petrichor-and-ink ¡ 5 months
What is Past is Prologue (Part 3)
Fandom: Detective Conan Rating: T for canon-typical violence Continuity: Post series
Part 1: The Detective Part 2: The Phantom Thief Part 3: The Agent
Jodie Starling spent more than half her life living in the past. She had allowed her past to define her identity and set the course for her future.
But no more.
She was defined by what had happened when she was a child. A fat lot of good it did her.
Despite dedicating her life to bringing the woman who all but destroyed her innocence to justice, she was thwarted, time and again, first by the organization shrouded in the darkness, and later by the institution she had sworn to serve and protect.
That was why when she was offered the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to walk away from her past, away from the bureau that betrayed her, away from everything, she took it with both hands and promised herself that never again would she allow herself to be this helpless, this powerless.
Therefore, when her past came calling, in the form of the man she once loved, she did not immediately respond. She had to make sure that she would not be meeting him out of some misguided hope that she would be able to fix the past. In the end, she said yes to meeting him because, like a cat, she could not help but know what had happened after she left.
“You’re a hard woman to find.” Shuichi Akai told her as he slid gracefully to the booth where Jodie Starling was sipping her coffee.
“I have to be,” she replied. She set down her teacup carefully to hide her hand’s subtle but unmistakable shaking. “A long list of people want my head on a platter.”
She absently noted that he was no longer wearing his disguise. He had ditched the blonde hair and the glasses that made him look harmless. He went back to growing out his dark hair. His look reminded him so much of the young man she met and loved so long ago.
Her heart ached.
Akai’s lips thinned as if her statement gave him displeasure, but he did not say anything until the server who approached their table to take their order had left.
“Don’t you think we’re too old to live like this?” He asked her honestly.
“By we, you mean me, don’t you?” She asked. As the head of a no-name, internationally funded, but globally disavowed organization, she knew that after helping bring down the Black Organization, Shuichi semi-retired from the FBI and concentrated on piecing back his family.
Unlike her.
Jodie shrugged when he didn’t reply to her question. “I actually spend more time behind the desk now,” she told him honestly. She was surprised how much paperwork being the head of a no-name organization generated. She took a deep breath; forced herself to relax and smile. “Hello, Shu. How are you?”
Taking his cue from her, he also relaxed. “I’m good.”
“Me, too. Let’s get straight to the point. After five years, why contact me now?”
“Direct, as always. I have information that your agency has in its custody an asset believed to be dead.”
Jodie struggled to keep the shock out of her face. It would have worked on any other person, but it was Shuichi watching her. He knew all of her tells.
One of the advantages of being the head of a no-name organization was that she could run it as she saw fit. And she saw fit that knowledge of her newly acquired asset would be known only to few people inside her organization: three people, to be exact: herself, one reluctant consultant, and the asset herself. 
The consultant would literally die before he revealed information about the asset while the asset would not talk, also literally. Since the leak did not come from her, that could only mean—
“That bitch.” She muttered. Jodie winced. She did not like calling other women  names. However, the shoe fits the woman now going by the name of Alicia Vineyard, the daughter of the late Chris Vineyard. To Jodie, that woman would always be Vermouth.
“That is why the PSB, the CIA, and the FBI all agreed to keep her alive and on the streets.” He told her gently. “She’s a veritable fount of information.”
“That woman needed to die. At the very least, she needed to pay for her sins. Putting her on the streets would only endanger more people.” Jodie told him vehemently.
“I agreed with your assessment five years ago,” he reminded her. “But we were outranked and outvoted by our superiors. “And you can’t place the blame entirely on her. Word on the street is that a certain Phantom Thief also had a run-in with your asset.”
A run-in which was not disclosed to her.
“How accurate is our asset’s information?” Shu asked, careful not to utter any names as one never knew who was listening. “Is your asset really the girl from Beika? All that the Kaitou Kid would say is that it’s her, but it’s not her.”
“I’m not at liberty to—”
“Don’t give me that, Jodie. Some people back in Japan deserve to know what happened.”
“Don’t you think I know that?” Jodie looked away, figuring out how much she could tell him without her telling him anything. She knew that she would not get away with misleading him for information. Knowing him, he had already done his due diligence and confirmed what he could before confronting her with the information he already had.
“So, it is her?”
“If it’s not her, she’s an excellent imitation of the original.” She shrugged. “I tried to bring her home, but she had so many decisions taken away from her already. Now, I don’t think anyone could force her to do things she doesn’t want to do.”
“How is she?”
“She doesn’t speak much of what had happened to her.” She replied truthfully. “In fact, she doesn’t speak to me at all. She only talks to the doctor.”
“The doctor?”
Jodie nodded. “She found him and decided to trust him. She talks to him. He talks to us. She doesn’t trust me or anyone else. And he only talks to us only when it’s convenient for them. They help us, but they’re not with us.”
“Who are they with?”
“Who knows?” Jodie shrugged. “The Black Organization was weakened when its head died. A war broke out between many organizations, syndicates, and cartels to try to take its place. Rumor has it that the struggle unceremoniously and decisively ended two years ago. The victorious entity in the power struggle was more intelligent, secretive, and infinitely more dangerous than its predecessor. Law enforcement had tried and failed to identify, much less infiltrate, it.”
“You think your asset is with the new shadow organization?”
“Just a hunch.” She admitted. “Because there couldn’t be more than one organization so secret that not even my agency, with its infinite budget and network, could not know.”
“Is she in danger?”
Jodie paused. Considered. “I would have said no before. I believed that she had eliminated the threats to her life when she put out feelers to us.”
She saw the shock on his face at the revelation.
“We still don’t know what happened to her. The only clues we could follow are the trail of bodies left behind.”
Shu hunched closer to her. “Are we sure it’s her?”
Jodie smiled bitterly. “As I’ve said, we have no idea what was done with her. But you and I both know that when the Black Organization puts its hands on you, it changes you.”
Shu let out a breath. He did know how much the Organization could change a person. He let that poison touch his life. And for what?
 “The Kaitou Kid is right,” Jodie continued. “She’s the same person, but she’s no longer the same person they took from her home all those years ago.”
“Is she in danger?” He asked again.
“Before today, I would answer no. But knowing that the Bitch knows about her means that the remnants of the Black Organization know about her.”
“The remnants?”
“The Black Organization may have been cut at its knees, but it still has many loyal supporters, trying to find a replacement for its former leader, hoping to bring it back to its former glory. She’s doing what the FBI, the CIA, and the PSB should have done five years ago,” she told him. “Burn the organization to the ground. Have you heard of the Malta massacre?”
Shu leaned back and tried to recall a short news article he had read a couple of months ago.
“An office building in Malta burned down a while back. The firemen found about a dozen unidentified people in the building.”
“It was not just an office building,” Jodie told him succinctly. “And the people there are not office workers. It was a hideout for the Black Organization. About half of the dozen people who died were high-ranking officers. They did not die by fire as the news reported.”
“She did that?” He was unable to reconcile the sweet, innocent teenager he knew all those years ago with the portrait of a person Jodie was painting. “Alone?”
“She did that,” Jodie confirmed. “But we don’t know if she did it alone. And we didn’t know that the building was a front for the organization until after we received a tip not to allow the local law enforcement to force open the vaults inside.”
“And what did you find?”
“Information.” She replied. “Enough to justify the budget of my agency to my superiors ten times over. And Malta’s just the beginning.”
“Do you need help to protect her?” “Protect her?” She scoffed. “God help the idiot who tries to hurt her.” #tbc
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 8 months
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Bad Kids
After the disappearance of her childhood best friend, Ran's life snowballs out of control. She's charged with assault, forced to transfer schools, and put on probation while trying to finish out her last year of school. Disaffected with the structures that have failed her, Ran takes matters into her own hands while she searches for answers to what happened to Shinichi. A Persona 5 AU. - Had the absolute pleasure to work on this piece for @professionally-sarcastic !!! A really awesome sounding fic of Detective Conan in a Persona5 AU!
It was really fun and cool to work on a complex piece for the first time in a while!
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 1 year
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someone get her therapy Please
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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Dream Catcher 🍃🌿 I finally finished the newest archon quest and I loved Sumeru’s story! I hope that Hoyo can keep up with that level of quality for their stories. Did you already finish Sumeru? Or do you take your time? Also, I’m skipping Nahida this time, I know she is an archon and amazing, but I’m saving for Alhaitham and Dehya 😤
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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Greater Lord Rukkhadevata - Lost Legacies in the Sand 
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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the puppet dreams
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
ShinRan Masterlist
A/N: These fanfics do not belong to me, all works belong to their rightful authors. I simply gathered these since 2019. Enjoy! Inspired by this 
The Same Old You by Jaroslav Lewis - exes but meets again (Highly recommended!)
Interview Mania by PurpleLlamanator - AU, perfect fluff (Wish I could read it again
Like Father Like Daughter by PurpleLlamanator - Drunk Ran but is she really drunk? (Contains smut)
Something Wrong by PurpleLlamanator - dont overthink detective! (LOVED it)
Rondo Towards Love: Shinichi vs Ran by luna nuova - enemies to lovers but discontinued/inactive (Explicit, read at your own risk!)
The New Teacher by HopeGrace1290 - Shinichi is Ran’s teacher (was a rollercoaster)
Word Play by AngelicSentinel - Shinichi has a……Holmes kink? (Smut)
The Teapot by LuckyLadybug - thats one way to propose!
12 Games: Shinichi and Ran by Gisachi - fluff, semi-smut, Shinichi and Ran decides to play games
Red and White by hislips - valentines (FLUFF)
Seven Days for Shinichi and Ran by Serinox - 7 days, 7 oneshots
53 Stories of SHINRAN, HEIZUHA KAOKO by Orchid| 01|
The Gift of Love by EsTeLweNadia -  sometimes, the greatest gifts of love come in small packages (extreme angst with fluff)
Feel What You Know by impossibleorimprobable - follow your guts when it comes to love (extreme angst)
On The Nature of Daylight by MintChocolateLeaves - you can never escape the ‘what ifs’ (angst but fluff)
Pretend and Practice by hislips - fake it till you make it (fluff)
Sprouting Jealousy by Zero-onE001 - Shinichi doesn’t know why (jealous fics are so cute!)
Midnight Disturbance by hislips - Drunk Shinichi (smut and fluff)
Cold Shoulder by Bleeding Jazz Gums - Shinichi gets the cold shoulder
The Angel by MoonlitSky321 -  to his role model, she was always the woman
A Study In Shinichi by Shimegami-chan - Ran studies her favorite detective 
Lost in Time by Shelling4869Ford - Was she waiting for him too? (angsty fluff)
231 SHINRAN STORIES by wanasya98 
180 SHINRAN STORIES by louisJr
BONUS: Heiji and Kazuha + dcmk 
The Darkness Inside by Akrim - Aoko and Ran solving a case together (Reread it 10 times)
Can’t Predict the Weather by PurpleLlmanator - another masterpiece 
Chemistry by Strawberry'd -  They say alcohol breaks down barriers… 
From Aho to Z by GothicAngel09 - Alphabet Angst/Fluff
Consequences by JustTeahPlease  - usual bickering yet its comforting 
Alternate Dimensions by Twins of the Earth - dcmk gets into another universe 
Sugarhigh by JustTeahPlease - conan is acting childish….perhaps a thief and an osakan detective may be the cause
Kudo Will Die by Ichthyophobia- what happens when Kogoro finds out about the Conan fiasco? 
The Hattori-Kudo Files by MeridianGrimm - you can always get crazy with your best friend
63 DCMK STORIES by kaitothegreat
59 DCMK STORIES by Sara99z
22 DCMK STORIES by Ichthyophobia
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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Posting my most iconic drawings so people can recognize my old ass profile or artstyle to revive this account 🙏 Which is your favorite archon? Mine’s is Venti ✨
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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the archons watch over
edit: hey ho these pieces have been touched up and are now available as prints on my shop!
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
Silly Question
Topic : Reiki
So, I still haven't finished Inuyasha manga yet. But in the middle of reading, a question popped out from my mind.
Can reiki form another thing other than barrier?
I mean, you can create a barrier out of thin air. So, can you create a thing like weapon, by concentrating in one point in the air?
This technique may be difficult. But some character able to create a barrier with no exact starting point. Just appeared around them.
So, started from a point might be easier. Maybe, you just need to make it more dense in reiki for a stronger material. Or, maybe you could imagine a structure and create something with the said structure?
For how long it will exist, maybe you can create some sort of anchor. If I'm not wrong, there was some barrier user anchoring their barrier in object?
I really want to see a reiki user create a weapon😃
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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fischl protection team
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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What If?
Instead of a bow, Kagome uses a spear?
In this drawing, I gave her a more closed clothing. I think this will blend in with the time she went. I’m surprised she didn’t get cold for wearing that uniform every time she went to Sengoku period.
This is just an excuse to avoid drawing proper thighs. I can’t draw it lol :D
Drawing in the middle in the class means you can’t find much reference. Because your teacher will suddenly asking you when you looks disturbed :(
Rushed coloring
Lets dump an au and go away without explanation
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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The Kreideprinz
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
AU where Shin and Ran both grew up in Black Org families
Ooooh~ this is a juicy one! (Btw sorry for taking so long answering, anon-san <3) I’m gonna assume that they are also part of the BO and are not kept unaware of the situation because I imagine that’s the objective of this ask, yeah?
And also, this is a dark one. They are HEAVILY ooc here because I took the “actually evil” route with this one. There are other more angsty possibilities where they don’t actually want to be there so they try to escape, but I was feeling the evil vibes today so... hehe 😈
Yusaku and Yukiko are both high ranks in the organization. Yusaku is a genius strategist and knows how people work. He usually isn’t the one doing the killing, and more like, plans stuff. Nevertheless, people do end up dying for time to time because you can’t just plan everything, my dude. Yukiko on the other hand, I think would be somewhat similar to Vermouth with the whole disguises thing. She’s more of a secret agent, looking and listening for intel and for juicy things that would be useful later, which I think would entail that, ideally, she wouldn’t have to kill much either if she does her job right. They fell in love, got married, had Shinichi. They love him, very much, but their lifestyle is something that they just can’t get rid of. He showed signs of being a genius and a potential powerful weapon since he was young for the organization, so he was trained as such. 
Eri isn’t part of the organization as such, and more like- a lawyer that very much is working for them, so anything they need legal advice or help, she’ll be there. Kogoro on the other hand, is an agent of the BO. He’s famous for having incredible aim and he has done some of the dirty work. Again, they fell in love very young and had Ran, who was actually trained really hard in hand-to-hand combat and fighting. She’s strong and can think on her feet. She would also have some guidance from Vermouth and be somewhat decent at the disguise thing too. 
Shinichi and Ran meet fairly young. Shinichi crushes on her first, like in canon. As they grow up they become... colleagues. They don’t want to call each other friends because given the world they live in... it would hurt if something were to happen to the other. 
When they are of canon age they become official members of the organization and get their official nickname in reference to alcohol. (I can’t for the life of me think of decent ones now lmao send me your ideas for alcoholic beverages with a cool name or something ^^’).
They are GOOD at their job. I always remember just how lucky the world is that canon Shinichi is a good guy, because otherwise... that shit’s scary to consider. And they are also very much appreciated members. The boss and high ranks have complete faith that they will do their job no problems.
Shinichi and Ran end up working together more than once in certain operations. It’s always a success with them there. Shinichi is good at predicting different possible outcomes so he’s always prepared for anything. And even if he’s not, he’s good at improvising and will not hesitate to do whatever he has to. He’s definitely good with firearms. 
Ran is better in confrontations and would probably take it upon herself to make sure their strategist (Shinichi) stays alive in case the situation turns dangerous. She’s good with weapons yeah, but no one is going to win against her in a fist fight. It’s scary. They have good banter and lowkey flirt non-stop. The rest of the team don’t wanna hear it.
The tension between them keeps growing more and more as they keep working on missions together and eventually Shinichi does slip up during an operation, during which he is hurt, badly. Ran is LIVID. How could he do this to her now of all times, when she just realized how much he matters to her? Seriously dude? 
Shinichi tells her right then. “Who knows when it will be the last one? We could die any moment so let’s make the most of it.” 
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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petrichor-and-ink ¡ 2 years
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the whump fan’s dilemma
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