Tarot Tip
Stuck between two choices? Shuffle your deck, find the Two of Pentacles, and the card on either side will reveal the most likely outcome for each option.
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Flower Leg Tattoo
Artist: G A B B Y C O L L E D G E
Submit your tattoo to 900,000 followers here: TATTOOS.ORG
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Celestial Witch
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“Wandering eyes will forget their intentions” sigil for @moonwaterwitchy
Sigil requests are currently closed
-Mod Pyre
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The Village by Wrabel
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Sigils for Depression, Self Harm, and Suicide
Updated: August 26, 2017
Please remember, witchcraft is not a replacement for proper medical care. While magic can help you feel better or assist with certain matters, it cannot remove a mental illness permanently. If you are concerned about depression, self harm, or suicidal intention, please seek a professional for medical advice; please let someone know what you are going through so they can help you. If you have any medication or appointments for further assistance, please do not neglect them, for your own health and safety.
Know also, that you are not alone. There are many people out there who love and care for you, and who will support you through your darkest hours. You are a strong and awesome person, and though the world can be harsh, there is light and hope and beauty in it still - including in you. It is hard, but it won’t always be; it will get easier, just hold in there. You are strong and can pull through this. I have faith in you.
[Anti Self-Harm Sigil]
[“Banish thoughts of self harm”]
[“Banishing depression”]
[“Depression, be gone”]
[“Depression does not take hold of me”]
[“Depression doesn’t stop me from moving on”]
[“Depression is powerless against me” ; “I am content and joyful”]
[“Depression will not control me”]
[“I am free of any desires or urges to take my own life”]
[“I am free of depression”]
[“I am free of thoughts of suicide and self harm”]
[“I am free of the urges to self harm”]
[“I am free from the urge to self-harm”]
[“I am stronger than my depression”]
[“I am stronger than my depression”]
[“I am surviving” ; “I am stronger than my pain”]
[“I am winning the battle with my depression”]
[“I banish suicidal thoughts”]
[“I can get through this” ; “Suicide will no longer play on my mind” ; “I have other coping skills than self harm”]
[“I do not self-harm”]
[“I live life today, and every day, to the fullest”]
[“I make it through today, and every day that follows, without fail”]
[“I start the day as a clean slate” ; “Tonight I will be peaceful”]
[“I survive”]
[“I will be light in the time of darkness”]
[“I will fight depression”]
[“I will make it through the day”]
[“I will not kill myself today”]
[“I will turn self harm into self love”]
[“Keep me from suicide”]
[“My anxiety and depression will go away”]
[“My depression cannot control me”]
[“My depression does not bother me today”]
[“My depression does not control me”]
[“My depression does not control my life” ; “I will beat mental illness”]
[“My suicidal ideation will fade away”]
[Sigils for Anxiety and Depression]
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Artist: Lucas Werneck on IG
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i put my tarot cards away yesterday and placed them in the far corner of my room............ and woke up this morning to the death card sitting at the end of my bed???
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The solar eclipse of August 30, 1905, observed by the space watchers of the British Astronomical Association.
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The upcoming Solar Eclipse can be seen as a good time to examine your emotions, and put your ego aside. 
How am I feeling? 
What is the source of my current emotions?
What actions should I take next?
(feel free to take photos of your spread and tag me in them!)
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by @henriettaharris on instagram http://ift.tt/1X9gF1S
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What is a tarot journal?
A tarot journal is a tool you can use to keep a record of all of your personal readings among other things such as; tarot study, tarot tips and tricks, your personal progress as a reader, and much more.
What are a few of the benefits of tarot journaling?
Card stalkers. You know, those cards that seem to follow you around for weeks, popping up in almost every reading you do for yourself. These cards are trying to tell you something important but can all too often go unnoticed. Tarot journaling helps to provide a record for yourself so you can look back and see when and where these cards pop up for you. You can go back and read your interpretations of the card in each individual reading and see if there are any patterns to your “stalker card’s” message.
Learning and growing as a reader. For some, the best way to learn is through repetition. Tarot journaling can help with this by allowing you to hand write the meaning of each card in your deck as they appear in your personal readings. Over time this will help the cards definitions to stick in your mind.
Taking an in depth look. Too often when we do tarot readings for ourselves, we take a quick glance at the cards, think we know what message is coming through, and then move onto the next thing. Tarot journaling requires the reader to slow down during a reading. Taking the time to write down our interpretations requires us to give more thought to what we are writing down. This will help you to catch any connections or messages that you might have missed by quickly glancing at the cards that came up.
Personal growth. Almost like a diary, you can look back and see how far you have come. Some of your older readings may make you want to cringe with embarrassment but one thing is for certain, you will have a clear map of your progress in both your tarot reading abilities and your personal life.
Trying out new tarot tricks. Did they work well? Did they not work well? Tarot journaling will help you to keep track of what does and does not work for you as a reader.
Measuring your accuracy as a reader. Tarot journaling will give you a record to look back on. After you have allowed some time to pass, take a look back at your tarot journal to see what parts of your reading came to pass and what parts turned out to be inaccurate.
Therapy. Tarot journaling allows you to form that conversation and connection with yourself just as you would with a client. Try not to take a cold approach to your tarot journaling and allow yourself to emotionally and spiritually connect to what you are writing down.
You can go back and add things as your reading starts to play out. Maybe something that came up in your reading doesn’t make sense in the moment but does later on. Tarot journaling allows you to go back and add any connections that may come up for you after the reading has already been done.  
What you need:
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A journal or notebook of any kind
Something to write with
Your deck or card app
A quiet work space
And you
What to include in your tarot journal:
Your question to the tarot
The deck you used to do the reading
The date you did the reading
The name of the spread used
A picture or drawing of the spread
The cards that came up and your interpretation of them.
Connect the cards to your real life situation. Don’t just go by book definition alone. Jotting down the book definition is okay but in addition, write down your connection to the cards that come up. How do the cards fit into YOUR unique story?
A review of your reading after some time has passed may help you to see where you misinterpreted and where you were spot on.
Your feelings and thoughts.
Imagery. What do you think, see, and feel when you look at the cards that came up in your reading?
Get creative. Stickers, post its, highlighters, art work, collages, ect…
If you are new to tarot and have not yet memorized the meanings of all 78 cards, try writing your intuitive version of the reading and then journal the reading again based off the book definitions. How do the two interpretations line up with each other?
Happy journaling sunshines. I hope you love tarot journaling as much as I do!!
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“Fork in the Road” Tarot Spread
A good spread to help you evaluate two decisions and their possible outcomes.
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The Key to Courage Spread
We all have times when we feel afraid. Sometimes our fear is unfounded, sometimes it’s justified; healing and wisdom come when we know the difference. That’s what this spread is for: To help identify healthy vs. unhealthy fears and offer possibilities for how to cope with them. 
1. What is the foundation of my fear? What exactly is causing my fear? Is it an external source, or an internal insecurity?
2. How can I begin to move away from my fear? How can I be less afraid in a way that’s healthy for me?
3. How can I take action in spite of my fear? What can I start doing right now to move forward, even though I’m still afraid?
4. Should I attempt to eliminate this fear? Is this a healthy or unhealthy fear? Should I focus my effort into eliminating this fear altogether, or shouldn’t I?
5. How is this fear hurting me? How is this fear making me a less happy, healthy, and productive person?
6. How is this fear helping me? How is this fear making me a stronger, safer, or more wise person?
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