perseusandandromeda · 3 years
Hammerschlag, K.R., 2014. Excavating Evidence from Frederic Leighton's Paintings of the Female Nude. victorian studies, 56(3), pp.442-457.
Hall, J., 2018. Dictionary of subjects and symbols in art. Routledge.
Anderson, W.S. ed., 1997. Ovid's Metamorphoses. University of Oklahoma Press.
Baldry, A.L., 2019. Leighton. Good Press.
Munich, A.A., 1989. 4. Celestial Emblems. In Andromeda’S Chains (pp. 132-178). Columbia University Press.
Poynter, E., Alma-Tadema, L. and Moore, A., Art Appreciation Lecture Series 2014 Realism to Surrealism: European Art and Culture 1848-1936 Victorian classical painters and the cult of beauty Assoc. Prof. Alison Inglis, University of Melbourne 19/20 February 2014.
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perseusandandromeda · 3 years
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Our last session before our presentation on tuesday. All sharing our final parts and writing the conclussion. Also jordan has a secret weapon up his sleeve, print outs of the prequal painting, Perseus on Pegasus.
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perseusandandromeda · 3 years
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Tasha, gazing upon Perseus & Andomeda in all of its glory! Terrible shame about the placement and lighting but nonetheless, srtiking and breathtaking imagery.
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perseusandandromeda · 3 years
Here it is, painted 5 years after Perseus and Andromeda. It is titled Perseus, on Pegasus, Hastening to the Rescue of Andromeda.
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Here we can also see Medusas head draped down the front of Pegasus which differs from the narrative of the first painting. Maybe the artist was pained not to have shown Medusas head in the first one. We can also see it is more accurate to the story line of Metamorphosis because we can see the sword on his back and the action of him reaching it. There are many similarities to this painting and of Perseus & Andromeda like the Artist has just painted Perseus from a different angle.
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perseusandandromeda · 3 years
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Jordan doing background research on Perseus & Andromeda planning and writing the introduction for the presentation. Also during this time we found a kind of prequal to the painting, painted 5 years after this one.
A post to follow...
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perseusandandromeda · 3 years
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Perseus and Andromeda
Frederic Leighton (1830–1896)
Walker Art Gallery.
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perseusandandromeda · 3 years
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Here is the part in Ovid's Metamorphoses which is about Perseus' tale of heroism. It gives us great context when looking and analysing the painting. Although the painting shows Persus firing an arrow into the dragon, where as in the poem it is a brutal description of him hacking away at it. Regardless the painting sets the scene and captures the moment of encounter with Perseus and the dragon. There is no evidence that Leighton used Metamorphoses as his own inspiration for the painting but it can be said that it is integral for the evolution of the story of Perseus and why it has been used so much in Art.
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