pergiketimur · 10 years
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credit: Iqbal
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credit: Nirmala
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pergiketimur · 10 years
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pergiketimur · 10 years
Pantai Jungwok
tempat yang paling seneng gue kunjungi adalah pantai. ngga tau kenapa setiap pergi ke pantai gue ngerasa kaya batre yang diisi penuh. Mungkin karena suara ombak dan harumnya khas pantai yang buat gue rileks dan berasa deket banget sama alam.
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  Pantai Jungwok ini masih lumayan susah dijangkau. Harus lewat Pantai Wediombo dulu yang jaraknya dari Jogja kira-kira 3 jam kalau naik motor. Walaupun makan waktu lama dan harus jalan kaki lewat sawah-sawah selama 15 menit dari Wediombo, kalian ngga bakal nyesel kalo udah liat garis pantai Jungwok yang bagus banget dan pasir putihnya yang minta ditidurin.
photo credit: Syakira & Praba
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pergiketimur · 11 years
above the sky
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one of my best journey. that would be nice if i had wings, so I could fly :)
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with Raisa
can you see what's behind us? Yes, another beautiful mountain. another new journey I guess. you'll never know :D
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pergiketimur · 11 years
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BILIN, West Bank (AP) — Residents of this Palestinian village have planted flowers in hundreds of spent Israeli tear gas grenades to honor those killed during their weekly protests against Israel’s West Bank separation barrier.
Mohammed Khatib, a village organizer, said Wednesday that the unusual garden is meant to show that life can spring from death.
Bilin has become a symbol of Palestinian protests against Israeli policies in the West Bank. The village’s struggle to regain land taken by the barrier was the subject of “Five Broken Cameras,” a documentary nominated for an Oscar last year.
Palestinians say the barrier, which cuts into the West Bank, amounts to a land grab. Israel says it’s needed to keep Palestinian attackers out. 
The Bilin garden commemorates Bassem Abu Rahmeh, a protest leader who was killed in 2009 when a tear gas grenade struck him in the chest during a demonstration. Bassem’s sister, Jawaher, died nearly two years later, a day after a weekly protest during which villagers said she inhaled Israeli tear gas.
During West Bank protests, Israeli troops often fire tear gas, stun grenades, rubber bullets and occasionally live rounds, portraying them as appropriate means against Palestinian stone throwers.
The Big Story / AP
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pergiketimur · 11 years
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pergiketimur · 11 years
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pergiketimur · 11 years
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Lhasa, Tibet, 1981.
[Credit : Hiroji Kubota]
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pergiketimur · 11 years
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pergiketimur · 11 years
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. -Earl Nightingale
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