perdlta · 4 years
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“Have you seen this man?” Mako asked the other, holding out a robot sketch of the suspect in one hand and his notepad in other. He didn’t except them to have seen the person, they were block away from where the break in had occured but it didn’t hurt to take a chance.
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perdlta · 4 years
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“This is the worst day ever,” Percy groaned, rubbing his temples, his eyes shut tightly as he sat down -or rather let himself fall on- to the empty chair he’d spotted a minute ago in the crowded cafe. He sighed and opened his eyes, his hands now placed on the table. Only then he saw the other sitting across the said table, mere inches away from him. “Oh!” He exclaimed, backing away in his seat. “Sorry, uh,” He rubbed the back of his head, “Didn’t, uh, didn’t see you there.”
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perdlta · 4 years
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“Hm?” Percy looked up from his phone to see a boy, probably a year or two younger than him standing on the side of the street, not too far from Percy. “You talking to me?” He asked, his finger gesturing towards himself as he looked around to see if there was anyone else around. There wasn’t but because he didn’t know the boy, he figured he probably wasn’t talking to him. So he shrugged and picked up his phone once again.
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perdlta · 4 years
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Percy let his feet take him to the park, a sudden urge to be around trees and earth taking over him. It was strange he usually felt more in his element around water but not that day apparently. Gods, he was a weirdo. He walked through the groups of people, friends, families, all had left their small apartments for a nice day out, the weather was nice, sun shining brightly in the sky. He found himself a nice spot, a single bench far away from prying eyes but not too far that he couldn’t see people passing by. Only after sitting down did he notice the young woman sitting there. “Oh gods!” He jumped slightly, “Didn’t see you there.”
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perdlta · 4 years
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“The key to getting it really blue is using non-bakeable food coloring and put it in the frosting,” Percy rambled on, not really caring if the person wanted to hear his nonsense or not. "The bakable variety leaves you with this weird muddy turquoise which is not at all what we want.”
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perdlta · 4 years
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(¸.• ♛ → the blonde froze just over there, he was here, finally she was able to find him. “percy…” this time she said his name in a whisper but it was a tone of relief, they were together once again and she was hoping, praying to all the gods that they weren’t going to be apart again. not caring about anything else, annabeth just approached and embraced him in a hug. “of course, i’m real, what are you talking about, seaweed brain…?” she wasn’t all girly or someone that shows emotions but this was different, with percy she was just different, without a facade. “i thought i wasn’t going to see you here…”
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Percy stood still as the girl leaped forward and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug, and after a moment of hesitation, he hugged her back. Instantly he knew, this wasn’t the first time he'd held her in his arms. “Seaweed brain?” He mumbled and raised his eyebrow as he pulled back to look at her face. “I’m... talking about the fact that we seem to have a connection,”  He tried to explain, he was never that great with words. “Without having met before.” Was it not the same for her? “Here? But you thought you might see me somewhere else?”
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perdlta · 4 years
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"Excuse me?” Mako quickly caught up to the young woman. “Miss?” He called out after her. It had already been a long morning, interrogating suspects and talking to the locals and Mako wanted nothing more than to just call it a day but damn it, he wasn’t done yet and she seemed to be the last person left in the vicinity that he hadn’t already talked to so he quickly began speaking, eager to get it over with. “Would you mind answering a few short questions?” He asked as he pulled out his badge from his jacket and held it out. “It won’t take long.”
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perdlta · 4 years
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“Of course you’d be here.” Rebekah groaned, rubbing her temples. “Wherever there’s action, there little miss sunshine is.” Though she would never admit it, Rebekah was actually glad, almost relieved to finally see a familiar face. Of course, she would’ve have preferred to have one of her brothers or Freya but Caroline would have to do. Rebekah hadn’t been in Washington long but she could tell something was wrong with the place and she could use a friend, an ally. “So do you know what’s going on here?” She gestured around herself. “What is this place?”
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perdlta · 4 years
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“You know what? Screw everyone else. Do whatever makes you happy.” A pause. “Within the confines of the legal system, if you can.”
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perdlta · 4 years
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Percy hadn’t meant to stare but he simply couldn’t help himself. There was something about the boy - something disturbingly similar that he just couldn’t quite put his finger on. He thought about approaching him but that would be just creepy. What would he even say? Hi, we don’t really know each other and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before but something about your vibe felt off so thoguht I come check it out?  Nah. That wouldn’t work but still, Percy couldn’t bring himself to let it go and just go on with his day. So instead he stood there like an idiot, watching some stranger with a blank expression on his face, giving all sorts of murdery vibes. He must have looked insane.
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perdlta · 4 years
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His gaze met hers and Percy felt his throat tighten and his heart skip a beat at the sight. It was her. It was actually her.“Annabeth.” Her name escaped his lips in a whisper. He didn’t know how he knew her name, he just did. He continued to stare at her, at the face he saw over and over again in his dreams. How was that even possible? Was he dreaming still? “You’re real.” Only when his own voice broke the silence did Percy realize how creepy he actually was being. He quickly cleared his throat and averted his eyes. “I mean, of course you’re real.” He said, rubbing the back of his head, hoping his weirdness wouldn’t scare her off. “I’m real too.” Well that oughta do it. Way to go, Jackson.
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perdlta · 4 years
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Was that [CLAIRE HOLT]? Oh no no, that was just [REBEKAH MIKAELSON], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [TVD/TO]. They are [+1000] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
How long has your character been here?
A few days
What is your character's job?
She doesn’t have one yet.
Where has your character been pulled from in their fandom?
Somewhere during the final season. She hasn’t taken the cure yet and Nik and Elijah are still alive.
Has any magic affected your character?
And any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
Rebekah understand magic better than most, being the daughter of one of the most powerful witches that ever walked the planet but she can’t for the life of her come up with a meaningful reason as to why or how they ended up in this ‘fake’ world. Her best guess is that this is another pocket world witches created to confine those they deemed dangerous but there is no way for her to know for sure.
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perdlta · 4 years
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Was that [DAVID LAMBERT]? Oh no no, that was just [PERCY JACKSON], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [PJO/HOO]. They are [NINETEEN] years old and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
How long has your character been here?
About a day and a half.
What is your character's job?
Does being a confused mess count? If not he doesn’t have one. Yet.
Where has your character been pulled from in their fandom?
After Blood of Olympus.
Has any magic affected your character?
He doesn’t remember anything so... Yes.
And any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
Okay so this isn’t Percy’s first ride - he’s had amnesia before and been thrown into a completely foreign environment. And like in HOO, the only thing he really remembers from his old life is Annabeth. (I’m a simp for Percabeth, sue me) He knows her name, he sees her in his dreams... He knows he has to find her but isn’t even sure if she’s real or she’s just a figment of his imagination.
In his dreams, he also sees glimpses of the battles he’s been in. He also hears a voice calling to him, a male, though he can not tell who.  Other than that he thinks he’s had a pretty normal life - as normal as it can be considering everything.
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perdlta · 4 years
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Was that [WOO DO-HWAN]? Oh no no, that was just [MAKO], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [THE LEGEND OF KORRA]. They are [TWENTY FOUR] years old and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
How long has your character been here?
He’s been here for a few months but believes he’s lived here his entire life.
What is your character's job?
He’s a cop.
Where has your character been pulled from in their fandom?
After the finale.
Has any magic affected your character?
Other than the magic that wiped his memory clean, no.
And any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
Okay so, Mako’s backstory -the one he believes is true- is pretty similar to what actually happened. He and Bolin was orphaned at a young age  and the two brothers had to survive on their own, spending most of their lives surviving out on the streets. 
He still is a firebender, has most of his powers but doesn’t quite understand them and because he’s “never met any other benders” -apart from his brother who is an earthbender- he never got to train or learn to control his bending. He believes it is some sort of genetic mutation that only he and his brother has and keeps it a secret for both their protection.
Other than Bolin he doesn’t remember anyone from his actual past but might recognize the faces of his loved ones if he runs into them. He wouldn’t be able to tell who they are or what they meant to him but he will have a familiar feeling, might even be drawn to them for reasons he can’t explain.
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