drinks. You can have lots of drinks.” She insisted and smoothed down her dress. 
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florxdexcerezos · 6 years
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“i attempted to make a cake.” 
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braveadventurers · 6 years
RULES : you can only say guilty or innocent . you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you . repost , don’t reblog !
Asked someone to marry you ? - innocent Kissed one of your friends ? - guilty Danced on a table in a bar / tavern ? - guilty Ever told a lie ? - guilty Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have ? - guilty Ever kissed someone of the same sex ? - guilty Kissed a picture ? - innocent Slept until 5pm ? - innocent Fallen asleep at work / school ? - guilty! Held a snake ? - guilty Been suspended from school ? - GUILTY Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant ? - Guilty Stolen something ? - guilty Been fired from a job ? - guilty Done something you regret ? - guilty Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose ? - innocent Caught a snowflake on your tongue ? - guilty Kissed in the rain ? - innocent Sat on a roof top ? - innocent Kissed someone you shouldn’t ? - guilty Sang in the shower ? - guilty Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ? - innocent Shaved your head ? - innocent Slept naked ? - innocent Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry ? - guilty Shot a gun ? - guilty Still love someone you shouldn’t ? - guilty Have / had a tattoo ? - guilty Liked someone , but will never tell who ? - guilty Been too honest ? - guilty Ruined a surprise ? - guilty Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said ? - guilty Still have communication w/ your ex ? - guilty Cheated on someone ? - innocent Got so angry that you cried ? - guilty  Tried to stay away from someone for their own good ? - guilty  Thoughts about suicide ? - guilty Thoughts about murder ? - guilty How about mass murder ? - innocent Stalked someone ? - guilty-ish? Had a girlfriend / boyfriend ? - guilty Gotten totally drunk during a holiday ? - innocent
tagged by: @watsonofagun
tagging: @thedoctornumber11 @doctortorchwhood @corruptcorporateexecutive @bourbonstreetdevil @bluebxmfing @unclescrooge @castlexfdreams @heisalonetonight
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scinglives · 6 years
UNIT wasn’t exactly the favourite place for Torchwood employees, they were serious and did things by the book. Owen, Jack and Rose going down to check things out, Rose had experience with this particular situation. One good thing from being in a Universe ahead of this one. 
Owen and Rose split up whilst Jack went on his own to talk to Martha and other employees, unaware that a familiar face had also been asked. 
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scinglives · 6 years
“Well. I’ll help you up and we can get pen and paper yes?“ Owen stood and helped her to her feet.
He led her down the stairs, to the living. He nudged her to the couch, where he had extra pillows, so she would sit right. “Anything to eat or drink?” He asked her. He knew he was hovering, but he just has this tension he couldn’t translate.
This was a good start. It might have taken a few months but these were steps in the right direction. He was worried and she could sit that, shaking her head softly and patting the space next to her.
“Sit down, okay?” She smiled and played with his hair softly. That always seemed to calm him down a little. “You’re getting too overwhelmed. One step at a time, remember?”
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scinglives · 6 years
“Not here, end me if you must, but not her. She can go, she can find the Doctor. She has potential. I know where I end. In a fucking jar, pregnant.“ He took her hands. “Don’t do this. The future is not set in stone, safe for me. I am the fact here.”
“But she won’t live forever, or will she?” Bad Wolf smirked, she had done it to Jack so there was nothing stopping her doing it to Rose. Eternal pain of life. “But some things are set in stone. You should know that, Mr Harkness. She’s already dead. No one even knows she’s alive, missing for all those years.”
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