peppyronipizza · 10 years
Be committed, not attached. But more importantly, know the difference.
Kai, Lessons in Life #21 (via siberiana)
(via poon-gobbler)
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
it makes me so sad when people try their best but it isn’t enough
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
If you repeatedly criticize someone for liking something you don’t, they won’t stop liking it. They’ll stop liking you.
(via imlittlemisssunshine)
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others, it is your own mind.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (via wordsthat-speak)
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
1950s Prom and Party Dresses: Pastels
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
People think you’re crazy if you talk about things they don’t understand.
Elvis Presley (via psych-facts)
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
friend: whos that guy on ur phone?
me: my boyfriend
friend: can i meet him?
me: after i do
friend: what?
me: what?
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
Happy 216 Months! ♥
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hello my manang macy mae camomot - do hehehe happy happy happy 18th birthday my manang macy! ♥ 
grabe, we've only known each other for three years but you became such a relevant person in my life. chos but really you taught me a lot of things and made such a huge impact in my life. i realized na i never really tried to express my feelings or gratitude towards you for the past 3 years so for now, hehe i will!
since you're 18 na, i sort of came up with an idea to write 18 things i adore/like/love about you. hehehe this is so gay but enjoy!
1. you’re not awkward - so okay i believe people love and adore you because you make them feel comfortable. you dont make things awkward. im one of them. hehe remember our first laag together na tayo lang dalawa? i didnt feel any awkwardness at all because you're really comfortable to be with. like you dont need to try - innate njud saimo na comfortable ka na tao ♥
2. you’re patient - you're very patient with me and everyone else. especially me, kahit pa i make you wait for three hours when we have a date at chingkeetea or centrio, i know you will wait til i arrive because you're just that patient. 
3. you take care of me. - seriously idk if it's motherly or sisterly but you really take care of me. those times when we cross the streets, when i cant order by myself, cant go to the cr by myself - you were always there beside me. ubanan jud ko nimo like huhubels i cry ;; 
4. you listen to me - i like how you never get tired of listening to me. you would listen to and understand me kahit some are so nonsense na pero you still listen and i appreciate that. even akong mga rants, you listen. even if you dont agree with me sometimes, you still listen. ;; 
5. i love our inside jokes - hehehe i love how we can just be in our own world when we're together. like wala njud lain makagets sa atong trip if mag uban ta. we understand each other without even uttering a word - we just look at each other and smile or laugh tapos alam na! 
6. you dont judge me - this! you dont judge me esp me being a kpop fan! i never heard you complain about it. as in ever! in fact you support me, and now you're also a fan of ~kyungsoo~ hehehe and you dont judge me even tho you know like ALL of my secrets. remember katong twitter thing na akong gkabuangan sa fourth year? you didnt judge me after knowing about it and what i did. i know im so luod but you never showed me na nangluod ka hehehe ithank you for that!
7. you're strong - i know you've been hurt a lot of times. i saw you cry; i heard you cry when you called me when you were in cebu. but look at you now, you're still as pretty as ever na parang walang bahid ng kasakitan. rowwwww and you're always strong for us - your friends, your family hm. stay strong bebe gurl! 
8. you're independent - grabe girl you're just so brave! i mean i cant live alone sa different city and be all independent. but you survived! you were able to learn how to budget. nakaya mo na ikaw lang mag-isa. you made new friends and started a new chapter in you life by yourself. hehehe claps for you!
9. you trust me - i appreciate the fact that you trust me with all your secrets. you tell me everything as in everything and you're not afraid that i might use it against you ((but of course i wont)) but thank you for that trust macy!
10. you're my financer - hahaha this! okay, you've always been my financer bc im always the poor friend. i really appreciate it every time you libre me. sometimes gakaulaw najud ko ;; sigh im sorry for always being purdoy. aha! those times na imo jd kong librehan para makauban ko, para naa jud ko. it makes me think na "aww, you really want me na makasama" so yeah thanks a lot macy! i need to make bawi soon!
11. you believe in me - hehe ;) thank you for always believing in me. for telling me na i can do it. esp sa times na i doubt myself, you'll tell me na kaya nako. i really appreciate the times na you'll tell me you're proud of me because "i am a friendlier na" "i am not awkward na" "i speak to other people na" and remember when i told you about that dance competition? you're one of my biggest motivator. kay you believe in me. i know im not a great dancer but you gave me comfort with your words na okay ra lagi and kaya lagi nako! ;;
12. you never give up -  haha remember that huge fight we had sa fourth year? haha im so happy that you never gave up and gave this friendship a second chance. you stayed kahit pa i pushed you away. and im really really really grateful for that. and also to other people - i know how much you care for and love them. i know na no matter how hard it is, you wont give up and will find a way. you're willing to stay for them pero they were the ones who gave up on you. so macy, dont mind the people who gave up on you because THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT! 
13. you love kyungsoo - i love seeing you spazz over squishy do kyungsoo! hehe idk what he did to you pero im so happy to see you fangirl over him! stay inspired okay! xoxo ♥
14. you bring me closer to God - this! one reason why this friendship will never end because our foundation is on God. you correct me when you know im wrong and you remind me to always focus my heart on God. Remember, we're accountability partners right? hehe i miss going to lifebox and lifegroup with you!!! ;; 
15. you're always there - awwww ;; you're just a call away. if mag text ko, you'll reply instantly. even if you're in cebu and im here, i can still feel your presence. murag naa ra jpun ka here with me. because you stay. you always and always end up staying. 
16. you're honest - this is one thing im envious of you. you're honest. back when we were in third and fourth year, i really admired you for being honest and vocal. you're not afraid to tell what you feel. remember when you confronted a classmate? hehe woah jud kaayo to bai! you inspire me to be more honest and bold!
17. you understand me -  you're definitely someone who knows me the best, especially when it comes to thoughts and feelings i keep within me and never mention it. you know when im mad. when im annoyed. when im sad. when im so so happy! so thank you thank you! 
18. YOU ARE ROOTCHIB MAE LACANARIA CAMOMOT - the bestest friend in the whole world!!! thank you for being there for me no matter what. cant imagine life without you. like everything just feels okay and fine when i get to talk to you. ;; kahit pa we just eat or stare into our phones and laptops without talking, i know everything will be fine. because you're my manang macy! ♥ ♥ ♥
Wiw! That's a lot! Hahahahaha happy 18th birthday again macy! Legal naka! That's why be stronger! Be more independent!  You may have your flaws when it comes to relationships, you might have get hurt in the end, but i believe you will find true happiness someday! IN GOD'S TIME. Just trust in HIM! 
I love you so much Manang! Mwah mwah! ♥
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
When I was
a young boy
my father
took me into the city
to see a marching band
he said ‘son don’t get too attached to this band because bands break up and you will cry’
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
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The moment the groom see’s his bride. Always my favorite moment, you can really see the love he feels for her in the moment. Simply incredible.
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.
Eric Thomas (via faithhealthlife)
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man’s torments.
 Friedrich Nietzsche  (via wordsthat-speak)
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peppyronipizza · 10 years
It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in those days…Lightly, lightly—it’s the best advice ever given me. So throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That’s why you must walk so lightly. Lightly, my darling.
Aldous Huxley (via wordsthat-speak)
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