perfectionandtears · 14 days
I noticed my dimples because a crush I had when I was 22 liked them. I use carmex because one of the flatmates I had when I first moved out introduced me to it. I put astros in my popcorn because my best friend does.
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perfectionandtears · 2 months
Does your heart or has it ever actually hurt from just how unlovable you are?
Because mine does. All the time.
Update: I first made this post when I was in high school. I'm now in my final year of undergrad. I'm still unlovable. I haven't been worth loving, not even once, in all these years. It's 02:50 a.m. and my heart still hurts so badly.
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perfectionandtears · 4 months
Most of the time, I'm a child.
But sometimes. Sometimes I'm 23, and I've signed two leases, and I live away from my parents, and suddenly I'm in my last year of university, and I'm -
no longer a child.
(all the time)
I'm an adult.
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perfectionandtears · 4 years
Percy Jackson having been on his high school swim team and maybe studying marine biology at uni (canonically) is everything my heart ever hoped for in real life when reading fanfiction.
Shout out to all the writers who've been writing those fanfics with the same plot for the last decade.
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perfectionandtears · 4 years
Does your heart or has it ever actually hurt from just how unlovable you are?
Because mine does. All the time.
Update: I first made this post when I was in high school. I'm now in my final year of undergrad. I'm still unlovable. I haven't been worth loving, not even once, in all these years. It's 02:50 a.m. and my heart still hurts so badly.
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
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Illustrator Yaoyao Ma Van As
For more view website: artwoonz.com
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
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pillow harry <3
That’s how Ginny invited herself to stay the night at Harry’s place after her very first exhausting professional Quidditch practice. Eventually, he didn’t want her to leave too and they both moved in together :)
[instagram @potterbyblvnk​]
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
I saw a post talking about how Terry Pratchett only wrote 400 words a day, how that goal helped him write literally dozens of books before he died. So I reduced my own daily word goal. I went down from 1,000 to 200. With that 800-word wall taken down, I’ve been writing more. “I won’t get on tumblr/watch TV/draw/read until I hit my word goal” used to be something I said as self-restraint. And when I inevitably couldn’t cough up four pages in one sitting, I felt like garbage, and the pleasurable hobbies I had planned on felt like I was cheating myself when I just gave up. Now it’s something I say because I just have to finish this scene, just have to round out this conversation, can’t stop now, because I’m enjoying myself, I’m having an amazing time writing. Something that hasn’t been true of my original works since middle school. 
And sometimes I think, “Well, two hundred is technically less than four hundred.” And I have to stop myself, because - I am writing half as much as Terry Pratchett. Terry fucking Pratchett, who not only published regularly up until his death, but published books that were consistently good. 
And this has also been an immense help as a writer with ADHD, because I don’t feel bad when I take a break from writing - two hundred words works up quick, after all. If I take a break at 150, I have a whole day to write 50 more words, and I’ve rarely written less than 200 words and not felt the need to keep writing because I need to tie up a loose end anyways. 
Yes, sometimes, I do not produce a single thing worth keeping in those two hundred words. But it’s much easier to edit two hundred words of bad writing than it is to edit no writing at all.
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
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Bro, it's like 4PM in São Paulo right now and all the smoke made it look like it's already night...city of ashes indeed.
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
no gif will do this justice
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
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Tony Stark + being loved ‘Maybe this time… I’m hoping if you play this back, it’s in celebration.’ Happy Birthday Tony (29th May, 1970) 👑❤️WE LOVE YOU 3000 ❤️
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
Also, shout out to Bellamy’s dorky ass for bringing a notepad and pen with him to that meeting
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
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You lit up like Christmas when he walked in the room.
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
I’m living for the fact that Selina is still pissed about Bruce leaving without saying goodbye
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
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Art By ıG: @yaoyaomva
Masal Terapisi Instagram: @artwoonz
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
People who don’t read don’t get what it’s like to get emotionally attached to a book. No, I am not a mean person because I don’t want to lend you my book. I literally can’t imagine having to part with the pages which I’ve grown so used to, small portals that lead to certain parts of my soul. A book contains hundreds of pages and they’ve all become friends to me, so dear to my heart that I think about them very often. Sometimes way too much. It’s a diary filled with notes, tears, cries of happiness. So, I’m sorry when I say, “I cannot part with this book. I cannot give it to you.”
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perfectionandtears · 5 years
If my life is a book then can someone inform my love interest that he was supposed to show up 20 chapters ago??
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