autocrafted · 6 months
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Bitches be like “❤️✨My Guys🥺💕”
that’s me. I’m bitches.
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autocrafted · 6 months
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like to slap his bald head reblog to slap his bald head
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autocrafted · 6 months
✨About Me✨
Hey ya'll!! Never made an official "About Me" section on my blog and thought it would be a good time to make one with my upgraded writer persona ^^
AutoCrafted / AC - she/they - college student
I am a Latina STEM college student who mostly writes fanfictions of AO3.
Main fandoms I write for is the Hermitcraft/Life Series and tend to focus on the Team Rancher (Tango/Jimmy) pairing. I also have done a bit of Grumbo (Grian/Mumbo) and Jizzie (Joel/Lizzie) but definitely not to the same caliber as Ranchers.
!! Let's make it clear I will NEVER write anything about the actual CC's themselves or go against and CC's boundaries !!
Other fandoms I have written includes Hazbin Hotel on my main with some The Magnus Achieves, Haikyu!!, and Rise of the TMNT though those are on an abandoned account I pretend does not exist.
Foolproof: A Rancher's superhero AU; The newest hero, Solidarity (Jimmy), decides to make his job a little easier by teaming up with the notable villain Tek (Tango). He didn't expect anything more than a business partner, he should have known better. (Currently on going!)
!! Foolproof AO3 Link !!
Don't You Dare: A Grumbo music AU; What do you get when you mix and overly anxious music engineer (Mumbo) and a star singer (Grian)? Obviously they fall in love!! (Completed + Spotify Playlist)
!! Don't You Dare AO3 Link !!
Like what I have to offer? Well I have loads more fics on my account so head on over there -> My AO3 page
I'm not super active on tumblr but I'd like to be!!
Feel Free to send in any questions or requests! Love chatting with people who are like me!!
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autocrafted · 6 months
I Will Bend Every Light in This City
Ever since Joel joined the Hermitcraft server, he's been plagued by issues with his communicator, particularly when trying to message Lizzie.
Frustrated, he vents to Gem, who suggests seeking help from Tango, albeit without much explanation.
Though initially skeptical, Joel decides it might be worth a shot. But the question remains: Why Tango?
Another Ranchers fanfic? It’s like I constantly write for them :o
I may actually try getting into Tumblr y’all-
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autocrafted · 8 months
Don't Get Buried Dumbass
A platonic or romantic Huskerdusk fic where the hotel crumbling caused more of an issue ^ Summary:
The hotel is crumbling. And Angel Dust finds himself with the possibility of losing another friend. . Like hell if he's going to let that fucking bartender go so easily.
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autocrafted · 9 months
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autocrafted · 10 months
A little treat from my upcoming fic 'Foolproof'
"... Three minutes." He muttered with shifting weights of his feet.
"What?" Jimmy blinked, still catching his breath, his wings slowly folding. The tension between them was palpable, a standoff on a rooftop stage. 
Tek shot him a scowl, the flames in his hair dancing with renewed intensity. "You have three minutes to explain whatever you wanted to talk about." 
Jimmy's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Wait, are you serious?" The absurdity of the situation struck him. 
"Only for another two minutes and forty-nine seconds," Tek replied, glancing at his wrist as if checking an invisible countdown.
Jimmy's mind raced. In full honesty, he hadn't expected to get this far. The urgency of the countdown pressed on him, leaving no room for idle chatter. He took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts.
"Look, Tek," he began, his voice steady, "We both know that catching you the first time was a fluke. But now, thanks to that, I've gained a reputation." Jimmy continued, shooting a pointed look at Tek.
Tek raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "A reputation for what, being a waste of my time?"
Jimmy shook his head. "No, for being a prodigy. People think I'm some kind of chosen savior now, and it's not something I signed up for."
Tek chuckled, the flames flickering in amusement. "So, what? You're already tired of playing hero?"
"Yeah," Jimmy admitted, "I don’t want this. But I can't just quit either. That's where you come in."
A smirk played on Tek’s lips as he announced, "Two minutes and twenty seconds,"
Jimmy straightened up, taking a moment to choose his words carefully. "I suggest we make a deal." He offered, waving his hand as if it helps get his point across, "You let me 'foil' your plans now and then and make it look like I'm winning. No one needs to know you're playing along and I get to keep up the charade."
Tek’s tail swished, tapping his foot impatiently. "And what's in it for me? Why should I help you maintain your little ‘hero’ facade?"
"You’ve been stealing machine parts, yeah?," Jimmy asked without hesitation. "The people I work for have a warehouse of stuff that they wouldn't even notice meant missing. You tell me what you need and I’ll get it for you."
Tek raised an eyebrow, considering the proposition. The flames atop his head danced as if mirroring his inner thoughts. The silence stretched, and for a moment, Jimmy wondered if he had overplayed his hand.
"One forty," Tek reminded, his tone dry.
Jimmy pressed on, his voice unwavering. "Think about it. You get what you want, and I get a bit of relief. It's a win-win. Plus, it keeps you one step ahead of the other 'heroes' who might be less accommodating."
Tek's smirk widened. "You think you're the first to offer a deal, Canary?"
Jimmy felt a twinge of frustration but pushed it down. "Maybe not, but you've never had an offer from someone who can hear a pin drop from a mile away. I know when someone's bluffing, and I can assure you, I'm not."
Tek's gaze softened for a moment, a flicker of contemplation in his eyes. "And what's stopping me from just flame-ificating you right now and going about my day?"
Jimmy chuckled nervously. "Well, for one, I just saved your life. Secondly, if you take me out, someone else will just step up in my place. I’m not the only hero in this city, Tek."
"One minute," Tek muttered, a playful glint in his eyes. He took a step closer, the heat from his flames dancing dangerously close to Jimmy's face.
Jimmy resisted the urge to step back, holding his ground. "You- You could do that, but you're smarter than that. You know it won't solve your problems. I can be an asset to you, or we can keep playing this game until one of us gets tired. But why waste the energy?"
Tek raised an eyebrow. "And why would I trust you? Heroes aren't known for keeping their word."
"You don't," Jimmy replied, meeting Tek's question unwaveringly. "That's the risk you take."
A low chuckle escaped Tek's lips, and the flames in his hair danced with amusement. "You've got guts, Canary. I'll give you that."
"Just consider it," Jimmy urged, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. The tension between them hung in the air, the countdown ticking away like a time bomb. 
"Thirty seconds," Tek finally muttered, his eyes locked onto Jimmy's.
Jimmy held his breath, the anticipation suffocating. The city's sounds seemed to fade into a distant hum as he waited for Tek's response. The flame-hybrid villain's smirk faded, replaced by a contemplative frown.
"Alright, Canary, you’ve got yourself a deal," Tek conceded, a reluctant acceptance in his voice. "But, I can change my mind anytime. And when I do, it won't be a negotiation."
Jimmy exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding, relief washing over him. "Deal," he said, extending a hand toward Tek. "You won't regret it, Tek."
Tek hesitated for a moment before clasping Jimmy's hand, the flames flickering but not burning. "We'll see about that. But mark my words, Canary, the moment you become more trouble than you're worth, our little deal goes up in smoke."
Tek's smirk returned, and he reached into the pocket of his vest. With a theatrical flourish, he produced a sleek burner phone, the screen already displaying a contact named "Tꓕ."
"Here," Tek said, handing the phone to Jimmy. "You'll hear from me when I need something."
Jimmy accepted the phone with a nod, a small grin forming on his face. "Got it," he replied, determination gleaming in his eyes. "This is going to work out great, don’t worry Tek."
Tek rolled his eyes, the flames in his hair dancing with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Save the hero speech for someone who cares, Canary. This is a business arrangement, not a friendship."
Jimmy chuckled, understanding the unspoken boundaries. "Wouldn't dream of it. I'll be waiting for your call."
With that, Tek turned on his heel, the flames trailing behind him like a fiery cloak. He disappeared into the city, leaving Jimmy alone on the rooftop. The weight of the deal settled on his shoulders.
Maybe he isn’t too bad at this hero stuff after all.
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autocrafted · 10 months
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It all feels a little too familiar, doesn't it?
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autocrafted · 10 months
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autocrafted · 11 months
Do you like Team Ranchers?
Do you like them to be hopelessly in love?
Do you like varying quality of writing?
31 One-Shots in the form of a totally not late Fictober!!
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autocrafted · 11 months
Tango and Torchy fled
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autocrafted · 11 months
EVERY Frame Matters
300 Artists, 300 Frames and a shared love for Good Omens and it's characters. We came together and created an animation of the kiss from S2. Here is the result:
To get a better look at EVERY frame and artist, feel free to check out the project website here!
EVERY Frame Matters is a project organized by @dotswithbrainrot and @tsutsuya
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autocrafted · 11 months
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better than drugs
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autocrafted · 1 year
Fictober 2023:
Day 3: "Okay, show me." - Jimmy is offered a glimpse in the life he could have had.
Fandom: Double Life Relationship: Team Rancher
Rating: G
Warnings: A little angsty
Word Count: 1K
Jimmy sat alone in his dimly lit home, the weight of his curse pressing down on him like a vice. The room was filled with the haunting echoes of what could have been, memories that danced in the corners of his mind like elusive phantoms. It had been months since he'd seen Tango, the one person who had truly understood him, the one who had loved him despite the curse that clung to his every step. To say he missed him was the understatement of the century.
He clutched an old journal in his trembling hands, the pages filled with snapshots of happier times. The times of them laughing together, Tango's arm draped around Jimmy's shoulders, their smiles genuine and full of promise. But now, the journal felt like a cruel reminder of a life that had slipped through his fingers like sand.
The room suddenly grew colder, and a whisper of wind rustled the pages of the book. Jimmy looked up, his heart pounding, and that's when he saw them – the Watchers. They were shadowy figures, their eyes like voids, their forms shifting and changing.
They had been a constant presence in his life, mysterious beings who seemed to have taken an interest in his mere existence.
One of the Watchers, a tall, slender figure with a voice like a distant thunderstorm, spoke to Jimmy, their words sending shivers down his spine. "You have strayed from the path we set for you, Jimmy. You were meant to embrace your curse, to accept your fate. Instead, you have clung to the past, to a love that was never meant to be."
Jimmy's voice wavered but he replied with venom, "I can't help it. You knew he was everything to me. And you still took him. What am I supposed to do with that?"
The Watchers exchanged glances, and then the one who had spoken extended a long, shadowy hand toward the journal. "Very well, Jimmy. If you truly wish to see what could have been, we will grant you that opportunity."
Jimmy's skepticism grew as he stared at the outstretched hand of the Watcher. His heart ached for a chance to relive those moments with Tango, to feel his warmth and love once more. But he couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the back of his mind.
"Why would you show me this?" Jimmy asked, his voice laced with suspicion. "What's in it for you?"
The Watchers shared an enigmatic glance, their forms shifting in response to Jimmy's question. The tall, slender figure, who seemed to be their spokesperson, leaned in closer, their dark eyes locking onto Jimmy's. "Because you want it," they whispered, their voice still carrying the distant rumble of a thunderstorm.
Jimmy's longing for Tango surged within him, overpowering his doubts. He hated how easy it was to convince him. "Okay," he conceded, handing over the old journal. "Show me."
The Watcher flipped through the pages. Suddenly, the room began to shift and blur, and Jimmy found himself transported to a different place, a different time. A different reality.
Jimmy stood in the sunlit kitchen, his heart pounding in his chest. It was cozy, it reminded him of the ranch. And Tango was there, looking just as he remembered, with a warm smile that made Jimmy's heart ache. He was busy flipping pancakes on the stove. The smell of breakfast filled the air, and for a moment, it was as if time had rewound, and he was back in the life he had lost.
"Babe? You're home early," Tango said, his voice filled with affection as he stood looking ethereal, despite wearing an apron and holding a spatula.
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Jimmy rushed forward, closing the distance between them in a few quick steps. He reached out to embrace Tango, who turned with a surprised expression.
"Woah, everything okay?" Tango asked, his warm eyes filled with concern as he gently held Jimmy closer.
Jimmy's heart swelled with love and longing as he held Tango, his head buried in the crook of Tango's neck. He wanted to savor this moment, to feel Tango's heartbeat against his chest, to breathe in the scent of his skin. Tango stayed quiet as he drew comforting shapes into Jimmy’s back, just like he used to.
After a long, quiet moment, Jimmy finally pulled back slightly, keeping his arms around Tango. He looked into the blaze’s eyes, so real and vivid that he could hardly believe it. His voice was filled with emotion as he spoke, his words soft and trembling. "I miss you," he whispered. "I wish they had let me choose you."
Tango's brow furrowed in confusion. "What?" he said, his voice soft and puzzled. "Choose me for what? You're not making any sense, birdy."
Jimmy held Tango even closer, his grip on him almost desperate. "I just want to be with you, Tango," he said, his voice breaking. "But I know this isn't real."
Tango's eyes widened in concern as he looked around the kitchen, trying to understand what Jimmy meant. "Jimmy, what's going on? Why are you saying this?"
Jimmy couldn't bring himself to answer, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He held Tango tighter, his heart aching with the knowledge that he would have to let go of this beautiful illusion.
Reluctantly, Jimmy released Tango from his embrace and turned away from the illusion, his heart heavy with longing and regret.
Tango reached out, grabbing Jimmy's wrist, his eyes desperate. "You could have this. We can be together, Jimmy." The illusion was crumbling.
Jimmy carefully removed Tango's hand, his heart shattering. "I love you."
But as soon as the words left his lips, the room began to dissolve once more, the illusion shattering like glass, and Jimmy found himself back in his dimly lit home, the journal still in his trembling hands.
The Watchers had shown their power, but they had also reminded him of their true nature – manipulative and deceitful. Jimmy was determined to find a way to break free from their curse and reunite with Tango on his own terms, without sacrificing his principles. He had to.
“I’ll find you,” He whispered to himself, clutching the journal.
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autocrafted · 1 year
Fictober 2023:
Day 2: "Don't worry, I got you." - Tango firefighter AU, based on the Tiktok about rugged men.
Fandom: Double Life Relationship: Team Rancher
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 988
Jimmy never really understood the allure of rugged men. You know; police officers, operators, fire fighters, those types. I mean, he could grasp the appeal on a surface level—their strength, fitness, and unwavering courage. But he had never truly comprehended it because, well, he’s straight.
Or he was until his workplace offered the chance to volunteer with the local fire department for their final training exercise.
Mostly, Jimmy had agreed to escape a day at the office; who could resist an easy payday? So, there he stood, amidst a group of volunteers and a few colleagues jesting about their noble service to the betterment of society.
They handed him what they called a casualty card along with some "blood"-stained clothing. Jimmy wrinkled his nose at the thought of wearing them, but it beat a day at work, so he reluctantly put them on. Despite his tall stature, the clothes hung a bit loose on him, but he figured it didn't matter; this wouldn't last long anyway.
Plus it fit the description of his card. It looked pretty outdated, but the gist was it said he was missing his leg below his knee and he had a gaping chest wound, earning him some good-natured ribbing from his friends, each with their own make-believe injuries.
They were assigned to different areas within the practice building, and Jimmy's task was simple: "Lie down and act hurt." His pride held him back from going all out, but he did an admirable job of portraying an injured victim, nestled far from the building's entrance. It would be a while before they reached him.
As the practice building's lights dimmed and fog machines filled the air with an eerie atmosphere, Jimmy couldn't help but admire the commitment to realism. He waited patiently with his simulated chest wound and missing leg, half-expecting someone to come to his aid, help him to his feet, and attempt to carry him out.
However, reality took a different turn.
He watched as a group of twelve rugged men ran into the hallway he was in. One of them locked eyes with him and slid up to Jimmy quite quickly. Jimmy’s breath hitched as the fiery blonde closed the gap, mere inches away. His heart thumped loudly in his chest. If he had time to process it, Jimmy might have attributed it to the shock, but before he could react, the firefighter grabbed his card and read it.
Jimmy watched stunned as the man's expression shifted. The man looked at it, looked at Jimmy with ruby-red eyes and reassured, “I’m going to get you out of here,” his voice steady. 
Stammering weakly, Jimmy managed to croak out a grateful, "Thank you." His cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he remembered he was still supposed to be acting injured, and he awkwardly adjusted his posture, feeling even more self-conscious about himself and the clothes he was wearing
The firefighter seemed unfazed by the bloodied clothes and Jimmy's amateur attempt at acting injured. With surprising strength for someone shorter than him, he effortlessly scooped Jimmy into his arms, cradling him close. It was then that Jimmy realized just how close they were, his body pressed against the man's muscular chest. 
"Don't worry, I got you," he whispered softly, his breath warm against Jimmy's ear. The words sent a shiver down Jimmy's spine, and he clung to the firefighter’s strong shoulders, completely overwhelmed by the experience. 
Unable to resist, Jimmy stole glances at his savior. The firefighter's well-defined muscles flexed beneath his turnout gear, and the dim emergency lighting cast alluring shadows on his chiseled features. Jimmy had never been in such close proximity to someone so… captivating.
As he carried Jimmy through the dark, smoke-filled hallway, the rest of the volunteer firefighters continued their training exercise. The simulated chaos around them seemed like a distant blur to Jimmy. All he could focus on was the reassuring feeling of the guys arms around him and the way his heart raced every time their eyes met.
"Hey, I'm Jimmy," he managed to say, attempting to sound casual, despite the rapid drumming of his heart. 
The firefighter flashed a brief, reassuring smile as they moved through the maze-like building. "I'm Tango," he replied, his voice surprisingly gentle given the circumstances. 
Jimmy couldn't contain his fascination. "So, Tango, do you rescue damsels in distress often?" 
Tango chuckled softly, the sound sending delightful shivers down Jimmy's spine. "Only the ones with gaping chest wounds and missing legs," he replied with a playful wink. 
Jimmy felt himself flush, the heat creeping up his neck. This was a side of himself he had never discovered before, and he was thoroughly enjoying it.
When they finally emerged from the practice building, into the clear, crisp air, Jimmy felt a wave of disappointment. I mean sure he helped and played his part, but this only meant he would soon have to let go of Tango. 
Tango gently lowered Jimmy to the ground and smiled down at him, his ruby-red eyes sparkling. "You did great in there," he praised warmly. 
Jimmy, still breathless and flustered, managed a shaky smile. "Thanks to you," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Tango's hand brushed against Jimmy's cheek, and Jimmy couldn't resist leaning into the touch. "I'm glad I could be your hero for the night," Tango said, his voice filled with a hint of playful charm as he turned around and went back into the building.
Jimmy sat there in stunned silence, watching Tango's form disappear into the darkness. His coworker wrapped an arm around him, chattering about their experiences. But Jimmy's eyes remained fixed on the entrance, his heart smitten.
"I was 100 percent straight when I walked in here..." he mused aloud, his voice filled with wonder.
His coworker gave him a confused chuckle as Jimmy turned to them, eyes filled with newfound fascination. "I... I DON'T THINK I CAME OUT STRAIGHT."
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autocrafted · 1 year
Fictober 2023:
Day 1: "It's not too late, let's go." - College AU, studying for finals turns into a race against the clock for food
Fandom: Double Life Relationship: Team Rancher
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 838 ----------------
Tango and Jimmy had been lost in their studies for what felt like an eternity. Their cozy apartment had transformed into a fortress of textbooks, scattered notes, and the too occasional snack wrapper. The rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall was accompanied by the occasional sigh of frustration, as they battled to conquer the looming specter of their final exams.
Amid the sea of books and laptop screens, Jimmy's gaze shifted from his own work to Tango, who was hunched over his desk, brows furrowed in deep concentration. Even in the midst of their academic stress and the occasional error in his code, Tango looked undeniably adorable. His tousled hair and those endearing furrows on his forehead never failed to make Jimmy's heart flutter.
But the rumbling in their stomachs could no longer be ignored.
"Tango," Jimmy sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair, "I think I'm hitting the wall here. My brain can't process anything more."
Tango nodded, rubbing his face in exhaustion, the frustration evident in his voice. "Yeah... my code keeps error-ificating," he exclaimed with a mix of exasperation and a hint of amusement, a playful sparkle in his eyes.
Jimmy couldn't help but chuckle, despite the fatigue weighing on them both. "It seems we've reached our limits. I think it's time for a break." He reached over and gently closed Tango’s laptop, earning a grateful glance from his study partner.
Their eyes met, and they shared a silent but mutual understanding. It was as if their stomachs had declared a truce in the ongoing battle of academia.
Yet, as they checked the time, their eyes widened in simultaneous realization. The clock on the wall revealed a cruel truth – it was well past midnight, and their beloved late-night restaurant, the one that served their ultimate comfort food, was teetering on the edge of closing for the night.
Tango sighed in defeat, leaning back into his chair. "Well, I guess we'll have to settle for making ramen or something-"
But before he could finish his sentence, Jimmy flung a jacket at his face. "It's not too late; let's go," he declared with a determined glint in his eye. Tango's heart skipped a beat as a smile spread across his face, and he hurriedly donned his coat.
With their newfound energy, they leaped from their chairs, threw on their coats, and dashed out the door. Hand in hand, they sprinted through the dimly lit campus, their laughter and the sound of their footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. The campus, usually teeming with students, was deserted, the silence broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant hum of a car. But for Tango and Jimmy, the world had narrowed down to a singular purpose – reaching the restaurant before it closed.
Taking the lead, Tango guided Jimmy through the dimly lit campus pathways, his grip firm and reassuring, leading him through the shortcuts they had discovered ages ago. The campus seemed to come alive around them, with the trees rustling in excitement and the stars twinkling overhead in approval.
As they dashed past the iconic university library, their breaths visible in the chilly air, they could see the faint glow of its neon sign in the distance, a beacon of hope in the night.
Their pace quickened, and their hearts pounded in unison. Finally, they arrived at the restaurant's entrance, panting, breathless, and thoroughly disheveled, but filled with a sense of triumph.
The server, a kind and understanding woman, greeted them with a warm smile. "Aren't you two cutting it close tonight?" she teased.
Tango and Jimmy exchanged a desperate yet hopeful look, their breaths still coming in ragged gasps. "Not too late for your favorite couple, right?" Tango reasoned.
The waitress couldn't help but chuckle at their undeniable enthusiasm. With a nod, she signaled the kitchen to prepare their usual order. "More like the couple who keeps us in business," she snickered before locking the door behind them. "You boys want to sit?"
Jimmy smiled as he settled into a chair in the front waiting area. "Not tonight; we have a long night ahead," he explained as Tango joined him, snuggling into his side. The waitress left them be to begin her cleaning duties.
As they waited for their food to arrive, Tango reached for Jimmy's hand, their fingers interlocking in silent celebration. The thrill of making it just in time filled their hearts to the brim.
"I told you we'd make it," Jimmy whispered, his eyes gleaming with relief and affection.
Tango squeezed Jimmy's hand, momentarily forgetting his exhaustion. "Yes, you did. Do you want a prize?" he teased.
"Maybe," Jimmy replied, a fond smirk on his face.
Tango rolled his eyes and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Jimmy's lips. "How about now? Is that a good prize?"
Jimmy pretended to contemplate for a moment, earning a gentle nudge from Tango. He giggled, then placed a tender kiss on the top of Tango's head. "Perfect."
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autocrafted · 1 year
I am so lost- Absolutely no clue how to use Tumblr-
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