petrifiedcrocteeth 5 months
A Hard Days Work
This is how i imagine yn.
this is simon
this is playing in the background
The first blood trail started in the living room and ended right infront of the hallway. It was the shorter of the two.
Your mother had been watching the news when you sneaked up behind her. Unfortunately for you, your slashes were shallow and hesitant. Your hesitation allowed her to let out a gargled scream as she fell forward onto the floor. Slowly she struggled to escape.
As if you would let her. But you did watch her for a second.
While she was down you advanced toward your mother, forcing her onto her back, you continued your attack. Ten stabs later and the woman who birthed you was dead on the living room floor. The look on her face was one of sheer hate and surprise.
The second blood trail was much much much longer.
Your father was coming out of his office. As usual he was in there all day. Not a word to either you or your mother. He barely ever made time for either of you. Simon ambushed him from behind as well, he was a harder kill than your mother after all. Unlike your blows his were all precise, confident.
Simon showed him no mercy. Forty-six stabs and your father was dead.
Now the real work could begin. Staging a murder was difficult, this had to be convincing. Windows broken inwards, valuables stolen, furniture turned over and smashed. And worst of all both children of the house missing.
This plan was six months in the making. And now that step one was over, you both can move onto step two.
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petrifiedcrocteeth 5 months
Take Over, Breaks Over
A golden girl can become a copper whore in no time. Warning: this contains mature themes such as violence and drug use. Minors get the fuck out. Seriously.
"She looks so.....alone."
Amanda Reeves used to be the most accomplished girl in all of Crest Peak High. From winning most likely to succeed by her peers, guaranteed valedictorian, prom queen, almost every accomplishment and recognition was hers.
And you hated her for it.
But watching her sit all alone during luch was absolutly exchilerating. She now exists as a piriah, to ashamed and afraid to face anyone. The vibrant young woman she once was snuffed out.
it wasnt that you were unsuccessful or mediocere, in fact senior year was your best so far. Your grades were the highest theyve ever been and you even made a new friend. Hell your dream college even accepted you, a full ride scholarship even. And yet you still hated Amanda.
you werent even sure why. you just did.
"What did you do to her. She looks aweful."
"Oh sweets, are you sure you want to know. I dont think your stomach can handle it."
Dj Calloway your new "friend". "Besides your happy with the results arnt you, you havent stopped smiling. And yet you havent thanked me. Come on now sweets, say thank you."
Getting in volved with him awoke something deep and dangerous withtin you. Whatever he did to Amanda completely destroyed her spirit. Her future was ruined, her eyes were absolutly hopeless.
How much more was he willing to do for who? Who else was he willing to ruin for you?
"Dj. Thank you."
His green eyes bore into your very soul- widening in pleasure as a cruel smirk spread acros his face.
"Aw sweets you spoil me. I guess i can get into all the nitty gritty details."
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petrifiedcrocteeth 5 months
So hello everyone this is my new blog! Im creating this blog mostly because i wanted a new place to write down all my drabbles and fics i want to write. i want this blog to be 100% dedicated to just that. i think my other blog just got too much i guess idk. i have so many ideas and im so excited for this new start.
Trigger Warning!!!! This blog will include mature themes such as: stalking, kidnapping, murder, mutilation (extreme violence in general), arson, non con/dubcon elements, sex, and general violence, drugging/drug use.
As such this blog is for those 18+. To ask or like please have your age in your bio. Minors plase GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME!!!
As a black woman all of my ocs are written for black people and will be tagged as such.
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