peytonains · 5 years
Peyton often surprised him. That wasn’t new. But the revelation that she had not only confronted Alessandra but also slapped her was something he could have never prepared himself for. Sitting up a little in bed, he scrunched his eyebrows together and looked down at her. “You slapped her? You slapped Alessandra? Really?” He repeated, trying to wrap his head around the information. He didn’t know how to respond or react. Should he have been mad at Peyton for lashing out at his ex? Should he have commended her for standing up for herself? He didn’t know. But the one thing he was sure about was the fact that he’d be hearing about it tomorrow from Aly herself. “Did she fight back? What did you even say to her in the first place?”
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“Are you mad?” Peyton’s ginger eyebrows drew themselves together, unable to gage his reaction. She couldn’t tell if he was confused or just mad. That was the downside of not knowing too much about the person you were seeing. “She didn’t fight back because frankly I think I slapped her too hard to have a coherent train of thought.” Peyton looked up at Leo, taking her lower lip between her teeth. “Are you mad? You can’t be mad at me right now. You’re on thin ice.”
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peytonains · 5 years
For the first time that morning, Angel let a soft smile paint her lips- Peyton’s forms of apologies always did lack the actual words. You didn’t need them though, you could feel it, and she hoped Peyton could feel that Angel really was sorry to. Seeing the waitress, Angel just took a re-fill of coffee, she didn’t think she could stomach much. “Whoa! You slapped you?” Angel asked, she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. Angel had to work with Alessandra, so she would have never been that bold to do something like that- but of course Peyton did. She was super into Leo and honestly Angel couldn’t say the same. She wasn’t ready to risk it all for the smoulder. “Did he tell you how he feels about you?”
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“I may... or may not have slapped her.” Peyton admitted, a laugh surpassing her lips as she looked at Angel. It felt good though they were in the midst of an argument that they were still acting like best friends. Because their friendship was truly inseparable no guy could take them from them, not matter how skilled Leo was with his hands. “She seemed to underestimate how crazy I am so I showed her.” Peyton continued, her face rubbing against her palm with a chuckle. As the subject of Leo came back around she sighed, pursing her lips for a second. Angel seemed fine, but Peyton had come to know that everything was no as it seemed. “He did. He said he had feelings for me but I really don’t know what to believe.” The red head shrugged. “I just -- can’t be with someone who isn’t going to be all about me. I’m selfish, I’m fucking crazy. But I think that’s okay.”
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peytonains · 5 years
“I -mmm, I don’t really know- I haven’t mapped out what I want to say,” Angel shrugged. This felt very romcom, teenage film, except Peyton and her weren’t throwing down with each other- then realizing the boy wasn’t worth it. The thing is- Leo kind of felt worth it. Not worth fighting Peyton though, if she could throw down with some other bitch- she would do it in a heartbeat, the fact that it was Peyton it weighed heavy on her heart. When Peyton mentioned that Leo had spent the night, Angel kind of froze. She was taken aback- Leo hadn’t even been inside her house- she had personal reasons for it but it made he stomach flair off. She closed the menu- she didn’t think they were going to be eating. “You know- I would never do anything to hurt you. Not on purpose, I had no idea you guys had something…”
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“Neither did I.” Peyton blurted back. If you listened hard enough, it almost sounded like an apology. She wanted to call a truce but either way, whoever ended up without him would be hurting. There was nothing more that Peyton wanted to do was gossip with her friend about what had happened the night before but they simply were not in a place to. As the waitress came over, Peyton was pretty dismissive in her order, a strawberry milkshake and a stack of French Toast. The interaction with the waitress broke up some of the awkardness, at least temporarily. “Look, Ang, I don’t want a guy to come between us..” She began, swallowing hard between statements. “But, I can’t say I’m not crazy about him. I slapped Alessandra last night. I’m fucking crazy. Apparently especially when it comes to him.” Peyton shook her head with a sigh. She knew anything either of them said would hurt so there was no point of beating around the bush.
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peytonains · 5 years
Leo rubbed her arm and listened as Peyton spoke. This revelation and the emotion in her voice was surprising. It was the last thing that Leo expected her to say, but he took her vulnerability as a sign that perhaps they weren’t doomed and this wasn’t the end. He adjusted his position in bed and pulled the blankets closer around them. The sun was beginning to peek through her curtains, illuminating the once dark room but his eyes didn’t move from hers and the expression of regret on her face. “If I wanted a to be with a quiet girl, one that held her tongue instead of voiced her opinions, then I would be with one,” he said simply, shrugging his shoulders. “But I don’t. Yes, you’re a lot to deal with. But you’re not too much. You’re terrifying and I never want to be on the receiving end of one of your scary pointed fingers ever again, but if I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t have come.” He reached up and rubbed his eyes. Sleep was beginning to curl its grasp around him and in the comfort of his bed, with her cuddled up against his chest, he was trying his best to stay away. But her words woke him right back up again. “What happened with her?” He asked curiously, sitting up a little as he looked down at her. “You talked to her outside of the ball?” He repeated.
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As he began to praise her, Peyton couldn’t wipe the growing smile from her face. On paper, she was probably being stupid. This guy had just publicly humiliated her and admitted to dating her friend meanwhile dating her. But yet she was snuggled up in his arms with a big, forgiving smile on her face. She wouldn’t have done this for any other guy, she knew she was only acting this way because it was Leo. “Well, I can’t promise you’ll never be receiving an intense, terrifying Peyton Ainsworth finger point again but I can say, I’ll try my best.” She chuckled, laying a gentle kiss into his shoulder. It was so absent minded, being unable to help herself. She was head over heels for him. As he immediately reacted, Peyton released a sigh. Now it was time for her to do some confessing. “Yeah, after the ball. After I saw you two talking, I decided to have a conversation with her.” That wasn’t exactly what happened but Peyton decided to go with it. “I... kind of slapped her. Nope, you know what, I did. I definitely did slap her.” 
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peytonains · 5 years
Alessandra just stood in place, not moving when the girl started getting closer and closer to her. Suddenly she felt the palm of the red head wipe across her face, her head turned to the side as a large scoff came out of her. Grabbing her left cheek she looked back up at the girl and stepped back, “Are you fucking crazy!” she shouted at you. “Wow!” Alessandra said letting out a laugh and slightly pacing a bit, she had never been slapped in her whole life, and she knew now she was not a fan of that. “You’re not even his girlfriend!” she said still laughing. She wasn’t sure if she was laughing because her face was in so much pain, or because she could not believe this girl did that. Alessandra was not a fighter, hell she had never hit anything in her life, other than a rabbit in her car which she cried about for hours. “You can have him” she finally coughed out. Letting go of her face it still stung, “You are fucking crazy. I had him for five years, I think I’m allowed to have a ten minute conversation. But since you are that pathetic and already that obsessed with him you have a good time, okay” she scoffed turning around and taking a few steps. She stopped suddenly and turned and looked at the girl, “You know, whatever is wrong with you and whatever issues you have, I honestly hope they get resolved” shaking her head. 
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Feeling the brunette yell back, it only fueled Peyton more. She was running on pure adrenaline, feeling as high and as mighty as she possible could. “That’s right, bitch! I am fucking crazy.” The girl announced, he voice echoing through the parking lot. Anyone who knew he wouldn’t have been surprised by this narrative because Peyton was just that: fucking crazy. “Neither are you! Yet you’re talking for him like you own him.” Peyton watched as girl started to walk away and she only closed the distance between them, getting in her face once more. “I don’t need you permission to have him. Okay, corpse bride? I take what I want and you are certainly not going to get in the way of that.” She growled, letting the anger consumed her entirely. Bringing her face to the point where they were practically nose to nose, Peyton whispered. “The next time you want to have a ten minute conversation with him, remember how fucking crazy I am.”
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peytonains · 5 years
The question she never really thought about, did she want to see him? Did she want to talk to him? Leo and Angel went on a few dates, sure- but did that mean he owed her anything? Did that mean she owed him anything? And here is Peyton, who seemed a bit on the attack. She didn’t know what she was expecting from this conversation but she was surprised at that emotion from Peyton. “I think so,” Angel responded making eye contact with the girl. It was the honest answer, she wanted to talk to Leo, to get his side of things. “I have feelings for him, Peyton- and judging by how upset you are getting, you have big feelings for him.”
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The pace of her heart began to pick at as Angel spoke. The two had feelings for the same guy? This seemed to be something that only occurred in the most cliche of romantic comedies. Yet here Peyton was living it. “Well, are you going to tell him?” Peyton finally managed to blurt out. The last thing she wanted to do was drive a wedge in their friendship but that seemed inevitable at the moment. Peyton sighed, looking down and picking at her nails. The thought of Leo having feelings for Angel and still lying to her after last night was a thought she couldn’t stomach. “He, um, stayed over last night. We kind of had a big blow out--” She muttered, looking up at Angel. “I don’t really know where my feelings stand.”
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peytonains · 5 years
Even though Alessandra was saying all these things her heart was still dead inside. She knew it was true, Leo was done with her and had already moved on to another girl. She didn’t know wether to keep playing in her games or walk away. She didn’t care about Peyton at all, it wasn’t the fact Leo was with her specifically, it was the fact he was with another girl at all. After seeing how Peyton acts, not only to her, but to everyone else she didn’t care about her. Because she knew she was better than her. She might not have been as pretty as her or popular, but the one thing she did know is that she could never treat people the way she did. Alessandra knew what she did to Leo was wrong, but maybe that was just the thing, hearing her say ‘I’m the final destination’ for some reason stuck with her. “You know what Peyton” she started before clapping her hands together dramatically. “You win” she said in almost a whisper. “You got him, you got the guy I’m in love with” she said moving her hair behind her ear, “Is that what you wanted to hear? That you won, does that get you off?” she barked at her. “But, if you want to think what he said was a lie, then that’s on you. Leo and I are done, but what he said on that stage wasn’t just to save a life, it wasn’t a lie. But whatever helps you sleep better at night, think what you want” she shrugged.
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“That’s actually exactly what I wanted to hear.” Peyton bluntly said, practically cutting the girl off. As the girl continued on, and on, the rage within the redhead only bubbled up more. She didn’t want to hear what Alessandra had to say. Not about Leo, not about anything. Peyton had simply planned to prey upon Al while she was in a weak state, go on a power trip and get in her car and leave. But as the two girls stood arguing, it became apparent that Alessandra wasn’t going down without a fight either. If you want to think what he said was a lie, then that’s on you. Her head was spinning, her blood was boiling and as those words hit her ears she could hold herself back. The thought that nothing between her and Leo was real was something she couldn’t bare. Letting out a aggravated sigh, she got in Alessandra’s face. If this girl wanted to play hardball, it was time to step up to plate. Peyton grunted, letting her palm fly across the other girl’s cheek, their skin hitting and making a clean slap. Panting, the redhead stepped back. What had just happened quickly becoming a blur as she did so. “Stay away from him! If you know what’s good for you. Stay. Away.” She spoke slowly through her heavy breaths, shaking her head.
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peytonains · 5 years
Leo didn’t want to talk anymore. Talking only meant circling back to the ball, the confession and the consequences and he wasn’t sure his brain could take anymore. He was giving up, giving in, and leaving it all up to fate. The man held his breath as Peyton settled into bed next to him. And though he wanted nothing more than to turn over, and pull her close to him the same way he’d done for the last couple weeks, he wasn’t sure what this situation allowed for. But as if she could read his mind, Pey asked him to lay with him and Leo was more than happy to oblige. Moving under the blankets, Leo made himself comfortable and reached for Peyton, gently pulling her close until she could lay her head on his shoulder. Though it was nice to feel some sense of normalcy back in his life, he knew things weren’t what they used to be. There would be a lot of questions, suspicion and time spent earning back her trust, but he was willing to put in the effort so long as she let him.
“You don’t have to apologize,” Leo replied gravely, his eyes shut but mind wide away. He was tired. Exhausted actually. But his mind was running wild with thousands of unanswered questions. “I’m sorry for not telling you. I just,” he paused as a chuckle left his lips. “I didn’t know what to tell you. I don’t even know what fucking happened. One day I was just your mechanic that you never gave a second glance and then the next day we’re fucking in my car. It’s like there was no in-between. How was I supposed to tell you everything going on when I didn’t even know what was happening myself?” He was rambling and talking mostly to sort out his thoughts than to fill her in on what was in his head. But once the words let his lips, it was like a weight lifted off his chest. When Peyton paused, Leo finally opened his eyes and looked down at her. “What is it?” he asked curiously.
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Feeling Leo climb into bed next to her, all sadness she’d been feeling turned into relief. She knew they weren’t out of the woods quite yet but as she curled up into him, resting her head on his shoulder, she knew their relationship served a purpose. This relationship was beyond a rebound, beyond something either of them could have imagined. “I feel like I do have to apologize,” Pey whispered, snuggling into his chest. Laying in his arms felt like the safest place she could have been, in her head was the only alternative and in the current moment, that did not seem ideal. “I wish I could be the laid back girl who you’re proud of, who you don’t have to worry about saying something offensive in front of your friends, the one who is nice all the time,” A sigh passed her lips, the red lipstick beginning to crumble off of them. “Leo, if I could be that ideal girl... If I could be the girl you keep a ring in the back of your drawer for, I would--” She paused in shock that she’d even said that. Was Peyton admitting to be a bit insecure? Peyton stayed silent for a second, letting her arm wrap around her toned waist. She wondered if he could feel her heart beating fast against his body. When he asked what was on her mind, she couldn’t hold back. “I saw Alessandra. After you guys talked... didn’t go well.”
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peytonains · 5 years
“Of course I wouldn’t be okay with it. But look at where I am now. Instead of chasing after Alessandra and giving her the ring I bought months ago, I’m here. I’m here in the middle of the night, trying to fix whatever this is. So you can yell at me all you want, call me every name in the book, but at the end of the day, I am here with you and nobody else. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” He asked, scrambling to find the right words to say. He knew how bad the scene outside of the hall must have looked. Leo and Alessandra outside after his confession, their kiss, everything. To most, it surely seemed like the final conversation that brought the scored loved back together. But that wasn’t the case. Not with them. One detail that Leo held back was that it was Alessandra that kissed him. But given her state of anger, Peyton was so close to blowing steam out of her ears that this information probably didn’t matter to her.
The reason why Leo choose that secret was not because he thought he could talk his way out of the consequences, but rather because he knew everything he would be sacrificing was worth it. Yes, he could have told the town that he might overcharge his clients every now and then, or that he paid his employees under-the-table to avoid tax problems. But in a life or death situation, those lies were meaningless. They didn’t hold the weight that a life did. And now Leo was left, scrambling to pick up the pieces to the best of his ability. It was difficult, and proving to be damn near impossible, but he was trying.
As Peyton broke the silence and looked up at him, Leo felt his heart in his throat. Her deep brown eyes were filled with tears just waiting to spill over onto her cheeks, and her breathing was ragged from holding in her emotions. He did this to her. Not the ripper, not Angel, not Alessandra. Him. Leo let out a breath as she started to speak and turned his head away from her, unable to watch her break down in his arms. “I’m sorry,” he repeated for the millionth time. To him, she was still terrifying and beautiful. But it was becoming apparent that he was in no place to say this anymore. It was surprising enough that Peyton had given Leo the time of day in the first place. And if someone asked him a few months ago if he thought they’d ever reach this point in their relationship, he would’ve laughed in their face. But here they were. Arms wrapped around each other, tear filled eyes and hurt feelings. Things were changing between them and while they were on the path to what would have been a fun and exciting relationship together, they were clearly moving in opposite directions now.
When she pulled away from his arms started to speak once again, Leo kept his eyes on the floor. Her voice held less emotion and her words were sharp. It was clear the time for apologies was long gone, and now he had to face the consequences. But when she said he wasn’t allowed to leave, a small, dark chuckle left his lips. He definitely wasn’t sober, and should not have driven to her house in the first place given his level of intoxication earlier in the night. But Leo had a dangerous and irresponsible habit of thinking he could fight off anything, that he was immune to the effects of even the strongest alcohol. “Don’t worry. I’ll be gone long before you wake up and you’ll never have to talk to see me again,” he said, getting up from her side of the bed and moving to the one he’d made his own. He settled down on top of her blanket and ran his hands over his face out of both stress and to stop him from looking in her direction. He wasn’t sure what remarks she’d come up with if she caught him watching her change. He wasn’t going to risk it, no matter how much he wanted to.
Leo never planned on sleeping off the alcohol. Really, he was just going to wait for Peyton to fall asleep before he snuck out. If he had to walk home, he would. But he couldn’t lay in bed with her for hours given everything he’d done to her.
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This argument was getting to be a lot, even for Peyton. She was used to bickering with everyone in her life. Her destructive dialogue always being the main thing people despised about her. She knew that she’d been spewing genuinely hurtful words at Leo because truthfully up until this point, he hadn’t deserved it. The girl tucked herself beneath her comforter with a great hesitance, sighing loudly. “Cut the shit, Leonardo.” The girl rolled her eyes, tapping the bed beside her. Her voice was drawn out, her tone nearly mocking. Peyton didn’t know to feel at this point. But she craved the normality they once had together. The same normality that she was grateful for at the fair. She wanted things to be the way they had been. “Will you come lay with me?” Peyton pleaded, her voice stern yet quiet. 
She knew Leo was sorry. She didn’t have to question the possibility of him having an ulterior motive. Because, as he’d pointed out, he was here. He hadn’t gone home with Alessandra nor had he gone to see Angel in an attempt to patch this up. Peyton wasn’t the easiest to deal with and she knew that so having someone stay, for once, meant more than she could process in the moment. “I--... I’m sorry for making you feel like you couldn’t be honest with me. You know, that day in your truck. I’m sorry for never being -- the most warm hearted person.” She apologized, though an apology was by no means warranted nor did she ever apologize. “But, um--” She looked away as she curled beneath her blanket, uncomfortable by their conversation.
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peytonains · 5 years
“I know what I fucking did. I’m not saying I did none of those things. I just don’t get why you feel the need to get in the middle of us, and worry about our relationship. Shouldn’t you be worried about your relationship with him?” she asked putting her hands on her hips. “Even though we probably aren’t together and he might not want me anymore. He still has the ring he bought for me, he still loves me. So what are you? A rebound?” she asked with a scoff. Alessandra was usually a nice person, but if this was the game Peyton was going to play she was going to play right back. Raising her eyebrows she knew the others words were meant to hurt her, but somehow they didn’t impact her at all. Maybe because she thought so less of the other girl she didn’t care she was trying to say these things. “Wait… were you spying on us” she asked pointing to her car still not able to keep her laughs in, “Wow. Listen, we were together for five years, I’m not sure who would get right back into a relationship but maybe Leo will. But also remember this one little thing. He stood on that stage and told everyone how much he loves me, but out here he said the opposite. So when you two are all cuddled up in the bed that I picked out and I bought, remember if he says I loves you, it might not be true” she shrugged. Somehow this conversation made her feel a bit better, and she thought it was going to go completely opposite. 
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“I’m not getting in the middle of anything. You two are done, as long as I have anything to do with it.” Peyton hissed back at the girl. She was being wicked and the storm brewing within her was one of confusion and anger. The fact that Alessandra was giving into her games was motive enough for her to keep going, to keep fighting. “A rebound? No, no, no. I see you as more of a stop along the way. I’m more of a final destination.” Peyton tisked, a finger pointing at the girl with a scowl. The thought of being a rebound had definitely been present in Peyton’s mind but her confidence forced her to overlook being used as a method of distraction. As Alessandra laid into her, Peyton looked away. She searched for a clever response but to tell the truth, she was hurting. Leo was the first guy she’d even entertained the idea of being with yet here he was publicly declaring his love for someone else. It didn’t make sense. But given the circumstances, Peyton had to talk to Leo. “A word of advice: being bitter is not a cute look on you. He doesn’t want to be with you, don’t take that out on me because you took him for granted.” Peyton took a step towards the girl, shaking her head. “Leo said he loved you to save a life, not because he meant it. Always look at the bigger picture before you get fixed up on the small details.”
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peytonains · 5 years
“I know,” Leo groaned, lifting his head to look at her as she stood in the middle of her bedroom. “I know me saying all this doesn’t make anything right and I know I can’t expect you to forgive me for the things that I said, or expect us to kiss and make up.  But you wanted me to tell the truth, Peyton. And I did. And I’m sorry that me talking about Alessandra and my feelings for you bothers you, but it’s the truth.” His words were harsh and bitter, and almost unnecessary. But with Peyton picking apart every little thing he said, he couldn’t hold his tongue any longer.
Leo was many things. He was scared of drowning, an excellent home cook, amateur foot massage but most of all, he was good. Sure, some of the things he did were questionable and should’ve been thought out more, but he didn’t do anything out of spite, or to purposefully hurt anyone. Had it been up to him, his secret would have been nothing more than a lingering thought in the back of his head until it vanished altogether. But now, Leo felt defeated. He was afraid to speak simply because he didn’t want to hurt her again. No matter how much truth backed the words coming from his lips, they weren’t what she wanted to hear. So, rather than continue trying to explain his deepest and darkest secrets, Leo pressed his lips together and waited for the onslaught that was surely on its way.
Lifting his head, Leo looked back up to Peyton with her big brown eyes. They sparkled even in the dimly lit room, and he watched as a tear steamed down her cheek. His stomach turned knowing it was because of him, and he fought the urge to get up and comfort her. Surely the last thing she wanted was him to get any closer than he was. “Fuck! Peyton! Yes, we kissed. Alessandra and I kissed. Are you happy now?!” He asked, his voice raising as he grew increasingly frustrated. “I never denied that we kissed. I know you saw it. I know it happened, and I’m sorry that it did. But what do you me to say? What do you want me to do? Just fucking tell me Peyton because apparently nothing I’m saying is right.” Leo ran both his hands through his hair, needing something to channel his anger. He tugged at the dark locks at the back of his head and took in a couple deep breaths. He felt Peyton settle down on the bed next to him, close enough that he could smell her perfume but far enough that he couldn’t touch her. All he wanted to do in that moment was hold her and tell her that everything he said was never meant to hurt her, that putting her through this kind of pain was something he never wanted to do. He’d been going through a lot with the breakup, settling into single-life, and the shop. But she was never a distraction, a play-thing to get his mind off of Alessandra. Everything between them was real. All the dates, all the flirting, all the compliments and late night conversations about real-life issues were real. Yes, Alessandra was a big part of his past, but Peyton was quickly becoming his future. And again, that was the truth.
When Peyton spoke again, he heard the crack in her voice. He’d dug himself into another hole while sharing his truth. “I never slept with Angel,” he said quietly, as if that were any consolation for the fact that he had been simultaneously seeing Peyton and Angel at the same time. It was a remarkable feat actually, to be dating two of Rosefields most powerful and confident women, and best friends at the same time. He had no excuse. It was true. “We went out for lunch and dinner a couple of times, and I saw her the morning of the fair for a little bit. But I never slept with her,” he continued, keeping the details of his relationship with Angel as vague as humanly possible. She didn’t need to know everything that he and her best friend did. It would crush her, even more than the news of Alessandra would. Leo’s feelings for Peyton were far greater than those for her friend. But again, he was sure that Peyton didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was the Angel was also in the picture.
 “Peyton please, just listen to me for a second,” Leo all but begged, turning in his seat to look at her. Hesitantly, he lifted a hand and rested it gently on her back, hoping to offer a shred of comfort. He didn’t know what to say to fix the mess he’d made, but he knew where to start. “I’m sorry. For everything,” he said quietly. “You didn’t deserve any of that. I was being selfish and greedy, thinking I could have my cake and eat it too. And while it started off innocently enough with the both of you, I was only thinking of myself and not who I was hurting. I’m sorry.”
Shuffling closer, he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close so she could rest her head on his chest. If she needed to cry, she could cry. If she needed to yell, she could yell. If she needed use him as a punching bag, to get out all her anger, she could do that. “Pey please. Let’s just talk about it. You can yell at me all you want but I can’t go home knowing I made a mess out of everything and leave you crying in your bed.” His free hand moved to stroke her hair, hoping it would comfort her. “I’m sorry. Okay? I’m sorry.” His words came out more like a whisper and he wasn’t sure he was talking to her anymore.
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“No, I’m actually not happy at all.” Peyton spat back at him, shaking her head. On surface level, he was being honest. Leo was laying out all of his dirty laundry. How could you be mad at someone for expressing their truth. But things weren’t always a simple as surface level. Thing were much deeper than simply being honest. In clearing his name, Peyton could feel a lump form in her throat, feel anger form as her fingers curled in a fist. This was difficult for her to hear and even harder to accept. “How would you feel in my position, huh? What if you saw me kissing my ex?” Her voice was no quiet, searching for even the slimmest bit of empathy on his features. “Would you be okay with that? Would you forgive me? Would you want hear me out?” The girl trailed off, running her fingers through her falling curls. She’d wished things were black and white, as simple as him putting himself in her shoes but she knew things in Rosefield were never that simple. 
All Peyton could do at his admission was clench at her chest as if she could catch her heart as It dropped to her stomach. Angel didn’t know. How could she have known when the redhead had kept her affair with the mechanic so private? Her ignorance didn’t make it hurt any less. All his words went in one ear and right out the other. They held no weight, had no proof to back them up. Just because he spoke the truth once didn’t mean these words were just that. Feeling his palm hesitantly graze her back, she winced under his grasp. Her reaction was visceral, completely unprompted by her will. But Peyton sunk, letting him touch her for a moment. She didn’t have the energy to fight back as she imagined her raven haired best friend in the arms of the man she was growing to love. Did they plan a road trip back to Seattle? Did they eat at the same restaurants? Did she sleep in his bed on the same side Alessandra had, too? 
As he inched closer, wrapping his arm around her, she snapped. All the emotions that rode high, all the tears she’d been holding on, all the anger that bubbled within she. She squirmed in his grip. This was not enough to break his grip. She didn’t have the energy to break away, Peyton was tired. “We talked, Leo! I’ve heard enough.” Her glistening chocolate eyes looked down at the small space between them. How close their chests were yet how the distance felt like miles. They were separated and she wasn’t sure if they’d ever be the same. Her lips drew themselves in a thin line, pursing as she built up the courage to look up at him. His hand was in her hair and her eyes were on him. “God, look at me..” Peyton’s voice broke once more, tears welling her eyes. She couldn’t keep it in anymore as hard as she tried. “Am I still terrifying and outspoken? No. No, I’m not. You broke the girl who doesn’t get hurt.” And maybe that was a good thing. Peyton sat shaking her head in his arms, refusing to blink away the tears that sat in limbo in her eyes. 
The birds were beginning to chirp outside her balcony’s window, the sun muttered as it rose. They’d been fighting far too long, what had become hours of frustrated hair pulling and tear filled eyes. Peyton slipped out of his arms and stepped away from him. She sniffled as she quickly got herself together. “You’re staying.” She blurted, pulling down the zipper on the back of her dress. It was almost like she resumed her terrifying queen personality as the sun rose. “I can smell the booze on your breath and the cops in this town surely will too if they pull you over. They may be incompetent but they’re not stupid.” Peyton stepped out of her dress, standing in only a strapless bra and her thong. It probably wasn’t the most appropriate thing to do in the midst of an argument but she was exhausted, physically and emotionally. She quickly threw on a big t-shirt, unintentionally it was Leo’s but she didn’t care enough to look for something else. “But I want you gone before I wake up. You may be winning the academy award for biggest douchebag but I still care about you.” Peyton said monotonously before throwing up her hair. She’d made him promise to wake her up and kiss her every morning before he left for work, it was scary how quickly things changed. 
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peytonains · 5 years
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#quarantine mood
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peytonains · 5 years
Peyton took the things he’d said at the ball, twisted them up and spat them right back into his face so easily, and without remorse. Her tone pierced the air and he struggled to come up with a response, any response, to her questions. But even with the hundreds of thoughts spinning through his head, he could not come up with a single sentence. He simply stood there and watched in shock as she tore into him, picking apart everything he’d said and done in the last few weeks, and especially after the ball. He let a frustrated hand comb through his hair once again, his own anger, frustration and stress bubbling up to the surface. “Peyton, I had to! Yes, I could have left it just at the ring, but what if it wasn’t a good enough secret? What if he’d fucking killed Madison just because I’d kept it light, kept it to something that I could fix? I wasn’t taking that risk!” He argued back, arms gesturing in a attempt at reasoning with her. 
Leo let out a frustrated sigh and turned his head, unable to look at her. He caught sight of himself in her vanity mirror and it was nor pretty. The gel that once held his wild curls was giving out, and his looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. But also in the reflection was Peyton. And as angry as she was, she was still just as beautiful as everyday he’d known her. It was impressive, really. To be both equally beautiful and furious. Looking back at her, the real her, he took a deep breath. All he could do now was tell the truth and hope she understood where he was coming from.
“Five years is a long time to be someone, and yes, I thought Alessandra was the one for me, and that we were gonna get married one day,” he paused, looking up for her reaction. “But just because thats how I felt about her, doesn’t change anything about the way I feel about you!” This was the first time Leo had outwardly addressed his feelings for Peyton. He thought they were obvious enough, but hearing the words was like putting the final nail in the coffin. He couldn’t go on and pretend they were just friends anymore. Every little look, flirtatious comment and kind gesture wouldn’t be out of the goodness of his heart, but rather his blossoming feelings for the redhead. “I know we’ve only be spending time together recently, and I’m sorry you had to find out about Alessandra and the ring and everything like this, but it’s the truth. Just like my feelings for you. True.”
As she continued to interrogate, Leo shuffled over to the edge of her bed, taking a seat, his shoulders hunched as if he were a child being scolded by a parent. She had every right to say the things she did. He wasn’t going to stop her, nor was he going to correct her. If this was what she needed to get everything off her chest, then so be it. “I knew she was there but I didn’t say it because she was listening,” he mumbled, keeping his eyes down at the carpet beneath his feet. “I said it because it was the truth. Pey, it’s only been a couple of months! As much as I’ve tried to get over her, there’s a small part of me, deep down that can’t help but think we’re getting back together. And it’s fucking stupid, and childish, but that’s what happens when you’re in love with someone for so long! You don’t think! You hope for the best and try and push through no matter what life throws at you!” Leo said, growing frustrated. She was the last person he wanted to talk to about his past relationship. But given she was all but bring the information out of him, he had no other choice. 
“You might have seen us outside, and you might have seen the kiss but I know damn well you didn’t hear me tell her that we can’t get back together,” he  shot right back at her, his tone more bitter than he expected. “Because as much as that small part of me wants to be with her, I know she’s not the one for me. And that part of my life is over. That’s why it’s a secret. Because those … feelings are something I’ve been holding onto, and struggling to get over. Not because they’re real. But because they’re truest damn thing about myself that I never said out loud.” Leo’s voice was thick with emotion. He was frustrated and hurt that his deepest and darkest secrets were broadcasted to the entire town, like some sick reality show meant to entertain with no remorse for the repercussions. “If I didn’t care about you the way I do, I wouldn’t be here explaining everything. If I didn’t feel the way that I feel, I would have let you be angry, let you and Angel tear me to shreds and stayed home. But it’s fucking 4 AM and I’m here with you! After Alessandra jumped at the chance to get back together, to get engaged even, I’m here with you. My And if that doesn’t show you how much I’m over Alessandra then I don’t know what will.”
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As much as Peyton didn’t want to admit it, he was right. What if Madison had died at his very hands? She’d probably be speaking to an empty room. The thought of that made her sick to her stomach. This was dangerous. She was beginning to get sickened at the thought of life without Leo. Peyton had never been dependent on anyone, seeing relationships as fragile china you can simple sweep up in dispose of once it’s broken. Yet as she watched Leo fueled by his sympathetic eyes and bulging veins, she knew she couldn’t lose this. She couldn’t let this relationship fall to the floor and smash into a million piece. She knew if that were to happen, she’d spend her whole life placing the pieces back together. 
“Stop fucking saying that.” Peyton uttered through clenched teeth, looking into the mirror as he sat deflated on the bed. A part of her wanted to curl up in lap and cry, forgiving him for all he’d done. But her callused heart had seen betrayal before and as she stared at him through the looking glass, she couldn’t shake the thought of her father. The roaring sirens, the chattering of metal handcuffs. The last time she’d yelled like this was at him the last time she had a conversation with, begging for an explanation she’d never get. She carried anger like a double edged sword, hurting herself and the person on the other end in the process. “I know the white picket fence bullshit, Leo. You moved here to be with her, you were in love.” Peyton said, her voice dropping in volume at the thought of her dad. She turn to face Leo, trying her hardest to look at him but instead looking past him. “But, you don’t get to have me just because you say you want me. That’s now how this works.” A crack in her voice was enough to bring tears to her eyes. “You don’t get come here and tell me you love her but you like me more. Do you expect me to just kiss you and tell you I feel the same? No, no. It’s not happening because I don’t deserve that. I’ve waited this long to have someone love me and I’m certainly not giving the privilege to someone who hurt me before I even gave them all of me.”
And then the first tear fell. Peyton never cried. Not during movies, not when she was mad, never. She saved her tears for complex moments like funerals and her father’s sentencing. Yet here she was, shedding tears over the mechanic. Instead of succumbing to her sadness, she quickly wiped her tear and resumed being angry. This time pretty irrationally. As he explained himself and how loved worked for him, she looked down at the ground. She could feel the heat within her growing stronger, the anger bubbling up with every word he said. “It doesn’t matter if you said you’re not getting back together! You still fucking kissed her! God, do you know how crazy you sound? You got caught, Leo, own the fuck up.” Peyton growled, laying into him a bit more. She was never usually this genuinely cruel. But, perhaps they were both crazy. Yes, Leo was speaking his truth. But did Peyton had to accept it at her own expense? 
“Angel?” The word choked her coming out. Her voice became sheepish as she sunk onto the bed beside him. Her knees were weak thinking of this being another layer to the lies. Who was Leo Choi? The distance between them seemed like miles as she let her head sink into her hands. “You left out the part where you’re not only fucking me but my best friend, meanwhile probably railing your ex.” As she wiped her face, overwhelmed, her voice was muffled into her palms before looking up at him. God, she could barely do it. “So you want me the most? Out of us three? Am I supposed to feel special? This isn’t the fucking Bachelor, Leo. I’m not flattered.” Peyton finally built the courage to stand up and cross the floor, busing herself as if he wasn’t there. She looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting her dress as if she was going anywhere else but here tonight. It was the only thing that kept her from losing it. “I think you should go.”
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peytonains · 5 years
When the heavy wood door of the Ainsworth family mansion opened, the last thing Leo expected to see was Peyton still in her dress from the ball. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes scanned her body, and while usually a huge grin would have spread clear across his lips, they stayed pressed together. As if afraid a single sound would result in the door slamming in his face. She was as beautiful as he remembered. But that wasn’t surprising. As she turned ad headed up to her bedroom, Leo followed quietly. He’d been over countless time as this point to know that her family was asleep. But this time felt different. Like it was wrong for him to be there. Maybe it was. Maybe he was pushing his luck. But she’d texted him first. That had to be a good sign, right?
Leo followed her up the familiar path to her bedroom, but stood in the middle of the floor instead of making himself comfortable in bed. Peyton’s voice pierced the silence and took him by surprise. She’d never spoken to him that way before. It cold, unrelentless and absolutely terrifying. “Peyton, I had to,” he said simply, not knowing where to start. “The text said to revel a secret and you saw where they had Madison. I had to.” Leo knew this wasn’t what she meant by talking. She was well aware that he had to sacrifice a secret in order to save Madison, but did it have to be one that took her down as well? Leo ran a hand through his messy hair as he struggled to formulate his thoughts into words. “Alessandra and I were together a long time. She was my first love. I picked up my entire life to move to Rosefield with her,” he continued, rambling a little. “We talked about marriage and she always wasn’t sure. But I was sure about her. So I bought a ring. It’s still at home, tucked somewhere deep in my drawers but I kept it even after she broke up with me because.. well because how do you just get over a relationship like that? How do you just forget all the memories, all the love and happiness? I know she cheated on me and broke up with me, but I can’t just let her go that easily,” he said, this time looking up at her. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about any of it. But not even J and Gage know. Well, knew.”
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“I know what you had to do. I had to do it, too.” Peyton said firmly. How could she be mad when he best friend’s life was at stake? She knew the vindictive nature of the ripper and his manipulation tactics. She knew you could play with this type of thing especially as Ro and Zoey took their last breaths. She watched him fidget, watched him nervous as she done many times before. Yet this time it was out of utter stress. “I’m not mad that you did what you had to do, Leo--” She began, her voice raising as she took a few steps closer to him, her heart thumping in her chest. The blood rushed through her veins, heating up before coming to a boil. She wanted to badly to remain calm. There was nothing more she wanted than to conceal her feelings, after all it’s all she’d been doing for the past twenty-two years. But with the secret of her very own being exposed to the whole town of Rosefield, shame had no place her anymore. “What’s a few months in comparison to five years together, huh? What does that mean to you?” If Alessandra was five years, she was certainly those few months in between as she waited with bated breath from her return. Peyton was only ever nothing more than a distraction and that become prevalent. 
“You could have left it at exposing your secret. It would have redeemed you, it could have been overlooked. Just a bump in the road, you know? But you saved it for when she takes you back.” Peyton took a step back, shaking her head. She was afraid to look at him, trembling. The legacy who was Peyton Ainsworth was coming crumbling down at the hands of him. In clearing his name, in saving a life, he’d put a dagger in the back of someone who’d only been kind to him. Despite how intimidating she was, despite how elevated she sat on a high horse, she was beginning to open up to Leo. But tonight was her cue to have the servants raise the draw bridge and let the fire-breathing dragon run rampant outside of the castle of a woman she was. “You said that because you knew she was listening, Leo! You were hoping she’d come running right back! I saw you, I saw you two kiss. Don’t even fucking lie to me!” Peyton was now just a fiery as her hair, a finger pointing fiercely in his direction as she ranted. She had planned to be understanding, yet it took seeing his face to understand how truly hurt she was. Disappointment painted her features as her eyes fought to stay dry. 
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peytonains · 5 years
She appreciated Peyton just ripping the band-aid, there was no point in dancing around the subject that they would were both involved with the same guy. It all felt very high school, and she didn’t want to blow everything up. Angel did have feeling for Leo, and she loved Peyton like a best friend. How were they going to get through this without at least one person getting hurt. She leaned against the her side of the booth making eye contact with the girl, she could tell she was just as exhausted as Angel felt. She didn’t know how to feel about Leo talking to Peyton first, did she call him? Did he call her? Was he going back to his ex? Was he moving forward with Peyton? Was a conversation with him even worth it after hearing just the plain sentence of he told Peyton about her. Her head was swimming with a million questions, what did any of this mean anymore. “I haven’t spoken to him yet,” Angel admitted. “I wanted to talk to you first.”
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“Well do you plan on talking to him?” Peyton cocked an eyebrow at her, coming in hotter than she’d expected to. She wasn’t too sure if jealousy was what was taking a hold of her, that wasn’t like her. She felt betrayed by the both of them. Granted Peyton had given no indication of her interest in Leo, there was still that sting. There would always be that sting. If the three were together, if Angel carried out their relationship, if Peyton did. There was no winning. Someone would have to wave their white flag in surrender first and being the person she was, Peyton could see it being her. “Let’s talk, Ang. Really, let me in on what goes on inside that head of yours.” She scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. She had planned to come in calm and understanding but all rationale was gone as there was no longer a bandaid on the open wound.
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peytonains · 5 years
Leo Choi sat on the couch in his living room with a half a bottle of beer in one hand and the remote in the other, his fingers flipping through the channels though his eyes registered nothing. He had tried to fall asleep, to give himself some refuge from the thoughts that crowded his mind, only to be met with hours of tossing and turning. Things in Rosefield had been straight out of a movie lately. First was the couples death, and then Nate. And as terrible as it sounded, he didn’t care much because he was so far away from the victims. He didn’t know them. They were mere faces in the crowd. But Zoey was his friend and Madison was tired up, scared and his words determined if her story would end the same as Zoey’s. He couldn’t go back in time and save Zoey, but Madison’s life was up to him. And he had to do whatever it took to save her. Those were the thoughts that rang though his head. I had to say it. I had to hurt them to save her. It was the only way. But in truth, was it? Could he have made up a lie and gotten away with it? Could he have told another, albeit more tame lie to save Madison from a gruesome death? Maybe. But he couldn’t risk her life just to save his love life, no matter how delicate it was.
As a lipstick commercial played on the screen, Leo thought of Peyton. She always wore red lipstick. Leo brought the bottle up to his lips and downed what was left. He saw her at the ball for a brief second. She was like a ball of fire in head-to-toe red, and commanded attention from everyone as she crossed the room. She was effortlessly beautiful, confident and brave, but his words had dampened her spirit. He knew this not because she said so, but because after his confession, she was nowhere to be seen. Why would the potential Ms. Rosefield run off when she was almost guaranteed the crown? He couldn’t think of any other reason but himself.
Leo’s phone had gone off a couple times in the night, but he hadn’t checked it in fear of what he would find. Maybe news of another death. Maybe Madison’s. But given the late hour, he figured Rosefield was asleep for the night and it was as good of a time to catch up on the mess that he’d helped unfold. Pulling out his phone, his eyes scanned the names not he screen with only one jumping out at him. Peyton. Sitting up, Leo set the beer bottle on the coffee table and rubbed his eyes, as if to ensure what he was seeing was true.
Peyton [3:27 AM]: Ready to talk when you are.
Leo [3:53 am]: I’m on my way.
His fingers worked quickly as he typed his reply, and he bounded off the couch and towards the door, grabbing his keys and nothing else. Going out on your own, especially at night, was not recommended in Rosefield given the state of panic that settled over the town. But with people dropping like flies, he wasn’t going to skip out on the chance to talk to Peyton, to explain everything. Leo jumped in his car in nothing but a pair of old shorts and a hoodie and drove to her place. Before long he was parked in her driveway and up at the front door. Leo knocked twice and shifted his weight from one foot to the other, anxiously awaiting the redhead.
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Answering the door still her ball gown seemed a bit silly, even borderline pathetic. But Peyton hadn’t had the energy to change. She knew truthfully if she were to look at herself in the mirror, the tears would have poured with no remorse for her dignity. She had kept her composure well tonight, with the exception of her brawl in the parking lot with one Alessandra Sanders. The redhead had wondered if he’d heard the news yet, but didn’t care enough to ask. When she heard the knock on the door, she made her way down the steps. The last few month in Rosefield had felt like a movie, yet Romeo wasn’t scaling the Ainsworth’s family mansion until he reached her balcony. Which meant one of two things, this was just a simple Shakespearean tragedy or this was never meant to be the traditional boy ends up with girl ending. 
As one of the stain glass double doors open, she did not offer a greeting. She had imagined this moment for hours, barking at him and telling him off. But seeing his saddened features in person only made her weak. The redhead simply looked up at him, taking a deep breath. As she pivoted on her bare feet, she rolled her eyes and expected him to follow up the grand stair case. The cold, unforgiving marble floors offered no comfort to her soles. But it was far better to be walking on expensive marble than eggshell, or better yet charring coals. Once they reached her room, she quietly closed the door behind him. The house was big enough that there was no possible way to wake her mother or sister, she was always cautious. 
Standing across from him, her gown cascaded across the carpet, looking a hell of a lot less glamorous at the hands of defeat. “You wanted to talk?” Peyton posed, hands on her hips. “Get to talking.” Admittedly, she may have been a bit cold. How could she not be? Peyton just watched the guy she’d been sleeping with profess his love for his ex, which surprisingly broke her chilled heart in two. Watching them kiss, fighting with Alessandra in the parking lot, it all seemed like a petty blur. 
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peytonains · 5 years
Alessandra walked down the steps not looking back at Leo, she couldn’t look at his face any longer. Hearing the door slam behind her seemed that he was back in the ball and she was fully alone. Until hearing the red heads voice. Rolling her eyes she looked over at her. “Can you not” she said wiping the remaining tears out of her eyes. The only encounters that she had with the girl were always regarding her ex, and after the long conversation they just had Alessandra wasn’t sure if she could handle Peyton now too. The sentence Peyton ended with she couldn’t help but scoff. “You know what Peyton” she started walking closer to the girl, “You can act like the big strong girl like you always do and act like you run everything, but there is no reason for you to come at me bitch. I’ve never in my entire time being here said anything to you or came at you. I’ve had the worst night of my life and I’m not about to let you make it any worse” she barked back at her only inches away from her face. 
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“You don’t get to play the victim.” Peyton contended, her voice firm. The girl was never one to back down from a challenge, especially at a time like this. As tears were prevalent in the other’s eyes, the redhead already knew she had the upper hand. She was strong, unshakable and some girl she only knew as Leo’s ex was not going to take that from her. She wouldn’t even let Leo himself take that from her. “You cheated. You left him. You’re the villain here. Not Leo, and certainly not me.” Peyton shook her head, backing away from the other girl. She let out a dark chuckle as she leaned against the hood of her car only a foot away from Alessandra. “But something tells me tonight’s going to be the downfall of you two love birds. Might leave a mark. You know, kind of like the scar on Leo’s stomach.” Peyton was being a bitch. She wanted to get under Al’s skin anyway she could. Pointing out a scar in such intimate place would hopefully do just that, proving to the other girl that he and Peyton had spent time in the bed the pair used to sleep in. It was awfully cliche high school bully of her but Peyton refused to crumble. “You know the one, right? The one right above the hem of his boxers?”
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