persepoliste · 5 days
one of the biggest things I can advocate for (in academia, but also just in life) is to build credibility with yourself. It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking of yourself as someone who does things last minute or who struggles to start tasks. people will tell you that you just need to build different habits, but I know for me at least the idea of ‘habit’ is sort of abstract and dehumanizing. Credibility is more like ‘I’ve done this before, so I know I can do it, and more importantly I trust myself to do it’. you set an assignment goal for the day and you meet it, and then you feel stronger setting one the next day. You establish a relationship with yourself that’s built on confidence and trust. That in turn starts to erode the barrier of insecurity and perfectionism and makes it easier to start and finish tasks. reframing the narrative as a process of building credibility makes it easier to celebrate each step and recognize how strong your relationship with yourself can become
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persepoliste · 2 months
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gonna have a really productive study night >:)
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persepoliste · 2 months
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Hanif Abdurraqib, They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us
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persepoliste · 3 months
bringing your target language into your daily life is easily the best thing you can do for yourself as a language learner. writing your to-do lists in your target language, setting the phone language to your target language, cooking from recipes in your target language, etc. et.
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persepoliste · 4 months
21 Tips for Multiple Choice Test Taking
Read the prompt carefully and actively, with highlighting and underlining. Read it twice if necessary.
Answer the question in your mind first. 
Eliminate obviously incorrect answers. 
Read every single answer before you choose one.
Select the best or most correct answer. Each new possibility you read must be more correct than your previous top answer to take its place.
Skip difficult questions to revisit later; answer easier questions first. 
Keep on top of your time.
Doublecheck all answer entries.
Pay attention to keywords like not, sometimes, always, none, few, except, when, if, will, must, and never. Handle “all of the above” and “none of the above” carefully.
Look out for common traps set by teachers. These can include: answers that are reversals, answers that are true but irrelevant, answers that are extreme or exaggerated, answers that have one small detail wrong, answers that use double (or triple) negatives, answers that reuse the exact wording from the question.
Guess strategically with these tips:
Know if there are penalties for wrong answers.
It’s usually best to stick with your first choice, unless you know it’s wrong.
Pick positive options.
Pick the option with the most information.
If two (or three) options are nearly identical except for key differences, the answer is likely to be one of them.
If two options are direct opposites of one another, the answer is likely to be one of them.
Answers that use course terminology are more likely to be correct.
Answers that contain the same terms, grammar, and syntax as the question are more likely to be correct.
Correct answers rarely give much new information.
Statistically, if you have no other information, answers C and H (if present) are slightly more common than others. Answers E and K (if present) are slightly less common. *This difference is on the order of 2-3%.
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persepoliste · 4 months
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sunlight in the reading room
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persepoliste · 5 months
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09-01-2024, tuesday
i’m honestly starting to feel burnt out from tryna be productive hhhh can’t wait for school to start i miss seeing my friends :(
also how dark academia is my table set up? i’m tryna embrace the aesthetic as much as possible
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persepoliste · 5 months
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A Burst of Light, Audre Lorde
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persepoliste · 6 months
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dec. 14
finally finished with classes and only have about 20 more assignments to grade!
today I bought my roommate and I donuts to celebrate, made bun cha (also to celebrate), and enjoyed a rare sunny december afternoon
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persepoliste · 6 months
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what a studious december i’ve been having! finals week has been chaotic, per usual, but i’m hanging in there. currently trying to make sense of rstudio for my quantitative methods class.
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persepoliste · 6 months
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December 10th, 2023
I wish it still looked like on the picture on the left but tonight all the snow melted and now it's all grey and wet. I'm working on my final revisions of my paper and it's very hard. Probably one of the hardest parts of the whole process. I feel like I had already moved on and now I have to get back to it. It was a nice few weeks where I didn't have to do anything for the PhD and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment, tbh... Well, I'll have to do it anyways so I'm sitting at my desk right now, trying to concentrate.
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persepoliste · 6 months
Things university is for
Smoking a cigarette shivering in the cold in front of the library in winter
Experiencing the most intense friendship of your entire life and then never speaking to that person again
Having awkward small talks with the overworked assistant professor while waiting in the queue at the only cafe on campus
Drinking coffee in a plastic cup from a vending machine that has buttons such as cappuccino, latte, espresso etc. on it but all coffee it makes taste the same
Learning that unless you actively go to places, tirelessly take part in different activities and literally force people into meeting you if necessary, no one will invite you to a party, you won't have an iconic group of friends, you won't be able to do drugs or have sex or find the person you'll be engaged to in 2 years, and that even if you throw yourself at every socialising opportunity that comes your way, eventually you will always be more likely to spend the New Year sitting alone in your dorm room than spending the New Year with a group of friends at a big, fun party
Getting into a fistfight with the Student Affairs Unit and also with God
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persepoliste · 6 months
"defend your thesis" why are you attacking my thesis
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persepoliste · 6 months
Have you heard about Pomodoro Kitty? It's the cutest website for pomodoro sessions.
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You can customize sessions along with short and long break along with background and the colour of your kitty!
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This is the cutest study buddy to work with after all who doesn't want to be judged by a cat when they work.
The Creator
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persepoliste · 7 months
I hate college, I’m dropping out of college, college is the absolute bane of my— oh! my professor just praised me :) I love college, college makes me who I am, when college ends I’ll be so miserable I could die
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persepoliste · 7 months
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persepoliste · 7 months
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I think this is the earliest snow we’ve had in years
This week
Finish a quantitative assignment
Try to get ahead of the theory readings
Finish grading student’s written assignments
Find a moment to breathe
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